53 research outputs found


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    В статье представлены результаты исследования отношения обучающихся 11-х классов к лицам иных этносов, делается вывод о важности воспитательной работы по развитию толерантности и ее компонентов среди старшеклассниковThe article presents the results of a study on the attitudes of students in 11th grade to persons of other ethnic groups, concludes about the importance of educational work on the development of tolerance and its components among high school student

    Correlations in the Ising antiferromagnet on the anisotropic kagome lattice

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    We study the correlation function of middle spins, i. e. of spins on intermediate sites between two adjacent parallel lattice axes, of the spatially anisotropic Ising antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice. It is given rigorously by a Toeplitz determinant. The large-distance behaviour of this correlation function is obtained by analytic methods. For shorter distances we evaluate the Toeplitz determinant numerically. The correlation function is found to vanish exactly on a line J_d(T) in the T-J (temperature vs. coupling constant) phase diagram. This disorder line divides the phase diagram into two regions. For J less than J_d(T) the correlations display the features of an unfrustrated two-dimensional Ising magnet, whereas for J greater than J_d(T) the correlations between the middle spins are seen to be strongly influenced by the short-range antiferromagnetic order that prevails among the spins of the adjacent lattice axes. While for J less than J_d(T) there is a region with ferrimagnetic long-range order, the model remains disordered for J greater than J_d(T) down to T=0.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, published versio


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    Decrease in the ievei of estrogen hormones at menopause ieadsto atrophic changes in the tissues of the urinary tract and reduces eiasticity of tissues, which contributes to the deveiopment of genitai proiapse. It was found out that patients with recurrent genitai proiapse has a reduction in the expression of estrogen receptors in the epitheiium of the mucous iayer of the waii of the vagina and fasciaiiigamentapparatus of sexuai organs. The decrease of expression of estrogen receptors in the iining of the vagina by 76,2 %, in stroma-ЗІ ,5 % was estabiished. A direct correiation between the decrease of the ievei of ER in the iining of the vagina with a reduction in ER after thecardinai iigamentof the uterus was estabiiched.Гипоэстрогения в менопаузе приводит катрофическим изменениям в тканях мочеполового тракта и снижает эластичность тканей, что способствует развитию генитального пролапса. У пациентокс рецидивом генитальногопролапса установлено снижение экспрессии эстрогеновых рецепторов в эпителии слизистого слоя стенки влагалища и фасциально-лигаментарном аппарате половыхорганов. Установлено снижение экспрессии эстрогеновых рецепторов в слизистой влагалища на 76,2 %, в строме - на ЗІ ,5 %. Установлена прямая корреляционная связь снижения уровня ER в слизистой влагалища со снижением уровня ER в кардинальной связке матки. Гіпоестрогеніяу менопаузі призводить до атрофічних змін в тканинах сечостатевого тракту та знижує еластичність тканин, що сприяє розвитку генітального пролапсу. У пацієнток з рецидивом генітального пролапсу встановлено зниження експресії естрогенових рецепторів в епітелії слизового шару стінки піхви та фасціально-лігаментарному апараті статевихорганів. Встановлено зниження експресії'естрогенових рецепторів в слизовій піхви на 76,2 %, в стромі - на ЗІ ,5%. Встановлено прямий кореляційний зв'язок зниження рівня ER у слизовій піхви із зниженням рівня ER в кардинальній зв'язці матк

    Thermal properties of halogen-ethane glassy crystals: Effects of orientational disorder and the role of internal molecular degrees of freedom

