105 research outputs found

    Economic evaluation of bio-based supply chains with CO2 capture and utilisation

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    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) are acknowledged as important R&D priorities to achieve environmental goals set for next decades. This work studies biomass-based energy supply chains with CO2 capture and utilisation. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear program. This study presents a flexible supply chain superstructure to answer issues on economic and environmental benefits achievable by integrating biomass-coal plants, CO2 capture and utilisation plants; i.e. location of intermediate steps, fraction of CO2 emissions captured per plant, CO2 utilisation plants' size, among others. Moreover, eventual incentives and environmental revenues will be discussed to make an economically feasible project. A large-size case study located in Spain will be presented to highlight the proposed approach. Two key scenarios are envisaged: (i) Biomass, capture or utilisation of CO2 are not contemplated; (ii) Biomass, capture and CO2 utilisation are all considered. Finally, concluding remarks are drawn.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Crushing effects on the durability of rocky aggregates used on road surfaces subjected to winter maintenance and extreme climate conditions

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    The internal structure of a rock is determined by its empty spaces (pores and cracks), which can evolve over time by chemical, physical, or biological processes. In construction, these chemical and physical processes, and their effects in the final products, known as aggregates, are well known, and controlled to estimate their quality and durability. However, the intrinsic properties of the raw material, the rock, and the processes that can affect its quality and durability during the production of the aggregates are poorly studied and considered in construction. For this reason, the evolution of the internal structure of two different types of aggregates used in Spanish roads were analyzed. The aggregates will be also studied in their raw form, rock, by measuring their water absorption coefficient and using mercury porosimetry and fluorescence microscopy. To estimate the influence of the internal structure in the durability of the aggregates, both forms, rocks, and aggregates, will be subjected to the combined effect of temperature variations and the salt used during winter maintenance operations on Spanish roads. The results obtained show that crushing processes in the quarry increase the water absorption coefficient of both materials and generate new micro-porosity caused by the microcracking of weak areas of the rock such as its schistosity or the presence of previous cracks. Thus, this increasing of the porosity produced by crushing processes in the quarry has a negative impact on the durability of the aggregates when they are subjected to winter maintenance operations and extreme climate conditions

    The begomovirus Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus is not seed-transmitted in melon

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    Transmission of plant viruses through seed can be one of the major factors contributing to long- distance dispersal through global trade of seeds and can have important ecological consequences for virus dissemination. Begomoviruses (genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae), and among them isolates of the species Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), cause significant yield losses in economically important crops worldwide. These viruses are horizontally transmitted in nature in a circulative and persistent manner by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci but in recent years several reports have raised the possibility of vertical transmission through seeds for some members of this genus. We have investigated the possible transmission by melon (Cucumis melo L.) seeds of a ToLCNDV isolate of the “Spain” strain, in three different melon cultivars (all susceptible to ToLCNDV). The presence of ToLCNDV in floral tissues and the detection of viral DNA in seeds reveals the seed-borne nature of this virus. However, grow-out studies conducted with the progeny of melon plants germinated from seeds collected from ToLCNDV-infected plants and evaluated at early (1 leaf) or at late (20 leaves) growth stages did not support the vertical transmission of ToLCNDV from seeds to the offspring.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    The begomovirus tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus is not seed-transmitted in melon

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    Transmission of plant viruses through seed can be one of the major factors contributing to longdistance dispersal through global trade of seeds and can have important ecological consequences for virus dissemination. Begomoviruses (genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae), and among them isolates of the species Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), cause significant yield losses in economically important crops worldwide. These viruses are horizontally transmitted in nature in a circulative and persistent manner by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci but in recent years several reports have raised the possibility of vertical transmission through seeds for some members of this genus. We have investigated the possible transmission by melon (Cucumis melo L.) seeds of a ToLCNDV isolate of the “Spain” strain, in three different melon cultivars (all susceptible to ToLCNDV). The presence of ToLCNDV in floral tissues and the detection of viral DNA in seeds reveals the seed-borne nature of this virus. However, grow-out studies conducted with the progeny of melon plants germinated from seeds collected from ToLCNDV-infected plants and evaluated at early (1 leaf) or at late (20 leaves) growth stages did not support the vertical transmission of ToLCNDV from seeds to the offspring.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Miridae) induce la expresión temprana de tricomas glandulares tipo IV y la producción de acilazúcares: implicaciones para el control de mosca blanca (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) y los virus transmitidos en el tomate

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    El cruzamiento de tomate cultivado con la especie silvestre Solanum pimpinellifolium, ha dado lugar a varias líneas de introgresión con cierto grado de resistencia a las moscas blancas Bemisia tabaci Gennadius y Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Esta resistencia se basa en la presencia de tricomas glandulares de tipo IV productores de acilazúcares que proporcionan propiedades de antixenosis y antibiosis

    The future of small farms and small food businesses as actors in regional food security: A participatory scenario analysis from Europe and Africa

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    This research was supported by the `Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security' (SALSA) project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 677363. Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Ortiz Miranda, D.; Moreno-Pérez, OM.; Arnalte-Mur, L.; Cerrada-Serra, P.; Martinez Gomez, VD.; Adolph, B.; Atela, J.... (2022). The future of small farms and small food businesses as actors in regional food security: A participatory scenario analysis from Europe and Africa. Journal of Rural Studies. 95:326-335. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2022.09.0063263359

    Gamificación combinada con aula invertida, aplicación en un grado de ingeniería.

