141 research outputs found

    Contraste de las formulaciones existentes para la estimación de la tasa de rebase en diques de abrigo portuario

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    The research that is summarized in this article, resultant of diverse studies realized in the CEDEX, has for object a comparative analysis of methods of overtopping rates developed by different authors. For that, the summary was realized first and the analysis of the existing formulations to estimate the rate of overtopping on rubble mound and vertical breakwaters. Later, there was carried out the contrast of the above mentioned formulations by the results obtained in two hydraulic model tests of the Hydraulic Research Laboratory (Center of Studies of Ports and Coasts of the CEDEX, Madrid, Spain)

    Scour prediction and scour protections in offshore wind farms

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    This paper is the result of research whose main objective is to analyse different methods used for the prediction of maximum scour depth and scour extension, and for the design of scour protections in offshore wind farms located in shallow water, using medium and large diameter monopile foundations. Physical agents such as waves, currents and wind play a major role in the design of structures like offshore farms. As a result, the study has highlighted the need for introducing experience backed climate monomials such as the dimensionless wave height parameter (H0) and proposes the use of formulations that can express the extent of scour protections as a function of waves in transitional waters

    Agricultural use of compost under different irrigation strategies in a hedgerow olive grove under Mediterranean conditions – a comparison with traditional systems

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    Soil and water-efficient management are key factors in ensuring the olive sector's sustainable production practices. The use of compost based on olive waste (alperujo) as fertilizer could enhance ecosystem services while the need to transition to a zero-waste approach based on a circular economy is achieved. The present work includes a comparative study of the effect of alperujo compost (AC) vs. inorganic fertilization under different management systems: a traditional adult olive grove under rainfed conditions and a young hedgerow olive system, in which a factorial test of tree irrigation regimes (full, deficit and no irrigation) is implemented as well. At the hedgerow plots, the addition of AC and soil sampling time greatly impacted soil chemical parameters and, to a lesser extent, enzymatic activities, whereas irrigation regimes did not exert a marked influence. In the traditional rainfed system, the addition of AC proved to be an efficient tool for carbon sequestration. The first soil sampling revealed a clear stoichiometric relationship between soil organic matter (SOM) and the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) contents in both systems, whereas the correlations were weak and scarce in the second sampling at the hedgerow plots. This fact was related to the decay of the compost effect. Compost in combination with irrigation tended to trigger a certain priming effect on the native SOM with time since the carbon stocks were reduced between 6 % and 38 % from one sampling to the other in the hedgerow system, depending on the irrigation intensity. However, the deficit irrigation caused a less intense reduction of the SOM and essential nutrients representing the best alternative to maximizing the agronomic effects of the compost under a water-saving strategy. Recurrent application of compost would be necessary to maintain soil quality, especially with high tree densities. The combined management of AC and the deficit irrigation proved to be an efficient tool toward a zero-waste circular economy and a water conservation strategy.</p

    Overtopping of harbour breakwaters: a comparison of semi-empirical equations, neural networks, and physical model tests

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    This paper reports extensive tests of empirical equations developed by different authors for harbour breakwater overtopping. First, the existing equations are compiled and evaluated as tools for estimating the overtopping rates on sloping and vertical breakwaters. These equations are then tested using the data obtained in a number of laboratory studies performed in the Centre for Harbours and Coastal Studies of the CEDEX, Spain. It was found that the recommended application ranges of the empirical equations typically deviate from those revealed in the experimental tests. In addition, a neural network model developed within the European CLASH Project is tested. The wind effects on overtopping are also assessed using a reduced scale physical mode

    Field campaign on pressure on the crown wall at the outer port of Punta Langosteira breakwater

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    [Abstract:] Punta Langosteira port, located in A Coruña (Spain), was monitored during the winters of 2017 and 2018, measuring wave pressure in the crown wall structure. Furthermore, the metocean variables were measured on a buoy located very close to the breakwater. This paper presents the real pressures measured at the crown wall of the breakwater during different storm events. These values are compared with the results of the application of state-of-the-art equations for the calculation of pressures on crown walls. The results obtained show the behaviour of the pressures with a crown wall fully protected by the armour, as is the case of Langosteira breakwater. Finally, several conclusions are made on the methodology for measuring the pressures using physical models and the relevance of the armour roughness.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT); PTDC/ECI-EGC/31090/201

    Increased aridity drives post‐fire recovery of Mediterranean forests towards open shrublands

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    Recent observations suggest that repeated fires could drive Mediterranean forests to shrublands, hosting flammable vegetation that regrows quickly after fire. This feedback supposedly favours shrubland persistence and may be strengthened in the future by predicted increased aridity. An assessment was made of how fires and aridity in combination modulated the dynamics of Mediterranean ecosystems and whether the feedback could be strong enough to maintain shrubland as an alternative stable state to forest. A model was developed for vegetation dynamics, including stochastic fires and different plant fire‐responses. Parameters were calibrated using observational data from a period up to 100 yr ago, from 77 sites with and without fires in Southeast Spain and Southern France. The forest state was resilient to the separate impact of fires and increased aridity. However, water stress could convert forests into open shrublands by hampering post‐fire recovery, with a possible tipping point at intermediate aridity. Projected increases in aridity may reduce the resilience of Mediterranean forests against fires and drive post‐fire ecosystem dynamics toward open shrubland. The main effect of increased aridity is the limitation of post‐fire recovery. Including plant fire‐responses is thus fundamental when modelling the fate of Mediterranean‐type vegetation under climate‐change scenarios

