158 research outputs found

    Note de synthĂšse sur le cycle Ă©volutif des sarcosporidies affectant les animaux domestiques

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    AprĂšs un bref rappel de la variĂ©tĂ© des espĂšces affectĂ©es, nous rappelons la nature coccidienne des sarcosporidies. Nous exposons le cycle Ă©volutif de ces parasites tel qu'il a pu ĂȘtre Ă©tabli expĂ©rimentalement Ă  ce jour. Nous mentionnons Ă©galement les caractĂšres particuliers de ces sporozoaires, qui les diffĂ©rencient de Toxoplasma gondii et de Hammondia hammond

    La sarcosporidiose chez le buffle africain (Syncerus caffer)

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    AprÚs quelques généralités sur la sarcosporidiose, une description des kystes sarcosporidiens trouvés chez le buffle africain (S. caffer) et quelques hypothÚses sur le cycle évolutif sont donnée

    Essai de traitement, dans les conditions africaines, du polyparasitisme du zébu, à l'aide des associations Disto-5-Thiabendazo le, Disto-5-Tartrate de Morantel et Disto-5-Tétramisole

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    Les auteurs exposent les résultats positifs qu'ils ont obtenus en Afrique dans la lutte contre le polyparasitisme du zébu, à base de nématodes et trématodes, grùce à l'emploi d'associations médicamenteuses présentant un large spectre d'activité dont ils donnent la composition et la formulation. Ils insistent sur la nécessité de n'utiliser en Afrique, que des associations sous marque déposée, fabriquées par des firmes garantissant rigoureusement leur production, présentées sous forme de comprimés séccables exactement dosé

    Model Checking for Formal Verification of Space Systems

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    The goal of the presented activity is to integrate an existing model checking engine – SPIN1 – with the TASTE2 MBSE environment. For this purpose, the modelling languages used in TASTE – ASN.1, AADL and SDL need to be translated into PROMELA, a language for modelling and verification of concurrent systems. This paper describes the current achievements of the activity – proposal of a TASTE model checking workflow, formalization of requirement specification and established PROMELA translation patterns. Finally, the development of SDL models for validation of the tools and exploration of their utility in the design of space systems is discussed

    Hypoglycaemia: A little known effect of Venlafaxine overdose

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    We report the case of a 39-year-old woman who presented with serotonin syndrome and hypoglycaemia likely due to intoxication with a very high dose of venlafaxine. This case of venlafaxine-associated hypoglycaemia was treated first by glucose perfusion, but despite large doses, hypoglycaemia recurred. Blood glucose normalized after injection of octreotide, eliminating the need for hypertonic glucose. Octreotide has been shown to decrease glucose requirements and the number of hypoglycaemic episodes in patients with sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycaemia but, to our knowledge, its ability to resolve hypoglycaemic episodes due to massive venlafaxine overdose has not yet been described

    Laparoscopic management of a cavitated noncommunicating rudimentary uterine horn of a unicornuate uterus: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>A unicornuate uterus with a rudimentary horn is the most uncommon uterine anomaly of the female genital tract. It has an estimated frequency of one in 100,000 among the fertile female population. This anomaly results from the abnormal maturation of one MĂŒllerian duct with the normal development of the contralateral one.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report here the case of a 14-year-old Caucasian girl who came to our hospital with intense dysmenorrhea. Imaging techniques revealed a unicornuate uterus with a rudimentary horn and a large hematosalpinx. We performed a laparoscopic removal of this uterine anomaly without any complication in the postoperative period.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In our case report, we demonstrate that laparoscopy is the best approach for the treatment of IIb MĂŒllerian abnormalities. Laparoscopy resulted in anatomical and reproductive results equivalent to those offered by a laparotomic approach, but with the additional advantages of minimally invasive surgery, such as better cosmetic results and postoperative period, which are essential for very young patients.</p

