21 research outputs found


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    The 2004 earthquake and tsunami in Acell, followed by tIre 2005 earthquake in Nias Islands, ruined the supports of life in both regions. On the other hand, tire nahtral disasters have given the opportunities to build back tire two locations better, particularly regarding Nias as one of tire most underdeveloped regions known in Indonesia. This has been made possible, among otlrers, because tire Rehabilitation and Reconstruction AgenC1} (BRR) for NADNias - as a quasi-autonom Central body - had made efforts to implement a regionalization poliC1}in tire postdisaster recoven} process of Aceh and Nias since tire ven} beginning, namely through the establishment of alllllllber of regional offices. However, implementation of the poliC1}in Nias took its different course of development from that in Aceh. TIre Nias experieuce, particularly in establishing certain mechanisms (NISM and Sekber) for networking, enliveued tire concept of decentralized governance within regional recoven}. TIre built network in tire region did not merely map relations on recoven} work more effective among govenzmentallevels, but was also able to accomodate elemeuts from private and lIOn-governmental actors, from the local to tIre international levels. It can be said that tire Nias experience has not only offered a network model as an approach to disaster management but, moreover, altenzative govenzmlce model for other underdeveloped regions in Indonesia


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    ABSTRAKThis research was conducted at PT. KARYA PRIMA Batu City. The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of role conflict, work conflict, job ambiguity and work stress on the performance of employees of PT. KARYA PRIMA Batu City. The variables used are the influence of role conflict, work conflict, job ambiguity and job stress as independent variables, while the employee performance variable is the dependent variable. The sample used in this study was 40 employees, using the saturated sample method. Data collection methods by collecting primary and secondary data. The analysis used includes instrument testing, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression, determination coefficient test, hypothesis testing and determination coefficient test using multiple regression analysis with SPSS 14.0 assistance for software. The results showed that the variable role conflict and role ambiguity had no significant effect on the performance of PT. KARYA PRIMA Kota Batu, while the variables of work conflict and job stress have a significant effect on the performance of the employees of PT. KARYA PRIMA Batu City, and the overall variables of role conflict, work conflict, role ambiguity and job stress have a significant effect on the performance of employees of PT. KARYA PRIMA Batu CityKeywords :  Role  Conflict,  Work  Conflict,  Role  Ambiguity,  Work  Stress,    Employee Performanc

    A secure key distribution protocol based on hash functions and a quantum-authenticated channel using 6DP (KDP-6DP)

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    Security is the most tedious problem in highly sensitive communications. Quantum security is the key issue in solving the problem. A key distribution protocol based on the use of hash functions is proposed. The essential part of the protocol depends on sending a string of random characters from sender to receiver. Then, a selected hash or a cascade of two hash functions and a long-term shared secret are used to construct the key. Consequently, the session key is generated on-site by independently applying a hash function on the random string at the sender and receiver sides. This protocol requires a reliable method of authentication. Therefore, it is further proposed to use an out-of-band authentication methodology based on the deterministic six-state quantum authentication protocol that is referred to as 6DP

    Quantum Computing in The Cloud - A Systematic Literature Review

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    Quantum computing was proposed to simulate processes that surpass the capabilities of its counterpart, classical computing. Utilizing the principles of quantum mechanics, it improves the computing power of quantum computing. Top developers namely IBM, Rigetti, D-Wave, Qutech and Google have invested greatly in the technology. Nowadays, users can access the quantum computing system publicly over the network in a cloud environment, this system architecture is known as cloud-based quantum computing. However, different developers deliver different architecture and functionality of the system on their platforms. This has indirectly spawned a question of which cloud-based quantum computing platform is a better option based on certain specific requirements by an individual or group. The main objective of this study is to provide a proposed framework using the existing cloud-based service of quantum computing based on previous studies for users with their specific demands

    Cyber security maturity model and Maqasid al-Shari'ah

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    Knowing how vulnerable an organisation or a state towards cyberattacks, is referred to as Cyber security Index or Maturity Level. Such an index is important to evaluate the organisation's level of vulnerability to cyber threats. Various cyber security models are initiated and applied across the globe as tools towards measuring the mentioned index. These models provide indicators as to how ready an organisation or a country react to attacks and what are the steps to be taken to alleviate the situation. On the other hand, the Maqasid Al-Shari'ah or the higher objectives of Shari'ah generally seeks to preserve the five essentials in human life: faith (deen), life (nafs), intellect ('aql), progeny (nasl) and wealth (mal). This work is proposing the use of Maqasid Al-Shari'ah to identify and prioritizes critical incidents that need to be addressed to ensure the continuity of civil society from the Islamic perspective. This research will also deliver a prototype tool that captures users' input on an organisation's profile and displays the corresponding measured cyber security maturity level of the organisation

