616 research outputs found

    Characterisation of biodiversity in improved rubber agroforests in West-Kalimantan, Indonesia. Real and Potential uses for spontaneous plants

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    Since the introduction of rubber at the turn of the 20th century smallholders have developed an original complex agroforestry system called jungle rubber in which non selected young rubber trees (seedlings) are managed extensively alongside secondary forest re-growth. The issue of improving smallholder rubber productivity at affordable capital investments and levels of inputs while maintaining the environmental benefits of jungle rubber has been addressed by the Smallholder Rubber Agroforestry Project (SRAP: a joint project run by ICRAF, GAPKINDO and CIRAD). In 1995-1996, 27 trials (with a total of 100 plots) were set up in three provinces in Indonesia to assess the possibility of associating clonal rubber with agroforestry practices under smallholder conditions (Penot, 1997). Two RAS types were selected for this study: RAS n° 1 and n° 3. RAS n° 1 is basically improved jungle rubber using clonal planting material (see a description of RAS types in annexe 1). The rubber trees are in competition with spontaneous vegetation in the inter-row but results show that there are no negative consequences for rubber growth during the immature period. RAS n° 3 was designed for areas infested by Imperata cylindrica, with the establishment of shrubby leguminous cover crops and fast-growing tree species in the inter-rows with the aim of shading out weeds. The other type, RAS n° 2, is based on intercropping clonal rubber with various annual and perennial crops, including fruit and timber trees (Penot et al, 1994). In all cases, RAS have a planting density of 550 clonal rubber trees/ha and a variable number of associated fruit, timber or fast growing shade trees (from 92 to 256/ha). In addition to the RAS experimental plots, “RAS sendiri” (or “endogenous RAS”) are rubber agroforests improved by farmers without outside assistance. The district of Sanggau in the province of West Kalimantan was identified by SRAP as representative of traditional jungle-rubber-based local farming systems that have developed over the last 90 years. The district of Sanggau is located in the central area of the Kapuas river basin, between 1° N and 0°6' S and 09°8' W and 11°33' E. The district covers 18 302 km2, i.e. 13 % of the province. The trial plots described in this study are located in the villages of Embaong, Engkayu, Kopar, and Trimulia (the last being in the transmigration area). Most soils in the province of West-Kalimantan are acrisoils associated with ferralitic soils. Such soils have relatively good physical characteristics but poor chemical value and become acid. Rubber is widely grown in this area as it can grow in poor soils. The landscape is dominated by logged-over forest, secondary forest and a mosaic of jungle rubber and fallow with secondary forest re-growth. Large scale logging activities took place from 1950s to the 1980s at the expense of primary forest. At present, forested areas are located in hilly or remote areas and are very limited in extent. Oil palm and Acacia mangium plantations developed exponentially in the 1990s increasing the conversion of degraded forest areas into Estates that cultivate perennial crops. The main objective of this study is to assess existing plant biodiversity in RAS systems compared to that of jungle rubber. The second objective is to review the current uses of certain plants and their market potential.

    Use of relevant economic indicators for the evaluation of farming systems in terms of viability, resilience, vulnerability and sustainability: the case of the Lake Alaotra region in Madagascar

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    The WAW initiative (World Agricultures Watch) intends to elaborate a worldwide observatory collecting information on agriculture in different countries and its evolution. Madagascar has been chosen as one of the pilot countries. The geographical area of the study which has been chosen is the lake Alaotra. The study of the notions of vulnerability, resilience, durability and viability has been the main point concerning the choice, the calculation and the analysis of the necessary indicators leading to the elaboration of the observatory. Three different data lines have been chosen: i) The database from the ROR, with annual data from 2005 to 2008 for 500 households ii) The database from the agricultural diagnosis BV-Lac in 2007 (110 farms) and iii) The database from RFR, with 48 farms in 2009 . This paper presents some results with farming systems modeling using the two databases from the BV-lac development project showing the indicators used through the example of a technical change with adoption of conservation agriculture

    Use of relevant economical indicators for the evaluation of farming systems in terms of resilience, vulnerability and sustainability: the case of the Lake Alaotra region in Madagascar

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    The project Observatory for World Agricultures wants to elaborate a worldwide observatory collecting information on agriculture in different countries and its evolution. At the moment five countries have been chosen as countries of reference, Madagascar is one of them. The geographical area of the study which has been chosen is the lake Alaotra. The study of the notions of vulnerability, resilience, durability and viability has been the main point concerning the choice, the calculation and the analysis of the necessary indicators leading to the elaboration of the observatory. Three different data lines have been chosen : i) The database from the ROR, ii) The database from RFR and iii) The database from the agricultural diagnosis Bv-Lac (Durand, Nave & Penot). This paper presents some results with farming systems modeling using the two databases from the BVlac development project showing the indicators used through the example of a technical change with adoption of conservation agriculture

