22 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Keluhan OPD Daerah di Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Dumai Berbasis Website

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    The Communication and Information Department of Dumai City has a procedure for receiving complaints from local government agencies (OPD) that are still manually processed through telephone/WhatsApp communication. This Website-Based Regional OPD Complaint Application provides a solution to this issue by allowing the submission and filing of complaints from OPDs through a website, which are then processed according to the established procedure. The objective of this research is to create a website for OPD complaints to streamline the distribution and reception of complaints. This website system will receive complaint submissions and provide responses to the complaint data. Additionally, the role of the Dumai Communication and Information Department (KOMINFO) involves processing complaints and providing regular updates until the process is completed. The website includes login access for both Reporters (OPD) and Administrators. Users with these roles can submit complaints, edit complaint data (including responses and status), and view complaint data along with its details. The system was tested using BlackBox testing, where the application's features were directly tested by the Dumai City KOMINFO. The testing resulted in smooth processes for submitting complaints, editing data, viewing details, and managing complaint status and responses. This OPD complaint website system is utilized for submitting and processing complaints directed to the Dumai City Communication and Information Department


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    Abstract - The conditioning tower is a vertical evaporative cooling tower. Designed to reducing the temperature of the gas for lower temperature thermal processing. The gas of suspension preheater (SP) use for drying and transportationing in the Raw mill and Coal Mill, before be discharged into the environment through out the stack. The installation of the clean water piping system will be channeled to the conditioning tower, it use a spray that functions to reducing the temperature, pressure, and volume of gas that still contains the required dust. It’s removed before being channeled to the back filter, which final product is gas through the stack. Then perform calculations starting from headloss, pump head, pump power, and a amount of water needed. Modeling analysis with the help of pipe flow expert software in order to make comparisons with the calculations carried out and estimate the cost of the material needed. The total head pump obtained is 63.763 m and the pump power is 30.536 kW. The efficiency of manual head pump calculation with software is 3.13 % and pump power is 4.39% which is not more than the tolerance value 6.67% .The minimum amount of water needs is 55,944.3 liters with a usage period of 60 minutes. The estimated value of material costs is Rp. 458,567,125

    IoT-based Integrated System Portable Prayer Mat and DailyWorship Monitoring System

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    Muslims have various difficulties in praying, such as difficulty memorizing the number of rak’ah they have been doing and determining the direction of the Qibla. In this research, we proposed a technological device for monitoring daily worship in Islam. We presented the IoT-based integrated system as a portable prayer mat serving as a rak’ah counter, Qibla direction finder, and a mobile worship monitoring system. A prototyping approach was used to produce a portable smart prayer mat, and Rapid Application Development was used to develop a mobile daily worship system. The device comprises an Arduino AT Mega 2560 powered portable prayer mat through a force-sensitive resistor sensor and an HMC 5883L compass module. The device sends the prayer activity to the worship applications in detail. The daily worship monitoring application itself has numerous features that enable users to track their daily worship activities, including the Hijri calendar, the time of compulsory prayers, the fulfillment of sunnah prayers, and fasting. Evaluation results showed that the system detected the rak’ah correctly in each cycle with average pressure to the FSR sensor of 81.36. The average time required to connect with a smartphone was 0.862 seconds. It also functions well as a Qibla finder. The black box testing results showed that the device and application performed effectively. It can send the worship data recapitulation to the application using Bluetooth

    Anatomical and Functional Outcome of Scleral Buckling and Primary Vitrectomy in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment

