224 research outputs found

    Ambidexterity: the essence of entrepreneurial competencies and its non-formal learning

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    [ES] El reconocimiento generalizado de la im­portancia de las competencias empren­dedoras para el éxito profesional de los estudiantes está llevando a las universida­des a desarrollar entornos que faciliten su aprendizaje. Sin embargo, todavía existen importantes cuestiones por resolver que limitan la eficacia de dichos entornos. No existe consenso sobre el tipo de compor­tamiento emprendedor que debería esti­mularse en los estudiantes universitarios, ni sobre el concepto de competencias em­prendedoras que más se ajusta al entorno específico de las universidades. Además, las propuestas didácticas que pudieran plantearse deben considerar que, aunque los sistemas de evaluación formativos son apropiados a la hora de medir competen­cias transversales, también son más com­plejos. En este trabajo se considera que la educación no formal universitaria es un instrumento potente para el aprendizaje de competencias emprendedoras en los estudiantes universitarios, ya que otorga la flexibilidad que éste requiere. En con­secuencia, se presenta una propuesta di­dáctica integral que facilita la adquisición de competencias emprendedoras en el ámbito universitario, se exponen las prin­cipales características pedagógicas que inspiran dicha propuesta y su relación con los distintos tipos de competencias emprendedoras. El artículo finaliza con la presentación de un sistema de evaluación formativo que resalta la importancia de la reflexión como elemento de aprendizaje.[EN] Despite the worldwide increase in entre­preneurship education offered at univer­sities, there is an ongoing debate whether and under which conditions this type of education contributes to foster students’ entrepreneurial competencies. There is no consensus on what entrepreneurial com­petencies means, neither on the charac­teristics of the pedagogical interventions needed, especially on what refers to the measurement of these interventions. This paper argues that universities need to de­velop learning environments in the context of non-formal education. Non-formal ed­ucation is proposed to fit better with the enhancement of entrepreneurial compe­tencies, as it offers the flexibility required to facilitate experimentation and to allow students to gather entrepreneurial experi­ence. Additionally, in this paper arguments are developed to show how formative evaluation systems suit entrepreneurial pedagogic interventions. Therefore, a com­prehensive proposal that facilitates the ac­quisition of entrepreneurial competencies, the main pedagogical characteristics that should inspire the different educational programs and their relationships with the different types of entrepreneurial compe­tencies are exposed. 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    Screening of Iberian Coinage in the 2(th)-1(th) BCE Period Using the Voltammetry of Immobilized Particles

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: A. Doménech-Carbó, M. T. Doménech-Carbó, C. Álvarez-Romero, T. Pasíes, M. Buendía, Electroanalysis 2019, 31, 1164, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/elan.201900090. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] The voltammetry of immobilized particles (VIMP) was applied for grouping a series of 86 Iberian coins nominally minted in the cities of Iltirta, Castulo and Obulco in the 2(th)-1(th) BCE period for which there are no chronological data. Using characteristic signatures for the reduction of cuprite, tenorite and lead corrosion products in the patina of the coins, voltammetric grouping of coins was proposed. Voltammetric data were found to be consistent with textural and compositional properties of the surface and subsurface of selected coins using FIB-FESEM-EDX. The obtained data confirmed a clear separation between the productions of Iltirta on one side, and those of Castulo and Obulco on the other side, indicating the possibility to establish a rough chronology for these productions.Project CTQ2017-85317-C2-1-P, supported with Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO), Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF) and Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI), is gratefully acknowledged. The authors wish also to thank Mr. Manuel Planes and Dr. Jose Luis Moya, technical supervisors of the Electron Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Thanks to Manuel Gozalbes for his technical assistance in the numismatic domain and Gonzalo Cores and the Museu de Prehistrica de Valencia for facilitating the access to its collections.Doménech-Carbó, A.; Domenech Carbo, MT.; Álvarez-Romero, C.; Pasíes, T.; Buendía, M. (2019). Screening of Iberian Coinage in the 2(th)-1(th) BCE Period Using the Voltammetry of Immobilized Particles. Electroanalysis. 31(6):1164-1173. https://doi.org/10.1002/elan.201900090S11641173316P. P. Ripollès V. Heuchert A. Burnett Coinage and identity in the Roman provinces Oxford University Press London 79 93M. Gozalbes Circulación y uso de los denarios ibéricos in M. Campo Ús i circulació de la moneda a la Hispania Citerior XIII Curs d'història monetària d'Hispania Museu de Prehistòria de València València 83 103Constantinides, I., Gritsch, M., Adriaens, A., Hutter, H., & Adams, F. (2001). Microstructural characterisation of five simulated archaeological copper alloys using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis and secondary ion mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 440(2), 189-198. doi:10.1016/s0003-2670(01)01061-3Linke, R., & Schreiner, M. (2000). 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    The Inclusionary Populist Communication Style on Facebook: The Case of Ada Colau in Barcelona

