299 research outputs found
Pengaruh Variasi Suhu Sintering Terhadap Kekerasan Dan Struktur Fasa Material Mg-Fe-Zn Dengan Metode Metalurgi Serbuk Untuk Aplikasi Perangkat Orthopedic
Temperatur sintering 200, 250, dan 300 °C telah digunakan dalam pembentukan paduan Mg-Fe-Zn. Sebagai bahan untuk aplikasi metalurgi serbuk perangkat ortopedi. Mesin High Energy Milling (HEM) digunakan dalam produksi paduan dari serbuk seng, besi, dan magnesium. Botol dan bola tabung digunakan untuk proses pemrosesan. Perbandingan berat bola dengan volume adalah 1:2 dengan menggunakan 4 gram berat bola. Pelet dengan diameter 16 milimeter dan ketebalan kurang lebih 6 milimeter dihasilkan saat serbuk yang telah mengalami proses penggilingan dipadatkan dengan gaya tekan 20 ton. Selain itu, Muffle Furnace digunakan untuk menyinter pelet yang telah dipadatkan pada temperatur 200, 250, dan 300 °C, dengan waktu penahanan 10 menit dan waktu pendinginan 24 jam. Pengujian yang telah melalui sistem sintering dicobakan X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) dengan strategi pengujian powder diffraction dengan panduan sebagai alat bantu berupa software Material Analysis Using Diffraction (MAUD) untuk melihat komponen-komponen tahapan yang terbingkai. Karena partikel yang berdekatan terikat untuk menjadi inti awal pengikat pada tahap selanjutnya, fraksi berat fase unsur magnesium dalam setiap sampel meningkat menjadi 95,894615% seiring dengan peningkatan suhu sintering. Dengan nilai 233 HB, kekerasan tertinggi terjadi pada suhu 200 °C
The background of this research is that there are problems that experience the influence of the application of the SAS method on students' reading abilities at SDN Cikumbueun 3 due to a lack of motivation for students to read and the lack of methods used and there are several other factors that can influence students' interest in learning to read. This study aims to analyze the effect of applying the SAS (Synthetic Structural Analytical) learning method to improving reading skills in first grade students at SD Negeri Cikumbueun 3. The approach used in this research is to use a quantitative approach using an experimental method. The results of this study were carried out using the SAS (Synthetic Structural Analytical) learning method which can be applied in beginning reading to grade I students at SD Negeri Cikumbueun 3. After applying this method, it can be seen that students' reading abilities can be categorized as adequate and almost all students are able to obtain grades a good one is above 70 or 86, 35%. It is also known that based on the calculation of the t-test, the comparison of the results of the pretest and posttest abilities shows that tcount is 17.63 > ttable = 3.819
Relation of Motivation to Return to the Place of Origin and Work Commitment
Commitment to work is an important factor that affects the performance of an employee. The comfort in work environment is one of the many factors that affect the commitment of an employee. The comfort of work environment can be defined as a physical condition of work place and psychological comfort from an employee. Closeness to family is a sub-factor that affects the psychological aspect of an employee. Therefore, how the relationship between the work placement and work commitment of employees affects their work performance must be investigated. Included in the classification of correlational research, this study aims is to investigate the relationship between motivation to return to the place of origin and work commitment by taking the case of an account representative at the Primary Tax Service Office of Teluk Betung, Lampung. A social phenomenon on the desire to return to the place of origin for certain employees residing outside Bandar Lampung City in the environment of the Primary Tax Service Office of Teluk Betung motivated this study. This phenomenon is related to work commitment. Results affirm a strong relationship between the motivation to return to the place of origin and work commitment of an account representative at the Primary Tax Service Office of Teluk Betung. Thus, the Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) must require its management to consider the place of origin as a variable in each policy of work placement into the unit of work in the area of the DGT. Keywords: motivation, work commitment, work placemen
The background of this research is that there are problems that experience the influence of the application of the SAS method on students' reading abilities at SDN Cikumbueun 3 due to a lack of motivation for students to read and the lack of methods used and there are several other factors that can influence students' interest in learning to read. This study aims to analyze the effect of applying the SAS (Synthetic Structural Analytical) learning method to improving reading skills in first grade students at SD Negeri Cikumbueun 3. The approach used in this research is to use a quantitative approach using an experimental method. The results of this study were carried out using the SAS (Synthetic Structural Analytical) learning method which can be applied in beginning reading to grade I students at SD Negeri Cikumbueun 3. After applying this method, it can be seen that students' reading abilities can be categorized as adequate and almost all students are able to obtain grades a good one is above 70 or 86, 35%. It is also known that based on the calculation of the t-test, the comparison of the results of the pretest and posttest abilities shows that tcount is 17.63 > ttable = 3.819
ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the level of independence and effectiveness of local revenue in the City / Regency Government in East Java Province from 2012 to 2016. The sample of this study was 38 City / Regency Governments. This research data comes from the 2012-2016 budget realization report obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics website. The analytical method used is the ratio of independence and effectiveness ratio of local revenue. The results show that: From the analysis of the Independence Ratio it can be said that it is very low, it is known that 33 Cities / Regencies are in a ratio between 0% -25% this happens because the Regional Government still depends on the Central Government. It is known that only the city of Surabaya is truly independent in implementing regional autonomy with a ratio of 180.84%. 4 Other cities / regencies are known to be low and moderate with a ratio between 25% -75%. Judging from the PAD Effectiveness Ratio, there are still many that are said to be quite effective, which means that the City / Regency have not been able to achieve the PAD target set, it is known that there are 19 Cities / Regencies. However, almost half of them have a very effective ratio, it is known that there are 16 cities / regencies showing that the government is able to achieve more than the target set. 3 Other cities / regencies are known to be ineffective and have not maximized the potential of the region.
Capital market is one of the economic instrument with rapid developments. It is become an indicator and supporting economic development of a country. Capital market gives reaction to any event which contents with information, economic event as well as non economic event. Safety situation in the Country have a close relationship with stability and the economic performance of a country. In Indonesia, safety situation seem can’t be separated from capital market reaction. This research attempt to analyze capital market reaction to safety situation in the country, in this case is Bombing event on JW Mariott / Ritz Carlton Hotel at17th July 2009. Capital market reaction measured by the abnormal return, trading volume activity and security return variability. The examination of market reaction used event study analysis technique and the samples selected by purposive random sampling method from LQ 45 in BEI (Indonesia Security Exchange) during the observation periode. The calculation of abnormal return based from expected return which is exceeded from linear regression technique. The result showed that Bombing event on JW Mariott / Ritz Carlton hotel as a unsafety situation had an impact on Indonesia capital market. There were a reaction of positive abnormal return on the day after the bombing event but in the few days after, market had back to a normal situation. The statistical test result that there are no significant differences among abnormal return, trading volume activity and security return variability around the event of JW Mariott / Ritz Carlton bombing
Curator in carrying out their duties based on the principle of fiduciary duty, which means task assigned based on the trust that appoint the curator, the court. Therefore, it's reasonable if the article 72 Bankruptcy Act of 2004 provides that: “curator is responsible for it mistakes or omissions in carrying out managing and/or settlement duties which led to losses against the bankruptcy assets. This trigger so that the curators do their job as well as possible and carefully. In addition, the curators can be sued and must pay restitution if due to their negligence, even more due to fault (deliberate) has caused the parties interested in the bankruptcy assets, affected mainly to the unsecured creditors. Those Losses mainly if the value of bankruptcy assets were decreased and thus the creditors obtain repayment less than necessary bills received from the sale of bankruptcy assets. This research applied a method of normative juridical approach as it resarch type, so called babecause the research looks at law from a normative aspect. From the results of research conducted, it can be concluded that the legal protection of the curator in the management and settlement bankruptcy assets in the law No. 37 of 2004 (on bankruptcy and postponement of debt payment obligations)  has provided a good legal protection to the curator in carrying out handling tasks and settlement bankruptcy assets. Keywords: curator, mistakes managing of banckruptcy assets and bankruptc
Peran Badan Kemakmuran Masjid (Bkm) Dalam Meningkatkan Kesadaran Keberagamaan Jama’ah Untuk Memakmurkan Masjid Ar-Rahman Lingkungan X Pelikan Perumnas Mandala Kecamatan Deli Serdang.
