131 research outputs found

    A Very Low Resource Language Speech Corpus for Computational Language Documentation Experiments

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    Most speech and language technologies are trained with massive amounts of speech and text information. However, most of the world languages do not have such resources or stable orthography. Systems constructed under these almost zero resource conditions are not only promising for speech technology but also for computational language documentation. The goal of computational language documentation is to help field linguists to (semi-)automatically analyze and annotate audio recordings of endangered and unwritten languages. Example tasks are automatic phoneme discovery or lexicon discovery from the speech signal. This paper presents a speech corpus collected during a realistic language documentation process. It is made up of 5k speech utterances in Mboshi (Bantu C25) aligned to French text translations. Speech transcriptions are also made available: they correspond to a non-standard graphemic form close to the language phonology. We present how the data was collected, cleaned and processed and we illustrate its use through a zero-resource task: spoken term discovery. The dataset is made available to the community for reproducible computational language documentation experiments and their evaluation.Comment: accepted to LREC 201

    Achievement goals, self-handicapping, and performance: A 2 × 2 achievement goal perspective

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    Elliot and colleagues (2006) examined the effects of experimentally induced achievement goals, proposed by the trichotomous model, on self-handicapping and performance in physical education. Our study replicated and extended the work of Elliot et al. by experimentally promoting all four goals proposed by the 262 model (Elliot & McGregor, 2001), measuring the participants’ own situational achievement goals, using a relatively novel task, and testing the participants in a group setting. We used a randomized experimental design with four conditions that aimed to induce one of the four goals advanced by the 262 model. The participants (n¼138) were undergraduates who engaged in a dart-throwing task. The results pertaining to self-handicapping partly replicated Elliot and colleagues’ findings by showing that experimentally promoted performance-avoidance goals resulted in less practice. In contrast, the promotion of mastery-avoidance goals did not result in less practice compared with either of the approach goals. Dart-throwing performance did not differ among the four goal conditions. Personal achievement goals did not moderate the effects of experimentally induced goals on selfhandicapping and performance. The extent to which mastery-avoidance goals are maladaptive is discussed, as well as the interplay between personal and experimentally induced goals

    La mise en tourisme des jardins dans le Grand Ouest Français : des initiatives spontanées à la structuration d'un réseau interrégional ?

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    « Paris, capitale de la mode », mais aussi, à une autre échelle, Angoulême se veut la capitale de la bande dessinée, Avignon du théâtre, Cannes du cinéma… C\u27est le rapport, souvent ambigu, entre les lieux et les productions culturelles qui est exploré dans cet ouvrage, dans sa dimension dialectique : celle des productions culturelles influencées par les lieux mais aussi celle des lieux marqués par les productions culturelles

    Notions and subnotions in information structure

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    Three dimensions can be distinguished in a cross-linguistic account of information structure. First, there is the definition of the focus constituent, the part of the linguistic expression which is subject to some focus meaning. Second and third, there are the focus meanings and the array of structural devices that encode them. In a given language, the expression of focus is facilitated as well as constrained by the grammar within which the focus devices operate. The prevalence of focus ambiguity, the structural inability to make focus distinctions, will thus vary across languages, and within a language, across focus meanings

    Expérience du blinatumomab dans les leucémies aiguës lymphoblastiques de l’enfant et de l’adolescent dans l’interrégion Grand Ouest : une chance pour tous

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    INTRODUCTION: Relapsed/refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children has a pejorative prognosis and justifies to be treated by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). A minimal residual disease (MRD) before transplantation is a major part of prognosis. Blinatumomab, a bispecific antibody CD19/CD3, allowed to achieve a cytologic and molecular complete remission in adults with refractory B-precursor ALL. This retrospective study analyses results from a pediatric cohort treated by blinatumomab thanks to an interregional structuring consortium. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients between 0 and 23 years old, from the 7 centers of the french "Grand Ouest" interregional network, treated by blinatumomab for a relapsed or refractory ALL, from January 2015 to January 2018, were included. The efficiency of blinatumomab was assessed in terms of complete remission, minimal residual disease, overall survival, and tolerability of treatment. RESULTS: Thirteen of 18 patients achieved a complete remission, with negative minimal residual disease for ten of them. Fourteen patients proceeded to stem cell transplantation,. Eight out of 14 patients obtained long term remission after HSCT. As far as tolerance is concerned, no serious adverse event, neurological or psychiatric disorder, was observed. CONCLUSION: Thanks to an interregional network collaboration, all children with high risk ALL coming from the western french interregion could be treated by blinatumomab. Blinatumomab offered good hematological conditions to undergo HSCT with a good tolerability

    Outcome after failure of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with acute leukemia: a study by the Société Francophone de Greffe de Moelle et de Thérapie Cellulaire (SFGM-TC)

