221 research outputs found

    Profilaxis antibiótica en cirugía

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    Existe una abundantísima documentación en la literatura acerca de la eficacia de los antibióticos utilizados profilácticamente en cirugía (1-10). Probablemente lo más útil para el trabajo diario de un hospital sea la adopción de pautas concretas que permitan ser evaluadas periódicamente a través de la colaboración, entre otros, de anestesistas, cirujanos y microbiólogos (11,12). En esta línea hemos revisado, de una manera intencionadamente esquemática, diversas facetas relativas a la profilaxis antibiótica en cirugía. Para ello comentaremos algunos aspectos generales de profilaxis de la infección postquirúrgica, unas breves normas para la utilización profiláctica de antibióticos y resumiremos determinadas indicaciones en función del tipo de intervención

    Three-dimensional geometric morphometrics of thorax-pelvis covariation and its potential for predicting the thorax morphology: A case study on Kebara 2 Neandertal

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    The skeletal torso is a complex structure of outstanding importance in understanding human body shape evolution, but reconstruction usually entails an element of subjectivity as researchers apply their own anatomical expertise to the process. Among different fossil reconstruction methods, 3D geometric morphometric techniques have been increasingly used in the last decades. Two-block partial least squares analysis has shown great potential for predicting missing elements by exploiting the covariation between two structures (blocks) in a reference sample: one block can be predicted from the other one based on the strength of covariation between blocks. The first aim of this study is to test whether this predictive approach can be used for predicting thorax morphologies from pelvis morphologies within adult Homo sapiens reference samples with known covariation between the thorax and the pelvis. The second aim is to apply this method to Kebara 2 Neandertal (Israel, ∼60 ka) to predict its thorax morphology using two different pelvis reconstructions as predictors. We measured 134 true landmarks, 720 curve semilandmarks, and 160 surface semilandmarks on 60 3D virtual torso models segmented from CT scans. We conducted three two-block partial least squares analyses between the thorax (block 1) and the pelvis (block 2) based on the H. sapiens reference samples after performing generalized Procrustes superimposition on each block separately. Comparisons of these predictions in full shape space by means of Procrustes distances show that the male-only predictive model yields the most reliable predictions within modern humans. In addition, Kebara 2 thorax predictions based on this model concur with the thorax morphology proposed for Neandertals. The method presented here does not aim to replace other techniques, but to rather complement them through quantitative prediction of a virtual 'scaffold' to articulate the thoracic fossil elements, thus extending the potential of missing data estimation beyond the methods proposed in previous works

    Assessing thoraco‐pelvic covariation in Homo sapiens and Pan troglodytes: A 3D geometric morphometric approach

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    Objectives Understanding thoraco‐pelvic integration in Homo sapiens and their closest living relatives (genus Pan) is of great importance within the context of human body shape evolution. However, studies assessing thoraco‐pelvic covariation across Hominoidea species are scarce, although recent research would suggest shared covariation patterns in humans and chimpanzees but also species‐specific features, with sexual dimorphism and allometry influencing thoraco‐pelvic covariation in these taxa differently. Material and Methods N = 30 adult H. sapiens and N = 10 adult Pan troglodytes torso 3D models were analyzed using 3D geometric morphometrics and linear measurements. Effects of sexual dimorphism and allometry on thoraco‐pelvic covariation were assessed via regression analyses, and patterns of thoraco‐pelvic covariation in humans and chimpanzees were computed via Two‐Block Partial Least Squares analyses. Results Results confirm the existence of common aspects of thoraco‐pelvic covariation in humans and chimpanzees, and also species‐specific covariation in H. sapiens that is strongly influenced by sexual dimorphism and allometry. Species‐specific covariation patterns in chimpanzees could not be confirmed because of the small sample size, but metrics point to a correspondence between the most caudal ribs and iliac crest morphology that would be irrespective of sex. Conclusions This study suggests that humans and chimpanzees share common aspects of thoraco‐pelvic covariation but might differ in others. In humans, torso integration is strongly influenced by sexual dimorphism and allometry, whilst in chimpanzees it may not be. This study also highlights the importance not only of torso widths but also of torso depths when describing patterns of thoraco‐pelvic covariation in primates. Larger samples are necessary to support these interpretations

    Convergent validity of nps and assessment of loyalty models in sports services dalmau

