1,177 research outputs found

    Radon concentration in self-bottled mineral spring waters as a possible public health issue

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    Since 2013, the Council Directive 2013/51/Euratom has been regulating the content of radioactive substances in water intended for human consumption. However, mineral waters are exempted from this regulation, including self-bottled springs waters, where higher radon concentration are expected. Therefore, a systematic survey has been conducted on all the 33 mineral spring waters of Lazio (a region of Central Italy) in order to assess if such waters, when self-bottled, may be of concern for public health. Waters have been sampled in two different ways to evaluate the impact of bottling on radon concentration. Water sampling was possible for 20 different spring waters, with 6 samples for each one. The results show that 2 (10%) of measured mineral spring waters returned radon concentrations higher than 100 Bq L−1, i.e., the parametric value established by the Council Directive. These results, if confirmed by other surveys involving a higher number of mineral spring waters, would suggest regulating also these waters, especially in countries like Italy for which: (i) mineral water consumption is significant; (ii) mineral concession owners generally allow the consumers to fill bottles and containers, intended for transport and subsequent consumption, directly from public fountains or from fountains within the plant; (iii) the consumers’ habit of drinking self-bottled mineral water is widespread

    The effectiveness and cost effectiveness of dark chocolate consumption as prevention therapy in people at high risk of cardiovascular disease: best case scenario analysis using a Markov model

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    Objective To model the long term effectiveness and cost effectiveness of daily dark chocolate consumption in a population with metabolic syndrome at high risk of cardiovascular disease

    In situ sulphated CuOx/ZrO2 and CuOx/sulphated-ZrO2 as catalysts for the reduction of NOx with NH3 in the presence of excess O2

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    Sulphated catalysts containing the same amount of sulphates (2.6 SO4 nm2) and a different amount of copper (0.3–3.9 Cu atoms nm2), Cu/SZ, were prepared by impregnation of sulphated-ZrO2 with toluene solutions of Cu(acetylacetonate)2. Sulphated catalysts containing the same amount of copper (0.3 or 2.5 atoms nm2) and a different amount of sulphates (up to 4.9 SO2 nm2), Cu/ZSg, were prepared by sulphation of CuOx/ZrO2 (Cu/Z) via the gas-phase. Samples were characterised by Fourier transformed IR spectroscopy. The selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 in the presence of excess O2 (SCR reaction), the NH3 + O2 and the NO + O2 reactions were studied in a flow apparatus. Activity and selectivity did not depend on the sulphation method used for catalyst preparation but depended on the amount of copper and sulphate, particularly on the sulphate/copper ratio. As on Cu/Z, on Cu/SZ CuII was active for both SCR and NH3 + O2 reactions. The presence of covalent sulphates caused lower reducibility of CuII to CuI and higher Lewis acid strength of CuI in Cu/SZ than in Cu/Z. For (i) SCR, (ii) NH3 + O2 and (iii) NO + O2, Cu/ZSg were less active than the parent Cu/Z. As the sulphate content in Cu/ZSg increased, the NO yield in the NH3 + O2 reaction markedly decreased, thus accounting for the increased selectivity in the SCR reaction. In CuOx/ sulphated-ZrO2 copper ions were less prone reversibly to undergo the redox process CuII/CuI. These findings provide new information on the role of copper and sulphate in determining the activity and selectivity for the SCR with NH

    Understanding how grammatical aspect influences legal judgment

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    Recent evidence suggests that grammatical aspect can bias how individuals perceive criminal intentionality during discourse comprehension. Given that criminal intentionality is a common criterion for legal definitions (e.g., first-degree murder), the present study explored whether grammatical aspect may also impact legal judgments. In a series of four experiments participants were provided with a legal definition and a description of a crime in which the grammatical aspect of provocation and murder events were manipulated. Participants were asked to make a decision (first- vs. second-degree murder) and then indicate factors that impacted their decision. Findings suggest that legal judgments can be affected by grammatical aspect but the most robust effects were limited to temporal dynamics (i.e., imperfective aspect results in more murder actions than perfective aspect), which may in turn influence other representational systems (i.e., number of murder actions positively predicts perceived intentionality). In addition, findings demonstrate that the influence of grammatical aspect on situation model construction and evaluation is dependent upon the larger linguistic and semantic context. Together, the results suggest grammatical aspect has indirect influences on legal judgments to the extent that variability in aspect changes the features of the situation model that align with criteria for making legal judgments