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    Abstract Retinal detachment is a serious sight-threatening condition, which needs a prompt treatment. Recently, pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) has been frequently used than scleral buckling (SB) although the advantages of PPV over SB had never been proven. To compare anatomical and functional outcomes, as well as complications of SB vs. primary PPV as the initial surgery in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, a literature study was carried out for journal articles indexed by the PubMed. We included studies (interventional or observational) that reported the use of primary PPV vs. SB in retinal detachment. We did not restrict the search by the lens status. We excluded studies that were not reported in English and could not be accessed. Out of 44 articles identified, only seven articles were eligible. In most studies, the rates of retinal attachment after the first surgery of both techniques were similar (p>0.05). Only two studies reported significantly better primary anatomical success in PPV than SB (p=0.0002 and p=0.037). Both techniques also showed functional success based on the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) results, with three studies found that PPV had a significantly better final BCVA (p=0.03, p=0.0005, p<0.05). The complication of these two techniques could not be compared. Retinal re-detachment, choroidal detachment, proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) progression and infection were reported in SB group. Meanwhile, higher intraocular pressure, retinal re-detachment, PVR, epiretinal membrane (ERM), macula pucker, and iatrogenic break were reported in PPV group. Both surgical techniques gave good results in visual function (LogMar <1.00) and quite the same in primary anatomical success.Key words: pars plana vitrectomy, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, scleral buckling Abstrak Ablasio retina merupakan suatu kedaruratan mata yang membutuhkan tata laksana segera. Dewasa ini, vitrektomi pars plana (pars plana vitrectomy/PPV) lebih sering digunakan dibandingkan scleral buckling (SB), meskipun kelebihan PPV dari SB belum pernah dibuktikan. Untuk membandingkan luaran anatomi dan fungsi, serta komplikasi SB dan PPV primer sebagai tata laksana bedah inisial pada ablasio retina regmatogenosa, dilakukan pencarian literatur menggunakan database PubMed. Kriteria inklusi adalah artikel yang melaporkan hasil PPV primer vs. SB pada ablasio retina. Seleksi tidak dibatasi oleh status lensa. Kriteria eksklusi adalah artikel yang tidak menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan tidak dapat diakses. Dari 44 artikel yang teridentifikasi, tujuh artikel memenuhi kriteria. Tingkat perlekatan retina setelah operasi pertama pada kedua teknik setara hampir pada semua studi (p>0,05). Hanya dua studi melaporkan keberhasilan anatomis primer yang secara signifikan lebih baik pada PPV (p=0,0002 and p=0,037). Kedua teknik juga menunjukkan keberhasilan fungsional dilihat dari best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), dengan tiga studi melaporkan BCVA yang secara signifikan lebih baik pada PPV (p=0,03, p=0,0005, p<0,05). Komplikasi kedua teknik tidak dapat dibandingkan. Pada kelompok SB dilaporkan terjadinya retinal re-detachment, choroidal detachment, prolifestive vitreoretinopathy progresif (PVR) dan infeksi. Sementara itu, dilaporkan peningkatan tekanan intraokular, retinal re-detachment, PVR, epiretinal membrane (ERM), macula pucker, dan robekan iatrogenik pada kelompok PPV. Kedua teknik bedah memberikan hasil akhir tajam penglihatan yang baik (LogMar <1.00) dan keberhasilan anatomis primer yang relatif sama.Kata kunci: ablasio retina regmatogenosa, scleral buckling, vitrektomi pars plana

    The information system project profiles among universities in Indonesia

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    Information system (IS) utilizations may have been one of the determinant factors for the survival requirement of the higher education sector in Indonesia. Despite the IS projects have been conducted since the 1980s in this country, but many studies indicated that success of the projects seems like in the low level. This survey study was purposed to know the status of the IS project success among universities by involving the internal stakeholders. The higher education database of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (MRTHE) and the Association of Computing and Informatics Institutions Indonesia (ASCII-I) in the year 2015 were used for selecting around 1.230 respondents based on a purposive random sampling. The blended questionnaires were then distributed with almost 298 (±24%) responses. This paper presents five project profiles, including the aim, IS strategic plan availability, internal team involvement, budget allocation, and the success level of the projects

    Tahlil tradition and its impact on moslem community’s psycho-social stability

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    This study aims to describe the form of tahlil tradition, to understand the cause of citizens participating in tahlil tradition, and to understand the impact of the tahlil tradition on stabilizing psycho–social aspects. The subject of this study is 40 persons staying in Sumbergesing Kulon, Gedangan, Malang, Indonesia. The study was conducted in May, 2018. The techniques of data collection are observation, interview, and documentation. The results of this study show that the form of tahlil tradition contains of many readings, the causes of citizens participating in tahlil tradition are their pretension to pray the passed away relatives, to gather with other, to recite the Qur’an, etc, and the impacts of tahlil tradition in stabilizing psychological and social aspect among citizens such as feel quieter, sense of mercy, fearer to God, more familiar, often praying in the mosque, etc

    Sistem Penyiram Tanaman Paralel Multikarakter dengan Logika Fuzzy Metode Sugeno dan LoRa Ra-02 SX1278 Berbasis IoT

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    Kebun agribisnis Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah merupakan bagian dari laboratorium program studi agribisnis yang memiliki greenhouse. Terdapat delapan jalur lahan dengan jenis tanaman yang berbeda-beda tiap dua jalurnya. Dalam mengelola tanaman di greenhouse tersebut, penyiraman tanaman merupakan hal yang sangat penting, terlebih lagi karena perubahan cuaca yang terjadi akibat adanya perubahan iklim membuat penyiraman tanaman menjadi rumit, karena harus memperhatikan faktor-faktor tertentu pada tanaman. Beberapa faktor tersebut adalah besar tanaman, banyaknya tanah, dan tipe tanaman tersebut. Selain ketiga faktor tersebut, terdapat faktor lainnya yaitu kelalain. Tindakan lalai yang dilakukan oleh pemilik tanaman seperti lupa menyiram tanaman dapat menyebabkan tanaman menjadi kering dan menyebabkan tanaman menjadi mati. Pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah sistem penyiram tanaman paralel multikarakter menggunakan LoRa Ra-SX1278 dan logika fuzzy metode Sugeno berbasis Internet of Things. Sistem ini dapat dipantau menggunakan smartphone melalui aplikasi Telegram oleh pengawas kebun atau petugas yang bertanggung jawab