704 research outputs found

    Computing Heavy Elements

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    Reliable calculations of the structure of heavy elements are crucial to address fundamental science questions such as the origin of the elements in the universe. Applications relevant for energy production, medicine, or national security also rely on theoretical predictions of basic properties of atomic nuclei. Heavy elements are best described within the nuclear density functional theory (DFT) and its various extensions. While relatively mature, DFT has never been implemented in its full power, as it relies on a very large number (~ 10^9-10^12) of expensive calculations (~ day). The advent of leadership-class computers, as well as dedicated large-scale collaborative efforts such as the SciDAC 2 UNEDF project, have dramatically changed the field. This article gives an overview of the various computational challenges related to the nuclear DFT, as well as some of the recent achievements.Comment: Proceeding of the Invited Talk given at the SciDAC 2011 conference, Jul. 10-15, 2011, Denver, C

    WRF-ARW based systems for nowcasting and very-short range forecasts at the Meteorological Service of Catalonia

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    Póster presentado en: 3rd European Nowcasting Conference, celebrada en la sede central de AEMET en Madrid del 24 al 26 de abril de 2019

    Detecting circumbinary planets using eclipse timing of binary stars - numerical simulations

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    The presence of a body in an orbit around a close eclipsing binary star manifests itself through the light time effect influencing the observed times of eclipses as the close binary and the circumbinary companion both move around the common centre of mass. This fact combined with the periodicity with which the eclipses occur can be used to detect the companion. Given a sufficient precision of the times of eclipses, the eclipse timing can be employed to detect substellar or even planetary mass companions. The main goal of the paper is to investigate the potential of the photometry based eclipse timing of binary stars as a method of detecting circumbinary planets. In the models we assume that the companion orbits a binary star in a circular Keplerian orbit. We analyze both the space and ground based photometry cases. In particular, we study the usefulness of the on-going COROT and Kepler missions in detecting circumbinary planets. We also explore the relations binding the planet discovery space with the physical parameters of the binaries and the geometrical parameters of their light curves. We carry out detailed numerical simulations of the eclipse timing by employing a relatively realistic model of the light curves of eclipsing binary stars. We study the influence of the white and red photometric noises on the timing precision. We determine the sensitivity of the eclipse timing technique to circumbinary planets for the ground and space based photometric observations. We provide suggestions for the best targets, observing strategies and instruments for the eclipse timing method. Finally, we compare the eclipse timing as a planet detection method with the radial velocities and astrometry.Comment: 9 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Importància de les cases d'acollida en l'afrontament de les repercussions de la violència envers les dones

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    L'objectiu de les cases d'acollida per a dones en situació de violència en la parella és assegurar l'ajuda i la protecció de la integritat física i psicològica de les dones i els seus fills i filles menors que estan en risc imminent de mort. A partir d'entrevistes a 12 dones que havien viscut situacions de violència i havien estat en cases d'acollida al Brasil, aquest estudi ha analitzat les repercussions del procés d'acollida sobre la dinàmica relacional familiar de les dones en situació de violència per tal de conèixer l'eficàcia d'aquests serveis

    Fringe or background: Characterizing deep-water mudstones beyond the basin-floor fan sandstone pinchout

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    Mud dominates volumetrically the fraction of sediment delivered and deposited in deep-water environments, and mudstone is a major component of basin-floor successions. However, studies of basin-floor deposits have mainly focused on their proximal sandstone-prone part. A consequent bias therefore remains in the understanding of depositional processes and stratigraphic architecture in mudstone-prone distal settings beyond the sandstone pinchouts of basin-floor fans. This study uses macroscopic and microscopic descriptions of over 500 m of continuous cores from research boreholes from the Permian Skoorsteenberg Formation of the Karoo Basin, South Africa, to document the sedimentology, stratigraphy, and ichnology of a distal mudstone-prone basin-floor succession. Very thin- to thin-bedded mudstones, deposited by low-density turbidity currents, stack to form bedsets bounded by thin packages ( 0.7 m thick) background mudstones. Stratigraphic correlation between cores suggests that bedsets represent the distal fringes of submarine fan lobe elements and/or lobes, and bedset packages represent the distal fringes of lobe complexes and/or lobe complex sets. The internal stacking pattern of bedsets and bedset packages is highly variable vertically and laterally, which records dominantly autogenic processes (e.g., compensational stacking, avulsion of feeder channels). The background mudstones are characterized by remnant tractional structures and outsize particles, and are interpreted as deposited from low-density turbidity currents and debris flows before intense biogenic reworking. These observations challenge the idea that mud accumulates only from hemipelagic suspension fallout in distal basin-floor environments. Thin background mudstones separating bedsets ( 0.7 m thick) are interpreted to dominantly mark allogenically driven regional decrease of sand supply to the basin floor. The recognition of sandstone-prone basin-floor fans passing into genetically linked distal fringe mudstones suggests that submarine lobes are at least ∼ 20 km longer than previously estimated. This study provides sedimentological, stratigraphic, and ichnological criteria to differentiate mudstones deposited in different sub-environments in distal deep-water basin-floor settings, with implications for the accurate characterization of basin-floor fan architecture, and their use as archives of paleoenvironmental change

    Significant social networks and violence against women : perspective of professionals from a shelter