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    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (SCT) contributes to improved outcome in childhood acute leukemia (AL). However, therapeutic options are poorly defined in case of post-transplantation relapse. We aimed to compare treatment strategies in 334 consecutive children with acute leukemia relapse or progression after SCT in a recent ten-year period. Data could be analyzed in 288 patients (157 ALL, 123 AML and 8 biphenotypic AL) with a median age of 8.16 years at transplantation. The median delay from first SCT to relapse or progression was 182 days. The treatment consisted in chemotherapy alone (n=108), chemotherapy followed by second SCT (n=70), supportive/palliative care (n=67), combination of chemotherapy and DLI (n=30), or isolated reinfusion of donor lymphocytes (DLI) (n=13). The median OS duration after relapse was 164 days and differed according to therapy: DLI after chemotherapy = 385 d, second allograft = 391d, chemotherapy = 174d, DLI alone = 140d, palliative care = 43d. A second SCT or a combination of chemotherapy and donor lymphocytes infusion yielded similar outcome (HR=0.85, p=0.53) unlike chemotherapy alone (HR 1.43 p=0.04), palliative care (HR=4.24, p<0.0001) or isolated DLI (HR=1,94, p<0.04). Despite limitations in this retrospective setting, strategies including immunointervention appear superior to other approaches, mostly in AML

    Alloimmunisation to Donor Antigens and Immune Rejection Following Foetal Neural Grafts to the Brain in Patients with Huntington's Disease

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    BACKGROUND: The brain is deemed “immunologically privileged” due to sparse professional antigen-presenting cells and lymphatic drainage, and to the blood-brain barrier. Although the actual extent of this privilege is controversial, there is general consensus about the limited need in intracerebral neural grafts for immunosuppressive regimens comparable to those used in other cases of allotransplantation. This has led over the past fifteen years to the use of either short-term or even no immunosuppression in most clinical trials with foetal neural transplant in patients with Parkinson's and Huntington's disease. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We report biological demonstration of alloimmunisation without signs of rejection in four grafted patients out of 13 studied during the course of a clinical trial involving fetal neural transplantation in patients with Huntington's Disease. Biological, radiological and clinical demonstration of an ongoing rejection process was observed in a fifth transplanted patient. The rejection process was, however, fully reversible under immunosuppressive treatment and graft activity recovered within six months. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: There had been, up to date, no report of documented cases that could have cast a doubt on those procedures. Our results underline the need for a reconsideration of the extent of the so-called immune privilege of the brain and of the follow-up protocols of patients with intracerebral grafts. It also suggests that some of the results obtained in past studies with foetal neural transplants may have been biased by an unrecognized immune response to donor cells

    Adverse outcome of infants with metastatic neuroblastoma, MYCN amplification and/or bone lesions: results of the French Society of Pediatric Oncology

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    To assess the relevance of MYCN amplification and bone lesions in stage 4 neuroblastoma (NB) in infants aged <1 year, 51 infants with stage 4 NB were enrolled. Three groups of patients were defined according to the type of metastases and the resectability of the primary tumour. Group I comprised 21 infants with radiologically detectable bone lesions, Group II 22 patients with an unresectable primary tumour and Group III eight patients with only metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) skeletal uptake. MYCN oncogene content was assayed in 47/51 tumours and found to be amplified in 17 (37%). The 5-year event-free survival (EFS) rate of these 51 infants was 64.1% (± 7.1%). In a univariate analysis, bone lesions, MYCN amplification, urinary vanillylmandelic/homovanillic acid ratio and serum ferritin levels adversely influenced outcome. In the multivariate analysis, radiologically detectable bone lesions were the most powerful unfavourable prognostic indicator: the EFS rate was 27.2% for these infants compared to 90% for infants without bone lesions (P < 0.0001). Our data emphasize the poor prognosis of infants affected by stage 4 NB with bone lesions, especially when associated with MYCN amplification. Given the poor results in this group whatever the treatment, new therapeutic approaches need to be investigated in the future. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Pilot, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical field study to evaluate the effectiveness of bupivacaine liposome injectable suspension for the provision of post-surgical analgesia in dogs undergoing stifle surgery

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    Abstract Background Local anesthetics are an important component of perioperative pain management, but the duration of action of available products is limited. We hypothesized that a single local infiltration of a novel bupivacaine liposome injectable suspension (AT-003) would provide clinically effective analgesia over a 72-h period. In a masked, randomized, placebo-controlled, multi-center pilot field study, dogs undergoing lateral retinacular suture placement for cranial cruciate insufficiency were randomly assigned to surgical site infiltration with AT-003 (5.3 mg/kg) or an equivalent volume of saline. Infiltration of the surgical site was done prior to closure. Primary outcome measure was the Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale (CMPS-SF) assessed prior to surgery and at 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 30, 36, 48, 54, 60 and 72 h following surgery by trained individuals. Provision for rescue analgesia was employed. Repeated measures analysis of variance were utilized to test for possible differences between treatment groups and a success/failure analysis was also employed, based on the need for rescue analgesia. Results Forty-six dogs were enrolled and evaluated. For CMPS-SF scores there was a significant overall treatment effect (p = 0.0027) in favor of AT-003. There were significantly more successes in the AT-003 group compared to placebo over each time period (p = 0.0001 for 0–24 h, p = 0.0349 for 0–48 h, and p = 0.0240 for 0-72 h). No significant adverse events were seen. Conclusions AT-003 (bupivacaine liposome injectable suspension) provided measurable local analgesia over a 72-h period following post-stifle surgery surgical site tissue infiltration. Further work is indicated to develop this product for clinical use