462 research outputs found

    Random-walk mobility analysis of Lisbon’s plans for the post-1755 reconstruction

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    The different options for the reconstruction of the city of Lisbon in the aftermath of the 1755 earthquake are studied with an agent-based model based on randomwalks. This method gives a comparative quantitative measure of mobility of the circulation spaces within the city. The plans proposed for the city of Lisbon signified a departure from the medieval mobility city model. The intricacy of the old city circulation spaces is greatly reduced in the new plans and the mobility between different areas is substantially improved. The simulation results of the random-walk model show that those plans keeping the main force lines of the old city presented less improvement in terms ofmobility. The plans that had greater design freedom were, by contrast, easier to navigate. Lisbon's reconstruction followed a plan that included a shift in the traditional notions of mobility. This affected the daily lives of its citizens by potentiating an easy access to the waterfront, simplifying orientation and navigability. Using the random-walk model it is shown how to quantitatively measure the potential that synthetic plans have in terms of the permeability and navigability of different city public spaces.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A study of some hepatic immunological markers, iron load and virus genotype in chronic hepatitis C.

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Host factors that may influence progression of hepatitis C infection to chronic hepatitis include T-cell responses and iron accumulation. We evaluated the hepatic expression of immunological markers relevant for a cytotoxic response in relation to viral and HFE genotype. METHODS: Frozen liver biopsies were obtained at diagnosis from 28 HFE genotyped patients. Sections stained for CD8, MHC-I, beta(2)m, HFE and CD68 were analyzed blind by morphometry. Response to therapy was available in 12 cases. RESULTS: A negative correlation was found between the number of CD8(+) cells and fibrosis. CD8(+) cells localized as clusters in portal tracts and sinusoids and were seen interacting with MHC-I positive lining cells. MHC-I and beta(2)m were expressed mainly in the endothelial and Kupffer cells. HFE was expressed in most, but not all, round and dendritic CD68(+) cells. Patients with virus genotype 3a had higher hepatic MHC-I and HFE expression, and a better-sustained response to IFN therapy than other patients. CONCLUSIONS: In chronic hepatitis C virus infection MHC-I expression in the liver seems to relate to viral-genotype. In addition, the expression of MHC-I molecules by Kupffer cells places them as probable important players in the host response to HCV.We thank Dr Graça Porto for critical review of the manuscript. This study was supported by the EU QLG1-CT-1999-00665 project, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation/FCT Project on Hemochromatosis (Portugal) and the INNOVA Foundation/APBRF (USA)

    Caracterização morfológica de acessos do banco ativo de germoplasma de mandioca da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental.

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    Acredita-se que cerca de 80 países cultivem a mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz), caracterizando-a como a base de alimentação para grande parte da população, sendo que o Brasil é responsável por mais de 15% da produção mundial. Portanto a conservação de uma porção dos recursos genéticos em bancos ativos de germoplasma permite avaliações e caracterizações para dar suporte ao melhoramento genético. Deste modo o trabalho teve por objetivo a caracterização morfológica de acessos de mandiocas pertencentes do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma ? BAG de mandioca. A avaliação consistiu na análise de 22 acessos de mandioca, sendo 13 acessos de mandioca mansa e 9 de mandioca brava do BAG de mandioca da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. A avaliação consistiu nos seguintes descritores morfológicos: níveis de ramificações, floração e tipo de planta, e análise dos dados foi realizada por meio da análise estatística no sistema Microsoft Excel, Statistic Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 22.0. A maioria dos acessos possuiu quatro níveis de ramificações, presença de floração e forma da planta guarda sol. Assim os dados em pesquisa demonstram haver variabilidade morfológica entre os acessos

    Production and quality of mini watermelon cv. Smile irrigated with saline water

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    A B S T R A C T The purpose of this study was to evaluate the salt tolerance of mini watermelon (cv. Smile). ). Aos 85 dias após o início do experimento avaliaram-se as plantas e as variáveis físico-químicas dos frutos. A salinidade afetou negativamente as variáveis comprimento do ramo principal, diâmetro do caule, número de folhas, número de ramos secundários, área foliar, massa fresca e massa seca. Para as variáveis físico-químicas dos frutos a salinidade reduziu a massa fresca, o diâmetro e o pH do fruto e elevou o teor de vitamina C. Com os resultados obtidos infere-se que a minimelancia cv. Smile é moderadamente sensível à salinidade

    Comparison between Day 0 and traditional protocols for estrus synchronization and multiple ovulation in crossbred hair sheep.