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    This qualitative study identified the structural characteristics of the significant social networks constituted in the context of the sheltering of women in situations of violence. Ten professionals were interviewed from a shelter located in the South of Brazil. The organization and analysis of the data was based on the Grounded Theory and software Atlas.ti 7.0. During the women's stay, the professionals noted networks that: (a) wanted to offer help but were unable to ensure safety, (b) made it difficult to leave the shelter for religious or cultural reasons, (c) could help with these women's social reintegration. The professionals considered the significant social networks as key elements for the rescue of bonds broken by the situation of violenceEste estudio cualitativo identificó las características estructurales de las redes sociales significativas en torno al proceso de acogida de mujeres en situación de violencia. Se entrevistó 10 profesionales de una casa de acogida de la región Sur de Brasil. La organización y análisis de los datos tuvieran como referencia la teoría fundamentada (grounded theory) y el software Atlas ti.7.0. Las profesionales observaron que las redes: (a) querían ofrecer ayuda, pero no podían proporcionar seguridad, (b) dificultaron la salida de la casa-abrigo por cuestiones religiosas o culturales, (c) podrían ayudar en la reinserción social de las mujeres. Para estos profesionales, las redes sociales significativas son elementos claves para el rescate de los lazos rotos por la situación de violenciaEste estudo qualitativo identificou as características estruturais das redes sociais significativas, configuradas em torno do processo de abrigamento de mulheres em situação de violência. Foram entrevistadas 10 profissionais de uma casa-abrigo localizada na Região Sul do Brasil. A organização e análise dos dados baseou-se na Teoria Fundamentada (Grounded Theory) e software Atlas.ti 7.0. Durante a permanência no local, as profissionais visualizaram redes que: (a) queriam oferecer ajuda, mas não podiam proporcionar segurança, (b) dificultaram a saída da casa-abrigo por questões religiosas ou culturais, (c) poderiam auxiliar na reinserção social das mulheres. As profissionais visualizaram as redes sociais significativas como elemento-chave para o resgate dos vínculos, rompidos pela situação de violênci

    Mud-dominated basin margin progradation: processes and implications

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    The accretion of coarse-grained material at the shelf-edge rollover has been emphasized in studies of basin margin progradation, despite fine grained sediment (clay and silt) representing a volumetrically more significant component of subaqueous clinothems. The timing and processes of fine-grained sediment transport across the shelf and onto the slope remains an understudied facet of sedimentary basin stratigraphy. Three exhumed basin margin-scale clinothems of the Permian Waterford Formation, in the Karoo Basin, South Africa, offer outcrop examples of margin development through the accretion of mud during flooded shelf conditions. The progradation of wave/storm-influenced sandy shelf topset deposits over a thick mudstone succession and beyond a previously established sand-rich shelf-edge rollover suggests that some periods of basin margin progradation took place exclusively via dilute mud-rich gravity flows. Detailed outcrop and core study of offshore mudstones reveals a high content of organic debris and mica. Individual beds show normal and inverse grading, internal erosion surfaces and moderate to low bioturbation, reflecting relatively stressed conditions in frequently supplied outer shelf to upper slope regions. The estimated low gradient (<0.7º) of the Karoo Basin margin and prevailing wave/storm conditions facilitated prolonged suspension of fluid mud and transport across the shelf and beyond the shelf-edge rollover in sediment gravity flows. This study represents a rare example of mudstone-dominated shelf-edge rollover deposits documented at outcrop and core, and demonstrates how fine-grained sediment accretion can play a significant role in basin margin progradation. Conventional depositional models do not adequately account for progradation of basin margins in the absence of sand supply, which implies potential risks in the identification of shelf edge rollover positions and application of trajectory analysis in strongly progradational margins

    Investigación sobre violencia de género en la pareja : recomendaciones prácticas

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es relatar la experiencia de búsqueda de participantes de una investigación cualitativa sobre violencia de género en la pareja contra mujeres inmigrantes latinoamericanas. Se discuten cuestiones como dificultades de la inserción en el campo, estrategias para lograr el muestro, aspectos éticos a tener en cuenta en estudios sobre violencia. Esas dificultades encontradas en el recurrido metodológico pueden ser un reflejo de los obstáculos que impiden que las mujeres busquen apoyo institucional. Ello lleva a entender que hay barreras comunes en el campo de investigación e intervención en violencia de género que merecen ser identificadas y superadas. Por último, se advierte sobre el impacto de las entrevistas sobre violencia en la vida de los(as) investigadores(as) y se sugiere que ellos(as) adopten estrategias para equilibrar su vida personal y profesional a través de actividades que puedan descargar la carga emocional producida a partir del trabajo con violenciaThis paper aims to describe the experience of finding participants for a qualitative research on gender violence against Latin American immigrant women. The challenges in reaching the research sample, strategies to achieve the aimed number of participants, as well as ethical aspects involved in studying gender violence are discussed in this work. The problem found on the methodology can reflect the obstacles that impede women to seek help. It seems that there are similar barrier in the field of research and intervention about violence that should be identified. Finally, advice is given on the impact produced by the interviews on the researchers' lives and we recommend that they adopt strategies in order to balance personal and professional lifeO objetivo de este trabalho é descrever a experiência de busca das participantes de uma pesquisa sobre violência de gênero no casal contra mulheres imigrantes latino-americanas. As dificuldades de acesso ao campo de pesquisa, as estratégias para conseguir a amostra e os aspectos éticos em estudos sobre violência são discutidos. Essas dificuldades encontradas no percurso metodológico podem refletir os obstáculos que impedem que as mulheres busquem apoio dos serviços sociais. Isso mostra que existem barreiras comuns na área de investigação e intervenção em violência de gênero que devem ser identificadas e eliminadas. Por último, chama-se atenção sobre o impacto das entrevistas sobre violência na vida dos(as) pesquisadores e sugere-se que eles(as) adotem estratégias para equilibrar a vida pessoal e profissional através de atividades em que possam descarregar a carga emocional gerada a partir do trabalho com violênci