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    Communication is one of the core elements of populism, especially in social media. Through such digital platforms, political leaders can communicate directly with citizens and build both their discourse and their political leadership. Although the literature has so far identified the existence of a populist political communication style, the expansion of populism and its connection with social media are extending and diversifying the concept, as well as adding new repertoires. In order to analyse this, we propose a study of the communication strategy of the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau who, with a background of citizen activism, became mayor of the city in 2015 thanks to a political organisation situated as left populist. The methodology is based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the content of Colau’s Facebook profile. A total of 226 posts between 2015 and 2017 are analysed. The results make it possible to identify a new specific modality within the populist style of political communication, namely the inclusionary populist type. This focuses on issues related to defense of the rights of the weakest social groups and works within a framework of social justice and solidarity with others. Likewise, the study confirms how Facebook is configured as a preferred platform for the construction of political leadership

    Análisis in situ de pintura mural del Monasterio de Santa María de Huerta (Soria)

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    Se han realizado análisi.s itt situ de fluoreseencia de rayos-X dispersiva en energía (EDXRF) de dos pinturas murales del Monasterio Cisterciense de Santa María de Huerta (Soria). La primera eorresponde al coro y la segunda a la ca pilla de San Benito. Ambas en la iglesia del citado monasterio. Los resultados analíticos nos han permitido identificar y caracterizar los pigmentos que integran las pinturas murales a pesar de estar protegidas por papel paraloid B72

    Análisis de las pinturas murales de la capilla de los Santos Corporales de Daroca (Zaragoza)

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    La capilla de los Santos Corporales, ubicada en la Iglesia Colegial de Santa María de Daroca (Zaragoza), alberga una muestra importante de pintura mural medieval de los siglos XIV y XVI. Durante su reciente proceso de restauración, la Unidad de Arqueometría del I.C.M.U.V. ha analizado los pigmentos que inte gran sus pinturas murales. Se han efectuado análisis in situ de fluorescencia de rayos X dispersiva en energía (EDXRF) de una pintura mural que forma parte de un ábside románico del s. XIV, de un relieve que forma parte del retablo relicario cuya policromía data del XVI y de la decoración que se le dio a las bóvedas de las capillas del s. XVI. Adicionalmente se tomaron muestras de pigmentos procedentes de la bóveda del s. XIV que han sido analizadas mediante EDXRF, difracción de ra yos X (XRD) y microscopía electrónica de bamdo (SEM)

    Spontaneous synchronization to speech reveals neural mechanisms facilitating language learning

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    We introduce a deceptively simple behavioral task that robustly identifies two qualitatively different groups within the general population. When presented with an isochronous train of random syllables, some listeners are compelled to align their own concurrent syllable production with the perceived rate, whereas others remain impervious to the external rhythm. Using both neurophysiological and structural imaging approaches, we show group differences with clear consequences for speech processing and language learning. When listening passively to speech, high synchronizers show increased brain-to-stimulus synchronization over frontal areas, and this localized pattern correlates with precise microstructural differences in the white matter pathways connecting frontal to auditory regions. Finally, the data expose a mechanism that underpins performance on an ecologically relevant word-learning task. We suggest that this task will help to better understand and characterize individual performance in speech processing and language learning