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    The thermal conductivity, specific heat, and specific volume of the orientational glass former 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (CCl2F-CClF2, F-113) have been measured under equilibrium pressure within the low-temperature range, showing thermodynamic anomalies at ca. 120, 72, and 20 K. The results are discussed together with those pertaining to the structurally related 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-1,2-difluoroethane (CCl2F-CCl2F, F-112), which also shows anomalies at 130, 90, and 60 K. The rich phase behavior of these compounds can be accounted for by the interplay between several of their degrees of freedom. The arrest of the degrees of freedom corresponding to the internal molecular rotation, responsible for the existence of two energetically distinct isomers, and the overall molecular orientation, source of the characteristic orientational disorder of plastic phases, can explain the anomalies at higher and intermediate temperatures, respectively. The soft-potential model has been used as the framework to describe the thermal properties at low temperatures. We show that the low-temperature anomaly of the compounds corresponds to a secondary relaxation, which can be associated with the appearance of Umklapp processes, i.e., anharmonic phonon-phonon scattering, that dominate thermal transport in that temperature rangeThis work was financially supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grant Nos. FIS2014-54734-P, FIS2011-23488, and MAT2014-57866- REDT), by the Catalan Government (Grant No. 2014SGR- 0581) and by the Comunidad de Madrid through program NANOFRONTMAG-CM (No. S2013/MIT-2850), as well as by the joint NAS Ukraine and Russian Foundation for Basic Research project “Metastable states of simple condensed systems” (Agreement No. N 7/-2013

    The partition function of gauge supersymmetric Ising model on 3D regular lattice

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    The partition function (quantum transition amplitude) of the gauge system with gauge group Z2Z_2 coupled with Majorana fermions is calculated on the regular 3D cubic lattice.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figure

    Modeling experimental glaucoma for screening studies of antiglaucomatous activity

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    The conducted studies of four models of glaucoma and their three modifications in animals made it possible to select two of them, which contributed to a stable and fairly long-term increase in IOP in rabbits (introduction of finely dispersed kaolin into the anterior chamber of the eye) and rats (adrenalineinduced model

    Quark and pion condensation in a chromomagnetic background field

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    The general features of quark and pion condensation in dense quark matter with flavor asymmetry have been considered at finite temperature in the presence of a chromomagnetic background field modelling the gluon condensate. In particular, pion condensation in the case of a constant abelian chromomagnetic field and zero temperature has been studied both analytically and numerically. Under the influence of the chromomagnetic background field the effective potential of the system is found to have a global minimum for a finite pion condensate even for small values of the effective quark coupling constant. In the strong field limit, an effective dimensional reduction has been found to take place.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Pharmacotherapy of glaucoma in terms of evidence-based medicine

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    Glaucoma is a disease associated with increased intraocular pressure (IOP). Of the pharmacological agents for treating glaucoma, there are drugs of the first (most effective and safe) and second-line treatment. First-line treatment includes prostaglandin analogs and beta-blockers. The currently used prostaglandin analogs (latanoprost, bimatoprost, tafluprost and travoprost) are PG F2α analogs that act through stimulation of FP receptors. They are distinguished by the optimal ratio of effectiveness and risk of side effects. They are convenient for the patient because for the therapeutic effect, it is enough to prescribe 1 time per day. As a result, it is rational to start the treatment of glaucoma with a drug in this group. In terms of pharmacoeconomics, the most affordable prostaglandin drug is latanoprost, which is generally as effective as other prostaglandin analogs. β-adrenergic blockers reduce the production of intraocular fluid, the formation of which is controlled by β1- and β2-adrenergic receptors. Therefore, non-selective β-blockers (timolol, levobunolol, metipranolol, and carteolol) have a pharmacodynamic advantage over selective β1-adrenergic antagonists (betaxolol). Conducted clinical studies of β-blockers have shown that given the cost, efficacy and safety, timolol was the most preferable treatment for glaucoma. In the presence of medical contraindications to the use of first-line drugs or to enhance their effectiveness, α2-agonists (apraclonidine and brimonidine), carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (usually local action: dorzolamide and brinzolamide), M-cholinomimetics (pilocarpine, carbachol and echothiopate), and also Rho-kinase inhibitors (ripasudil

    Planar Graphical Models which are Easy

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    We describe a rich family of binary variables statistical mechanics models on a given planar graph which are equivalent to Gaussian Grassmann Graphical models (free fermions) defined on the same graph. Calculation of the partition function (weighted counting) for such a model is easy (of polynomial complexity) as reducible to evaluation of a Pfaffian of a matrix of size equal to twice the number of edges in the graph. In particular, this approach touches upon Holographic Algorithms of Valiant and utilizes the Gauge Transformations discussed in our previous works.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; misprints correcte