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    El fin del trabajo es determinar la validez de Net-Promoter-Score para medir la lealtad y comparar dos modelos que relacionan dimensiones de la calidad, valor, satisfacción y lealtad. En primer lugar, se determinó la validez convergente de Net-Promoter-Score en usuarios de servicios deportivos mediante una correlación entre ambos instrumentos. Posteriormente, se pusieron a prueba los dos modelos, utilizando en el primero Net-Promoter-Score y, en el segundo, una escala multidimensional que mide las intenciones futuras, en ambos casos se utilizó el mismo instrumento para valorar calidad, valor y satisfacción. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio de los modelos, con el objeto de comprobar la estabilidad de ambos. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que los dos instrumentos son válidos para medir la lealtad de los usuarios de servicios deportivos y que el modelo que utiliza la escala multidemensional proporciona más información para la toma de decisiones de los responsables de la gestión.The purpose of the work is to determine the validity of the Net-Promoter-Score to measure loyalty and to compare two models that relate dimensions of quality, value, satisfaction and loyalty. First, the convergent validity of the Net-Promoter-Score in users of sports services was determined by means of a correlation between both instruments. Subsequently, the two models were put to the test, using a Net-Promoter-Score in the first and a multidimensional scale that measures future intentions in the second, in both cases the same instrument was used to assess quality, value and satisfaction. A confirmatory factor analysis of the models was carried out in order to verify the stability of both. The results obtained show that the two instruments are valid for measuring the loyalty of users of sports services and the model that uses the multidemensional scale provides more information for decision-making by managers

    Comparison of two phenotypical methods to segregate resistant and susceptible lambs to parasitic nematodes

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    The objective of this study was to compare two segregation methods to select resistant and susceptible female Pelibuey lambs infected naturally with gastrointestinal nematodes (GINs) in relation to their haematological and immunological response. For 6 months, faeces and blood samples were taken fortnightly from 40 grazing 5-month-old female lambs. The lambs were classified according to two methods using faecal egg count (FEC) as a phenotypical trait. In the first (reference) method (M3SE, n = 22), resistant (RES) lambs had FEC lower than the mean – 3 standard errors, the susceptible (SUS) lambs levels higher than + 3 standard errors(n = 10) and the intermediate (INT) lambs (n = 8) were categorised by having FECs between the two values. The second method (QUM) divided the population, using quartiles, into resistant (RES; 25%), intermediate (INT; 50%), and susceptible (SUS; 25%) lambs. The agreement between both methods was estimated using the Kappa index. The packed cell volume (PCV), total plasma protein (TPP) and peripheral eosinophils (EOS) were determined for each group. Serum was used to evaluate the IgA levels. PCV and TPP values were higher (P<0.01) in the RES lambs (31.5 ± 3.4 and 6.16 ± 0.5 g/dL by QUM, respectively, and 31.5 ± 3.9 and 6.24 ± 0.49 g/dL by M3SE, respectively) than the SUS lambs (28.1 ± 4.7 and 5.94 ± 0.5 g/d, respectively, by both methods). The EOS and IgA values increased with age. M3SE and QUM were in moderate agreement (Kappa = 0.43). We concluded that the two segregation methods allowed for the identification of the same female SUS lambs, but a greater number of animals were categorised phenotypically as resistant using the M3SE method. PCV and TPP can help to identify phenotypically resistant animals

    I Jornadas Científicas del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales

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    I Jornadas Científicas del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, celebradas el 21-22 Febrero 2017, en el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid)El objetivo de las I Jornadas Científicas del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales es dar a conocer las diferentes líneas de investigación que están realizando los distintos Departamentos de este Centro, además de dar la oportunidad de conocerse y facilitar la interacción entre todos. Las jornadas constan de 26 charlas (con sus presentaciones) y en principio, son representativas de todos los departamentos de forma equitativa de acuerdo con el número de miembros de cada uno de los participantes. Además dos o tres charlas "plenarias" de interés general. Se da prioridad a participar a los jóvenes investigadores, estudiantes de doctorado o jóvenes postdoctorandos. Participación de miembros de: Departamento de Biogeografía y Cambio Global, Dept. Ecología Evolutiva, Dept. Geología, Dept. Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva, Dept. Biogeoquímica y Ecología Microbiana, Dept. Paleobiología.01 Pequeña historia. 02 Programa de las Jornadas. 03 Libro de resumenes. 04 Cartel anunciador. 05 Menus de desayuno y almuerzo. 06 Balance de las Jornadas. 07 AgradecimientosPresentaciones disponibles: Álvarez-Cobelas: "Los científicos hispanos como insectos sociales?".-- Mikel Calle: "Cuando el río suena... agua lleva. Caracterizando la dinámica de los cauces efímeros mediterráneos”.-- María Cristina Casero: “"Aquí no hay quien viva: Microorganismos litobiónticos en el desierto de Atacama".-- Cepeda, Diego; Soler-Hurtado, M. Mar; Lattig, Patricia: "Un océano de gusanos marinos: la importancia de conocer la biodiversidad de anélidos asociados a corales".-- Flores, Omar; Rey, Ana; Curiel Yuste, Jorge; Valladares Ros, Fernando: “Modelización de la descomposición de la hojarasca en climas áridos”.-- Forner, Alicia; Aranda, Ismael; Valladares Ros, Fernando: “Árboles mediterráneos en la cuerda floja: sequías extremas, ¿un crimen con atenuantes?”.-- García-Ángulo, Daniel: “Ojos que no ven… Efecto del cambio climático y del manejo histórico de los encinares en el suelo bajo nuestros pies”.- García Morato, Sara: “Hienas, humanos y micromamíferos”.-- García-Tabernero, Antonio: “Aplicaciones de antropología virtual: colecciones virtuales y paleoneurología”.-- Garrido-Benavent, Isaac: Estudios filogeográficos de dos especies de hongos liquenizados muestran orígenes distintos de la biota liquénica antártica".-- Garrido, Fernando; García-Guinea, Javier; Gómez-González, Miguel A.: Presencia de arsénico en suelos contaminados de la provincia de Madrid.-- Gaspar, Leticia: “Técnicas radiométricas en el estudio de la erosión y la redistribución del suelo”.-- Doadrio, Ignacio; Pardos Blas, José Ramón: Desenredando el género Gambusia (Poeciliidae) en el noreste de México.-- Riesco López, Alberto; Bastir, Markus: Morfología virtual en 3D del Megatherium americanum del MNCNPeer reviewe

    Management of three carotid body tumors and review of the topic

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    [ES] Introducción y objetivo: Los paragangliomas carotídeos son tumores infrecuentes derivados de los paraganglios del cuerpo carotídeo. Son tumores de crecimiento lento y sólo los tumores muy desarrollados llegan a ocasionar síntomas neurológicos. El diagnóstico es clínico y radiológico, siendo el tratamiento curativo la cirugía radical. Explicamos mediante la descripción de los casos clínicos y la revisión del tema la etiopatogenia de esta patología, clínica, formas de presentación así como las opciones terapéuticas y sus posibles complicaciones. Descripción de los casos: Presentamos tres casos clínicos de paragangliomas carotídeos. El primer caso es un paciente de 61 años de edad remitido de otro centro tras hallazgo casual de un paraganglioma carotídeo izquierdo tras realizar una prueba radiológica. El segundo caso es un paciente de 57 años de edad con una tumoración laterocervical derecha de tiempo de evolución. En ambos casos se resecaron ambas lesiones con el diagnóstico anatomopatológico de glomus carotídeo. El tercer caso es una paciente de 80 años con un gran paraganglioma carotídeo izquierdo que se decide observación. Discusión: Al realizar una revisión del tema se observa que es una patología rara y benigna originada en el cuerpo carotídeo. Forman parte de los paragangliomas cérvico-faciales y la presentación típica más frecuente es una masa indolora de crecimiento lento. El tratamiento de elección es la cirugía radical previa embolización. Conclusiones: Los paragangliomas carotídeos hay que incluirlos en el diagnóstico diferencial de tumoraciones cervicales, para ello es esencial las pruebas de imagen. La embolización preoperatoria es fundamental en el manejo quirúrgico de los paragangliomas disminuyendo las potenciales hemorragias intraoperatorias. [EN] Introduction and objective: Carotid paragangliomas are rare tumors arising from the carotid body paraganglia. They grow slowly and only big tumours come to cause neurological symptoms. The diagnosis is made by clinical and radiological findings, and curative treatment is radical surgery. Supported by clinical reports we review the ethiology, clinical presentation and treatments options, along with possible complications. Case reports: We present three cases of carotid paragangliomas. The first case is a 61yo man referred from another center after the incidental finding of a left carotid paraganglioma on a radiological test. The second case is a 57yo patient with a long lasting right lateral neck tumor. In both cases the lesions were resected with the pathological diagnosis of carotid glomus. The third case is a 80yo patient with a large left carotid paraganglioma in whom observation was decided. Discussion: Carotid paragangliomas are a rare benign disease originated in the carotid body. They are included in the cervico-facial paragangliomas. The most frequent presentation is a painless slow-growing mass. The treatment of choice is a radical surgery after embolization. Conclusions: Carotid paragangliomas should be included in the differential diagnosis of cervical tumors; imaging assessment is essential. Preoperative embolization to decrease the potential for intraoperative bleeding is imperative in the surgical management of paragangliomas

