262 research outputs found

    Luminescent and Scintillating Properties of Lanthanum Fluoride Nanocrystals in Response to Gamma/Neutron Irradiation: Codoping with Ce Activator, Yb Wavelength Shifter, and Gd Neutron Captor

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    A novel concept for detection and spectroscopy of gamma rays, and detection of thermal neutrons based on codoped lanthanum fluoride nanocrystals containing gadolinium is presented.The trends of colloidal synthesis of the mentioned material, LaF3 co-doped with Ce as the activator, Yb as the wavelength-shifter and Gd as the neutron captor, is reported. Nanocrystals of the mentioned material were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), optical absorption, and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Gamma detection and its potential spectroscopy feature have been confirmed. The neutron detection capability has been confirmed by experiments performed using a 252Cf neutron source.Comment: 5 figures, 16 page

    Expresión del receptor de andrógenos relativa al receptor de estrógenos (AR/ER) y su correlación con una señal génica de proliferación en cáncer de seno ER-positivo

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    Objetivo: previamente se reportó que tumores de seno con proporción receptor de andrógenos/receptor de estrógenos ?2 (AR/ER ?2) se asocian con peores pronósticos. De acuerdo con lo anterior, el objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la relación entre la proporción AR/ER y una señal génica de proliferación celular en cáncer de seno (CS; también conocido como cáncer de mama) ER positivo (ER+). Métodos: se obtuvieron 1093 muestras de CS primario con datos de expresión génica de la base de datos pública NCI Genomic Data Commons. Se ejecutaron análisis bioinformáticos para establecer niveles de expresión génica de AR y ER, así como de los marcadores de proliferación AURKb, BUB1B, BUB1, CDK1 y CHEK1. Adicionalmente, se definieron subtipos moleculares de CS utilizando el bioclasificador PAM50. Resultados: 835 casos se reportaron como ER+. Entre estos, 58 tumores (7%) presentaron mayores niveles de expresión de AR respecto a ER (AR/ER ?2). En dichos casos se observaron niveles significativamente más altos de proliferación con respecto a tumores, con proporción AR/ER <2 (p = 0,02), y preferencialmente se clasificaron dentro de los subtipos moleculares luminal B y HER2 enriquecido (76,5%). Conclusión: nuestros resultados confirman reportes previos y sugieren que los casos de CS con proporción AR/ER ?2 se asocian con tumores que tienen un comportamiento biológico más agresivo. Asimismo, se refuerza la idea de utilizar inhibidores de AR para el tratamiento de pacientes con CS ER+ que presentan altos niveles de expresión de este tipo de cánce

    Co-aggregation ability of cell Wall components of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to pathogenic bacteria

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    Autoaggregation in bacteria is the phenomenon of aggregation between cells of the same strain, whereas coaggregation is due to aggregation occurring among different species. Aggregation ability of prebiotic bacteria is related to adhesion ability, which is a prerequisite for the colonization and protection of the gastrointestinal tract in all animal species; however, coaggregation ability of prebiotic bacteria offers a possibility of close interaction with pathogenic bacteria

    Magnetic study on biodistribution and biodegradation of oral magnetic nanostructures in the rat gastrointestinal tract

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    We have undertaken a magnetic study on the oral biodistribution and biodegradation of nude maghemite nanoparticles of 10 nm average size (MNP) and probiotic bacteria, Lactobacillus fermentum, containing thousands of these same nanoparticles (MNP-bacteria). Using AC magnetic susceptibility measurements of the stomach, small intestine, cecum and large intestine obtained after rat sacrifice, and iron content determination by ICP-OES, we have monitored the biodistribution and biodegradation of the maghemite nanoparticles along the gastrointestinal tract, after oral administration of both MNP and MNP-bacteria. The results revealed that the amount of magnetic nanoparticles accumulated in intestines is sensibly higher when MNP-bacteria were administered, in comparison with MNP. This confirms our initial hypothesis that the use of probiotic bacteria is a suitable strategy to assist the magnetic nanoparticles to overcome the stomach medium, and to achieve their accumulation in intestines. This finding opens doors to different applications. Since iron absorption in humans takes place precisely in the intestines, the use of MNP-bacteria as an iron supplement is a definite possibility. We have actually illustrated how the administration of MNP-bacteria to iron-deficient rats corrects the iron levels after two weeks of treatment