    Safety and diagnostic yield of renal biopsy in the intensive care unit

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    Purpose Renal biopsy (RB) is occasionally performed in critically ill patients. The safety and impact of RB in this setting have not been reported. Methods A 10-year (2000–2009) retrospective multicentre study was conducted in ten French intensive care units (ICU) on patients who underwent RB during their management. Medical files were retrieved for data analysis. Results Seventy-seven patients underwent an RB of which 68 (88 %) were on a native kidney and 9 (12 %) on a transplanted kidney. Percutaneous ultrasound-guided RB was used in most cases (87 %). Fifty-seven per cent of the patients were on mechanical ventilation at the time of RB. RB-related complications occurred in 17 (22 %) patients, two were graded as severe (requirement for kidney embolization, eventually successful). In 35 (51 %) non-transplanted patients, RB established a specific diagnosis other than acute tubular necrosis (ATN), which was diagnosed in only 18 % of patients. In the remaining patients, only non-specific lesions were observed. Therapeutic modifications followed RB in 14 (21 %) non-transplanted patients. Presence of signs of systemic disease involving the renal tract, occurrence of renal failure before hospital admission, and absence of any factor usually associated with ATN significantly predicted the presence of a specific diagnosis at RB other than ATN. Conclusions In this cohort, the contribution of RB to diagnosis and treatment was undeniable, but at the expense of frequent adverse events although most of them were not considered severe

    Subjective Cognitive Decline in Older Adults: An Overview of Self-Report Measures Used Across 19 International Research Studies

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    Research increasingly suggests that subjective cognitive decline (SCD) in older adults, in the absence of objective cognitive dysfunction or depression, may be a harbinger of non-normative cognitive decline and eventual progression to dementia. Little is known, however, about the key features of self-report measures currently used to assess SCD. The Subjective Cognitive Decline Initiative (SCD-I) Working Group is an international consortium established to develop a conceptual framework and research criteria for SCD (Jessen et al., 2014, Alzheimers Dement 10, 844-852). In the current study we systematically compared cognitive self-report items used by 19 SCD-I Working Group studies, representing 8 countries and 5 languages. We identified 34 self-report measures comprising 640 cognitive self-report items. There was little overlap among measures- approximately 75% of measures were used by only one study. Wide variation existed in response options and item content. Items pertaining to the memory domain predominated, accounting for about 60% of items surveyed, followed by executive function and attention, with 16% and 11% of the items, respectively. Items relating to memory for the names of people and the placement of common objects were represented on the greatest percentage of measures (56% each). Working group members reported that instrument selection decisions were often based on practical considerations beyond the study of SCD specifically, such as availability and brevity of measures. Results document the heterogeneity of approaches across studies to the emerging construct of SCD. We offer preliminary recommendations for instrument selection and future research directions including identifying items and measure formats associated with important clinical outcome

    The ANTENATAL multicentre study to predict postnatal renal outcome in fetuses with posterior urethral valves: objectives and design

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    Abstract Background Posterior urethral valves (PUV) account for 17% of paediatric end-stage renal disease. A major issue in the management of PUV is prenatal prediction of postnatal renal function. Fetal ultrasound and fetal urine biochemistry are currently employed for this prediction, but clearly lack precision. We previously developed a fetal urine peptide signature that predicted in utero with high precision postnatal renal function in fetuses with PUV. We describe here the objectives and design of the prospective international multicentre ANTENATAL (multicentre validation of a fetal urine peptidome-based classifier to predict postnatal renal function in posterior urethral valves) study, set up to validate this fetal urine peptide signature. Methods Participants will be PUV pregnancies enrolled from 2017 to 2021 and followed up until 2023 in >30 European centres endorsed and supported by European reference networks for rare urological disorders (ERN eUROGEN) and rare kidney diseases (ERN ERKNet). The endpoint will be renal/patient survival at 2 years postnatally. Assuming α = 0.05, 1–ÎČ = 0.8 and a mean prevalence of severe renal outcome in PUV individuals of 0.35, 400 patients need to be enrolled to validate the previously reported sensitivity and specificity of the peptide signature. Results In this largest multicentre study of antenatally detected PUV, we anticipate bringing a novel tool to the clinic. Based on urinary peptides and potentially amended in the future with additional omics traits, this tool will be able to precisely quantify postnatal renal survival in PUV pregnancies. The main limitation of the employed approach is the need for specialized equipment. Conclusions Accurate risk assessment in the prenatal period should strongly improve the management of fetuses with PUV

    Accelerated long-term forgetting in presymptomatic autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: a cross-sectional study.

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    Tests sensitive to presymptomatic changes in Alzheimer's disease could be valuable for clinical trials. Accelerated long-term forgetting-during which memory impairment becomes apparent over longer periods than usually assessed, despite normal performance on standard cognitive testing-has been identified in other temporal lobe disorders. We assessed whether accelerated long-term forgetting is a feature of presymptomatic autosomal dominant (familial) Alzheimer's disease, and whether there is an association between accelerated long-term forgetting and early subjective memory changes.This article is available via Open Access. Click on the Additional Link above to access the full-text via the publisher's site
