130 research outputs found

    Empleo de la Historia del Arte para la adquisición de nociones estructurantes del área de Conocimiento del Entorno en Educación Infantil: espacio y tiempo

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    Presentamos una experiencia llevada a cabo por alumnas de 3º curso del Grado de Maestro de Educación Infantil en la UPNA, durante las prácticas escolares. La adquisición de los constructos espacio-temporales en Educación Infantil, imprescindibles para estructurar el pensamiento, presenta no pocas dificultades; esto es debido a la naturaleza de los aprendizajes, tanto como a las características psicológicas de esta etapa. Para facilitar su adquisición de forma significativa, y debido a que su carácter polisémico le aporta un alto valor educativo, proponemos el recurso de la imagen. En este caso concreto presentamos el proyecto realizado en segundo ciclo de educación Infantil, sobre la base de una obra de arte pictórica: La familia del Duque de Osuna, pintada por Goya en 1788

    Technological pedagogical content knowledge: implementation of a didactic proposal for preservice History teachers

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) now form part of virtually all aspects of our daily lives, including education. However, teacher training in digital competence has been pushed into the background, especially in social sciences and in history instruction, in which digitalization and the use of ICTs is an opportunity for improvement and educational innovation. Consequently, proposals integrating the various types of knowledge into the training of history teachers are still rare and scarce. To solve this problem, this study presents a mixed quantitative and qualitative analysis using a pre- and posttest questionnaire with a sample of 235 students of the primary education degree at the Public University of Navarre who took part in an innovative didactic proposal that was implemented using the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) model based on digitized primary sources in three resources: PARES (Spanish Archive Portal), EUROPEANA, and BNE (National Library of Spain). The primary aim of this study was for preservice teachers to develop digital competence in teaching social sciences by integrating the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge types using the TPACK model. There were three specific objectives. The first was analyzing the digital knowledge of students following a primary education degree concerning the use of ICTs in history instruction. The second was implementing a didactic proposal in the teaching social sciences course based on the TPACK model by integrating ICTs and history instruction using Spanish and European digitized primary historical sources. Finally, the third was evaluating the impact of this didactic proposal on developing the knowledge types linked to the TPACK model, especially content knowledge (CK) and its technological content knowledge (TCK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) combinations.This work was supported by the Grupo de Investigación ARGOS (S50_20R), University of Zaragoza

    Antiguedad [sic] de Nra. Religion y fundacion de este convento de Pamplona [Manuscrito] ]

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    La obra es una especie de Anales de la Orden de la Merced en Navarra entre 1192-1807Tít. y autor tomados de inic. de textoEscrito probablemente en Pamplona, lugar de donde el autor toma las fuentesCuadernos de 10 h., excepto el útlimo que está incomplet

    Radioterapia combinada con quimioterapia en el tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón

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    El empleo conjunto de radioterapia y quimioterapia en el cáncer de pulmón no metastásico (microcítico y no microcítico) permite combi- nar los benefi cios de la radioterapia en términos de control local con aquellos conseguidos por la quimioterapia erradicando la enfermedad micrometastásica. Diversos estudios aleatorizados han demostrado que la radioterapia radical combinada con quimioterapia mejora la supervi- vencia de estos pacientes, a expensas de un incremento de la toxicidad. El desarrollo tecnológico y los avances en programas informáticos han posibilitado la introducción de nuevos aceleradores lineales comunicados con sofi sticados sistemas de planifi cación tridimensional que permiten administrar dosis mayores de irradiación al volumen tumoral diana y menores dosis de irradiación sobre estructuras sanas (pulmón, corazón, esófago y médula espinal). El resultado fi nal es un incremento del índice terapéutico debido a un probable benefi cio en el control local y una disminución de los efectos adversos de la irradiación. El volumen de irradiación, la dosis total a administrar, el fraccionamiento de la dosis, el tipo de esquema de combinación de la radioterapia con la quimiotera- pia, así como la infl uencia en la supervivencia de la irradiación cerebral profi láctica en el caso del cáncer microcítico de pulmón son temas de discusión en la actualidad. INGLÉS: The combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in lung cancer (locally advanced non-small and small cell) may offer the benefits of radiotherapy in terms of local control and those of chemotherapy in terms of reducing metastatic dissemination of the disease. Several randomized studies have showed that radical radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy improves the survival of these patients at the expense of an increase in toxicity. The technological development and the improvements in software have allowed the introduction of new linear accelerators and a three-dimensional planning system with the intention of delivering higher irradiation doses in the tumor target, and minimizing the dose in adjacent normal tissues (lung, heart, esophagus and spinal cord). The volume of irradiation, the total dose, the fractionation, the schedule for the combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, as well as the influence of the prophylactic cranial irradiation in small cell lung cancer are points for discussion at the moment

    Role of Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Prion Diseases : A Narrative Review

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    Prion diseases are progressive and irreversible neurodegenerative disorders with a low incidence (1.5-2 cases per million per year). Genetic (10-15%), acquired (anecdotal) and sporadic (85%) forms of the disease have been described. The clinical spectrum of prion diseases is very varied, although the most common symptoms are rapidly progressive dementia, cerebellar ataxia and myoclonus. Mean life expectancy from the onset of symptoms is 6 months. There are currently diagnostic criteria based on clinical phenotype, as well as neuroimaging biomarkers (magnetic resonance imaging), neurophysiological tests (electroencephalogram and polysomnogram), and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers (14-3-3 protein and real-time quaking-induced conversion (RT-QuIC)). The sensitivity and specificity of some of these tests (electroencephalogram and 14-3-3 protein) is under debate and the applicability of other tests, such as RT-QuIC, is not universal. However, the usefulness of these biomarkers beyond the most frequent prion disease, sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, remains unclear. Therefore, research is being carried out on new, more efficient cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers (total tau, ratio total tau/phosphorylated tau and neurofilament light chain) and potential blood biomarkers (neurofilament light chain, among others) to try to universalize access to early diagnosis in the case of prion diseases

