264 research outputs found

    Kebijakan Pendidikan Gratis Di Tingkat Regional: Konsep Dan Pelaksanaan Di Kabupaten Rembang

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    The substance of the implementation of social welfare is to ensure citizens to meet their basicneeds. The decent Education is one of the basic needs of citizens. However, The policies relating tothe fulfillment of a decent education has been distorted. Such as the phenomenon of free educationpolicy in Indonesia, which is just often becomes a mantra on sale for the politicians during thecampaigns. But ironically, the concept of free education often does not have a clear meaning in theempirical level, whether in relation to the scope, management and the destination. The researcher willtake a case study of free education policy in Rembang District of Central Java. The researcher willexamine the case by implementing public policy approaches. The researcher will explore variousaspects of the program that occur in the stages of pre-formulation, formulation, implementation,evaluation, and feedback of the free education policy

    Optimizing Energy Baseline for Medium Size Office Using Hybrid EnergyPlus-Evolutionary Programming (EP)

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    This paper presents an optimization approach of developing building energy baseline for medium sized office using Evolutionary Programming (EP) in comparison with direct methods. This paper applies simulation-based approach by coupling Matlab and EnergyPlus to perform energy building simulation and obtain the best energy baseline configuration with minimal error. On the other hand, direct method relies on try-and-error manually key-in methods using OpenStudio EnergyPlus simulation software. The proposed method is applied to a single story Green Energy Research Centre (GERC) office building located in UiTM Shah Alam with characteristic of partially air-conditioned buildings. The office consists of 5 different size rooms with different purposes. In this regard, 3 building parameters are taken as a decision variables including occupancies, lightings and electrical equipment. The EP objective function was set to minimize the difference between simulated and monitored energy consumption. To evaluate accuracy of building energy model, hourly criteria for Normalized Mean Biased Error (NMBE) and Coefficient of Variance Root Mean Squared Error (CV(RMSE)) endorsed by IPMVP were used. It is found that simulation-based approach has lower value of NMBE at 2.775% and CV(RMSE) at 10.949% compared to direct methods where NMBE at 79.964% while CV(RMSE) at 104.848%


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    Solving problems in flat-sided geometric material will go through stages called representing the problem according to the student's abilities. Therefore, teachers must provide questions or LKPD that give students their imagination first before looking for appropriate solutions to contextual problems, so it is very possible to use the Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) approach. This research uses a type of experiment in the form of Classroom Action Research (PTK). The population of this research is SMPN 2 Pamekasan and the sample of this research is class VIII. This research instrument uses contextual questions and interviews. The results of this research. The mathematical representation of students in this research in the very good and good categories experienced a significant increase, especially in cycle II. In visual, verbal and symbolic representations, each representation experiences an increase in each cycle. So that students' abilities in representing problems mathematically in this research have greatly improved. Meanwhile, for student learning outcomes. It is proven that there is an increase in the average score of students achieving the KTTP set at school and an increase in students' learning completeness. The average score of students is 57.5 (pre cycle), 69 (cycle I), 80 (cycle II). The percentage of students' learning completeness is 37.5% (pre cycle), 59.4% (cycle I), 72% (cycle II)


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    Solving problems in flat-sided geometric material will go through stages called representing the problem according to the student\u27s abilities. Therefore, teachers must provide questions or LKPD that give students their imagination first before looking for appropriate solutions to contextual problems, so it is very possible to use the Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) approach. This research uses a type of experiment in the form of Classroom Action Research (PTK). The population of this research is SMPN 2 Pamekasan and the sample of this research is class VIII. This research instrument uses contextual questions and interviews. The results of this research. The mathematical representation of students in this research in the very good and good categories experienced a significant increase, especially in cycle II. In visual, verbal and symbolic representations, each representation experiences an increase in each cycle. So that students\u27 abilities in representing problems mathematically in this research have greatly improved. Meanwhile, for student learning outcomes. It is proven that there is an increase in the average score of students achieving the KTTP set at school and an increase in students\u27 learning completeness. The average score of students is 57.5 (pre cycle), 69 (cycle I), 80 (cycle II). The percentage of students\u27 learning completeness is 37.5% (pre cycle), 59.4% (cycle I), 72% (cycle II)

    Students’ Learning Obstacles and Alternative Solution in Counting Rules Learning Levels Senior High School

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    The counting rules is a topic in mathematics senior high school. In the learning process, teachers often find students who have difficulties in learning this topic. Knowing the characteristics of students' learning difficulties and analyzing the causes is important for the teacher, as an effort in trying to reflect the learning process and as a reference in constructing alternative learning solutions which appropriate to anticipate students’ learning obstacles. This study uses qualitative methods and involves 70 students of class XII as research subjects. The data collection techniques used in this study is diagnostic test instrument about learning difficulties in counting rules, observation, and interview. The data used to know the learning difficulties experienced by students, the causes of learning difficulties, and to develop alternative learning solutions. From the results of data analysis, the results of diagnostic tests researcher found some obstacles faced by students, such as students get confused in describing the definition, students difficulties in understanding the procedure of solving multiplication rules. Based on those problems, researcher analyzed the causes of these difficulties and make hypothetical learning trajectory as an alternative solution in counting rules learning

