13 research outputs found

    Conservation of diversity of local fruit and wild berry cultivars in the ISSYK-KUL region of Kyrgyzstan

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    The Issyk-Kul region is one of the most preferable for horticulture regions of Kyrgyzstan. However, during last decades the biological and agronomical diversity in this region is significantly decreasing due to transmission to market economics. In this term the aim of our survey was estimating of present level of diversity of fruit trees and wild berries, as well as vitamin content after long winter storage. This survey was organized in two districts of Issyk-Kul region – Dzhety-Oguz and Ak-Suu by the interview of 217 local farmers, the vitamin content was determined by known methodic. The study showed that there are 4 varieties of pears, of which 3 are local / traditional; 8 varieties of apricot with 5 local and 26 varieties of apple with 21 local. More than half of the local varieties of pears, apples and apricots disappear at the present time due to different reasons (non-compliance with market requirements for long-distance storage and transportation of fruits, bacterial burn disease that affected 90% of all pear plantations, lack of planting material and of knowledge and skills for grafting, treatment for diseases without antibiotics, agrotechniques) and are actively replaced by new commercial varieties. Among 8 varieties of apple and pear there were no varietal differences in the content of vitamins, but all of cultivars were significantly inferior to wild berry shrubs - viburnum, barberry, and dog rose for the content of vitamins A, C, B3, β-carotene. Based on the results of the survey, were developed practical recommendations for farmers on preserving the diversity of local varieties of fruit trees and wild berry shrub


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    The Issyk-Kul region is one of the most preferable for horticulture regions of Kyrgyzstan. However, during last decades the biological and agronomical diversity in this region is significantly decreasing due to transmission to market economics. In this term the aim of our survey was estimating of present level of diversity of fruit trees and wild berries, as well as vitamin content after long winter storage. This survey was organized in two districts of Issyk-Kul region – Dzhety-Oguz and Ak-Suu by the interview of 217 local farmers, the vitamin content was determined by known methodic. The study showed that there are 4 varieties of pears, of which 3 are local / traditional; 8 varieties of apricot with 5 local and 26 varieties of apple with 21 local. More than half of the local varieties of pears, apples and apricots disappear at the present time due to different reasons (non-compliance with market requirements for long-distance storage and transportation of fruits, bacterial burn disease that affected 90% of all pear plantations, lack of planting material and of knowledge and skills for grafting, treatment for diseases without antibiotics, agrotechniques) and are actively replaced by new commercial varieties. Among 8 varieties of apple and pear there were no varietal differences in the content of vitamins, but all of cultivars were significantly inferior to wild berry shrubs - viburnum, barberry, and dog rose for the content of vitamins A, C, B3, β-carotene. Based on the results of the survey, were developed practical recommendations for farmers on preserving the diversity of local varieties of fruit trees and wild berry shrub.Иссык-Кульская область Кыргызстана является регионом с оптимальными условиями для развития плодоводства. Однако в связи с переходом на рыночную экономику в последние десятилетия наблюдается значительное уменьшение сформировавшегося здесь агро- и биоразнообразия. В связи с эти целью нашей работы было оценить современное разнообразие основных плодовых и диких ягодных культур, а также содержание витаминов в плодах и ягодах после зимнего хранения. Исследование проводили в двух районах Иссык-Кульской области, Джеты-Огузском и Ак-Суйском, методом опроса местного населения в фокус-группах, содержание витаминов проводили общепринятыми методами. В результате опроса 217 фермеров выяснилось, что в области распространены 4 сорта груши, из них 3 – местные, 26 сортов яблони (21 местные), 8 сортов абрикоса (5 местных). Однако больше половины традиционных/местных сортов этих сортов исчезают по различным причинам (несоответствие рыночным требованиям хранения и транспортировки плодов на большие расстояния, бактериальный ожог, поразивший 90% всех насаждений груши, отсутствие посадочного материала и нехватка знаний и навыков по прививкам, лечению от болезней без антибиотиков, уходу) и заменяются на новые коммерческие сорта. По содержанию витаминов между 8 сортами яблони и груши не было выявлено сортовых различий, однако все они значительно уступали диким ягодным культурам – калине, барбарису, шиповнику по содержанию витаминов А, С, В3, β-каротину. По результатам исследования даются практические рекомендации фермерам, местным органам самоуправления по сохранению разнообразия местных плодовых и диких ягодных культур

    Seedling emergence and establishment of Pinus sylvestris in the Mongolian forest-steppe ecotone

