1,222 research outputs found

    Best chirplet chain: near-optimal detection of gravitational wave chirps

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    The list of putative sources of gravitational waves possibly detected by the ongoing worldwide network of large scale interferometers has been continuously growing in the last years. For some of them, the detection is made difficult by the lack of a complete information about the expected signal. We concentrate on the case where the expected GW is a quasi-periodic frequency modulated signal i.e., a chirp. In this article, we address the question of detecting an a priori unknown GW chirp. We introduce a general chirp model and claim that it includes all physically realistic GW chirps. We produce a finite grid of template waveforms which samples the resulting set of possible chirps. If we follow the classical approach (used for the detection of inspiralling binary chirps, for instance), we would build a bank of quadrature matched filters comparing the data to each of the templates of this grid. The detection would then be achieved by thresholding the output, the maximum giving the individual which best fits the data. In the present case, this exhaustive search is not tractable because of the very large number of templates in the grid. We show that the exhaustive search can be reformulated (using approximations) as a pattern search in the time-frequency plane. This motivates an approximate but feasible alternative solution which is clearly linked to the optimal one. [abridged version of the abstract]Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev D Some typos corrected and changes made according to referee's comment

    Neural network time-series classifiers for gravitational-wave searches in single-detector periods

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    The search for gravitational-wave signals is limited by non-Gaussian transient noises that mimic astrophysical signals. Temporal coincidence between two or more detectors is used to mitigate contamination by these instrumental glitches. However, when a single detector is in operation, coincidence is impossible, and other strategies have to be used. We explore the possibility of using neural network classifiers and present the results obtained with three types of architectures: convolutional neural network, temporal convolutional network, and inception time. The last two architectures are specifically designed to process time-series data. The classifiers are trained on a month of data from the LIGO Livingston detector during the first observing run (O1) to identify data segments that include the signature of a binary black hole merger. Their performances are assessed and compared. We then apply trained classifiers to the remaining three months of O1 data, focusing specifically on single-detector times. The most promising candidate from our search is 2016-01-04 12:24:17 UTC. Although we are not able to constrain the significance of this event to the level conventionally followed in gravitational-wave searches, we show that the signal is compatible with the merger of two black holes with masses m1=50.78.9+10.4Mm_1 = 50.7^{+10.4}_{-8.9}\,M_{\odot} and m2=24.49.3+20.2Mm_2 = 24.4^{+20.2}_{-9.3}\,M_{\odot} at the luminosity distance of dL=564338+812Mpcd_L = 564^{+812}_{-338}\,\mathrm{Mpc}.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures, submitted to CQ

    Analyses spectroscopiques du liquide céphalo-rachidien de rat en ex vivo et du noyau du raphé dorsal in vivo

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    Les propriétés d'absorption et de fluorescence du liquide céphalo-rachidien (LCR) ponctionné au niveau de la cisterna magna du rat, sont analysées puis comparées à l'émission mesurée in situ dans le noyau du raphe dorsal du rat libre de tous mouvements. Les mesures de fluorescence en ex vivo du LCR et in vivo du noyau raphé dorsal, ont été réalisées par la mise en œuvre d'un microcapteur à fibre optique (FOCS). La fluorescence mesurée in vivo sous excitation à 337 nm, présente 2 pics d'émission situés vers 410 et 460 nm. Les spectres d'absorption, d'émission en fluorescence statique et en fluorescence induite par laser sont rapportés. Avec des domaines de longueur d'onde d'excitation de 300-315 nm, 320-355 nm et 360-470 nm, les spectres d'émission du LCR en ex vivo montrent respectivement des pics centrés vers 340 nm, 390 nm et 530 nm. Malgré les limites liées aux différences de localisation anatomique, ces approches ainsi que celles de la littérature permettent de suggérer que le signal de fluorescence mesuré in vivo à 460nm pourrait dépendre pour une grande partie du NADH intracellulaire

    Vibration Mitigation for Brewery Stockhouse Demolition

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    Nineteen thirty\u27s vintage reinforced concrete brewery stockhouses, collectively known as Borsari Cellars, were demolished to make space for the construction of a new stockhouse. (A brewery stockhouse is a refrigerated building containing beer storage or aging tanks.) The stockhouses to be demolished shared three common walls with two other stockhouses which were to remain intact during the demolition. It was necessary that the three shared walls remain attached to the remaining stockhouses and that the demolition take place without causing vibration damage to glass-lined tanks in the remaining stockhouse, adjacent stockhouscs, and to several underground tunnels present below the demolition site. The following tasks were performed to successfully complete this project: (I) design and install a rock-anchored tie-back system for retaining the three shared walls: (2) evaluate ambient ground vibrations during normal business activities in the subject stockhouscs and general project area: (3) recommend an allowable demolition vibration criteria and develop a monitoring program; and (4) implement the monitoring program. A resultant peak particle velocity (RPPV) of 1.0 inch per second was recommended as the threshold for low-risk demolition. This program was used successfully to demolish the Borsari Cellars without causing damage to adjacent stockhouses, glass-lined beer tanks, and underground tunnels on the project site. This approach could be used for similar situations or for demolition in areas where industrial buildings with sensitive equipment are in close proximity

    Best network chirplet-chain: Near-optimal coherent detection of unmodeled gravitation wave chirps with a network of detectors