    Diseño de protecciones para el control de la socavación en parques eólicos marinos

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    La presente investigación se basa en el análisis de los diferentes criterios empleados hasta la fecha para el dimensionamiento de las protecciones frente a la socavación presentes en parques eólicos marinos monopilotados. A través de la revisión que se realizó sobre las recomendaciones de diseño existentes se detectó una gran carencia de criterios basados en parámetros característicos del oleaje. En este sentido, considerando la importancia que las acciones del oleaje tienen tanto en el desarrollo del fenómeno de la socavación alrededor de las cimentaciones, como en su propio diseño, se propone el empleo de un nuevo criterio basado en variables caracteristicas del oleaje, y la clasificación de dichas estructuras de acuerdo a la propuesta que Van der Meer realizó en su tesis (Van der Meer, 1988)

    Ecological restoration across the Mediterranean Basin as viewed by practitioners

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    Restoration efforts in the Mediterranean Basin have been changing from a silvicultural to an ecological restoration approach. Yet, to what extent the projects are guided by ecological restoration principles remains largely unknown. To analyse this issue, we built an on-line survey addressed to restoration practitioners. We analysed 36 restoration projects, mostly from drylands (86%). The projects used mainly soil from local sources. The need to comply with legislation was more important as a restoration motive for European Union (EU) than for non-EU countries, while public opinion and health had a greater importance in the latter. Non-EU countries relied more on non-native plant species than EU countries, thus deviating from ecological restoration guidelines. Nursery-grown plants used were mostly of local or regional provenance, whilst seeds were mostly of national provenance. Unexpected restoration results (e.g. inadequate biodiversity) were reported for 50% of the projects and restoration success was never evaluated in 22%. Long term evaluation (> 6 years) was only performed in 31% of cases, and based primarily on plant diversity and cover. The use of non-native species and species of exogenous provenances may: i) entail the loss of local genetic and functional trait diversity, critical to cope with drought, particularly under the predicted climate change scenarios, and ii) lead to unexpected competition with native species and/or negatively impact local biotic interactions. Absent or inappropriate monitoring may prevent the understanding of restoration trajectories, precluding adaptive management strategies, often crucial to create functional ecosystems able to provide ecosystem services. The overview of ecological restoration projects in the Mediterranean Basin revealed high variability among practices and highlighted the need for improved scientific assistance and information exchange, greater use of native species of local provenance, and more long-term monitoring and evaluation, including functional and ecosystem services' indicators, to improve and spread the practice of ecological restoration

    Ptpn1 deletion protects oval vells against lipoapotosis by favoring lipid droplet formation and dynamics

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    Trabajo presentado en el The international liver congress, celebrado en Londres (Inglaterra) del 22 al 26 de junio de 2022.[Background and aims]: Activation of oval cells has been related to hepatocyte injury during chronic liver diseases including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, oval cells plasticity can be affected by the pathological environment. We previously found a protection against hepatocyte cell death by inhibiting protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B). Herein, we investigated the molecular and cellular processes involved in the lipotoxic susceptibility in oval cells expressing or not PTP1B. [Method]: Palmitic acid (PA) induced apoptotic cell death in wild-type (Ptpn1+/+) oval cells in parallel to oxidative stress and impaired autophagy. This lipotoxic effect was attenuated in oval cells lacking Ptpn1 that showed up-regulated antioxidant defences, increased unfolded protein response (UPR) signaling, higher endoplasmic reticulum (ER) content and elevated stearoyl CoA desaturase (Scd1) expression and activity. [Results]: These effects in Ptpn1−/− oval cells concurred with an active autophagy, higher mitochondrial efficiency and a molecular signature of starvation, favoring lipid droplet (LD) formation and dynamics. Autophagy blockade in Ptpn1−/− oval cells reduced Scd1 expression, mitochondrial fitness, LD formation and restored lipoapoptosis, an effect also recapitulated by Scd1 silencing. Importantly, oval cells with LDs were found in livers from Ptpn1−/− mice with NAFLD. [Conclusion]: Ptpn1 deficiency restrained lipoapoptosis in oval cells through a metabolic rewiring towards a “starvation-like” fate, favoring autophagy, mitochondrial fitness and LD formation. Dynamic LD-lysosomal interations likely ensured lipid recycling and, overall, these adaptations protect against lipotoxicity. The identification of LDs in oval cells from Ptpn1−/− mice with NAFLD opens new therapeutic perspectives to ensure oval cells viability and plasticity under lipotoxic liver damage