    Aplicación del método de Rietveld al análisis mineralógico cuantitativo de algunas muestras de suelos de la Argentina

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    The mineralogical quantification of soils species is mainly obtained by analysis of X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns. The classic method, for these analyses, is limited to semi quantitative determinations due to the overlapping of different specie’s peaks and processes of absorption of the constituents, the wide range of particle size distribution, etc. The use of the Rietveld method for XRD quantitative analysis, in mixtures of minerals, has allowed to improve the accuracy of the quantitative results and to extend it to complex systems, as soils, transforming it in a meaningful tool for soils investigation. In this work, quantitative results obtained by the application of classic and Rietveld methods, are compared in different soils samples from Argentina. A set of mixtures of minerals with similar composition to three studied samples, was also quantified by Rietveld method, with absolute error lower than 3%. Obtained results indicate that quantitative analysis by Rietveld method, can improve the results found by XRD classic method and may be used for the quantitative determination of soil minerals.La cuantificación mineralógica de componentes del suelo es obtenida principalmente por análisis de espectros de difracción de rayos X (DRX). El método clásico aplicado para dicho análisis está limitado a determinaciones semi-cuantitativas debido a la superposición de picos de las distintas especies y procesos de absorción de los constituyentes, el amplio rango de distribución de tamaño de partícula, etc. El uso del método de Rietveld para el análisis cuantitativo por DRX, en mezclas de minerales, ha permitido mejorar la exactitud de los resultados cuantitativos y extenderlo a sistemas complejos, como lo son los suelos, transformándose en una herramienta significativa para su investigación. En este trabajo se comparan los resultados cuantitativos obtenidos por la aplicación del método clásico y de Rietveld, a diferentes muestras de suelos de la Argentina. Un grupo de mezclas de minerales con composición similar a tres de los suelos estudiados, también se cuantificó por el método de Rietveld, obteniéndose un error absoluto menor al 3%. Los resultados indican que el análisis cuantitativo por el método de Rietveld, mejoran los resultados obtenidos por el método clásico de DRX y puede ser usado para la determinación cuantitativa de los minerales presentes en suelos.Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y CerámicaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Nutrition of protected pepper culture with drainage practices

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    En la región del Gran La Plata el cultivo bajo cubierta plástica ocupa más de 3000 ha. En esta región los suelos más comunes son Argiudoles verticos y Hapluderts típicos, caracterizados por un drenaje deficiente debido a la alta proporción de arcilla desde superficie. La característica de los suelos, junto a la calidad del agua de riego, y al manejo intensivo, con excesivo uso de fertilizantes y enmiendas, conducen a la salinización y alcalinización con consecuencias en la sustentabilidad del sistema en términos productivos, ambientales y socio-económicos. Los drenes subsuperficiales, ubicados en el techo del horizonte Bt, son una alternativa válida en la eliminación de sales, no obstante se requiere establecer si no se constituyen en un efecto negativo en la nutrición de los cultivos. Se estudió la evolución de los nutrientes Ca2+, Mg2+ y K+, en un suelo Hapludert típico, durante tres ciclos productivos del cultivo de pimiento (Capsicum annuum L.). Se implementaron los siguientes tratamientos: drenes de 2 diámetros (10 y 15 cm) y yeso agrícola (dosis 6,7 t ha-1). El uso de ambos drenes produjo, junto con la disminución de la salinidad, una menor concentración de nutrientes Ca2+, Mg2+ y K+. Sin embargo, las concentraciones se mantuvieron en valores suficientes como para asegurar la adecuada nutrición del cultivo. El tratamiento con yeso no condujo a aumentos en las concentraciones de Ca2+. Los drenes produjeron una mejora de algunas variables del cultivo (altura de planta, calibre del tallo). El uso de los drenes aumentó el rendimiento del cultivo, mejorando así el resultado económico.Under protected cultivation occupies more than 3000 hectares in Gran La Plata greenvelt Vertic Argiudols and Typical Hapluderts soils are common in this region and are characterized by poor drainage due to a high proportion of clay from the surface. The soil conditions, plus irrigation water quality, and intensive management, including excessive use of fertilizers and amendments, promote salinization and alkalinization with consequences on the sustainability of the system on productive, environmental and socio-economic terms. Subsurface drains, located on the roof of the Bt horizon are a valid alternative in the elimination of salts, however it is necessary to establish if they do not constitute a negative effect on the nutrition of crops. The evolution of Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ nutrients in a typical Hapludert soil was studied during three productive cycles of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) crop. The following treatments were applied: drains of two diameters (10 and 15 cm) and agricultural gypsum (dose 6,7 t ha-1). Both drains produced a lower concentration of nutrients Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ along with the decrease in salinity. However, the nutrient concentrations were maintained at values enough to ensure adequate nutrition of the crop. Gypsum treatment did not lead to increases the Ca2+ concentrations. The drains produced an improvement of some crop variables (plant height, stem size). The use of drains increased crop yield, improving the economic profit.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    New Arabidopsis recombinant inbred lines (Landsberg erecta x Nossen) reveal natural variation in phytochrome-mediated responses

