4,612 research outputs found

    Large cone angle magnetization precession of an individual nanomagnet with dc electrical detection

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    We demonstrate on-chip resonant driving of large cone-angle magnetization precession of an individual nanoscale permalloy element. Strong driving is realized by locating the element in close proximity to the shorted end of a coplanar strip waveguide, which generates a microwave magnetic field. We used a microwave frequency modulation method to accurately measure resonant changes of the dc anisotropic magnetoresistance. Precession cone angles up to 909^{0} are determined with better than one degree of resolution. The resonance peak shape is well-described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation

    Exploring the causes of adverse events in hospitals and potential prevention strategies

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    Objectives To examine the causes of adverse events (AEs) and potential prevention strategies to minimise the occurrence of AEs in hospitalised patients. Methods For the 744 AEs identified in the patient record review study in 21 Dutch hospitals, trained reviewers were asked to select all causal factors that contributed to the AE. The results were analysed together with data on preventability and consequences of AEs. In addition, the reviewers selected one or more prevention strategies for each preventable AE. The recommended prevention strategies were analysed together with four general causal categories: technical, human, organisational and patient-related factors. Results Human causes were predominantly involved in the causation of AEs (in 61% of the AEs), 61% of those being preventable and 13% leading to permanent disability. In 39% of the AEs, patient-related factors were involved, in 14% organisational factors and in 4% technical factors. Organisational causes contributed relatively often to preventable AEs (93%) and AEs resulting in permanent disability (20%). Recommended strategies to prevent AEs were quality assurance/peer review, evaluation of safety behaviour, training and procedures. For the AEs with human and patient-related causes, reviewers predominantly recommended quality assurance/peer review. AEs caused by organisational factors were considered preventable by improving procedures. Discussion Healthcare interventions directed at human causes are recommended because these play a large role in AE causation. In addition, it seems worthwhile to direct interventions on organisational causes because the AEs they cause are nearly always believed to be preventable. Organisational factors are thus relatively easy to tackle. Future research designs should allow researchers to interview healthcare providers that were involved in the event, as an additional source of information on contributing factors.

    Unified description of bulk and interface-enhanced spin pumping

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    The dynamics of non-equilibrium spin accumulation generated in metals or semiconductors by rf magnetic field pumping is treated within a diffusive picture. The dc spin accumulation produced in a uniform system by a rotating applied magnetic field or by a precessing magnetization of a weak ferromagnet is in general given by a (small) fraction of hbar omega, where omega is the rotation or precession frequency. With the addition of a neighboring, field-free region and allowing for the diffusion of spins, the spin accumulation is dramatically enhanced at the interface, saturating at the universal value hbar omega in the limit of long spin relaxation time. This effect can be maximized when the system dimensions are of the order of sqrt(2pi D omega), where D is the diffusion constant. We compare our results to the interface spin pumping theory of A. Brataas et al. [Phys. Rev. B 66, 060404(R) (2002)]

    Ion-sensing using chemically-modified ISFETs

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    Synthetic macrocyclic polyether ion receptors are the active components for the selective and sensitive detection of potassium ions in chemical sensors based on modified ISFETs.\ud \ud Covalent chemical anchoring of the sensing membrane to the gate oxide of the ISFET is essential in order to increase the lifetime of the sensor system to more than three months

    On-chip detection of ferromagnetic resonance of a single submicron permalloy strip

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    We measured ferromagnetic resonance of a single submicron ferromagnetic strip, embedded in an on-chip microwave transmission line device. The method used is based on detection of the oscillating magnetic flux due to the magnetization dynamics, with an inductive pick-up loop. The dependence of the resonance frequency on applied static magnetic field agrees very well with the Kittel formula, demonstrating that the uniform magnetization precession mode is being driven

    Adapting agriculture in 2050 in Flevoland; perspectives from stakeholders

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    Although recently more research has gone into farm level studies, little attention has been given to the variety of responses of farmers, considering their characteristics, objectives and the socio-economic, technological and political contexts (Reidsma et al, 2010). In the Agri-Adapt project we focus on farm level adaptation within an agricultural region considering the socio-economic context of 2050

    Decoherence of Flux Qubits Coupled to Electronic Circuits

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    On the way to solid-state quantum computing, overcoming decoherence is the central issue. In this contribution, we discuss the modeling of decoherence of a superonducting flux qubit coupled to dissipative electronic circuitry. We discuss its impact on single qubit decoherence rates and on the performance of two-qubit gates. These results can be used for designing decoherence-optimal setups.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Advances in Solid State Physics, Vol. 43 (2003

    Split-gate quantum point contacts with tunable channel length

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    We report on developing split-gate quantum point contacts (QPCs) that have a tunable length for the transport channel. The QPCs were realized in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure with a two- dimensional electron gas (2DEG) below its surface. The conventional design uses 2 gate fingers on the wafer surface which deplete the 2DEG underneath when a negative gate voltage is applied, and this allows for tuning the width of the QPC channel. Our design has 6 gate fingers and this provides additional control over the form of the electrostatic potential that defines the channel. Our study is based on electrostatic simulations and experiments and the results show that we developed QPCs where the effective channel length can be tuned from about 200 nm to 600 nm. Length-tunable QPCs are important for studies of electron many-body effects because these phenomena show a nanoscale dependence on the dimensions of the QPC channel

    Polarization-preserving confocal microscope for optical experiments in a dilution refrigerator with high magnetic field

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    We present the design and operation of a fiber-based cryogenic confocal microscope. It is designed as a compact cold-finger that fits inside the bore of a superconducting magnet, and which is a modular unit that can be easily swapped between use in a dilution refrigerator and other cryostats. We aimed at application in quantum optical experiments with electron spins in semiconductors and the design has been optimized for driving with, and detection of optical fields with well-defined polarizations. This was implemented with optical access via a polarization maintaining fiber together with Voigt geometry at the cold finger, which circumvents Faraday rotations in the optical components in high magnetic fields. Our unit is versatile for use in experiments that measure photoluminescence, reflection, or transmission, as we demonstrate with a quantum optical experiment with an ensemble of donor-bound electrons in a thin GaAs film.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
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