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    This study was carried out to compare Day 0 and traditional protocols for in vivo embryo production. Twenty-two crossbred ewes were used as embryo donors and assigned to two groups. Ewes from Traditional protocol were submitted to estrus synchronization with CIDR for 14 days and superovulation treatment was induced 60 h before the withdrawal of CIDR with 240 mg pFSH. Donors from Day 0 protocol were subjected to a short-term protocol of estrus synchronization (6 days) and superovulation treatment was the same to the other group, but it started 84 h after CIDR withdrawal. Embryo recoveries were performed using the transcervical method. All embryo donors (100%) presented estrus regardless of the hormone protocol used. The treatments did not affect the ovarian response, as well as quality and viability of embryos (P > 0.05). Treatments had a small dispersion of estrus, 81.81% (9/11) animals from the Traditional protocol group presented estrus 20 h after CIDR withdrawal and 90.9% (10/11) of the Day 0 protocol group presented estrus 24 h. Regarding embryo production, there was no significant difference between hormonal treatments for the different parameters evaluated (P > 0.05). It can be concluded that the Day 0 protocol was not different from the Traditional protocol in crossbred ewes

    Efeitos do processo de extrusão termoplástica no conteúdo de compostos fenólicos de farinha integral de feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.).

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    A inclusão de feijão-caupi na dieta tem sido relacionada a efeitos fisiológicos benéficos, em razão da ação antioxidante e da presença de compostos fenólicos. Assim, nesta pesquisa foram avaliados os efeitos do processo de extrusão termoplástica no conteúdo de compostos fenólicos de farinha integral de feijão-caupi. Grãos integrais de feijão-caupi, cultivar BRS Tumucumaque, foram triturados em moinho de facas, seguidos da passagem no moinho de rolos, para posterior realização do processo de extrusão em equipamento de dupla rosca

    Responsividade de genótipos de sorgo à inoculação com microrganismos solubilizadores de fosfato em solos argiloso e arenoso.

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    Wild dogs at stake: deforestation threatens the only Amazon endemic canid, the short-eared dog (Atelocynus microtis)

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    The persistent high deforestation rate and fragmentation of the Amazon forests are the main threats to their biodiversity. To anticipate and mitigate these threats, it is important to understand and predict how species respond to the rapidly changing landscape. The short-eared dog Atelocynus microtis is the only Amazon-endemic canid and one of the most understudied wild dogs worldwide. We investigated short-eared dog habitat associations on two spatial scales. First, we used the largest record database ever compiled for short-eared dogs in combination with species distribution models to map species habitat suitability, estimate its distribution range and predict shifts in species distribution in response to predicted deforestation across the entire Amazon (regional scale). Second, we used systematic camera trap surveys and occupancy models to investigate how forest cover and forest fragmentation affect the space use of this species in the Southern Brazilian Amazon (local scale). Species distribution models suggested that the short-eared dog potentially occurs over an extensive and continuous area, through most of the Amazon region south of the Amazon River. However, approximately 30% of the short-eared dog's current distribution is expected to be lost or suffer sharp declines in habitat suitability by 2027 (within three generations) due to forest loss. This proportion might reach 40% of the species distribution in unprotected areas and exceed 60% in some interfluves (i.e. portions of land separated by large rivers) of the Amazon basin. Our local-scale analysis indicated that the presence of forest positively affected short-eared dog space use, while the density of forest edges had a negative effect. Beyond shedding light on the ecology of the short-eared dog and refining its distribution range, our results stress that forest loss poses a serious threat to the conservation of the species in a short time frame. Hence, we propose a re-assessment of the short-eared dog's current IUCN Red List status (Near Threatened) based on findings presented here. Our study exemplifies how data can be integrated across sources and modelling procedures to improve our knowledge of relatively understudied species

    Guia de restauração do Cerrado: volume 1: semeadura direta.

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    Escolhendo o método de restauração; Semeadura direta; Cercamento; Aceiramento; Escolha de espécies; Manejo de sementes; Semeadura direta - plantio em linhas; Semeadura direta - plantio em área total; Monitoramento; Resultado de experimentos de semeadura direta em área total.bitstream/item/141879/1/Restauracao-semeadura-direta-cerrado-PDF-WEB.pd