    A survey of zoonotic pathogens carried by house mouse and black rat populations in Yucatan, Mexico

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    The house mouse (Mus musculus) and the black rat (Rattus rattus) are reservoir hosts for zoonotic pathogens, several of which cause neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Studies of the prevalence of these NTD-causing zoonotic pathogens, in house mice and black rats from tropical residential areas are scarce. Three hundred and two house mice and 161 black rats were trapped in 2013 from two urban neighbourhoods and a rural village in Yucatan, Mexico, and subsequently tested for Trypanosoma cruzi, Hymenolepis diminuta and Leptospira interrogans. Using the polymerase chain reaction we detected T. cruzi DNA in the hearts of 4.9% (8/165) and 6.2% (7/113) of house mice and black rats, respectively. We applied the sedimentation technique to detect eggs of H. diminuta in 0.5% (1/182) and 14.2% (15/106) of house mice and black rats, respectively. Through the immunofluorescent imprint method, L. interrogans was identified in 0.9% (1/106) of rat kidney impressions. Our results suggest that the black rat could be an important reservoir for T. cruzi and H. diminuta in the studied sites. Further studies examining seasonal and geographical patterns could increase our knowledge on the epidemiology of these pathogens in Mexico and the risk to public health posed by rodents.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Estudio bioedafológico preliminar de la isla gorgona

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    Los suelos de la Isla Gorgona son Inceptisoles con buena a baja saturación de bases (Eutropepts y Dystropepts respectivamente), con tendencia a ser ácidos y buena capacidad de intercambio catiónico. Domina en ellos la textura arcillosa: el contenido de materia orgánica es alto en los horizontes O y A, razón por la cual predominan, en la fauna edáfica las formas de hábitos fitófagos y saprófagos. Los más representativos de la fauna internadel suelo (0 a 40 ern) son Insecta y Annelida e Insecta y Aracnida en la faunasuperficial

    Association of biological sex with clinical outcomes and biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease in adults with Down syndrome

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    The study of sex differences in Alzheimer's disease is increasingly recognized as a key priority in research and clinical development. People with Down syndrome represent the largest population with a genetic link to Alzheimer's disease (>90% in the 7th decade). Yet, sex differences in Alzheimer's disease manifestations have not been fully investigated in these individuals, who are key candidates for preventive clinical trials. In this double-centre, cross-sectional study of 628 adults with Down syndrome [46% female, 44.4 (34.6; 50.7) years], we compared Alzheimer's disease prevalence, as well as cognitive outcomes and AT(N) biomarkers across age and sex. Participants were recruited from a population-based health plan in Barcelona, Spain, and from a convenience sample recruited via services for people with intellectual disabilities in England and Scotland. They underwent assessment with the Cambridge Cognitive Examination for Older Adults with Down Syndrome, modified cued recall test and determinations of brain amyloidosis (CSF amyloid-β 42 / 40 and amyloid-PET), tau pathology (CSF and plasma phosphorylated-tau181) and neurodegeneration biomarkers (CSF and plasma neurofilament light, total-tau, fluorodeoxyglucose-PET and MRI). We used within-group locally estimated scatterplot smoothing models to compare the trajectory of biomarker changes with age in females versus males, as well as by apolipoprotein ɛ4 carriership. Our work revealed similar prevalence, age at diagnosis and Cambridge Cognitive Examination for Older Adults with Down Syndrome scores by sex, but males showed lower modified cued recall test scores from age 45 compared with females. AT(N) biomarkers were comparable in males and females. When considering apolipoprotein ɛ4, female ɛ4 carriers showed a 3-year earlier age at diagnosis compared with female non-carriers (50.5 versus 53.2 years, P = 0.01). This difference was not seen in males (52.2 versus 52.5 years, P = 0.76). Our exploratory analyses considering sex, apolipoprotein ɛ4 and biomarkers showed that female ɛ4 carriers tended to exhibit lower CSF amyloid-β 42/amyloid-β 40 ratios and lower hippocampal volume compared with females without this allele, in line with the clinical difference. This work showed that biological sex did not influence clinical and biomarker profiles of Alzheimer's disease in adults with Down syndrome. Consideration of apolipoprotein ɛ4 haplotype, particularly in females, may be important for clinical research and clinical trials that consider this population. Accounting for, reporting and publishing sex-stratified data, even when no sex differences are found, is central to helping advance precision medicine