Latar belakang penelitian ini adaalah Masjid (Bahasa Inggris: Mosque) adalah
rumah tempat ibadah umat Islam atau Muslim. Masjid artinya tempat sujud, sebutan lain
yang berkaitan dengan masjid di Indonesia adalah musala, langgar atau surau. Istilah
tersebut diperuntukkan bagi bangunan menyerupai masjid yang tidak digunakan untuk salat
Jumat, iktikaf, dan umumnya berukuran kecil. Selain digunakan sebagai tempat ibadah,
masjid juga merupakan pusat kehidupan komunitas muslim. Kegiatan-kegiatan perayaan
hari besar, diskusi, kajian agama, ceramah dan belajar Al-Qur'an sering dilaksanakan di
Masjid. Namun, masyarakat di lingkungan sekitar mesjid Ar-Rahman Lingkungan X
Pelikan Perumahan Perumnas Mandala, belum banyak yang mau ikut dalam memakmurkan
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran BKM (Badan
Kenajiran Mesjid Ar-Rahman Lingkungan X Pelikan Perumnas Mandala Kabupaten Deli
Serdang Sumatera Utara dalam meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk memakmurkan
mesjid, untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara meningkatkan kesadaran keberagamaan
masyarakat di Masjid Ar-Rahman Lingkungan X Pelikan Perumnas Mandala Kabupaten
Deli Serdang Sumatera Utara dan untuk mengetahui peluang dan tantangan dalam
memakmurkan Masjid Ar-Rahman Lingkungan X Pelikan Perumnas Mandala Kabupaten
Deli Serdang Sumatera Utara.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode
dekskriptif yang bertujuan menggambarkan secara sistematis dan akurat mengenai
peristiwa yang terjadi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelola masjid berjalan dengan baik dilihat
dari perencanaan yang dilakukan. Pengorganisasian dalam manajemen masjid antara lain
bidang Pelaksanaan, imaroh dan ri‟ayah. Pengarahan yang dilakukan melalui komando dari
atas ke bawah yakni melalui Surat Keputusan Kepala Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan
Deli Serdang. Akan tetapi dari hasil wawancara dengan beberapa jama’ah memberikan
kritik terhadap salah seorang pengurus masjid yang lalai akan tugasnya sehingga
menimbulkan masalah kepada beberapa orang jama’ah untuk melakukan ibadah shalat di
Masjid Ar-Rahman. Pengawasan dilakukan melalui evaluasi terhadap peningkatan dan
penurunan jama’ah dalam melaksanakan shalat lima waktu
Penelitian ini berjudul Kemampuan Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Inshafuddin Banda Aceh Menulis Petunjuk Melakukan Sesuatu. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah kemampuan siswa kelas VIII SMP Inshafuddin Banda Aceh menulis petunjuk melakukan sesuatu, Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kemampuan siswa kelas VIII SMP Inshafuddin Banda Aceh menulis petunjuk melakukan sesuatu. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Inshafuddin Banda Aceh, tahun pelajaran 2010/2011 yang berjumlah 55 orang dan mengambil sarpel penelitian sebanyak 55 orang dengan menggunakan rumus Arikunto, "apabila subjeknya kurang dari 100 orang, lebih baik diambil semuanya sehingga penelitian ini merupakan penelitian populasi". Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik penugasan dan pengolahan data menggunakan teknik statistik sederhana dalam bentuk perhitungun nilai rata-rata (mean), Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan rata-rata atau nilai rata-rata siswa kelas VII SMP Inshafuddin Banda Aeeh menulis petunjuk melakukan sesuatu adalah 70,43 berada pada kategori haik Berdasarkan kategori nilai yang menjadi acuan penelitian ini, nilai rata-rata 70,43 berada pada kategori baik Oleh karena itu, siswa kelas VIII SMP Inshafuddin Banda Aceh mampu menulis petunjuk melakukan sesuatu
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