    Influence of compaction temperature on resistance under monotonic loading of crumb-rubber modified hot-mix asphalts

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    El presente estudio, evaluó en laboratorio la influencia de la temperatura de compactación sobre la resistencia mecánica bajo carga monotónica (Marshall) de mezclas asfálticas en caliente modificadas con grano de caucho reciclado (Gcr), haciendo énfasis en su aplicación en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. (Colombia), ya que bajo las condiciones climáticas de dicha ciudad, se ha reportado en obra disminución de la temperatura de compactación con respecto a la óptima (hasta 30°C). Las mezclas fueron fabricadas modificando por vía húmeda los dos cementos asfálticos que se producen en Colombia (CA 60-70 y CA 80-100), se emplearon dos granulometrías y fueron compactadas bajo temperaturas de 120, 130, 140 y 150°C, siendo esta última la temperatura de compactación inicial o de referencia de las mezclas. Como conclusión general, se reporta que la disminución de la temperatura de compactación (hasta 30°C), genera una pequeña disminución en la resistencia bajo carga monotónica de las mezclas modificadas ensayadas. Adicionalmente, se observa un incremento de dicha resistencia cuando se compactan bajo una temperatura de 10°C por debajo de la de referencia. Las mezclas convencionales (sin Gcr) por el contrario experimentaron un decaimiento lineal en su resistencia de hasta 34%.The influence of compaction temperature on resistance under monotonic loading (Marshall) of Crumb-Rubber Modified (CRM) Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) was evaluated. The emphasis of this study was the application in Bogotá D.C. (Colombia). In this city the compaction temperature of HMA mixtures decreases, compared to the optimum, in about 30°C. Two asphalt cements (AC 60-70 and AC 80-100) were modified. Two particle sizes distribution curve were used. The compaction temperatures used were 120, 130, 140 and 150°C. The decrease of the compaction temperature produces a small decrease in resistance under monotonic loading of the modified mixtures tested. Mixtures without CRM undergo a lineal decrease in its resistance of up to 34%

    Quesungual slash and mulch agroforestry system (QSMAS): Improving crop water productivity, food security and resource quality in the sub-humid tropics

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    The knowledge and principles generated by CPWF-PN15 confirm that QSMAS can be a model production system for implementing conservation agriculture to achieve food security and sustainable development in drought-prone areas of hillsides in the sub-humid tropics, while providing ecosystem services in the face of land degradation and climate change. As an adoptable option to replace the slash and burn traditional system, QSMAS can improve smallholder livelihoods through eco-efficient use and conservation of natural resources. Participatory validation activities suggest that the conservation agriculture principles embedded in QSMAS can be readily accepted by resource- poor farmers and local authorities in similar agroecosystems

    Clinical factors associated with high glycemic variability defined by coefficient of variation in patients with type 2 diabetes

