7,672 research outputs found

    Correlation between ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase and three replication proteins in Escherichia coli

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There has long been evidence supporting the idea that RNR and the dNTP-synthesizing complex must be closely linked to the replication complex or replisome. We contributed to this body of evidence in proposing the hypothesis of the replication hyperstructure. A recently published work called this postulate into question, reporting that NrdB is evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm. Consequently we were interested in the localization of RNR protein and its relationship with other replication proteins.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We tagged NrdB protein with 3×FLAG epitope and detected its subcellular location by immunofluorescence microscopy. We found that this protein is located in nucleoid-associated clusters, that the number of foci correlates with the number of replication forks at any cell age, and that after the replication process ends the number of cells containing NrdB foci decreases.</p> <p>We show that the number of NrdB foci is very similar to the number of SeqA, DnaB, and DnaX foci, both in the whole culture and in different cell cycle periods. In addition, interfoci distances between NrdB and three replication proteins are similar to the distances between two replication protein foci.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>NrdB is present in nucleoid-associated clusters during the replication period. These clusters disappear after replication ends. The number of these clusters is closely related to the number of replication forks and the number of three replication protein clusters in any cell cycle period. Therefore we conclude that NrdB protein, and most likely RNR protein, is closely linked to the replication proteins or replisome at the replication fork. These results clearly support the replication hyperstructure model.</p

    The university TV, the example of University of Granada

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    En este artículo mostramos, tras una pequeña introducción sobre las funciones sociales y posibilidades actuales de la televisión y en concreto de la televisión universitaria, la experiencia llevada a cabo en la Universidad de Granada con la puesta en marcha de una televisión Universitaria. Explicamos lo que se está haciendo (tipo de emisiones) y cómo, ya que la Universidad de Granada ha apostado por la evolución tecnológica y está trabajando la televisión vía Internet y explotando sus posibilidades; describimos los recursos que está utilizando la UGR para la producción y distribución de material audiovisual. Finalmente valoramos la puesta en marcha de esta experiencia y señalamos sus posibilidades futuras en torno a su potencial formativo además de informativo y cómo ésta puede incidir en la formación de los receptores, modificando sus conocimientos, conducta, actitudes, etc., pero que sobre todo se ha de basar en la mejora del proceso de formación del individuo.After a brief introduction about the social functions and current possibilities of television in education, in this paper we show the experiences carry out in the University of Granada with the starting of a university television. We explain what (type of emissions) and how it’s been doing now. The University of Granada has opted to technological developments and it’s working on IP Television and taking advantage of its possibilities. We describe here the resources that have been used by the University of Granada for developing and broadcasting of audiovisual material. Finally we evaluate the starting of these experiences and we focus on its future possibilities around formative and informative potentials. Also we analyze how it can influence in the training of receptors by modifying their knowledge, conduct, attitudes... But, above all, we think that these experiences must be based on the improvement of learning processes

    More than a magazine: exploring the links between lads’ mags, rape myth acceptance and rape proclivity

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    Exposure to some magazines aimed at young male readers – lads’ mags – has recently been associated with behaviors and attitudes that are derogatory towards women, including sexual violence. In the present study, a group of Spanish adult men were exposed to the covers of a lads’ mag while a second group was exposed to the covers of a neutral magazine. Results showed that, compared to participants in the second group, participants who were exposed to covers of lads’ mags who also showed high rape myth acceptance (RMA) and legitimized the consumption of such magazines reported higher rape proclivity in a hypothetical situation. These findings suggest the need to further explore the possible detrimental effects of some sexualized media that are widely accepted in many Western countries

    Blue organic seven segment display based on poly (9,9-dioctyfluorene)with β-phase emission