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    The searches of impulsive gravitational waves (GW) in the data of the ground-based interferometers focus essentially on two types of waveforms: short unmodeled bursts and chirps from inspiralling compact binaries. There is room for other types of searches based on different models. Our objective is to fill this gap. More specifically, we are interested in GW chirps with an arbitrary phase/frequency vs. time evolution. These unmodeled GW chirps may be considered as the generic signature of orbiting/spinning sources. We expect quasi-periodic nature of the waveform to be preserved independent of the physics which governs the source motion. Several methods have been introduced to address the detection of unmodeled chirps using the data of a single detector. Those include the best chirplet chain (BCC) algorithm introduced by the authors. In the next years, several detectors will be in operation. The joint coherent analysis of GW by multiple detectors can improve the sight horizon, the estimation of the source location and the wave polarization angles. Here, we extend the BCC search to the multiple detector case. The method amounts to searching for salient paths in the combined time-frequency representation of two synthetic streams. The latter are time-series which combine the data from each detector linearly in such a way that all the GW signatures received are added constructively. We give a proof of principle for the full sky blind search in a simplified situation which shows that the joint estimation of the source sky location and chirp frequency is possible.Comment: 22 pages, revtex4, 6 figure

    Short GRBs at the dawn of the gravitational wave era

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    We derive the luminosity function and redshift distribution of short Gamma Ray Bursts (SGRBs) using (i) all the available observer-frame constraints (i.e. peak flux, fluence, peak energy and duration distributions) of the large population of Fermi SGRBs and (ii) the rest-frame properties of a complete sample of Swift SGRBs. We show that a steep ϕ(L)La\phi(L)\propto L^{-a} with a>2.0 is excluded if the full set of constraints is considered. We implement a Monte Carlo Markov Chain method to derive the ϕ(L)\phi(L) and ψ(z)\psi(z) functions assuming intrinsic Ep-Liso and Ep-Eiso correlations or independent distributions of intrinsic peak energy, luminosity and duration. To make our results independent from assumptions on the progenitor (NS-NS binary mergers or other channels) and from uncertainties on the star formation history, we assume a parametric form for the redshift distribution of SGRBs. We find that a relatively flat luminosity function with slope ~0.5 below a characteristic break luminosity ~3×1052\times10^{52} erg/s and a redshift distribution of SGRBs peaking at z~1.5-2 satisfy all our constraints. These results hold also if no Ep-Liso and Ep-Eiso correlations are assumed. We estimate that, within ~200 Mpc (i.e. the design aLIGO range for the detection of GW produced by NS-NS merger events), 0.007-0.03 SGRBs yr1^{-1} should be detectable as gamma-ray events. Assuming current estimates of NS-NS merger rates and that all NS-NS mergers lead to a SGRB event, we derive a conservative estimate of the average opening angle of SGRBs: θjet\theta_{jet}~3-6 deg. Our luminosity function implies an average luminosity L~1.5×1052\times 10^{52} erg/s, nearly two orders of magnitude higher than previous findings, which greatly enhances the chance of observing SGRB "orphan" afterglows. Efforts should go in the direction of finding and identifying such orphan afterglows as counterparts of GW events.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Figure 5 and angle ranges corrected in revised versio

    The Antares Neutrino Telescope and Multi-Messenger Astronomy

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    Antares is currently the largest neutrino telescope operating in the Northern Hemisphere, aiming at the detection of high-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources. Such observations would provide important clues about the processes at work in those sources, and possibly help solve the puzzle of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. In this context, Antares is developing several programs to improve its capabilities of revealing possible spatial and/or temporal correlations of neutrinos with other cosmic messengers: photons, cosmic rays and gravitational waves. The neutrino telescope and its most recent results are presented, together with these multi-messenger programs.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Proceedings of the 14th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop (GWDAW-14) in Roma - January 26th-29th, 201

    Joint searches between gravitational-wave interferometers and high-energy neutrino telescopes: science reach and analysis strategies

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    Many of the astrophysical sources and violent phenomena observed in our Universe are potential emitters of gravitational waves (GWs) and high-energy neutrinos (HENs). A network of GW detectors such as LIGO and Virgo can determine the direction/time of GW bursts while the IceCube and ANTARES neutrino telescopes can also provide accurate directional information for HEN events. Requiring the consistency between both, totally independent, detection channels shall enable new searches for cosmic events arriving from potential common sources, of which many extra-galactic objects.Comment: 4 pages. To appear in the Proceedings of the 2d Heidelberg Workshop: "High-Energy Gamma-rays and Neutrinos from Extra-Galactic Sources", Heidelberg (Germany), January 13-16, 200

    On line power spectra identification and whitening for the noise in interferometric gravitational wave detectors

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    In this paper we address both to the problem of identifying the noise Power Spectral Density of interferometric detectors by parametric techniques and to the problem of the whitening procedure of the sequence of data. We will concentrate the study on a Power Spectral Density like the one of the Italian-French detector VIRGO and we show that with a reasonable finite number of parameters we succeed in modeling a spectrum like the theoretical one of VIRGO, reproducing all its features. We propose also the use of adaptive techniques to identify and to whiten on line the data of interferometric detectors. We analyze the behavior of the adaptive techniques in the field of stochastic gradient and in the Least Squares ones.Comment: 28 pages, 21 figures, uses iopart.cls accepted for pubblication on Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Noise parametric identification and whitening for LIGO 40-meter interferometer data

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    We report the analysis we made on data taken by Caltech 40-meter prototype interferometer to identify the noise power spectral density and to whiten the sequence of noise. We concentrate our study on data taken in November 1994, in particular we analyzed two frames of data: the 18nov94.2.frame and the 19nov94.2.frame. We show that it is possible to whiten these data, to a good degree of whiteness, using a high order whitening filter. Moreover we can choose to whiten only restricted band of frequencies around the region we are interested in, obtaining a higher level of whiteness.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication by Physical Review