256 research outputs found

    Behavior and Impact of Zirconium in the Soil–Plant System: Plant Uptake and Phytotoxicity

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    Because of the large number of sites they pollute, toxic metals that contaminate terrestrial ecosystems are increasingly of environmental and sanitary concern (Uzu et al. 2010, 2011; Shahid et al. 2011a, b, 2012a). Among such metals is zirconium (Zr), which has the atomic number 40 and is a transition metal that resembles titanium in physical and chemical properties (Zaccone et al. 2008). Zr is widely used in many chemical industry processes and in nuclear reactors (Sandoval et al. 2011; Kamal et al. 2011), owing to its useful properties like hardness, corrosion-resistance and permeable to neutrons (Mushtaq 2012). Hence, the recent increased use of Zr by industry, and the occurrence of the Chernobyl and Fukashima catastrophe have enhanced environmental levels in soil and waters (Yirchenko and Agapkina 1993; Mosulishvili et al. 1994 ; Kruglov et al. 1996)

    Performance reporting for consumers: issues for the Australian private hospital sector

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    A group of consumers of private hospital services and their carers collaborated with staff of a Melbourne private hospital and with industry representatives to develop a consumer-driven performance report on cardiac services. During the development process participating consumers identified situational and structural barriers to their right to be informed of costs, to choice and to quality care. Their growing appreciation of these barriers led them to a different perspective on performance reporting, which resulted in their redirecting the project. The consumer participants no longer wanted a performance report that provided comparative quantitative data. Instead they designed a report that outlined the structures, systems and processes the hospital had in place to address the quality and safety of services provided. In addition, consumer participants developed a decision support tool for consumers to use in navigating the private health care sector. The journey of these consumers in creating a consumer driven performance report for a private hospital service may assist those responsible for governance of Australia's health system in choosing appropriate strategies and mechanisms to enhance private hospital accountability. The situational and institutional industry barriers to choice, information and quality identified by these consumers need to be addressed before public performance reporting for private hospitals is introduced in Australia

    Variação espacial de cátions, ânions e variáveis físico-químicas no rio Solimões-Amazonas entre Manaus e Jutaí, bacia amazônica

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    Cátions e ânions majoritários são espécies químicas de grande importância nos diversos compartimentos aquáticos, porém, pouco abordados de forma exclusiva na bacia amazônica. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a dinâmica espacial de Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Cl- e SO4 2- em um trecho do rio Solimões-Amazonas, levando-se em consideração a alcalinidade, potencial hidrogeniônico (pH), condutividade elétrica (CE), sólidos totais em suspensão (STS) e carbono orgânico total (COT). As coletas foram realizadas em maio, julho e setembro de 2012 em sete pontos na calha principal do rio Solimões-Amazonas e na foz de alguns dos principais tributários: rios Jutaí, Juruá, Japurá e Purus. Os cátions e ânions foram analisados por cromatografia de íons, STS por gravimetria, pH por potenciometria, alcalinidade por titulação potenciométrica, CE por condutimetria e o COT por oxidação catalítica por combustão. As concentrações médias dos cátions seguiram esta ordem Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+>K+ e dos ânions SO4 2->Cl-. De montante à jusante a tendência foi diminuição nas concentrações de cátions e ânions, das variáveis pH, CE, STS e alcalinidade, além do aumento das concentrações de COT. O presente estudo evidenciou mudanças nas características químicas sofridas pelo rio Solimões em seu curso. O aporte dos tributários pode ser apontado como um dos fatores responsáveis por essas modificações