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    In this work, organic seven segment displays based on poly(9,9-dioctyfluorene), PFO, have been fabricated. PFO has consolidated as an attractive material for PLEDs due to its efficient blue emission [1] and high hole mobility. Additionally, PFO has a particular conformation, called β-phase associated to extended PFO chain conformation, which is of great interest for potential device applications because, among all others, it has the highest photoluminescence quantum efficiency [2] and the best colour stability [3]. The structure fabricated uses Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) as anode, Poly(3,4 -ethylenedioxythiophene) /poly(4- styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) as hole transport layer and Ba:Al as cathode. After thoroughly cleaning the substrates (covered with ITO) a photolithography process is carried out in order to pattern the anode. Next, the organic layers (PEDOTT:PSS and PFO) are spin casted. Finally, metals (Ba~30 nm and Al~100 nm) are thermally evaporated in an atmosphere of 6x10 -6 Torr. PFO is dissolved in toluene at 1 % wt. A detailed description of the fabrication process can be found in [4]. Finally, the device is encapsulated (using an epoxy and a glass tap) and contacts are indium soldered on the pads. In figure 1, we can observe the shadow mask used for the anode photolitography process (left) and the final device lighting in a zero configuration (right)

    Education, lifetime labor supply, and longevity improvements

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    This paper presents an analysis of the differential role of mortality for the optimal schooling and retirement age when the accumulation of human capital follows the so-called “Ben-Porath mechanism”. We set up a life-cycle model of consumption and labor supply at the extensive margin that allows for endogenous human capital formation. This paper makes two important contributions. First, we provide the conditions under which a decrease in mortality leads to a longer education period and an earlier retirement age. Second, those conditions are decomposed into a Ben-Porath mechanism and a lifetime-human wealth effect vs. the years-to-consume effect. Finally, using US and Swedish data for cohorts born between 1890 and 2000, we show that our model can match the empirical evidence

    Evidences of evanescent Bloch waves in Phononic Crystals

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    We show both experimentally and theoretically the evanescent behaviour of modes in the Band Gap (BG) of finite Phononic Crystal (PC). Based on experimental and numerical data we obtain the imaginary part of the wave vector in good agreement with the complex band structures obtained by the Extended Plane Wave Expansion (EPWE). The calculated and measured acoustic field of a localized mode out of the point defect inside the PC presents also evanescent behaviour. The correct understanding of evanescent modes is fundamental for designing narrow filters and wave guides based on Phononic Crystals with defects.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Efecto de la impregnación al vacío sobre los cambios físicos durante la elaboración de aceitunas de mesa

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    Among the benefits which vacuum impregnation (VI) may provide to fruits and vegetables, this study focused on weight and texture changes during the processing of table olives. VI applied to Manzanilla olives led to around 10% weight gain, which was maintained after their packing as black olives. However, this weight gain was only around 4 % for Hojiblanca olives. Likewise, the use of calcium chloride was recommended to maintain the firmness of the olives, in particular those of the softer Manzanilla cultivar. With regard to the Spanish-style, the Hojiblanca cultivar achieved around 4% weight gain during processing but the use of VI for Manzanilla olives was ruled out due to softening of the fruit. In addition. the black and green color of olives and their flavor were not modified by the application of VI. This technology could be very useful to reduce weight loss during table olive processing.Entre los beneficios que la aplicación de la impregnación al vacío puede originar en frutas y verduras, este estudio se ha centrado sobre los cambios en la textura y el peso de las aceitunas de mesa durante su procesamiento. La impregnación al vacío de aceitunas Manzanilla dio lugar a un aumento cercano al 10 % de peso y ello se mantuvo después de su envasado como aceitunas negras, mientras que esta ganancia fue de sólo el 4&amp; para aceitunas Hojiblanca. Asimismo, se vio necesario el empleo de cloruro cálcico para el mantenimiento de la textura de los frutos, en particular para aquellos de la variedad Manzanilla. Con respecto al procesamiento como verdes estilo español, la variedad Hojiblanca consiguió un aumento del 4% en peso debido al empleo de impregnación al vacío y este tratamiento se descartó para la Manzanilla debido al ablandamiento de la aceituna. Además, se debe indicar que el color verde y negro de las aceitunas no se vio afectado por el hecho de emplear impregnación al vacío. Esta tecnología podría ser muy útil para reducir las pérdidas de peso que se producen durante la elaboración de aceitunas de mesa