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    Antecedentes: La Variabilidad Glucémica Alta (VHG) ha convertirse en un predictor más fuerte de hipoglucemia. Sin embargo, aún se desconocen los factores clínicos asociados con el VHG. Objetivo:Determinar las variables clínicas que se asociaron con un coeficiente de variación (CV) superior al 36% evaluado mediante monitorización continua de glucosa (MCG) en un grupo de pacientes con diabetes mellitus. Métodos: Se evaluó una cohorte de pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 (T2D). Se evaluaron variables demográficas, HbA1c, tasa de filtración glomerular (TFG) y régimen de tratamiento. Se realizó un análisis bivariado, para evaluar la asociación entre la variable resultado (CV > 36%) y cada una de las variables independientes. Se construyó un modelo multivariado para evaluar las asociaciones después de controlar las variables de confusión. Resultados:Se analizaron los datos de MCG de 274 pacientes. CV> 36% estuvo presente en 56 pacientes (20,4%). En el análisis bivariado se incluyeron variables demográficas y clínicas, como tiempo desde el diagnóstico, antecedente de hipoglucemia, A1c, FG y tratamiento instaurado. En el análisis multivariante, FG 9% (OR 2,81; IC 1,05,7,51; p:0,04) y antecedentes de hipoglucemia (OR 2,09; IC 1,02, 4,32; p: 0,04) se asociaron con VHG. El tratamiento con iDPP4 (OR 0,39; IC 0,19, 0,82; p: 0,01) y AGLP1 (OR 0,08; IC 0,01, 0,68; p: 0,02) se asoció inversamente con la VG. Conclusión:Variables clínicas como FG 9% y antecedentes de hipoglucemia se asocian a un VG alto. Nuestros datos sugieren que el uso de tecnología y tratamientos capaces de reducir la variabilidad glucémica podría ser útil en esta población para reducir el riesgo de hipoglucemia y mejorar el control glucémico.Q3Background: High glycemic Variability (HGV) has become a stronger predictor of hypoglycemia. However, clinical factors associate with HGV still are unknown. Objective: To determine clinical variables that were associated with a coefficient of variation (CV) above 36% evaluated by continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in a group of patients with diabetes mellitus. Methods: A cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) was evaluated. Demographic variables, HbA1c, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and treatment regimen were assessed. A bivariate analysis was performed, to evaluate the association between the outcome variable (CV> 36%) and each of the independent variables. A multivariate model was constructed to evaluate associations after controlling for confounding variables. Results: CGM data from 274 patients were analyzed. CV> 36% was present in 56 patients (20.4%). In the bivariate analysis, demographic and clinical variables were included, such as time since diagnosis, hypoglycemia history, A1c, GFR and treatment established. In the multivariate analysis, GFR 9% (OR 2.81; CI 1.05,7.51; p:0.04) and hypoglycemia history (OR 2.09; CI 1.02,4.32; p:0.04) were associated with HGV. Treatment with iDPP4 (OR 0.39; CI 0.19,0.82; p:0.01) and AGLP1 (OR 0.08; CI 0.01,0.68; p:0.02) was inversely associated with GV. Conclusion: Clinical variables such as GFR 9% and a history of hypoglycemia are associated with a high GV. Our data suggest that the use of technology and treatments able to reduce glycemic variability could be useful in this population to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia and to improve glycemic control.Revista Internacional - Indexad

    Proton G_E/G_M from beam-target asymmetry

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    The ratio of the proton's electric to magnetic form factor, G_E/G_M, can be extracted in elastic electron-proton scattering by measuring either cross sections, beam-target asymmetry or recoil polarization. Separate determinations of G_E/G_M by cross sections and recoil polarization observables disagree for Q^2 > 1 (GeV/c)^2. Measurement by a third technique might uncover an unknown systematic error in either of the previous measurements. The beam-target asymmetry has been measured for elastic electron-proton scattering at Q^2 = 1.51 (GeV/c)^2 for target spin orientation aligned perpendicular to the beam momentum direction. This is the largest Q^2 at which G_E/G_M has been determined by a beam-target asymmetry experiment. The result, \muG_E/G_M = 0.884 +/- 0.027 +/- 0.029, is compared to previous world data.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Updated to be version published in Physical Review

    Probing Quark-Gluon Interactions with Transverse Polarized Scattering

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    We have extracted QCD matrix elements from our data on double polarized inelastic scattering of electrons on nuclei. We find the higher twist matrix element \tilde{d_2}, which arises strictly from quark- gluon interactions, to be unambiguously non zero. The data also reveal an isospin dependence of higher twist effects if we assume that the Burkhardt-Cottingham Sum rule is valid. The fundamental Bjorken sum rule obtained from the a0 matrix element is satisfied at our low momentum transfer.Comment: formerly "Nachtmann Moments of the Proton and Deuteron Spin Structure Functions

    Proton Spin Structure in the Resonance Region

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    We have examined the spin structure of the proton in the region of the nucleon resonances (1.085 GeV < W < 1.910 GeV) at an average four momentum transfer of Q^2 = 1.3 GeV^2. Using the Jefferson Lab polarized electron beam, a spectrometer, and a polarized solid target, we measured the asymmetries A_parallel and A_perp to high precision, and extracted the asymmetries A_1 and A_2, and the spin structure functions g_1 and g_2. We found a notably non-zero A_perp, significant contributions from higher-twist effects, and only weak support for polarized quark--hadron duality.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, REVTeX4, similar to PRL submission, plots colorized and appenix added, v3: minor edit, matches PR