    Palm vein pattern visual interpretation using laplacian and frangi-based filter

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    Detection of palm vein pattern through image processing techniques is an open problem as performance of each technique is closely related to the sample image gathered for the processing. The detected palm vein pattern is useful for further analysis in biometrics application and medical purpose. This paper aims to investigate the application of Laplacian filter and Frangi-based filter in detecting vein pattern contained in a near infrared illuminated palm image. Both filtering techniques are applied independently to two palm image databases to compare their performance in translating vein pattern in the image visually. Through empirical study, it is observed that Laplacian filter can translate the vein pattern in the image effectively. But pre-processings involved before the application of Laplacian filter need to be performed to accurately translate the vein pattern. The implementation of Frangi-based filter, while simplifying the detection process without the need of extra pre-processing, resulted in only certain vein pattern detected. Using pixel-by-pixel objective assessment, the rate for Laplacian filter in detecting vein pattern are generally more than 85% compared to Frangi-based filter; where it ranges from 60% to 100%

    Studi Ekologi Faktor Pejamu, Kondisi Fisik Hunian Dan Pneumonia Pada Balita Provinsi Jawa Barat Tahun 2014-2017: Ecological Study : Host, Physical Conditions Factors and Pneumonia in Toddlers in West Java Province 2014-2017

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    Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan wilayah peringkat keempat dengan kasus pneumonia terbanyak di Indonesia. Walaupun setiap tahunnya mengalami penurunan kasus, cakupan penemuan kejadian pneumonia pada Balita masih jauh berada di bawah target nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran faktor pejamu dan kondisi hunian dengan kejadian pneumonia Balita di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi ekologi dengan melakukan analisis deskriptif data yang bersumber dari Profil Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Barat dan BPS Statistik Kesejahteraan Rakyat Jawa Barat tahun 2014 – 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan distribusi frekuensi kejadian pneumonia Balita di Provinsi Jawa Barat cenderung fluktuatif. Variabel yang mengalami trend peningkatan adalah: cakupan imunisasi, BBLR, cakupan ASI eksklusif, jenis atap tidak memenuhi syarat. Sedangkan gizi buruk, kepadatan hunian, jenis dinding yang tidak memenuhi syarat dan jenis lantai yang tidak memenuhi syarat cendrung mengalami penurunan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan pentingnya antenatal care, pendampingan ibu selama kehamilan hingga masa pengasuhan bayi. Selain itu, kersediaan rumah sehat akan berperan dalam meminimalisir pneumonia pada Balita. West Java Province is the fourth ranked region with the most pneumonia cases in Indonesia. Although every year there is a decrease in cases, the coverage of finding pneumonia in children under five is still far below the national target. This study aims to determine the description of host factors and residential conditions with the incidence of pneumonia under five in West Java Province. This study uses an ecological study design by conducting a descriptive analysis data sourced from Health Profile of West Java Province and BPS West Java People's Welfare Statistics in 2014 – 2017. The results show that the frequency distribution of the incidence of pneumonia under five in West Java Province tends to fluctuate. Variables that experienced an increasing trend were: immunization coverage, LBW, exclusive breastfeeding coverage, bad type of roof. Meanwhile, poor nutrition, occupancy density, bad types of wall and floors are decrease trend. This study shows the importance of antenatal care, maternal assistance during pregnancy and the baby care period. In addition, healthy home will play a role in minimizing pneumonia in toddlers

    IoT-Based lab system for teaching methods in times of crisis

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    The revolution of communication technology has enabled people to communicate easily with others and perform many tasks from a distance. The Internet plays an important role in communication and helps to perform tasks and make people's lives easier. It led to the introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, where physical objects are connected to the Internet to perform a specific task. So that IoT can be a valuable tool in times of crisis, most modern industries can produce their products automatically and remote monitor and control the system. The same technique can be applied to overcome face-to-face teaching in science and engineering education during times of crisis. This research proposes the design and development of an IoT-based hands-on laboratory system that can be operated remotely. The methodology has been implemented and worked based on the concept of virtual reality. The research has been carried out for two simple electrical laboratory experiments: the basic logic gate and Ohm’s Law experiment. The experimental results show that the system can be implemented since the results obtained are satisfy their theoretical results. Furthermore, an improvement can be made so that the system can be integrated with the Internet and the system can function efficiently

    Towards an accurate speaker-independent Holy Quran acoustic model

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    The popularity of speech recognition tools keeps increasing with the processing power of mobile devices. The use of speech recognition for the Arabic in general and the Holy Quran, in particular, has also followed the same trend. Holy Quran speech recognition systems have been developed by increasing the training data. In this paper, a more accurate Carnegie Melon University Sphinx acoustic model was trained for the Holy Quran chapters 001, and 067 to 114. When more efforts were put into having a more accurate training data, the resulting Word Error Rate of trained acoustic model reached around 15%