69 research outputs found

    Prácticas restaurativas: construyendo la comunidad desde los centros de enseñanza

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    El desenvolupament i la cohesió social d’una comunitat es poden fomentar des de diferents àmbits. En aquest cas, presentam el procés d’implementació d’un programa de pràctiques restauratives, en el qual participen sis centres educatius de Palma, quatre d’aquests es troben ubicats al barri de Son Gotleu. Es tracta d’una intervenció que vol afavorir les relacions positives entre la comunitat educativa (famílies, professorat, alumnes...) i per extensió a la resta de població, iniciant un moviment des dels centres educatius d’educació primària i secundària, amb la participació d’altres serveis.A community’s development and social cohesion can be fostered through different areas. In this case, we present the introduction of a programme of restorative practices involving six education centres in Palma, four in the Son Gotleu district. This programme aims to promote positive relations between the education community (families, teaching staff, pupils etc.) and the rest of the population, starting a movement that begins in primary and secondary schools, with the participation of other services

    Blocking inos and endoplasmic reticulum stress synergistically improves insulin resistance in mice

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    Recent data show that iNOS has an essential role in ER stress in obesity. However, whether iNOS is sufficient to account for obesity-induced ER stress and Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) has not yet been investigated. In the present study, we used iNOS knockout mice to investigate whether high-fat diet (HFD) can still induce residual ER stress-associated insulin resistance. Methods: For this purpose, we used the intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (GTT), euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp, western blotting and qPCR in liver, muscle, and adipose tissue of iNOS KO and control mice on HFD. Results: The results of the present study demonstrated that, in HFD fed mice, iNOS-induced alteration in insulin signaling is an essential mechanism of insulin resistance in muscle, suggesting that iNOS may represent an important target that could be blocked in order to improve insulin sensitivity in this tissue. However, in liver and adipose tissue, the insulin resistance induced by HFD was only partially dependent on iNOS, and, even in the presence of genetic or pharmacological blockade of iNOS, a clear ER stress associated with altered insulin signaling remained evident in these tissues. When this ER stress was blocked pharmacologically, insulin signaling was improved, and a complete recovery of glucose tolerance was achieved. Conclusions: Taken together, these results reinforce the tissue-specific regulation of insulin signaling in obesity, with iNOS being sufficient to account for insulin resistance in muscle, but in liver and adipose tissue ER stress and insulin resistance can be induced by both iNOS-dependent and iNOS-independent mechanisms62206218FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ – CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO2012/15009-0; 2016/07122-2sem informaçãosem informaçã

    Topografía Infraclavicular De Los Fascículos Del Plexo Braquial En Diferentes Posiciones Del Miembro Superior

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    Brachial plexus neuropathies are common complaints among patients seen at orthopedic clinics. The causes range from traumatic to occupational factors and symptoms include paresthesia, paresis, and functional disability of the upper limb. Treatment can be surgical or conservative, but detailed knowledge of the brachial plexus is required in both cases to avoid iatrogenic injuries and to facilitate anesthetic block, preventing possible vascular punctures. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the topography of the infraclavicular brachial plexus fascicles in different upper limb positions adopted during some clinical procedures. A formalin-preserved, adult, male cadaver was used. The infraclavicular and axillary regions were dissected and the distance of the brachial plexus fascicles from adjacent bone structures was measured. No anatomical variation in the formation of the brachial plexus was observed. The metric relationships between the brachial plexus and adjacent bone prominences differed depending on the degree of shoulder abduction. Detailed knowledge of the infraclavicular topography of neurovascular structures helps with the diagnosis and especially with the choice of conservative or surgical treatment of brachial plexus neuropathies. © 2016, Universidad de la Frontera. All rights reserved.3431063106

