516 research outputs found

    Location of the Energy Levels of the Rare-Earth Ion in BaF2 and CdF2

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    The location of the energy levels of rare-earth (RE) elements in the energy band diagram of BaF2 and CdF2 crystals is determined. The role of RE3+ and RE2+ ions in the capture of charge carriers, luminescence, and the formation of radiation defects is evaluated. It is shown that the substantial difference in the luminescence properties of BaF2:RE and CdF2:RE is associated with the location of the excited energy levels in the band diagram of the crystals

    Comment passer d'un modèle hydrologique à un système de prévision des crues? Ecueils liés à la structure des modèles et aux échelles d'espace et de temps

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    Les modèles hydrologiques Pluie Débit sont des outils très utiles pour la prévision des crues. À l'heure actuelle, il n'est pas possible d'utiliser directement les modèles de simulation pour effectuer une bonne prévision. Nous explorons ici les différences entre modèles de simulation et modèles de prévision. Puis nous examinons l'importance relative des informations apportées au modèle : dans le passé, les forçages climatiques et les dernières observations de débit ; dans le futur, les prévisions de précipitations. La question des échelles spatiales est ensuite abordée et les limites d'une approche globale sont discutées dans une perspective opérationnelle. / Rainfall Runoff models are very useful tools for flood forecasting. As of today, the direct use of simulation models is not possible to get accurate predictions especially when it concerns short-term forecasting. In this paper, we explore the main differences between simulation and forecasting models. Then we assess the relative importance of every information provided to the model: the past climatic forcing and the last observed discharges; the future precipitation scenarios. Spatial scales are also examined and the limits of a global forecasting approach for operational purposes are discussed

    Development and exploitation of a controlled vocabulary in support of climate modelling

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    There are three key components for developing a metadata system: a container structure laying out the key semantic issues of interest and their relationships; an extensible controlled vocabulary providing possible content; and tools to create and manipulate that content. While metadata systems must allow users to enter their own information, the use of a controlled vocabulary both imposes consistency of definition and ensures comparability of the objects described. Here we describe the controlled vocabulary (CV) and metadata creation tool built by the METAFOR project for use in the context of describing the climate models, simulations and experiments of the fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). The CV and resulting tool chain introduced here is designed for extensibility and reuse and should find applicability in many more projects

    Prognostic evaluation in patients with advanced cancer in the last months of life:ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline

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    : • This ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline provides key recommendations for using prognostic estimates in advanced cancer. • The guideline covers recommendations for patients with cancer and an expected survival of months or less. • An algorithm for use of clinical predictions, prognostic factors and multivariable risk prediction models is presented. • The author group encompasses a multidisciplinary group of experts from different institutions in Europe, USA and Asia. • Recommendations are based on available scientific data and the authors’ collective expert opinion

    Impact of increased resolution on long-standing biases in HighResMIP-PRIMAVERA climate models

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    We examine the influence of increased resolution on four long-standing biases using five different climate models developed within the PRIMAVERA project. The biases are the warm eastern tropical oceans, the double Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the warm Southern Ocean, and the cold North Atlantic. Atmosphere resolution increases from ∼100–200 to ∼25–50 km, and ocean resolution increases from (eddy-parametrized) to (eddy-present). For one model, ocean resolution also reaches ∘ (eddy-rich). The ensemble mean and individual fully coupled general circulation models and their atmosphere-only versions are compared with satellite observations and the ERA5 reanalysis over the period 1980–2014. The four studied biases appear in all the low-resolution coupled models to some extent, although the Southern Ocean warm bias is the least persistent across individual models. In the ensemble mean, increased resolution reduces the surface warm bias and the associated cloud cover and precipitation biases over the eastern tropical oceans, particularly over the tropical South Atlantic. Linked to this and to the improvement in the precipitation distribution over the western tropical Pacific, the double-ITCZ bias is also reduced with increased resolution. The Southern Ocean warm bias increases or remains unchanged at higher resolution, with small reductions in the regional cloud cover and net cloud radiative effect biases. The North Atlantic cold bias is also reduced at higher resolution, albeit at the expense of a new warm bias that emerges in the Labrador Sea related to excessive ocean deep mixing in the region, especially in the ORCA025 ocean model. Overall, the impact of increased resolution on the surface temperature biases is model-dependent in the coupled models. In the atmosphere-only models, increased resolution leads to very modest or no reduction in the studied biases. Thus, both the coupled and atmosphere-only models still show large biases in tropical precipitation and cloud cover, and in midlatitude zonal winds at higher resolutions, with little change in their global biases for temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, and net cloud radiative effect. Our analysis finds no clear reductions in the studied biases due to the increase in atmosphere resolution up to 25–50 km, in ocean resolution up to 0.25∘, or in both. Our study thus adds to evidence that further improved model physics, tuning, and even finer resolutions might be necessary

    Coupled climate response to Atlantic Multidecadal Variability in a multi-model multi-resolution ensemble

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    North Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) underwent pronounced multidecadal variability during the twentieth and early twenty-first century. We examine the impacts of this Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV), also referred to as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), on climate in an ensemble of five coupled climate models at both low and high spatial resolution. We use a SST nudging scheme specified by the Coupled Model Intercomparision Project’s Decadal Climate Prediction Project Component C (CMIP6 DCPP-C) to impose a persistent positive/negative phase of the AMV in the North Atlantic in coupled model simulations; SSTs are free to evolve outside this region. The large-scale seasonal mean response to the positive AMV involves widespread warming over Eurasia and the Americas, with a pattern of cooling over the Pacific Ocean similar to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), together with a northward displacement of the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ). The accompanying changes in global atmospheric circulation lead to widespread changes in precipitation. We use Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to demonstrate that this large-scale climate response is accompanied by significant differences between models in how they respond to the common AMV forcing, particularly in the tropics. These differences may arise from variations in North Atlantic air-sea heat fluxes between models despite a common North Atlantic SST forcing pattern. We cannot detect a widespread effect of increased model horizontal resolution in this climate response, with the exception of the ITCZ, which shifts further northwards in the positive phase of the AMV in the higher resolution configuratio

    New insight about the functionality of oenological tannins; Main results of the working group on oenological tannins

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    This communication synthetize all the results obtained by the OIV working group on oenological tannins to the current date. The obtained results confirm that oenological tannins really exert a protection effect against grape juice and wine oxidation because they have antioxidant activity, they consume directly oxygen and they exert an inhibitory effect on the laccase activity. Moreover, oenological tannins also exert a copigmentation effect which can improve and protect de color of red wines

    Dihaploid Coffea arabica genome sequencing and assembly.

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    Coffea arabica which accounts for 70% of world coffee production is an allotetraploid with a genome size of approximately 1.3 Gb and is derived from the hybridization of C. canephora (710 Mb) and C. eugenioides (670 Mb). To elucidate the evolutionary history of C. arabica, and generate critical information for breeding programs, a sequencing project is underway to finalize a reference genome using a dihaploid line and a set of Menu Abstract: Dihaploid Coffea arabica Genome Sequencing and Assembly (Plant and Animal Genome XXIII Conference) https://pag.confex.com/pag/xxiii/webprogram/Paper16983.html [25/02/2015 15:00:12] 30 C. arabica accessions