353 research outputs found

    Analysis Framework for Translation of Maritime Legal Documents

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    Maritime activity around the globe currently generates a great amount of translation work, especially from English into other languages. This paper focuses on the analysis of the translation process in maritime legal and administrative documents. The study first establishes which maritime documents are most often translated and a tool is then developed to analyse such documents in detail, based on the concept of textual genre. Such analysis would help translators to better understand these highly specialised documents and thus contribute towards improving translation of the same

    El enfoque sistémico: aplicación al subsector de agua potable y alcantarillado (a.p.a.)

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    Al presentar en este documento una síntesis de los principios básicos del análisis de sistemas y su aplicación al sector de agua potable y saneamiento, se desea contribuir en forma práctica a la divulgación y aplicación de una ciencia relativamente joven que permite mejorar cada vez más las organizaciones y su administración, sin causar traumatismos ni ocasionar resistencias al cambio deseado, en beneficio de la salud del hombre

    Protocol and material for the introduction to the laboratory experimentation

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    Introducing students in the world of the experimentation has always been a complicated task, since the students are not familiar with the new work place. They have to handle different measuring devices, interiorize the philosophy of the experimentation, measure and estimate uncertainty, graph data, and finally write a report about the results of the experimentation. Students do not know this whole process, and although they delight to do practical work in the laboratory, they do not feel confident of carrying out a proper work. In order to achieve so, a multimedia material has been elaborated, with an introduction to the laboratory and the experimental techniques which require the implication and the autonomy from the student. The outcome of this process -students setting the established protocol in practice and achieving competences- has been clearly superior to that reached in previous years.Peer Reviewe

    Characterization and production of agglomerated cork stoppers for spirits based on a factor analysis method

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    The decision-making in the investment of a new line of stoppers based on agglomerated cork requires knowledge of the composition and its contribution to its performance. For this, it is necessary to observe the leading products on the market and to test a series of prototypes with different formulations. The development of manufacturing products made by cork, such as bottle stoppers, benefits strongly from accurate chemical and structural characterizations, correlated to the final material performance. A wise starting point to fulfill such requirement consist of comparing available products in the market to be compared with different prototypes with varying composition. This work presents a blind characterization of a series of cork samples through a non-supervised exploratory analysis designed to select agglomerated corks for spirits and still wines in the packaging industry. A total of 18 batches, with 3 of them being high-end commercial products, were used to build 15 different prototypes. They were subsequently characterized with the exact composition of microgranulated cork as the unknown variable. Statistical results based on 14 parameters related to the physic-thermo-mechanical properties indicate that the suitability of selecting the stopper relies on the study of only 4 or 5 of the initial parameters. Hence, it is shown that a reduced number of parameters may be considered to properly describe the mechanical behavior of agglomerated cork, allowing the wise choice of the most convenient material for the intended application. The factorial map reveals that the only sample batch manufactured based on the tested prototypes correlates with the three of the products supplied by the competence.This work was funded by the Junta de Andalucía (Research groups INNANOMAT, ref. TEP-946 and TMA, ref. TEP-181). Co-funding from UE is also acknowledged. The authors wish to thank “TORRENT INNOVA, S.A.”. MdlM acknowledges the Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship from MICINN (IJCI-2017–31507)

    Angiosarcoma del muslo: diagnóstico diferencial

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    Se presenta un caso de angiosarcoma de partes blandas en un paciente de 92 años localizado en extremidad inferior de seis meses de evolución. Estos tipos de tumores muestran probabilidades de ser confundidos con hematomas, incluso con estudios de Resonancia Nuclear. Se destaca la ayuda que ofrece para el diagnóstico la arteriografía, así como la agresividad de dichos tumores y los posibles abordajes terapéuticos actuales.A case of angiosarcoma is presented. The patient was 92 years old. The tumor was present 6 months before diagnosis. The tumor was diagnosed by MRN as haematoma of the muscle. Arteriography is a good diagnostic tool before the biopsy in that type of lesions. Alternative treatments of such letal neoplasms are discussed

    A quantum optical study of thresholdless lasing features in high-β nitride nanobeam cavities

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    Exploring the limits of spontaneous emission coupling is not only one of the central goals in the development of nanolasers, it is also highly relevant regarding future large-scale photonic integration requiring energy-efficient coherent light sources with a small footprint. Recent studies in this field have triggered a vivid debate on how to prove and interpret lasing in the high-β regime. We investigate close-to-ideal spontaneous emission coupling in GaN nanobeam lasers grown on silicon. Such nanobeam cavities allow for efficient funneling of spontaneous emission from the quantum well gain material into the laser mode. By performing a comprehensive optical and quantum-optical characterization, supported by microscopic modeling of the nanolasers, we identify high-β lasing at room temperature and show a lasing transition in the absence of a threshold nonlinearity at 156 K. This peculiar characteristic is explained in terms of a temperature and excitation power-dependent interplay between zero-dimensional and two-dimensional gain contributions.EC/FP7/615613/EU/External Quantum Control of Photonic Semiconductor Nanostructures/EXQUISIT

