898 research outputs found

    BTZ Solutions on Codimension-2 Braneworlds

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    We consider five-dimensional gravity with a Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk and an induced gravity term on a 2-brane of codimension-2. We show that this system admits BTZ-like black holes on the 2-brane which are extended into the bulk with regular horizons.Comment: 6 pages. Talk given at Recent Developments in Gravity (NEB XIII), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 4-6, 2008

    Anàlisi comparativa de dues traduccions hispàniques (catalana i castellana) de la Historia destructionis Troiae de Guido delle Colonne

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    Ofrecemos en este trabajo un estudio comparativo de dos traducciones de la Historia destructionis Troiae (1287) de Guido delle Colonne, una de las obras de materia troyana más divulgadas por Europa durante el periodo medieval. La primera es la traducción catalana, las Històries troianes (1367-1374) de Jaume Conesa, protonotario de Pedro IV de Aragón. La segunda, el Libro de la historia troyana, la traducción castellana (1443) de Pedro de Chinchilla, secretario del conde de Benavente. El análisis se centra en el método, los procedimientos técnicos y los errores de estas dos versiones, representativas de dos momentos clave en la historia de la traducción peninsular: el entorno de la Cancillería real catalana en el siglo XIV y las traducciones promovidas en el S. XV por el interés de la nobleza por la historia clásica como fuente de aprendizaje y modelo de comportamiento.In this paper we offer a comparative research about two translations of Historia destructionis Troiae (1287) by Guido delle Colonne, one of the most disseminated books about the Matter of Troy throughout Europe in the Middle Ages. The first one is the Catalan translation (1367-1374), the Històries troianes by Jaume Conesa, an officer in the court of Peter IV of Aragon. The second one is the Libro de la historia troyana, the Spanish translation (1443) by Pedro de Chinchilla, the secretary of Count of Benavente. Our analysis is focused on method, technical procedures and mistakes in these two versions, which represent two key moments in the history of translation in the Iberian Peninsula: the environment of the Catalonian Cancelleria Reial in the XIV century and the translations stimulated during the XV century by the interest of the nobility in classical history as a source of learning and a model of behaviour.Aquest treball s’ha dut a terme en el projecte d’investigació HUM2007-61471(«Retazos de cultura escrita. Fragmentos y membra disiecta de códices en Cataluña»), del Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació (Govern d’Espanya), dirigit pel Dr. Josep Antoni Iglesias Fonseca

    Un cas especial en la traducció de la variació lingüística : la variació latent

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    En traductologia s'ha tractat sovint de la diversitat lingüística. La dificultat de traducció analitzada sol partir d'un TO marcat per algun tipus de varietat i les propostes van dirigides, habitualment, a mostrar diverses estratègies per a restituir d'una manera adequada en el TM aquest factor distintiu del TO. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és estudiar la situació inversa, no considerada encara pels autors que han parlat d'aquesta qüestió: la necessitat de construir un TM en què la diversitat lingüística és un element significatiu, a partir d'un TO no marcat per aquest tret de manera explícita, però sí de forma latent. La traducció del que anomenem «variació latent» es planteja a partir d'un cas concret: la traducció al català de la novel·la Ducado de Bernia (Alacant, 1954), de l'escriptor Jordi Valor i Serra, en la qual es fa necessari adoptar una estratègia de traducció adequada a la realitat sociolingüística del català, la qual cosa comporta fer explícita la variació lingüística en el TM, a pesar que el TO no fa palesa aquesta característica.Linguistic diversity has been frequently discussed in translation studies. The issues analysed usually come from a ST marked with some kind of variety. Proposals usually aim at showing different strategies to restore this distinctive trait from the ST into the TT in a suitable way. The objective in this paper is studying the opposite situation, which has not been considered yet by the authors who have discussed these questions: the need of building a TT in which linguistic diversity is a significant element, starting from a ST marked by this trait not explicitly but in a latent way. The translation of which we have come to call «latent variation» is based on a particular case: the translation of the novel Ducado de Bernia (Alacant, 1954) into Catalan, written by Jordi Valor i Serra. In this translation, it is necessary to choose a strategy of translation adequate to the sociolinguistic reality of Catalan. This means expliciting the linguistic variation in the TT, although the ST does not make this trait explicit

    Description and Predictive Factors of individual outcomes in a refugee camp based mental health intervention (Beirut, Lebanon)

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    There is little evidence on the effectiveness of services for the care of people with mental disorders among refugee populations. Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) has established a mental health centre in a mixed urban-refugee population in Beirut to respond to the significant burden of mental health problems. Patients received comprehensive care through a multidisciplinary team. A cohort of people with common and severe mental disorders has been analysed between December 2008 and June 2011 to evaluate individual outcomes of treatment in terms of functionality

    Use and extension of count data models in the determination of relevant factors for claims in the automobile insurance sector

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    Using real, Spanish data, different specifications of zero-inflated models are provided in this paper to estimate the number of accidents declared by policyholders. These count data models seem to be the most appropriate solutions to study this question. Our work is completed with the estimations of the number of clients that do not declare their actual accidents and the number of these accidents. The analysis of all these factors could become useful for insurers to improve their efficiency. We conclude with a final theoretical discussion on the possible advantages given by other alternative models, like the so-called thinned models.peer-reviewe

    An Analysis of Spanish Accidents in Automobile Insurance: The Use of the Probit Model and the Theoretical Potential of Other Econometric Tools

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    Automobile insurance is one of the main pillars of the entire insurance industry in the developed economies. Knowing as much as possible about the factors related to the accidents is an essential issue for the insurance companies so that they may improve their levels of efficiency. Therefore, in this paper we focus on studying the most relevant variables that help explain the registration of claims in the automobile insurance sector. For this purpose, we fit a probit model specification using a database from a Spanish insurance company. Our research points out the significance of certain variables, such as the policyholders’ driving experience, their region of residence as well as their levels of insurance coverage, towards the likelihood of registering an insurance claim. However, probit analysis represents only one of the multiple perspectives which we can consider to examine the question of accidents and their reporting. Very briefly, we also discuss the utility of zero-inflated count data models to study the number of accidents declared by policyholders. Finally, we point out the possibilities that thinned models could offer for this type of research

    HPC Enhanced Large Urban Area Evacuation Simulations with Vision based Autonomously Navigating Multi Agents

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    AbstractAn evacuation simulation code based on Multi Agent Systems (MAS), with moderately complex agents in 2D grid envi- ronments, is developed. The main objective of this code is to estimate the effectiveness of the measures taken to smoothen and speedup the evacuation process of a large urban area, in time critical events like tsunami. A vision based autonomous navigation algorithm, which enables the agents to move through an urban environment and reach a far visible destination, is implemented. This simple algorithm enables a visitor agent to navigate through urban area and reach a destination which is several kilometers away. The navigation algorithm is verified comparing the simulated evacuation time and the paths taken by individual agents with those of theoretical. Further, a parallel computing extension is developed for studying mass evacuation of large areas; vision based autonomous navigation is computationally intensive. Several strategies like communication hiding, dynamic load balancing, etc. are implemented to attain high parallel scalability. Preliminary tests on the K-computer attained strong scalability above 94% at least up to 2048 CPU cores, with 2 million agents