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    Se ha desarrollado la metodología de aula invertida y gamificación en la asignatura obligatoria “Transferencia de Calor y Materia” de 2º curso del grado de Ingeniero de la Energía en la ETSIME de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Esta experiencia se realiza durante el curso 2018-19 en las dos clases en que se divide esta materia, considerados ambos como grupo experimental. El contraste de resultados se realiza con los grupos que cursaron la misma materia durante el 2017-18, donde “sólo” se tenía aula invertida y que se toman como el grupo de control. El material del que dispone el alumno en ambos casos es el mismo. A pesar de notarse un ligero descenso en la asistencia a clase, los resultados obtenidos por ambos grupos muestran que la inclusión de estas actividades supone un aumento de las notas de casi un punto en cada bloque. Asimismo, se analizan los resultados de los exámenes entre los alumnos que han tenido gamificación activa y los que no. En este caso la diferencia es aún mayor (en torno a 2 puntos en cada bloque). La dispersión en las notas se mantiene constante, estando ambos grupos igualmente nivelados

    Revisión bibliográfica de implantología bucofacial del año 2007

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    Se expone una revisión de la literatura científica publicada en revistas indexadas durante el año 2007 sobre Implantología Bucofacial. La escasez de tiempo de que disponen los profesionales para consultar las múltiples fuentes de información, ha motivado a los autores a resumir los artículos publicados y clasificarlos en los siguientes apartados: generalidades, pacientes especiales, superficies y diseños, tejidos blandos, implantes inmediatos, carga inmediata, complicaciones, elevación sinusal, técnicas avanzadas, plasma rico en plaquetas y factores de crecimiento, cirugía guiada, cirugía mínimamente invasiva y miniimplantes, con la intención de facilitar una puesta al día

    Análise de endemismo de táxons neotropicais de Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)

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    The definition of areas of endemism is central to studies of historical biogeography, and their interrelationships are fundamental questions. Consistent hypotheses for the evolution of Pentatomidae in the Neotropical region depend on the accuracy of the units employed in the analyses, which in the case of studies of historical biogeography, may be areas of endemism. In this study, the distribution patterns of 222 species, belonging to 14 Pentatomidae (Hemiptera) genera, predominantly neotropical, were studied with the Analysis of Endemicity (NDM) to identify possible areas of endemism and to correlate them to previously delimited areas. The search by areas of endemism was carried out using grid-cell units of 2.5° and 5° latitude-longitude. The analysis based on groupings of grid-cells of 2.5° of latitude-longitude allowed the identification of 51 areas of endemism, the consensus of these areas resulted in four clusters of grid-cells. The second analysis, with grid-cells units of 5° latitude-longitude, resulted in 109 areas of endemism. The flexible consensus employed resulted in 17 areas of endemism. The analyses were sensitive to the identification of areas of endemism in different scales in the Atlantic Forest. The Amazonian region was identified as a single area in the area of consensus, and its southeastern portion shares elements with the Chacoan and Paraná subregions. The distribution data of the taxa studied, with different units of analysis, did not allow the identification of individual areas of endemism for the Cerrado and Caatinga. The areas of endemism identified here should be seen as primary biogeographic hypotheses.A definição de áreas de endemismo é central aos estudos de Biogeografia Histórica e suas inter-relações são questões fundamentais. Hipóteses consistentes sobre a evolução de Pentatomidae (Hemiptera) na Região Neotropical dependem da acuidade das unidades empregadas nas análises, que no caso de estudos de biogeografia histórica, podem ser áreas endêmicas. Neste trabalho foram estudados os padrões de distribuição de 222 espécies, pertencentes a 14 gêneros de Pentatomidae, com ocorrência predominantemente neotropical, com base em uma Análise de Endemicidade (NDM) a fim de inferir possíveis áreas endêmicas e relacioná-las a áreas previamente delimitadas. A busca por áreas endêmicas foi realizada com quadrículas de 2,5° e 5° latitude-longitude. A análise com base em agrupamentos de 2,5° latitude-longitude permitiu identificar 51 áreas de endemismo, sendo que o consenso destas áreas resultou em quatro agrupamentos de quadrículas. A segunda análise, com quadrículas de 5° latitude-longitude, resultou em 109 áreas de endemismo. O consenso flexível empregado resultou em 17 áreas de endemismo. As análises foram sensíveis à identificação de áreas de endemismo na Mata Atlântica em diferentes escalas. A região Amazônica foi identificada como uma área única no consenso, sendo que a porção sudeste compartilha elementos com as sub-regiões do Chaco e Paraná. Os dados de distribuição dos táxons estudados, com diferentes unidades de análises, não permitiram a identificação de áreas endêmicas para o Cerrado e a Caatinga. As áreas de endemismo aqui identificadas devem ser tratadas como hipóteses biogeográficas primárias.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Laboratório de Entomologia Sistemática Departamento de ZoologiaUniversidade Federal do Paraná Departamento de Zoologia Programa de Pós-Graduação em EntomologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ciências BiológicasUNIFESP, Depto. de Ciências BiológicasSciEL