16 research outputs found

    Analysis of selected features of the growth space of a single tree on the example of a 135 years old oak stand

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    The paper presents the results of an analysis of the features of the growth space of a single tree in a 135 years old oak stand. The following measures of the growth space of a tree were selected and determined: crown projection area – pk [m2], crown diameter – dk [m], Seebach's growth space number (also called the crown deflection degree) – dk/d1,3, crown projection area to basal area ratio – d 2 k /d 2 1,3, space use degree – r/s, space of a single tree – ppd=pk·h [m3], crown spread (crown deflection coefficient) – dk /h and percentage use of a unit area – pwjp=100·pk /pj [%]. Also the biosocial position of each tree was determined

    Constructed wetland systems for serial runoff treatment in the gulf of Gdansk Region

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    W artykule przywołano przykłady udanych wdrożeń obiektów hydrofitowych oczyszczania spływów obszarowych na terenie aglomeracji trójmiejskiej. Zespół obiektów hydrofitowych wybudowany w ZOO w Oliwie wykazał szczególnie wysoką skuteczność usuwania związków azotu. Obiekt hydrofitowy na Potoku Swelina spowodował znaczną poprawę jakości wód Potoku, a co za tym idzie i czystości kąpieliska w rejonie Kamiennego Potoku w Sopocie. Podjęte działania przyczyniły się do znacznej poprawy jakości wód Zatoki Gdańskiej w rejonach kąpielisk w Jelitkowie i Kamiennym Potoku.In the article the examples of successful application of CW systems for treatment of aerial runoff at the Threecity agglomeration have been presented. The CW system at the ZOO in Oliwa was particularly effective in nitrogen removal. The CW system at Swelina Stream contributed to the significant improvement of the stream waters quality, resulting in the improvement of the quality of the bathing place located near its outflow to the Gulf of Gdańsk

    Influence of wastewater treatment technology on particle size distribution in the effluent

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    Suspended solids in water and wastewater usually carry quite a large load of pollutants (organic substances, nutrients, heavy metals, etc.) adsorbed on the particles surface. Particles of different sizes carry different types and quantities of pollutants. Therefore, particle size distribution is of importance in waster and wastewater treatment. In the article the influence of different treatment technologies on particle size distribution in the effluent was assessed. The analyses covered the effluents from two municipal wastewater treatment plants, drainage water, clean stormwater, oil-contaminated water and industrial sewage treated at the oil refinery and the water of a stream contaminated with stormwater run-off, treated in a constructed wetland. The equivalent diameters of particles were similar for all analyzed types of wastewater, however the share of different particle sizes in the total volume was different

    Habitat and phytocenosis conditions of the occurrence of Ostericum palustre in the Natura 2000 „Lisi Kat” site

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    Ostericum palustre Besser is a species protected by the domestic and EU laws. In Poland it occurs in about 150 sites one of which is located in the area covered by Natura 2000 “Lisi Kąt”. The population existing there, estimated as 35,000 individuals, covers the acreage of 342 ha. The species persists there mostly in over-dried and transformed-by-meadow-management reed beds with the share of Carex acutiformis and C. gracilis, in phytocenoses of Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae with a large share of mosses, in overgrowing patches of the alliances of Molinion as well as sporadically within reed beds with Carex pseudocyperus. Its share in similar phytocenoses coincides with the reports in literature in the region of the Noteć Valley. In most cases those are heavily disturbed systems, transitional in nature, which must have been the reason for a relatively high level of species variation. The habitat preferences of Ostericum palustre, determined with Ellenberg's indicator values (L, T), correspond to the values optimal for the species. Soil, on the other hand, can be referred to as slightly acid, average fertile and mostly moist

    Walory przyrodnicze i paszowe zbiorowiska z Carex nigra w dolinie kanału Bydgoskiego

