329 research outputs found

    A method for optimal image subtraction

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    We present a new method designed for optimal subtraction of two images with different seeing. Using image subtraction appears to be essential for the full analysis of the microlensing survey images, however a perfect subtraction of two images is not easy as it requires the derivation of an extremely accurate convolution kernel. Some empirical attempts to find the kernel have used the Fourier transform of bright stars, but solving the statistical problem of finding the best kernel solution has never really been tackled. We demonstrate that it is possible to derive an optimal kernel solution from a simple least square analysis using all the pixels of both images, and also show that it is possible to fit the differential background variation at the same time. We also show that PSF variations can also be easily handled by the method. To demonstrate the practical efficiency of the method, we analyzed some images from a Galactic Bulge field monitored by the OGLE II project. We find that the residuals in the subtracted images are very close to the photon noise expectations. We also present some light curves of variable stars, and show that, despite high crowding levels, we get an error distribution close to that expected from photon noise alone. We thus demonstrate that nearly optimal differential photometry can be achieved even in very crowded fields. We suggest that this algorithm might be particularly important for microlensing surveys, where the photometric accuracy and completeness levels could be very significantly improved by using this method.Comment: 8,pages, 4 Postscript figures, emulateapj.sty include

    Personalised learning: a familiar concept to secondary teachers? And which teachers?

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    This paper presents the main results of a questionnaire survey that sought to evaluate secondary school teachers’ familiarity with the notion of personalised learning and to relate it to personal, sociological and professional characteristics. The outcomes of this work are both an exploratory study aimed at defining more focused questions about the theme of personalisation, and the first tryout of the questionnaire designed to gather data. Although this was thus a preliminary study which did not lay claim to any more general scope, it still enables some hypotheses to be framed and examined in the light of the answers of 43 practitioners. The appendix provides the full questionnaire on personalisation, as distributed to participants.Peer reviewe

    Comparison between control-based continuation and phase-locked loop methods for the identification of backbone curves and nonlinear frequency responses

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    Control-based continuation (CBC) and phase-locked loops (PLL) are two experimental testing methods that have demonstrated great potential for the non-parametric identification of key nonlinear dynamic features such as nonlinear frequency responses and backbone curves. Both CBC and PLL exploit stabilizing feedback control to steer the dynamics of the tested system towards the responses of interest and overcome important difficulties experienced when applying conventional testing methods such as sine sweeps to nonlinear systems. For instance, if properly designed, the feedback controller can prevent the system from exhibiting untimely transitions between coexisting responses or even losing stability due to bifurcations. This contribution aims to highlight the similarities that exist between CBC and PLL and present the first thorough comparison of their capabilities. Comparisons are supported by numerical simulations as well as experimental data collected on a conceptually simple nonlinear structure primarily composed of a thin curved beam. The beam is doubly clamped and exhibits nonlinear geometric effects for moderate excitation amplitudes

    Comparison between control-based continuation and phase-locked loop methods for the identification of backbone curves and nonlinear frequency responses

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    Control-based continuation (CBC) and phase-locked loops (PLL) are two experimental testing methods that have demonstrated great potential for the non-parametric identification of key nonlinear dynamic features such as nonlinear frequency responses and backbone curves. Both CBC and PLL exploit stabilizing feedback control to steer the dynamics of the tested system towards the responses of interest and overcome important difficulties experienced when applying conventional testing methods such as sine sweeps to nonlinear systems. For instance, if properly designed, the feedback controller can prevent the system from exhibiting untimely transitions between coexisting responses or even losing stability due to bifurcations. This contribution aims to highlight the similarities that exist between CBC and PLL and present the first thorough comparison of their capabilities. Comparisons are supported by numerical simulations as well as experimental data collected on a conceptually simple nonlinear structure primarily composed of a thin curved beam. The beam is doubly clamped and exhibits nonlinear geometric effects for moderate excitation amplitudes

    First detailed analysis of multiple system V2083 Cyg

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    Main aim of this paper is the first detailed analysis of multiple system V2083 Cyg and to reveal its basic physical properties. The system was studied by method of the light and radial velocity curves analysis, together with the interferometric data of the visual pair obtained during a last century. There was found that the close subsystem contains two very similar stars of spectral type A7-8. Moreover, the third body is orbiting around this pair with period of about 177 years. Due to the discrepancy of total mass as derived from two methods, there arises that the third body is maybe also a binary, or some object with lower luminosity but higher mass than normal main-sequence star. Another explanation is that the Hipparcos value of parallax is incorrect and the system is much closer to the Sun.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, published in 2012MNRAS.421.1196