    Spontaneous synchronization to speech reveals neural mechanisms facilitating language learning

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    We introduce a deceptively simple behavioral task that robustly identifies two qualitatively different groups within the general population. When presented with an isochronous train of random syllables, some listeners are compelled to align their own concurrent syllable production with the perceived rate, whereas others remain impervious to the external rhythm. Using both neurophysiological and structural imaging approaches, we show group differences with clear consequences for speech processing and language learning. When listening passively to speech, high synchronizers show increased brain-to-stimulus synchronization over frontal areas, and this localized pattern correlates with precise microstructural differences in the white matter pathways connecting frontal to auditory regions. Finally, the data expose a mechanism that underpins performance on an ecologically relevant word-learning task. We suggest that this task will help to better understand and characterize individual performance in speech processing and language learning

    Observational study on fluid therapy management in surgical adult patients

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    Fluid therapy management; Hemodynamic monitoring; Surgical proceduresGestió de fluidoteràpia; Monitorització hemodinàmica; Procediments quirúrgicsGestión de fluidoterapia; Monitoreo hemodinámico; Procedimientos quirúrgicosBackground Perioperative fluid therapy management is changing due to the incorporation of different fluids, surgical techniques, and minimally invasive monitoring systems. The objective of this study was to explore fluid therapy management during the perioperative period in our country. Methods We designed the Fluid Day study as a cross-sectional, multicentre, observational study. The study was performed in 131 Spanish hospitals in February 2019. We included adult patients undergoing general anaesthesia for either elective or non-elective surgery. Demographic variables were recorded, as well as the type and total volume of fluid administered during the perioperative period and the monitorization used. To perform the analysis, patients were categorized by risk group. Results We recruited 7291 patients, 6314 of which were included in the analysis; 1541 (24.4%) patients underwent high-risk surgery, 1497 (23. 7%) were high risk patients, and 554 (8.7%) were high-risk patients and underwent high-risk surgery; 98% patients received crystalloids (80% balanced solutions); intraoperative colloids were used in 466 patients (7.51%). The hourly intraoperative volume in mL/kg/h and the median [Q1; Q3] administered volume (mL/kg) were, respectively, 6.67 [3.83; 8.17] ml/Kg/h and 13.9 [9.52;5.20] ml/Kg in low-risk patients undergoing low- or intermediate-risk surgery, 6 [4.04; 9.08] ml/Kg/h and 15.7 [10.4;24.5] ml/Kg in high- risk patients undergoing low or intermediate-risk surgery, 6.41 [4.36; 9.33] ml/Kg/h and 20.2 [13.3;32.4] ml/Kg in low-risk patients undergoing high-risk surgery, and 5.46 [3.83; 8.17] ml/Kg/h and 22.7[14.1;40.9] ml/Kg in high-risk patients undergoing high- risk surgery . We used advanced fluid monitoring strategies in 5% of patients in the intraoperative period and in 10% in the postoperative period. Conclusions The most widely used fluid was balanced crystalloids. Colloids were used in a small number of patients. Hourly surgery volume tended to be more restrictive in high-risk patients but confirms a high degree of variation in the perioperatively administered volume. Scarce monitorization was observed in fluid therapy management.Open Access funding enabled and organized by SEDAR

    Speech-to-Speech synchronization protocol to classify human participants as high or low auditory-motor synchronizers

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    The ability to synchronize a motor action to a rhythmic auditory stimulus is often considered an innate human skill. However, some individuals lack the ability to synchronize speech to a perceived syllabic rate. Here, we describe a simple and fast protocol to classify a single native English speaker as being or not being a speech synchronizer. This protocol consists of four parts: the pretest instructions and volume adjustment, the training procedure, the execution of the main task, and data analysis