356 research outputs found

    Conceptual structure of self-curiosity in Japan

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    Recently, self-curiosity has attracted scholarly attention as a crucial factor in psychological tests and therapy processes. To measure individuals’ degree of self-curiosity, researchers developed the self-curiosity attitude–interest (SCAI) scale; it originated in Italy and has been applied across cultures. This study investigates whether the original SCAI scale can be adapted in Japan and explores the characteristics of the structure of self-curiosity in Japan. Data from 257 undergraduate students were collected through a website, and exploratory factor analysis was conducted. The original 7-item version of the scale exhibited a poor fit. Therefore, nine new items were added to the statements included in the original scale, and the 16 resulting items were employed to investigate the structure of self-curiosity in Japan. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that the Japanese version of the SCAI scale (SCAI-J) comprises seven new items and follows the two-factor structure (i.e., attitude and interest) of the original SCAI scale. In terms of construct validity, the SCAI-J scale produced significant correlations with the Japanese versions of the Satisfaction with Life Scale and the Rumination–Reflection Questionnaire as well as the short form of the Japanese Big-Five scale. These results suggest that self-curiosity is a common concept despite the differences among European, Central American and Asian cultures

    Effects of exercise intensity, posture, pressure on the back and ambient temperature on palmar sweating responses due to handgrip exercises in humans

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    ArticleAutonomic neuroscience: basic & clinical. 2005;118(1-2):125-134journal articl

    MITSuME--Multicolor Imaging Telescopes for Survey and Monstrous Explosions

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    Development of MITSuME is reported. Two 50-cm optical telescopes have been built at Akeno in Yamanashi prefecture and at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory (OAO) in Okayama prefecture. Three CCD cameras for simultaneous g'RcIc photometry are to be mounted on each focal plane, covering a wide FOV of about 30" x 30". The limiting magnitude at V is fainter than 18. In addition to these two optical telescopes, a 91-cm IR telescope with a 1 deg x 1 deg field of view is being built at OAO, which performs photometry in YJHK bands. These robotic telescopes can start the observation of counterparts of a GRB within a minute from an alert. We aim to obtain photometric redshifts exceeding 10 with these telescopes. The performance and the current construction status of the telescopes are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 4th Workshop on Gamma-Ray Burst in the Afterglow Era, Roma, October 18-22, 200

    Desarrollo y aplicación de la Terapia Asistida por Animales en el hospital universitario

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    This report refers to the experience of the Board of Nursing of Hospital São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo, in the development and implantation of Animal-Assisted Therapy, as one of its projects humanization of hospital: Projeto Amicão. Aiming to offer patients a positive experience that differs from the routine of the hospital environment, some units of the Hospiral São Paulo received the visit of an animal for sessions of Animal-Assiste Therapy. The results achieved among patients and its companions and health professionals were positive, in addition to arouse the attention and the interest of other health institutions and the media. It is thus evidenced the importance of reporting the experience of Projeto Amicão in the hospital.Este informe se refiere a la experiencia de la Junta de Enfermería, Hospital de São Paulo (HSP), Universidad Federal de São Paulo en el desarrollo y el despliegue de la Terapia Asistida por Animales (TAA), como uno de sus proyectos de humanización del hospital: Proyecto Amicão. Con la finalidad de ofrecer los pacientes una experiencia positiva que difiere de la rutina del entorno hospitalario, algunas unidades de lo HSP recibió la visita de un animal para los períodos de sesiones de TAA. Los logros entre los pacientes, sus acompañantes y profesionales de la salud fueron positivos, y despertó la atención y el interés de otras instituciones de salud y de los medios de comunicación. Es así de relieve la importancia de comunicar la experiencia del Proyecto Amicão en el hospital.O presente relato refere-se à experiência da Diretoria de Enfermagem do Hospital São Paulo da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) no desenvolvimento e implantação da Terapia Assistida por Animais, como um de seus projetos de humanização hospitalar: Projeto Amicão. Objetivando proporcionar aos pacientes uma experiência positiva que difere da rotina do ambiente hospitalar, algumas unidades do Hospital São Paulo receberam a visita de um animal para sessões de Terapia Assistida por Animais. Os resultados alcançados entre pacientes, acompanhantes e profissionais da saúde foram positivos, além de despertar a atenção e o interesse de outras instituições de saúde e da mídia. Ficou, assim, evidenciada a importância de se relatar a experiência do Projeto Amicão no ambiente hospitalar.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Hospital São Paulo Departamento de EnfermagemCentro Universitário São CamiloUNIFESP, Hospital São Paulo Depto. de EnfermagemSciEL

    Lack of association between estrogen receptor β dinucleotide repeat polymorphism and autoimmune thyroid diseases in Japanese patients

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    BACKGROUND: The autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITDs), such as Graves' disease (GD) and Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), appear to develop as a result of complex interactions between predisposing genes and environmental triggers. Susceptibility to AITDs is conferred by genes in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and genes unlinked to HLA, including the CTLA-4 gene. Recently, estrogen receptor (ER) β, located at human chromosome 14q23-24.1, was identifed. We analyzed a dinucleotide (CA)n repeat polymorphism located in the flanking region of ERβ gene in patients with AITDs and in normal subjects. High heterozygosity makes this polymorphism a useful marker in the genetic study of disorders affecting female endocrine systems. We also correlated a ERβ gene microsatellite polymorphism with bone mineral density (BMD) in the distal radius and biochemical markers of bone turnover in patients with GD in remission. RESULTS: Fourteen different alleles were found in 133 patients with GD, 114 patients with HT, and 179 controls subjects. The various alleles were designated as allele(*)1 through allele(*)14 according to the number of the repeats, from 18 to 30. There was no significant difference in the distributions of ERβ alleles between patient groups and controls. Although recent study demonstrated a significant relation between a allele(*)9 in the ERβ gene and BMD in postmenopausal Japanese women, there were no statistically significant interaction between this allele and BMD in the distal radius, nor biochemical markers in patients with GD in remission. CONCLUSIONS: The present results do not support an association between the ERβ microsatellite marker and AITD in the Japanese population. We also suggest that the ERβ microsatellite polymorphism has at most a minor pathogenic importance in predicting the risk of osteoporosis as a complication of GD

    Assessment of flood damage to agricultural crops under climate change scenarios using MRI-AGCM outputs in the Solo River basin of Indonesia

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    Understanding the effects of climate change on agricultural crops is an essential part of flood-risk management and adaptation measures. However, the quantitative impact of flood damage on agricultural crops under climate change is still not clearly understood. It is thus crucial to investigate flood damage to agricultural crops under climate change scenarios to understand future crop damage better. In this study, we first explored the relationship between extreme rainfall and damaged paddy area for a historical period, and then focused on the quantitative analysis of flood impact on rice crops under climate change using MRI-AGCM3.2S climate model outputs for the past (1979–2002) and future (2075–2098) climate periods for the Solo River basin in Indonesia. We developed a quantitative damage assessment method by coupling water and energy budget-based rainfall-runoff-inundation model outputs and a flood loss model. Flood damage to rice crops was defined as a function of flood depth and duration, and depth-duration-damage curves were applied to quantify the damage. The results show that flood damage to rice crops will be more severe in the future than in the past, and the findings can be useful in establishing risk reduction and adaptation measures.</p
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