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    Carex nigra Reichard is a relatively constant species typical of damp and inundated habitats. One of the species that gain the highest cover in meadow communities with common sedge is Ostericum palustre Besser. This work presented comparison of communities with predomination of C.nigra or O. palustre in phytocenotic and yield- forming aspects. In floristic terms, Pratocenoses with C. nigra or O. palustre refer to meadows from the alliance Molinion . Their sward contains small proportion of valuable meadow plants. Habitat differences of both variants determined based on the Ellenberg indices indicate more alkaline character of the subsoil of patches with O. palustre . Yields obtained from the studied areas dominated by C. nigra were on average by about 1 Mg · ha -1 lower and by C. nigra and O. palustre by about 1.5 Mg · ha -1 lower than the mean national meadow productivity. Phosphorus and potassium content was lower than that required in feeding standards. Phosphorus and potassium occurred in larger amounts in sward with O. palustre. Proportion of O. palustre improved calcium balance particularly in the second regrowth. In general agricultural evaluation studied communities should be regarded as low-value. Consequently the main reason for their maintenance is their natural values connected with protection of plant communities and natural habitats.Stosunkowo trwałym gatunkiem właściwym dla siedlisk wilgotnych i podtapianych jest C. nigra. Jednym z gatunków osiągających najwyższe pokrycie w zbiorowiskach łąkowych z turzycą pospolitą jest O. palustre. W pracy przedstawiono porównanie pod względem fitocenotycznym i plonotwórczym zbiorowisk z dominacją C. nigra lub O. palustre. Pratocenozy z C. nigra lub O. palustre pod względem florystycznym nawiązują do łąk ze związku Molinion. W ich runi niewielki jest udział wartościowych roślin łąkowych. Różnice siedliskowe obu wariantów określone na podstawie wskaźników Ellenberga wskazują na bardziej alkaliczny charakter podłoża płatów z O. palustre. Plony uzyskiwane z badanych powierzchni zdomi-nowanych przez C. nigra były średnio o około 1 Mg·ha-1, a C. nigra i O. palustre o około 1,5 Mg·ha-1 mniejsze od średniej krajowej wydajności łąk. Zawartość fosforu i potasu była niższa od wymaganej w normach żywieniowych. Fosfor i potas w większych ilościach występowały w runi z O. palustre. Udział O. palustre poprawiał bilans wapnia zwłaszcza w drugim odroście. W ogólnej ocenie rolniczej badane zbiorowiska należy uznać za mało wartościowe. Tym samym głównym motywem ich utrzymywania są wartości przyrodnicze związane z ochroną zbiorowisk roślinnych i siedlisk przyrodniczych

    Characterization of Small, Mononuclear Blood Cells from Salmon Having High Phagocytic Capacity and Ability to Differentiate into Dendritic like Cells

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    Phagocytes are the principal component of the innate immune system, playing a key role in the clearance of foreign particles that include potential pathogens. In vertebrates, both neutrophils and mononuclear cells like monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells are all professional phagocytes. In teleosts, B-lymphocytes also have potent phagocytic ability. We have isolated a population of small (<5 µm), mononuclear blood cells from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) not previously characterized. In order to identify them, we have performed morphological, gene expression, flow cytometry, cytochemical, ultrastructural and functional analyses. Interestingly, they highly express the gene encoding CD83, the most characteristic cell surface marker for dendritic cells in mammals, and MHC class II limited to professional antigen presenting cells. They did not express genes nor did they have cell markers for B-cells, T-cells, monocytes/macrophages or neutrophils as shown by qRT-PCR, flow cytometry and immunoblotting. A remarkable feature of these cells is their potent phagocytic capacity. Their oxygen-independent killing mechanism, as shown by intense acid phosphatase staining, is supported by lack of respiratory burst and myeloperoxidase activity and the acid phosphatase's sensitivity to tartrate. They show a high level of morphological plasticity, as, upon stimulation with mitogens, they change morphology and obtain branching protrusions similarly to dendritic cells. We suggest, based on our findings, that the small, round cells described here are progenitor cells with potential to differentiate into dendritic like cells, although we can not exclude the possibility that they represent a novel cell type

    Comparative study on hematological parameters of farmed matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus Spix and Agassiz, 1829 (Characidae: Bryconinae) with others Bryconinae species Estudo comparativo sobre parâmetros hematológicos de matrinxã Brycon amazonicus Spix e Agassiz, 1892(Characidae: Bryconinae) criados em cativeiro, com outras espécies de Bryconinae

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    The aim of this study was not only to determine the red blood cells parameters, thrombocyte and leukocyte counts in farmed Brycon amazonicus (matrinxã), to compare these parameters among Bryconinae species from literature, and also to investigate the presence of special granulocytic cells in these fish. The results of the blood cells parameters here established for farmed B. amazonicus, a species of great economic importance in Brazilian aquaculture, could help a better understanding of the blood features in natural populations of this Amazon species. Blood parameters varied between Bryconinae species investigated, mainly the red blood cell counts, hemoglobin, hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume (MCV). The presence of the blood granulocytes, neutrophils and heterophils in matrinxã suggest that both leukocytes can be a characteristic for Bryconinae family. Furthermore, it indicates that the existence of special granulocytic cells in the blood of Bryconinae species from literature is an artifact, and this was herein discussed.<br>O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os parâmetros eritrocíticos, as contagens de trombócitos e de leucócitos de espécimes de Brycon amazonicus (matrinxã), criados em cativeiro e compará-los com aqueles descritos na literatura para outras espécies de Bryconinae. Além disso, foi ainda investigada a presença de células granulocíticas especiais nestes peixes. Os resultados dos parâmetros sangüíneos apresentados para B. amazonicus podem ajudar a entender melhor as características sangüíneas em população natural desta espécie de grande importância para a aqüicultura brasileira. Os parâmetros sangüíneos das espécies de Bryconinae investigadas apresentaram variação interespecíficas principalmente a contagem de eritrócitos, hemoglobina, hematócrito e volume corpuscular médio (VCM). A presença dos granulócitos sangüíneos, neutrófilos e heterófilos em matrinxã sugere que esta pode ser uma característica das espécies pertencentes à subfamília Bryconinae. Além disso, indica que a existência de células granulocíticas especiais no sangue de espécies de Bryconinae da literatura é um artefato, e isto foi aqui discutido