    Analisa Keamanan Web Server terhadap Serangan Possibility Sql Injection Studi Kasus: Web Server Umk

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    Keamanan merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam membangun sebuah website. Hal tersebut menjadi sebuah tantangan tersendiri bagi para pengembang website, karena tidak ada jaminan yang pasti akan defenisi aman itu sendiri. tidak ada sistem yang benar-benar aman, bukanlah sebuah pernyataan semata, namun telah dirasakan dalam realitas. Website Universitas Muria Kudus yang berada di web server merupakan website yang digunakan sebagai media dan sarana informasi komunikasi kampus. Mengingat website ini dapat diakses secara luas, maka dinilai perlu memperhatikan keamanan website dalam berhubungan dengan lingkungan luar. Terdapat beberapa cara yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pengujian terhadap kemanan web server. Salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan SQL injection. SQL injection adalah kerentanan yang terjadi ketika penyerang memiliki kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi Structured Query Language (SQL) query yang melewati suatu aplikasi ke-database back-end. Penelitian ini menerapkan aturan possibility injection pada tools yang dipasang di Web Server Universitas Muria Kudus menggunakan intruder detection system (IDS) Snort sebagai identifikasinya terhadap serangan yang masuk. Hasil penelitian ini berupa alert sebagai alternatif peringatan keamanan dari serangan (intruder) yang masuk ke jaringan

    Pengaruh Citra Merek Terhadap Word of Mouth Dan Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya Jurusan Administrasi Bisnis Angkatan 2014/2015-2015/2016 Pembeli Handphone Samsung Galaxy)

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    The purpose of this study to analyze and explain: the influence of Brand Image on Word of Mouth; the influence of Word of Mouth on the Purchase Decision; the influence of Brand Image on buying decision.This research applies the explanatory research with quantitative approach. The sample was used for this research are 82 respondents from students of the Faculty of Administrative Science Department of Business Administration Forces in 2014 / 2015-2015 / 2016 Mobile Samsung Galaxy users which closed by purposive sampling method. The data collection that used in this research is Survey. The result is analyzed by descriptive analysis and path analysis. The result of this research showed that: Brand Image (X) has significant and positive influence on the Word of Mouth (Y1), Word of Mouth (Y1) significant and positive influence on the purchase decision (Y2), and Brand image (X) significant and positive influence either directly or indirectly through the Word of Mouth (Y1). This research implicates Samsung Electronics should be able to maintain a strong, positive impression of the brand, as it can provide benefits for the company when the brand is still good in the eyes of consumers. Kеywords: Brand Image, Word of Mouth, and Purchase Decisio

    The New Media and Islam: Communication Characteristics and Dynamics

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    The latest communication technology had always played a critical role in the success of many revolutionary actions, as have been shown ever since the 15th Century's European Renaissance. It was to be expected, therefore, that the use of powerful digital technology and the new social media, would be even more decisive in achieving victory in the latest string of revolutions and mass protest movements. This was known as the Arab Spring due to its success to toppled the authoritarian regimes of the Middle Eastern Muslim region, but also as the Facebook, the Twitter, or the Blogging revolutions to indicate the main social media and technology in use. The social media was considered so powerful as an instrument of protest that the “Arab Spring model” was adopted by the Occupy movements in the US and elsewhere in the Western world, also in China. An examination of the dynamics that come into play in the revolutions, however, conclude that the success are not may not be the results of the new media only but also of other factors: global links, cyber warfare, political communication, foreign interests (e.g. US drones attack against Khadafi) Nevertheless, it bring real social advantages for the Muslim world

    Simulation model for a nomadic animal production system in Southern Iran.

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    The first motive for the determination and evaluation of an energy production system is the need to change. Such system is dynamic in nature and is influenced by many factors such as age and physiological status of individual sheep or goat, quantity and quality of available feed and environment including the management systems. Traditional pastoral resource assessments do not always account for the complex, interrelated nature of land, forage and livestock. Modeling may overcome the limitations of traditional methods by improving the understanding of complex pastoral systems, and makes fast repetitive analyses, spanning time, incorporating variability and representing more realistically complex interactions possible within the system. The estimated values of metabolisable energy for maintenance and production in this study are based on the results of two feeding systems linked together by grazing the energy intake in the Nomadic Production System (NPS) and the dynamic system modeling used to study the assessment of these complex systems. In this study, validation of model relied on the observations of Torki Ghashghaii (TG) sheep (like those in Bakkan) under pen-fed and integrated rangeland-cropland feeding systems, and was carried out mainly by studying the body weight gain of growing animals and also body weight changes of ewes due to pregnancy and lactation. After validation, the study indicated that the mean value of actual data of male and female lambs (weaners) and ewes were in close agreement with the simulated data. These results validate the generalized structure of energy utilization models of grazing sheep under production sub- systems of NPS. These results will enable the prediction of carrying capacities in any given situation under conditions similar to those in Bakkan