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    Syftet med studien är att undersöka och beskriva pedagogers uppfattningar av hur de skapar delaktighet och inflytande, i en kommuns förskoleverksamhet och organisation.Mina frågeställningar är hur pedagogerna beskriver sina möjligheter och hinder för att få och skapa delaktighet och inflytande, samt vilka inre och yttre faktorer som finns som påverkar möjligheten för delaktighet och inflytande.För att undersöka detta har jag valt en kvalitativ forskningsansats. Jag har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju pedagoger. Det empiriska materialet har bearbetats kvalitativt i en empirinära ansats.I resultatet såg jag att ett större fokus på processkvaliteten behöver läggas och medvetenheten behöver ökas, kring den pedagogiska dokumentationens betydelse.Sammanfattningsvis behöver den undersökta kommunens förskolor en gemensam samsyn i hela systemet i ett förståelsebaserat och tolkande perspektiv som gynnar en långsiktig och hållbar utveckling.Participation and influence in the preschool, a study with teachers in one municipality.The purpose of this study is to explore and describe teacher’s perceptions of how they create participation and influence, in a municipality´s preschool and organization.My questions are how teachers describe their opportunities and barriers to get and create participation and influence, and what internal and external factors that affecting the ability of participation and influence.To examine this, I have chosen a qualitative research approach. I have conducted semi structured interviews, with seven teachers. The empirical data have been processed in a qualitative empirical closely approach.In the result, I found that a greater focus on process quality needs to be added and awareness needs to be increased, on the pedagogic documentations significances.In conclusion, needs the municipal preschools, which have been examined, get a common consensus of the entire system in a understanding based and interpretive perspective, that support a long term and sustainable development

    Application of lactate testing and pulsogramms in the rehabilitation of patients with obesity

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    The optimization of mental and physical performance at all stages of training is the main task for untrained athletes. Performing overly in intensity or duration of stress leads to the development of fatigue and reduce the potential in adaptation. Narrowing the boundaries of adaptation leads to reduced performance. The purpose of the study was to assess the level of lactate in untrained patients with overweight and obesity, as well as, to create for these patients the optimal training patterns using the pulsogram method. Determining the concentration of lactate (lactic acid) in the blood is an important indicator of assessing the intensity of the load, one of the main methods of operational control over the effectiveness of the training process, provides valuable information about changes in the blood, muscles and other tissues. Knowing of the concentration of lactate in the blood we can determine the level of the anaerobic threshold, equal to 4-5 mmol/l (fixed threshold) and, depending on the physiological characteristics of the athlete, reaches 6 mmol/l.Основной задачей для нетренированных спортсменов является оптимизация умственной и физической работоспособности на всех этапах подготовки. Выполнение неадекватных по интенсивности или длительности нагрузок способствует развитию переутомления и снижению потенциала адаптации. Сужение границ адаптации приводит к снижению работоспособности. Цель исследования состояла в оценке уровня лактата у нетренированных пациентов с избыточным весом и ожирением, а также, составления для данных пациентов оптимальных шаблонов тренировок по методу пульсограмм. Определение концентрации лактата (молочной кислоты) в крови является важным показателем оценки интенсивности нагрузки, одним из основных методов оперативного контроля за эффективностью тренировочного процесса, дает ценную информацию об изменениях, происходящих в крови, в мышцах, других тканях. По концентрации лактата в крови прямым способом определяется уровень анаэробного порога, равный 4-5 ммоль/л (фиксированный порог) и в зависимости от физиологических особенностей спортсмена достигающий 6 ммоль/л

    History of Formation of Religious Science

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    Because of independence, our country has had an opportunity to look at and state the attitude on religion in a new way. As a result, the science of theology, which is relatively new to us, emerged. This science aims not to criticize or remove religion from society, but to study it objectively, looking at religion as part of the national spirituality. The science of religion was formed and developed in close connection with the social sciences and humanities, and this process is still going on. Accordingly, in the place where the science of religion is intertwined with these sciences, its various branches have emerged. The current article gives various definitions of the term religion, the formation of theology as a science, and the scholars who have made a worthy contribution to it

    Impact of Covid-19 Virus on Tourism in Uzbekistan

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    This article is about the global crises caused by the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic around the world, in particular, the negative impact of this pandemic on the tourism industry in Uzbekistan


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    The possibility of radiation enhancing the photoconductivity of ZnSe/ZnO:O nanoheterostructures up to 10-6 Ohm-1 with the formation of a photoconductor structure, concentration of photoelectrons up to Ne=2.71017 cm-3associated with the formation of resonance levels:Г6v-5.76 eV, L1,3v-4.85 eV, Zni-3.34 eV, OSe-3.13 eV and X-2.72 eV, which is of interest for the manufacture of semiconductor scintillation and photo-detectors