55 research outputs found

    Rapid encoding of task regularities in the human hippocampus guides sensorimotor timing

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    The brain encodes the statistical regularities of the environment in a task-specific yet flexible and generalizable format. Here, we seek to understand this process by bridging two parallel lines of research, one centered on sensorimotor timing, and the other on cognitive mapping in the hippocampal system. By combining functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with a fast-paced time-to-contact (TTC) estimation task, we found that the hippocampus signaled behavioral feedback received in each trial as well as performance improvements across trials along with reward-processing regions. Critically, it signaled performance improvements independent from the tested intervals, and its activity accounted for the trial-wise regression-to-the-mean biases in TTC estimation. This is in line with the idea that the hippocampus supports the rapid encoding of temporal context even on short time scales in a behavior-dependent manner. Our results emphasize the central role of the hippocampus in statistical learning and position it at the core of a brain-wide network updating sensorimotor representations in real time for flexible behavior

    Natural History and Management of Familial Paraganglioma Syndrome Type 1: Long-Term Data from a Large Family

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    Head and neck paragangliomas are the most common clinical features of familial paraganglioma syndrome type 1 caused by succinate dehydrogenase complex subunit D (SDHD) mutation. The clinical management of this syndrome is still unclear. In this study we propose a diagnostic algorithm for SDHD mutation carriers based on our family case series and literature review. After genetic diagnosis, first evaluation should include biochemical examination and whole-body imaging. In case of lesion detection, nuclear medicine examination is required for staging and tumor characterization. The study summarizes the diagnostic accuracy of different functional imaging techniques in SDHD mutation carriers. 18F-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (18F-DOPA) positron emission tomography (PET)-computed tomography (CT) is considered the gold standard. If it is not available, 123I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) could be used also for predicting response to radiometabolic therapy. 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18F-FDG) PET-CT has a prognostic role since high uptake identifies more aggressive cases. Finally, 68Ga-peptides PET-CT is a promising diagnostic technique, demonstrating the best diagnostic accuracy in our and in other published case series, even if this finding still needs to be confirmed in larger studies. Periodic follow-up should consist of annual biochemical and ultrasonographic screening and biannual magnetic resonance examination to identify biochemical silent tumors early

    Gentle remediation options for soil with mixed chromium (VI) and lindane pollution: biostimulation, bioaugmentation, phytoremediation and vermiremediation

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    Gentle Remediation Options (GROs), such as biostimulation, bioaugmentation, phytoremediation and vermiremediation, are cost-effective and environmentally-friendly solutions for soils simultaneously polluted with organic and inorganic compounds. This study assessed the individual and combined effectiveness of GROs in recovering the health of a soil artificially polluted with hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] and lindane. A greenhouse experiment was performed using organically-amended vs. non-amended mixed polluted soils. All soils received the following treatments: (i) no treatment; (ii) bioaugmentation with an actinobacteria consortium; (iii) vermiremediation with Eisenia fetida; (iv) phytoremediation with Brassica napus; (v) bioaugmentation + vermiremediation; (vi) bioaugmentation + phytoremediation; and (vii) bioaugmentation + vermiremediation + phytoremediation. Soil health recovery was determined based on Cr(VI) and lindane concentrations, microbial properties and toxicity bioassays with plants and worms. Cr(VI) pollution caused high toxicity, but some GROs were able to partly recover soil health: (i) the organic amendment decreased Cr(VI) concentrations, alleviating toxicity; (ii) the actinobacteria consortium was effective at removing both Cr(VI) and lindane; (iii) B. napus and E. fetida had a positive effect on the removal of pollutants and improved microbial properties. The combination of the organic amendment, B. napus, E. fetida and the actinobacteria consortium was the most effective strategy.Fil: Lacalle, Rafael G.. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Aparicio, Juan Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; ArgentinaFil: Artetxe, Unai. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Urionabarrenetxea, Erik. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Polti, Marta Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; ArgentinaFil: Soto, Manuel. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Garbisu, Carlos. Centro de Investigación. Neiker - Tecnalia; EspañaFil: Becerril, José M.. Universidad del País Vasco; Españ

    Measurement and comparison of individual external doses of high-school students living in Japan, France, Poland and Belarus -- the "D-shuttle" project --

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    Twelve high schools in Japan (of which six are in Fukushima Prefecture), four in France, eight in Poland and two in Belarus cooperated in the measurement and comparison of individual external doses in 2014. In total 216 high-school students and teachers participated in the study. Each participant wore an electronic personal dosimeter "D-shuttle" for two weeks, and kept a journal of his/her whereabouts and activities. The distributions of annual external doses estimated for each region overlap with each other, demonstrating that the personal external individual doses in locations where residence is currently allowed in Fukushima Prefecture and in Belarus are well within the range of estimated annual doses due to the background radiation level of other regions/countries

    Metabolic synergies in the biotransformation of organic and metallic toxic compounds by a saprotrophic soil fungus