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    We used 52 Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) accessions and developed a new set of 137 recombinant inbred lines between Landsberg erecta (Ler) and Nossen (No-0) to explore the genetic basis of phytochrome-mediated responses during deetiolation. Unexpectedly, most accessions showed weak or moderate hypocotyl growth and cotyledon unfolding responses to pulses of far-red light (FR). Crosses between Columbia and No-0, two accessions with poor response, segregated seedlings with unfolded cotyledons under pulsed FR, suggesting the occurrence of accession-specific loci in the repression of morphological responses to weak light signals. Confirming the latter expectation, mapping of responses to pulsed FR in the Ler x No-0 lines identified novel loci. Despite its weak response to pulsed FR, No-0 showed a response to continuous FR stronger than that observed in Ler. By mapping the differential effect of pulsed versus continuous FR, we identified two high-irradiance response loci that account for the steeper response to continuous FR in No-0. This underscores the potential of the methodology to identify loci involved in the regulation of the shape of signal input-output relationships. Loci specific for a given phytochrome-mediated response were more frequent than pleiotropic loci. Segregation of these specific loci is predicted to yield different combinations of seedling responsivity to light. Such flexibility in combination of responses is observed among accessions and could aid in the adjustment to different microenvironments.Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plat

    Common activation of canonical Wnt signaling in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is an extremely aggressive malignancy, which carries a dismal prognosis. Activating mutations of the Kras gene are common to the vast majority of human PDA. In addition, recent studies have demonstrated that embryonic signaling pathway such as Hedgehog and Notch are inappropriately upregulated in this disease. The role of another embryonic signaling pathway, namely the canonical Wnt cascade, is still controversial. Here, we use gene array analysis as a platform to demonstrate general activation of the canonical arm of the Wnt pathway in human PDA. Furthermore, we provide evidence for Wnt activation in mouse models of pancreatic cancer. Our results also indicate that Wnt signaling might be activated downstream of Hedgehog signaling, which is an early event in PDA evolution. Wnt inhibition blocked proliferation and induced apoptosis of cultured adenocarcinoma cells, thereby providing evidence to support the development of novel therapeutical strategies for Wnt inhibition in pancreatic adenocarcinoma

    A bi-directional relationship between obesity and health-related quality of life : evidence from the longitudinal AusDiab study

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    Objective: To assess the prospective relationship between obesity and health-related quality of life, including a novel assessment of the impact of health-related quality of life on weight gain.Design and setting: Longitudinal, national, population-based Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study, with surveys conducted in 1999/2000 and 2004/2005.Participants: A total of 5985 men and women aged 25 years at study entry.Main outcome measure(s): At both time points, height, weight and waist circumference were measured and self-report data on health-related quality of life from the SF-36 questionnaire were obtained. Cross-sectional and bi-directional, prospective associations between obesity categories and health-related quality of life were assessed.Results: Higher body mass index (BMI) at baseline was associated with deterioration in health-related quality of life over 5 years for seven of the eight health-related quality of life domains in women (all P0.01, with the exception of mental health, P&gt;0.05), and six out of eight in men (all P&lt;0.05, with the exception of role-emotional, P=0.055, and mental health, P&gt;0.05). Each of the quality-of-life domains related to mental health as well as the mental component summary were inversely associated with BMI change (all P&lt;0.0001 for women and P0.01 for men), with the exception of vitality, which was significant in women only (P=0.008). For the physical domains, change in BMI was inversely associated with baseline general health in women only (P=0.023).Conclusions: Obesity was associated with a deterioration in health-related quality of life (including both physical and mental health domains) in this cohort of Australian adults followed over 5 years. Health-related quality of life was also a predictor of weight gain over 5 years, indicating a bi-directional association between obesity and health-related quality of life. The identification of those with poor health-related quality of life may be important in assessing the risk of future weight gain, and a focus on health-related quality of life may be beneficial in weight management strategies.<br /
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