    Idiopathic Adolescent Scoliosis and self-concept

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    Introducción y objetivos. Esta investigación trata sobre adolescentes que presentan escoliosis idiopática. Queremos estudiar si la manifestación de tal patología tiene efectos psicológicos en el adolescente que la presenta y sobre todo en la imagen que percibe de sí mismo como de su entorno. El objetivo del presente estudio se concreta en conocer la influencia de la escoliosis idiopática en el autoconcepto o imagen de si mismo en el adolescente. Material y métodos. Estudio observacional. Muestra formada por 17 adolescentes de 10-18 años de edad. En primer lugar, al tratarse de menores de edad y con el fin de informar de las características del estudio, como de la participación en el mismo, se le pasó un consentimiento informado a los padres o tutores. Asimismo, se extrajeron una serie de datos biográficos para identificar aspectos como el perfil clínico y personal, diagnóstico, antecedentes familiares, datos personal y de ocio del paciente, a través de un cuestionario de datos biográficos. Finalmente se le pasó el cuestionario de Pierre-Harris que consta de 80 ítems que abarcan las siguientes dimensiones del concepto de si mismo: comportamiento, estatus general y académico, popularidad, felicidad y satisfacción, apariencia física, ansiedad. Tras la recogida de los datos, se realizó un análisis de distribución de frecuencias, mediante el método estadístico SPSS v. 15.0 para Windows, con el cálculo de la media y la desviación típica, de los mismos. Resultados. Las puntuaciones del cuestionario de Pierre-Harris por cada sujeto, están por encima de la media establecida en cada dimensión. Solamente, en la dimensión de ansiedad, hay 5 sujetos por debajo de la media. Conclusiones. No se observó una imagen de sí mismo negativa o por debajo de la media en la muestra estudiada en ninguna dimensión del cuestionario. Solamente una de las dimensiones presentaba algunos individuos por debajo, por lo tanto, en la muestra estudiada con escoliosis idiopática del adolescente, la imagen de sí mismo es buena, por los valores encontrados.Terapia y Rehabilitació

    The nurse in the management of materials in teaching hospitals

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    OBJECTIVETo present the nurse's integration within materials management of six teaching hospitals of Paraná - Brazil, and to describe the activities performed by nurses within this process.METHODA study of a qualitative approach and descriptive nature, conducted in teaching hospitals in Paraná, between June and August of 2013. The data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews with eight nurses who worked in materials management; data were analyzed using content analysis.RESULTSThese showed that nurses perform ten categories of activities, distributed into four of the five steps of the materials management process.CONCLUSIONThe nurse, in performing of these activities, in addition to favoring the development of participative management, contributes to the organization, planning, and the standardization of the hospital supply process, giving greater credibility to the work with professionals who use the materials, and to the suppliers

    Examining the validity of the Athlete Engagement Questionnaire (AEQ) within a Portuguese sport setting

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    Sport psychology literature suggests that understanding engagement levels is pivotal to promote positive sporting experiences among athletes. The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Athlete Engagement Questionnaire among Portuguese sport athletes. Two distinct samples of Portuguese athletes from different competitive levels were collected, and the results of a confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated a good fit of the model to the data. A review of the psychometric properties indicated that all factors showed good composite reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity. In addition, a multi-groups analysis showed the invariance of the model in two independent samples providing evidence of cross validity. Implications of these results for scholars and coaches are discussed and guidelines for future studies are suggested

    Enhancing volunteer engagement to achieve desirable outcomes: what can non-profit employers do?

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    Abstract Engagement is a positive psychological state that is linked with a range of beneficial individual and organizational outcomes. However, the factors associated with volunteer engagement have rarely been examined. Data from 1064 volunteers of a wildlife charity in the United Kingdom revealed that both task- and emotion-oriented organizational support were positively related to volunteer engagement, and volunteer engagement was positively related to volunteer happiness and perceived social worth and negatively related to intent to leave the voluntary organization. Consistent with theory, engagement acted as a mediator between these factors. The implications for future research and the relevance of the findings for voluntary organizations are discussed

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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