    Promoting the Sustainable Recovery of Hospitality in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Comparative Study to Optimize the Servicescapes

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    As COVID-19 spread throughout the world, the hospitality and tourism sectors were hard hit as no other industry. For this reason, the UNWTO developed the One Planet Vision as a response to a sustainable recovery of the tourism sector. At present, when people are starting to travel and stay at hotels again, it is important to analyze what their expectations are of hotels to move forward in the post-pandemic era. For instance, empirical research has been developed to examine people’s sentiments toward servicescapes, and a comparative study is presented between 2020 and 2022. Findings contribute to the research by identifying new servicescape attributes during a health crisis. These also lead to practical implications by proposing a scale to evaluate customers’ perceptions and to increase their wellbeing and resilience. The current research is one of the first studies to collaborate with the One Planet Vision by empirically proposing improvements in the servicescapes of hotels for a responsible recovery

    Implications of BREEAM Sustainability Assessment on the Design of Hotels

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    This original research paper analyses the actual and important topic of the implications of BREEAM sustainability assessment on the design of hotels and it is a personal response to “The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development” and its influence on the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. The paper aims to examine the influence of the sustainable assessment method BREEAM on the design of hotels by using seven case studies and studying the changes that were implemented in order to achieve their targets. Qualitative data were obtained by conducting in-depth interviews and analyzing the supplied documentation. The authors notice that the results revealed that a BREEAM approach might limit the design of the hotels but, including the right measures at the early design stage of the project, the target can be easily achieved

    Cotilo recubierto con hidroxiapatita de la artroplastia Omnifit: resultados a medio plazo

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    Las cúpulas acetabulares roscadas han mostrado malos resultados en períodos medios de evolución. Aunque la sujeción inmediata es excelente, con el paso del tiempo se ha comprobado la ausencia de fijación, mostrando un alto porcentaje de movilizaciones. Una alternativa para evitar esos fracasos es el recubrimiento de estos cotilos con hidroxiapatita. Hemos revisado clínica y radiográficamente 36 casos de artroplastias Omnifit con cotilo roscado y recubierto de hidroxiapatita, con un tiempo medio de seguimiento de 58 meses. Diez pacientes presentaban dolor en región inguinal. Sólo el 63,9% de los cotilos se encontraban radiográficamente integrados, habiendo sufrido una clara movilización seis que precisaron cirugía de revisión acetabular; otros siete mostraban signos radiológicos de probable inestabilidad. El recubrimiento con hidroxiapatita no asegura una buena fijación en los cotilos roscados Omnifit por lo que recomendamos componentes acetabulares implantados a presión con posibilidad de sujeción adicional con tornillos.The threaded acetabular cups have shown mid-term bad results. Though the immediate fixation is excellent, as time goes by it has been proven the absence of fixation, appearing a high percentage of mobilizations. An alternative to avoid those failures is the hydroxyapatite coated implant. We have analysed clinically and radiographically 36 cases of Omnifit arthroplasties with cup threaded and coated with hydroxyapatite with an average time of follow-up of 58 months. Ten patients had pain in the hip. Only 63.9% of the acetabular cups were found to be radiographically integrated, six having suffered a clear mobilization requiring surgical review. Seven showed radiological signs of probable instability. The hydroxytapatite coatings does not assure a good fixation in the Omnifit threaded cups, therefore we recommend press fit acetabular components with the possibility of additional fixation with screws

    How the Implementation of BREEAM in Hotels Could Help to Achieve the SDGs

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    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was approved in 2015 by the United Nations. It is a call of action to protect our planet, end poverty and improve the lives and prospects of all. Sustainable development has been fundamental in the tourism and construction sectors in the past few decades. Nowadays, developing countries are leaders in green engineering procedures, and progressively, hotels are including sustainable standards in their designs, architecture and management. In places where tourism is the main contributor to the Gross Domestic Product, the incorporation of energy certifications is crucial. In this context, this article explores the positive implications of the application of the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) on hotels in relation to the achievement of SDGs. The study analyses the influence of BREEAM on hotel design using six case studies and examines the sustainable modifications incorporated. Qualitative data were obtained through in-depth interviews and by the analysis of the documentation provided. The results revealed that a BREEAM approach in the initial stage of a project will optimize the sustainability of the hotel and can help with the achievement of several of the SDGs