65 research outputs found

    Histopathological Analogies in Chronic Pulmonary Lesions between Cattle and Humans: Basis for an Alternative Animal Model

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    Most of the natural cases of pneumonia in feedlot cattle are characterized by a longer clinical course due to chronic lung lesions. Microscopically, these lesions include interstitial fibroplasia, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis obliterans, and epithelial metaplasia of the airways. Herein, the aim was to review, under a medical perspective, the pathologic mechanisms operating in these chronic pneumonic lesions in calves. Based on the similarities of these changes to those reported in bronchiolitis obliterans/organising pneumonia (BO/OP) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in human beings, calves are proposed as an alternative animal model

    Experimental and quantum chemical studies of a novel synthetic prenylated chalcone

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    BACKGROUND: Chalcones are ubiquitous natural compounds with a wide variety of reported biological activities, including antitumoral, antiviral and antimicrobial effects. Furthermore, chalcones are being studied for its potential use in organic electroluminescent devices; therefore the description of their spectroscopic properties is important to elucidate the structure of these molecules. One of the main techniques available for structure elucidation is the use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR). Accordingly, the prediction of the NMR spectra in this kind of molecules is necessary to gather information about the influence of substituents on their spectra. RESULTS: A novel substituted chalcone has been synthetized. In order to identify the functional groups present in the new synthesized compound and confirm its chemical structure, experimental and theoretical (1)H-NMR and (13)C-NMR spectra were analyzed. The theoretical molecular structure and NMR spectra were calculated at both the Hartree-Fock and Density Functional (meta: TPSS; hybrid: B3LYP and PBE1PBE; hybrid meta GGA: M05-2X and M06-2X) levels of theory in combination with a 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. The structural parameters showed that the best method for geometry optimization was DFT:M06-2X/6-311++G(d,p), whereas the calculated bond angles and bond distances match experimental values of similar chalcone derivatives. The NMR calculations were carried out using the Gauge-Independent Atomic Orbital (GIAO) formalism in a DFT:M06-2X/6-311++G(d,p) optimized geometry. CONCLUSION: Considering all HF and DFT methods with GIAO calculations, TPSS and PBE1PBE were the most accurate methods used for calculation of (1)H-NMR and (13)C-NMR chemical shifts, which was almost similar to the B3LYP functional, followed in order by HF, M05-2X and M06-2X methods. All calculations were done using the Gaussian 09 software package. Theoretical calculations can be used to predict and confirm the structure of substituted chalcones with good correlation with the experimental data

    Enfriamiento al inicio de verano para mitigar el estrés por calor en vacas Holstein del noroeste de México

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    The objective of this study was to determine the physiological, endocrine and productive response in lactating dairy cows under several series of artificial cooling at the beginning of the summer (June to July, 2011). Fourteen multiparous Holstein cows were assigned in one of two treatments: Cooling (C) before milking (0700 and 1700 h) and additional cooling (AC) each 2 h (from 0700 to 1700h) in the holding pen of the milking parlor. Milk yield (MY), and serum levels of prolactin (PRL) and IGF1 were measured. Rectal temperature and respiratory rate were registered and included as physiological markers of heat stress. Ambient temperature and relative humidity were also collected and used to calculate temperature-humidity index (THI). Both markers of heat stress showed a significant interaction (P<0.001) between treatment and time/week, which were lower in AC treatment (-3.8 breaths per minute and -0.2 °C) during wk 6 and 7. Serum levels of PRL were higher under additional cooling (AC: 35.1 vs C: 29.4 ng/ml; P=0.004), while  IGF1 serum levels showed variation only through the sampling weeks (P=0.014). The MY increased (P<0.05) in AC only during wk 6 (+3.1 kg/d) and 7 (+3.1 kg/d). It was concluded that additional cooling at the beginning of the summer reduced heat stress in dairy cows allowing a better productive performance at the end of the study because such effect relied on the variable time/week.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la respuesta fisiológica, endócrina y productiva en vacas lactantes sometidas a varias series de enfriamiento artificial al inicio de verano (junio a julio de 2011). Se asignaron 14 vacas Holstein multíparas a uno de dos tratamientos: enfriamiento (E) antes de la ordeña (0700 y 1700 h) y enfriamiento adicional (EA) cada 2 h de 0700 a 1700 h en el corral de espera a la ordeña. Se midió la producción de leche (PL), niveles de prolactina (PRL) e IGF1, mientras que la temperatura rectal y frecuencia respiratoria fueron registradas y consideradas como indicadores fisiológicos de estrés por calor. La temperatura ambiental y humedad relativa también fueron registradas y utilizadas para calcular el índice de temperatura-humedad (ITH). Los indicadores de estrés calórico mostraron una interacción significativa (P<0.001) entre tratamiento y tiempo/semana, los cuales fueron menores con EA (-3.8 respiraciones por minuto y -0.2 °C) sólo durante las semanas 6 y 7. Los niveles séricos de PRL fueron mayores bajo enfriamiento adicional (EA: 35.1 vs E: 29.4 ng/ml; P=0.004), mientras que los de IGF1 solo variaron a través de las semanas de muestreo (P=0.014). La PL se incrementó (P<0.05) en EA durante las semanas 6 (+3.1kg/día) y 7 (+3.1 kg/día). Se concluye que la mayor frecuencia de baños mitigó la condición de estrés calórico al inicio de verano, permitiéndole a la vaca expresar un mejor desempeño productivo al final del estudio, ya que dicho efecto dependió de la variable tiempo/semana

    Dementia in Latin America : paving the way towards a regional action plan

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    Regional challenges faced by Latin American and Caribbean countries (LACs) to fight dementia, such as heterogeneity, diversity, political instabilities, and socioeconomic disparities, can be addressed more effectively grounded in a collaborative setting based on the open exchange of knowledge. In this work, the Latin American and Caribbean Consortium on Dementia (LAC-CD) proposes an agenda for integration to deliver a Knowledge to Action Framework (KtAF). First, we summarize evidence-based strategies (epidemiology, genetics, biomarkers, clinical trials, nonpharmacological interventions, networking and translational research) and align them to current global strategies to translate regional knowledge into actions with transformative power. Then, by characterizing genetic isolates, admixture in populations, environmental factors, and barriers to effective interventions and mapping these to the above challenges, we provide the basic mosaics of knowledge that will pave the way towards a KtAF. We describe strategies supporting the knowledge creation stage that underpins the translational impact of KtAF

    Arsenic in freshwater fish in the Chihuahua County water reservoirs (Mexico).

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    Water reservoirs in Chihuahua County, Mexico, are affected by some punctual and non-punctual geogenic and anthropogenic pollution sources; fish are located at the top of the food chain and are good indicators for the ecosystems pollution. The study goal was to: (i) determine arsenic concentration in fish collected from the Chuviscar, Chihuahua, San Marcos and El Rejon water reservoirs; (ii) to assess if the fishes are suitable for human consumption and (iii) link the arsenic contents in fish with those in sediment and water reported in studies made the same year for these water reservoirs. Sampling was done in summer, fall and winter. The highest arsenic concentration in the species varied through the sampling periods: Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) with 0.22 ± 0.15 mg/kg dw in winter and Green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) with 2.00 ± 0.15 mg/kg dw in summer in El Rejon water reservoir. A positive correlation of arsenic contents was found through all sampling seasons in fish samples and the samples of sediment and water. The contribution of the weekly intake of inorganic arsenic, based on the consumption of 0.245 kg fish muscles/body weight/week was found lower than the acceptable weekly intake of 0.015 mg/kg/body weight for inorganic arsenic suggested by FAO/WHO