188 research outputs found

    Enhancement of photoacoustic detection of inhomogeneities in polymers

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    We report a series of experiments on laser pulsed photoacoustic excitationin turbid polymer samples addressed to evaluate the sound speed in the samples and the presence of inhomogeneities in the bulk. We describe a system which allows the direct measurement of the speed of the detected waves by engraving the surface of the piece under study with a fiduciary pattern of black lines. We also describe how this pattern helps to enhance the sensitivity for the detection of an inhomogeneity in the bulk. These two facts are useful for studies in soft matter systems including, perhaps, biological samples. We have performed an experimental analysis on Grilon(R) samples in different situations and we show the limitations of the method.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Response of a benthic food web to hydrocarbon contamination

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    Direct and indirect effects of diesel-contaminated sediment on microalgae, meiofauna, and meiofauna-microalgae trophic interactions were examined in a microcosm study of the sediment community from a Spartina alterniflora salt marsh. Microcosms of natural sediment were given small dally doses of contaminated sediment over a 28-d period, creating low-, medium-, and high-diesel treatment concentrations of ~ 0.5, 5.5, and 55 ppm PAH, respectively. Diesel caused initial (within 7 h) reductions in microalgal grazing by meiobenthic harpacticoid copepods. Over longer periods of exposure (7-28 d), grazing on microalgae by copepods as a group was reduced in high-diesel treatments, primarily because of high copepod mortality. In contrast, grazing by and abundance of Cletocamptus deitersi (a copepod) was significantly enhanced in high-diesel treatments. Concurrent with reduced grazing by copepods, nematode grazing rates increased significantly in high-diesel treatments, indicating possible competition for microalgae between copepods and nematodes. In spite of transiently enhanced grazing by nematodes and C. deitersi, total meiofaunal grazing on microalgae was reduced in high-diesel treatments. Increased Chl a : pheopigment ratios in contaminated sediments were also indicative of reduced grazing pressure. A large (10x) increase in microalgal biomass was observed in high-diesel treatments and was likely a consequence of reduced meiofaunal grazing. The general responses observed in microcosms were also observed in a field study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination. Collectively, our data indicate that benthic microalgal biomass is controlled by meiofaunal grazing and that meiofauna may compete for limited algal resources. Furthermore, consideration of multiple trophic levels and their interactions allows a more complete and ecologically meaningful understanding of the mechanisms by which contaminants induce changes in natural communities

    Engineering integrated pure narrow-band photon sources

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    Engineering and controlling well defined states of light for quantum information applications is of increasing importance as the complexity of quantum systems grows. For example, in quantum networks high multi-photon interference visibility requires properly devised single mode sources. In this paper we propose a spontaneous parametric down conversion source based on an integrated cavity-waveguide, where single narrow-band, possibly distinct, spectral modes for the idler and the signal fields can be generated. This mode selection takes advantage of the clustering effect, due to the intrinsic dispersion of the nonlinear material. In combination with a CW laser and fast detection, our approach provides a means to engineer a source that can efficiently generate pure photons, without filtering, that is compatible with long distance quantum communication. Furthermore, it is extremely flexible and could easily be adapted to a wide variety of wavelengths and applications.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    meV resolution in laser-assisted energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy

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    The electronic, optical, and magnetic properties of quantum solids are determined by their low-energy (< 100 meV) many-body excitations. Dynamical characterization and manipulation of such excitations relies on tools that combine nm-spatial, fs-temporal, and meV-spectral resolution. Currently, phonons and collective plasmon resonances can be imaged in nanostructures with sub-nm and 10s meV space/energy resolution using state-of-the-art energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy (TEM), but only under static conditions, while fs-resolved measurements are common but lack spatial or energy resolution. Here, we demonstrate a new method of spectrally resolved photon-induced near-field electron microscopy (SRPINEM) that allows us to obtain nm-fs-resolved maps of nanoparticle plasmons with an energy resolution determined by the laser linewidth (20 meV in this work), and not limited by electron beam and spectrometer energy spreading. This technique can be extended to any optically-accessible low-energy mode, thus pushing TEM to a previously inaccessible spectral domain with an unprecedented combination of space, energy and temporal resolution.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Waveguide-based OPO source of entangled photon pairs

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    In this paper we present a compact source of narrow-band energy-time entangled photon pairs in the telecom regime based on a Ti-indiffused Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate (PPLN) waveguide resonator, i.e. a waveguide with end-face dielectric multi-layer mirrors. This is a monolithic doubly resonant Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO) far below threshold, which generates photon pairs by Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion (SPDC) at around 1560nm with a 117MHz (0.91 pm)- bandwidth. A coherence time of 2.7 ns is estimated by a time correlation measurement and a high quality of the entangled states is confirmed by a Bell-type experiment. Since highly coherent energy-time entangled photon pairs in the telecom regime are suitable for long distance transmission and manipulation, this source is well suited to the requirements of quantum communication.Comment: 13 page

    Enhanced electron-phonon coupling in graphene with periodically distorted lattice

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    Electron-phonon coupling directly determines the stability of cooperative order in solids, including superconductivity, charge and spin density waves. Therefore, the ability to enhance or reduce electron-phonon coupling by optical driving may open up new possibilities to steer materials' functionalities, potentially at high speeds. Here we explore the response of bilayer graphene to dynamical modulation of the lattice, achieved by driving optically-active in-plane bond stretching vibrations with femtosecond mid-infrared pulses. The driven state is studied by two different ultrafast spectroscopic techniques. Firstly, TeraHertz time-domain spectroscopy reveals that the Drude scattering rate decreases upon driving. Secondly, the relaxation rate of hot quasi-particles, as measured by time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, increases. These two independent observations are quantitatively consistent with one another and can be explained by a transient three-fold enhancement of the electron-phonon coupling constant. The findings reported here provide useful perspective for related experiments, which reported the enhancement of superconductivity in alkali-doped fullerites when a similar phonon mode was driven.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    A versatile source of polarisation entangled photons for quantum network applications

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    We report a versatile and practical approach for generating high-quality polarization entanglement in a fully guided-wave fashion. Our setup relies on a high-brilliance type-0 waveguide generator producing paired photon at a telecom wavelength associated with an advanced energy-time to polarisation transcriber. The latter is capable of creating any pure polarization entangled state, and allows manipulating single photon bandwidths that can be chosen at will over five orders of magnitude, ranging from tens of MHz to several THz. We achieve excellent entanglement fidelities for particular spectral bandwidths, i.e. 25 MHz, 540 MHz and 100 GHz, proving the relevance of our approach. Our scheme stands as an ideal candidate for a wide range of network applications, ranging from dense division multiplexing quantum key distribution to heralded optical quantum memories and repeaters.Comment: 5 figure

    Laser-Induced Skyrmion Writing and Erasing in an Ultrafast Cryo-Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    We demonstrate that light-induced heat pulses of different duration and energy can write skyrmions in a broad range of temperatures and magnetic field in FeGe. Using a combination of camera-rate and pump-probe cryo-Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy, we directly resolve the spatio-temporal evolution of the magnetization ensuing optical excitation. The skyrmion lattice was found to maintain its structural properties during the laser-induced demagnetization, and its recovery to the initial state happened in the sub-{\mu}s to {\mu}s range, depending on the cooling rate of the system
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