    Les méandres du développement agricole au Lac Alaotra, Madagascar Entre inconstance politique et innovation technique

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    L'histoire mouvementée de l'évolution de l'agriculture au Lac Alaotra, principal grenier à riz de Madagascar, région à forte immigration et zone de prédilection de l'aide publique au développement, est révélatrice d'un conflit entre plusieurs types de " temps " : le temps long de l'adoption de l'innovation, qu'elle soit technique ou institutionnelle, et de l'évolution des mentalités rurales ; et le temps finalement court des projets et des politiques de développement. Ce conflit de temporalités a façonné une histoire agricole qui s'est construite bon an mal an entre rive Est et rive Ouest ; rizière, marais et colline ; maîtrise de l'eau et gestion des espaces ; agropastoralisme et agriculture-élevage ; polyvalence, spécialisation et diversification des productions rurales ; enfin enclavement et intégration aux marchés

    An additive subfamily of enlargements of a maximally monotone operator

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    We introduce a subfamily of additive enlargements of a maximally monotone operator. Our definition is inspired by the early work of Simon Fitzpatrick. These enlargements constitute a subfamily of the family of enlargements introduced by Svaiter. When the operator under consideration is the subdifferential of a convex lower semicontinuous proper function, we prove that some members of the subfamily are smaller than the classical ϵ\epsilon-subdifferential enlargement widely used in convex analysis. We also recover the epsilon-subdifferential within the subfamily. Since they are all additive, the enlargements in our subfamily can be seen as structurally closer to the ϵ\epsilon-subdifferential enlargement

    Calculus of Tangent Sets and Derivatives of Set Valued Maps under Metric Subregularity Conditions

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    In this paper we intend to give some calculus rules for tangent sets in the sense of Bouligand and Ursescu, as well as for corresponding derivatives of set-valued maps. Both first and second order objects are envisaged and the assumptions we impose in order to get the calculus are in terms of metric subregularity of the assembly of the initial data. This approach is different from those used in alternative recent papers in literature and allows us to avoid compactness conditions. A special attention is paid for the case of perturbation set-valued maps which appear naturally in optimization problems.Comment: 17 page

    RĂ´le et place du riz pluvial dans les exploitations du Vakinankaratra (Hauts Plateaux et Moyen Ouest)

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    International audienceDans la région des Hautes Terres, zone montagneuse dont les plaines et les bas fond irrigués sont dominés par de forts reliefs, l'accroissement de la pression démographique s'est traduit par la saturation des terres irriguées, destinées à la riziculture, et par une emprise agricole de plus en plus forte sur les terres de versant. La conduite des cultures de versant (Tanety), ou cultures pluviales, selon les techniques traditionnelles de travail du sol, combiné à l'abondance des pluies, accentue les phénomènes d'érosion et conduit donc à une forte perte de fertilité. De plus, la dégradation des sols en amont se traduit très souvent par l'ensablement et des dégâts sur les infrastructures et parcelles irriguées situées en aval. Ainsi, ces systèmes ne permettent pas, du fait de la fragilité de l'écosystème, de concilier les objectifs de production et de durabilité. Pour faire évoluer ces systèmes vers plus de durabilité, il convient d'améliorer les connaissances sur les pratiques des exploitants. Cette communication présente les résultats de deux diagnostics agraires réalisé en 2007 dans la commune d'Andranomanelatra, à la périphérie d'Antsirabe, sur les hauts plateaux de Madagascar et en 2008/2009 dans le reste du Vakinankaratra, hauts plateaux et moyen-ouest, ainsi que des résultats obtenus et sortis de la base de données parcelle (BDD) du projet BVPI SE/HP. Des typologies d'exploitations sont présentées pour mieux identifier les contraintes et opportunités de chaque type et la place du riz pluvial dans la formation du revenu ou la satisfaction des besoins alimentaires. On examinera l'opportunité que représente le riz pluvial pour les agriculteurs de la région sans oublier les autres opportunités ou alternatives présentes dans la zone qui semblent plus adaptées à des contextes très différenciés des hauts plateaux. La discussion portera sur les enjeux agricoles à venir et la place que peut y jouer le riz pluvial
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