    Paleoproductivity of Puyehue Lake (Southern Chile) during the last millenium: climatic significance

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    Southern Chile is a key site for the understanding of past climatic variations since it is influenced by the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). We investigated high resolution climate changes during the last millennium by a multi-proxy analyse of short cores (60 cm long) collected in Puyehue lake (40°S): magnetic susceptibility, grain-size, mineralogy, density, gamma-density, LOI, biogenic silica content and bulk XRF geochemistry. According to age-depth model (210Pb, 137Cs and varve counting - Boës et al., this session), the cores cover the last 600 yr. The sediment is characterized by volcanic minerals and a high diatom content, due to the important lacustrine silica supply characteristic of volcanic environments. Moreover, the active volcanism of the Chilean Lake District is responsible of a high number of tephra deposits. Our main aim is to quantify biogenic particles fluxes throughout the last millennium by Na2CO3 dissolution and by normative calculation based on bulk XRF analyses. The result shows that volcanic eruptions do not influence the biogenic productivity of the lake. From 1400 to 1880 yr. AD, paleoproductivity shows a global trend from low to high biogenic production. Important paleoproductivity changes are observed over the last 120 yr. Results are compared with historical data and discussed in terms of climate changes and/or anthropic influence

    Numerical continuation in nonlinear experiments using local Gaussian process regression

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    Control-based continuation (CBC) is a general and systematic method to probe the dynamics of nonlinear experiments. In this paper, CBC is combined with a novel continuation algorithm that is robust to experimental noise and enables the tracking of geometric features of the response surface such as folds. The method uses Gaussian process regression to create a local model of the response surface on which standard numerical continuation algorithms can be applied. The local model evolves as continuation explores the experimental parameter space, exploiting previously captured data to actively select the next data points to collect such that they maximise the potential information gain about the feature of interest. The method is demonstrated experimentally on a nonlinear structure featuring harmonically coupled modes. Fold points present in the response surface of the system are followed and reveal the presence of an isola, i.e. a branch of periodic responses detached from the main resonance peak

    Numerical methods for control-based continuation of relaxation oscillations

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer via the DOI in this recordData Availability Statement: Data sharing is not applicable to this article, as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.Control-based continuation (CBC) is an experimental method that can reveal stable and unstable dynamics of physical systems. It extends the path-following principles of numerical continuation to experiments and provides systematic dynamical analyses without the need for mathematical modelling. CBC has seen considerable success in studying the bifurcation structure of mechanical systems. Nevertheless, the method is not practical for studying relaxation oscillations. Large numbers of Fourier modes are required to describe them, and the length of the experiment significantly increases when many Fourier modes are used, as the system must be run to convergence many times. Furthermore, relaxation oscillations often arise in autonomous systems, for which an appropriate phase constraint is required. To overcome these challenges, we introduce an adaptive B-spline discretisation that can produce a parsimonious description of responses that would otherwise require many Fourier modes. We couple this to a novel phase constraint that phase-locks control target and solution phase. Results are demonstrated on simulations of a slow-fast synthetic gene network and an Oregonator model. Our methods extend CBC to a much broader range of systems than have been studied so far, opening up a range of novel experimental opportunities on slow-fast systems.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)European Union Horizon 2020Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE

    Chemical composition of A and F dwarfs members of the Pleiades open cluster

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    Abundances of 18 chemical elements have been derived for 16 A (normal and chemically peculiar CP) and 5 F dwarfs members of the Pleiades open cluster in order to set constraints on evolutionary models. The abundances, rotational velocities and microturbulent velocities were derived by iteratively adjusting synthetic spectra to observations at high resolution (R~42000 and R~75000) and high signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios. The abundances obtained do not exhibit any clear correlation with the effective temperature nor the projected rotational velocity. Interestingly, A stars exhibit larger star-to-star variations in C, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Sr, Y, Zr and Ba than F stars. F stars exhibit solar abundances for almost all the elements. In A stars, the abundances of Si, Ti and Cr are found to be correlated with that of Fe, the [X/Fe] ratios being solar for these three elements. The derived abundances have been compared to the predictions of published evolutionary models at the age of Pleiades (100 Myr). For the F stars, the predicted slight underabundances of light elements and overabundances of Cr, Fe and Ni are indeed confirmed by our findings. For A stars, the predicted overabundances in iron peak elements are confirmed in a few stars only. The large scatter of the abundances in A stars, already found in the Hyades, Coma Berenices and the UMa group and in field stars appears to be a characteristic property of dwarf A stars. The occurence of hydrodynamical processes competing with radiative diffusion in the radiative zones of the A dwarfs might account for the found scatter in abundances.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted in A&
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