    PLA2 G4E, a candidate gene for resilience in Alzheimer's disease and a new target for dementia treatment

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    Clinical studies revealed that some aged-individuals accumulate a significant number of histopathological Alzheimer´s disease (AD) lesions in their brain, yet without developing any signs of dementia. Animal models of AD represent suitable tools to identify genes that might promote cognitive resilience and hence, this study first set out to identify cognitively resilient individuals in the aged-Tg2576 mouse model. A transcriptomic analysis of these mice identified PLA2 G4E as a gene that might confer resistance to dementia. Indeed, a significant decrease in PLA2 G4E is evident in the brain of late-stage AD patients, whereas no such changes are observed in early stage patients with AD neuropathological lesions but no signs of dementia. We demonstrated that adeno-associated viral vector-mediated overexpression of PLA2 G4E in hippocampal neurons completely restored cognitive deficits in elderly APP/PS1 mice, without affecting the amyloid or tau pathology. These PLA2 G4E overexpressing APP/PS1 mice developed significantly more dendritic spines than sham-injected mice, coinciding with the cognitive improvement observed. Hence, these results support the idea that a loss of PLA2 G4E might play a key role in the onset of dementia in AD, highlighting the potential of PLA2 G4E overexpression as a novel therapeutic strategy to manage AD and other disorders that course with memory deficits

    Anomalías Congénitas en España: Vigilancia epidemiológica en el último cuarto de siglo (1980-2004)

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    Resultados de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de los defectos congénitos sobre los datos del ECEMCThe main results of the annual surveillance of congenital anomalies performed in the ECEMC (Spanish Collaborative Study of Congenital Anomalies) are presented here. The analysed data correspond to the last 25 years (1980-2004). A total of 2,045,751 newborn infants were surveyed, for an overall coverage of 23.39% of births in Spain. Among those infants, 32,883 were registered because of the presence of congenital defects detected during the first three days of life, for a prevalence of 1.61%. A statistically significant decrease of the global prevalence has been observed after the passing of the law permitting terminations of pregnancy (TOP) following prenatal detection of malformations. According to the ECEMC's data, that decrease can be attributable to the impact of TOP on the neonatal frequency, as there is an increasing number of defects that can be prenatally detected. The global decrease is also observed in most of the 17 Spanish Autonomic Regions, and is statistically significant in 11 of them. After studying the secular trend for some selected anomalies, either globally or by Autonomic Regions, the decrease is the rule. However, given the difficulties to routinely gather data on TOP, the epidemiological and etiological analyses including them are still almost unfeasible. Another circumstance that has to be taken into consideration in any investigation on congenital defects in our country, is the increasing number of immigrant people having infants in Spain, as it has been observed in the ECEMC's data. Finally, the versatility of the ECEMC registry to adapt itself to changes in the surveyed population and in knowledge, is highlighted, as well as the accomplishment, in the ECEMC, of the objectives summarized by the NBDPN (National Birth Defects Prevention Network), from the USA, in their guidelines for conducting birth defects surveillance, edited in 2004.N

    Analysis of the main clinical-epidemiological aspects of newborn infants with congenital defects registered through the ECEMC.

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    Dismorfología, Citogenética y Clínica: Resultados de estudios sobre los datos del ECEMCSome clinical aspects of the total set of infants registered by the Spanish Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECEMC) during the period 1980-2004, have been analyzed through an epidemiological approach. The ECEMC is defined as a clinical-epidemiological research program on congenital defects, and is built on an ongoing case-control, hospital-based registry of newborn infants in Spain. The ECEMC database for the study period is constituted by a total of 32,883 infants with congenital anomalies detected during the first 3 days of life, that represent 1.61% of the total births surveyed (2,045,751). In order to study the clinical presentation of infants with birth defects, the classification system developed in the ECEMC [Martínez-Frías et al., 2002: Rev Dismor Epidemiol V(1):2-8], which is based in the most modern concepts in Dysmorphology, has been applied. The infants were distributed in the 3 main groups of isolated, multiply malformed, and syndromes, as well as some other subgroups. The analysis of the time distribution of the prevalence of the 3 main groups of clinical presentation confirmed a significant decrease for all of them, that may be considered, at least in great part, as a consequence of the impact of the interruption of some affected pregnancies after the prenatal detection of anomalies. After studying the distribution by clinical presentation of 17 defects that were selected (based on their relative high frequency at birth, or the high morbidity/mortality that they bear, and their monitoring in other countries), a high clinical heterogeneity was evident, since most of them are presented as isolated, or associated to other birth defects. Some, such as gastroschisis, hypospadias, or anencephaly, tend to present isolated, while other, such as anophthalmia/microphthalmia, abdominal wall defects and bilateral renal agenesis, use to be associated to other developmental abnormalities. The etiologic distribution of infants with congenital anomalies has also been studied, and the different syndromes identified in the ECEMC has been detailed, indicating their respective gene map location if known (based on the OMIM database up to July 2005), as well as their minimum birth prevalence in the Spanish population (based on the ECEMC database). The study concludes highlighting the importance of accurate case definition and classification in clinically homogeneous groups in order to optimize, not only the power of epidemiological studies in investigating the causes of birth defects, but the molecular analysis of patients with accurate clinical diagnoses. Thus, probably molecular genetic studies implemented to birth defects epidemiology will also help to reach the final objective of infants being born healthy.N