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    The saprotrophic fungus Penicillium griseofulvum was chosen as model organism to study responses to a mixture of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers (α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, δ-HCH) and of potentially toxic metals (vanadium, lead) in solid and liquid media. The P. griseofulvum FBL 500 strain was isolated from polluted soil containing high concentrations of HCH isomers and potentially toxic elements (Pb, V). Experiments were performed in order to analyse the tolerance/resistance of this fungus to xenobiotics, and to shed further light on fungal potential in inorganic and organic biotransformations. The aim was to examine the ecological and bioremedial potential of this fungus verifying the presence of mechanisms that allow it to transform HCH isomers and metals under different, extreme, test conditions. To our knowledge, this work is the first to provide evidence on the biotransformation of HCH mixtures, in combination with toxic metals, by a saprotrophic non-white-rot fungus and on the metabolic synergies involved

    Jejunal multiple perforations for combined abdominal typhoid fever and miliary peritoneal tuberculosis

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    Typhoid fever and tuberculosis, considered rare diseases in western countries, is still considered a notable problem of health issue in developing countries. The gastrointestinal manifestations of typhoid fever are the most common and the typhoid intestinal perforation (TIP) is considered the most dangerous complication. Abdominal localization of tuberculosis is the 6th most frequent site for extra pulmonary involvement, it can involve any part of the digestive system, including peritoneum, causing miliary peritoneal tuberculosis (MPT). This is the case report of a 4 years old girl with multiple jejunal perforations in a setting of contemporary miliary peritoneal tuberculosis and typhoid fever occurred in "Hopital Saint Jean de Dieu" in Tanguietà, north of Benin. The patient was admitted in the emergency department with an acute abdomen and suspect of intestinal perforation, in very bad clinical conditions, underwent emergency laparotomy. The finding was a multiple perforations of the jejunum in a setting of combined abdominal typhoid fever and miliary peritoneal tuberculosis. Typhoid intestinal perforations and peritoneal tuberculosis are a very rare cause of non-traumatic peritonitis in western country, but still common in developing country. Considering the modern migratory flux and the diffusion of volunteer missions all around the world, the western surgeon should know this pathological entities, and the best treatments available, well known by surgeons with experience of working in developing countries. The combination of both TIP and MPT in the same patient, is a very rare finding which can worsen the outcome of the patient itself

    Laboratorio de bioestadistica: biorremediación de suelos contaminados con lindano y Cr(VI) por actinobacterias

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    El uso masivo de plaguicidas organoclorados, persistentes y tóxicos, como el lindano, y la descarga industrial de metales pesados al medio, como el Cr(VI), contaminan los suelos y el agua afectando al ecosistema que los rodea. La co-contaminación de ambientes con metales pesados y compuestos orgánicos es difícil de tratar debido a la naturaleza mixta de los contaminantes. La biorremediación, empleando actinobacterias, es una alternativa para la depuración de estos sitios debido a su versatilidad metabólica. Objetivo: Evaluar el crecimiento de plántulas de lechuga en diferentes tipos de suelos. Materiales y Métodos: Diseño Experimental. Para el estudio se empleó una fotografía con 15 plántulas de lechuga provenientes de 5 tipos de suelos diferentes (TS). Se midieron 6 veces cada hipocótilo (H) y radícula (R) utilizando el programa ImageTools 3.0 UTHSCSA (ITU), calibrando en mm, con una variabilidad intraobservador del 2%. TS1: suelo no contaminado; TS2: suelo contaminado con lindano 40 µg/kg no tratado. TS3: suelo contaminado con Cr(VI) 80 mg/kg no tratado. TS4: suelo contaminado con lindano 40 µg/kg y Cr(VI) 80 mg/kg no tratado. TS5: suelo contaminado con lindano 40 µg/kg y Cr(VI) 80 mg/kg, biorremediado por un consorcio de 4 actinobacterias: Streptomyces spp. M7, MC1 y A5 y Amycolatopsis tucumanensis AB0. Estudio Estadístico: ANOVA no paramétrico de Kruskall y Wallis y Postest de Connover. Resultados: Se observaron diferencias significativas (ds) en H y en R (Kruskall y Wallis, p<0,001). Respecto a S1 (Postest de Connover): S5 sin ds (p=0,09); S2,S3 y S4 con ds (p<0,01); mayor inhibición del crecimiento observada en S4 (76% en H y 90% en R). Conclusión: Las actinobacterias son potencialmente capaces de revertir los efectos de la contaminación del suelo sobre las plántulas de lechuga.Fil: Aparicio, Juan Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Polti, Marta Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Brito, M. G.. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Elias, Adriana del Carmen. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; ArgentinaI Jornadas de Investigacion, Docencia y Extension en Ciencias Naturales "Dr. José Busnelli"TucumánArgentinaUniversidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto Miguel Lill