126 research outputs found

    Representación de tesauros en SKOS: tendencias y desafíos para su integración en la Web Semántica

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    27(2), 13-20Los tesauros se han adaptado progresivamente a los entornos digitales demostrando su capacidad de integración con las tecnologías de la Web Semántica. No obstante, la convergencia de tesauros y Web Semántica no es tan directa como aparentemente pudiera parecer. Este trabajo analiza y contrasta los constructos y reglas de integridad de ISO 25964 y SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System). Se examinan igualmente las representaciones en SKOS de los tesauros AGROVOC, EuroVoc y Unesco con el fin de estudiar las soluciones llevadas a cabo. Por último, se abordan los retos percibidos, considerando particularmente la integración de los tesauros con los datos enlazados y el desarrollo de ontologías.S

    A Semantic Web methodological framework to evaluate the support of integrity in thesaurus tools

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    12 p.With the Semantic Web, thesauri recover a relevant role supporting semantic searches and other added-value services. Thesaurus standards define what constructs a thesaurus can have and the integrity rules it must comply with. Thesaurus editors can be helped in their work if thesaurus tools offer them support for integrity, warning when integrity rules are violated and/or helping them to correct these mistakes. The most recent thesaurus standard is ISO 25964, which supersedes ISO 2788, evolving towards concept-based thesauri, better aligned with the Semantic Web approach than the term-based thesauri of ISO 2788. However, the W3C recommendation for KOS (Knowledge Organization System) representation in the semantic web context is SKOS, which is in fact prior to ISO 25964. This paper focuses on thesaurus integrity and the evolution from ISO 2788 to ISO 25964. Its effect on integrity issues is analyzed. A methodological proposal for evaluating integrity support in thesaurus tools, arising from the results of this work, is presented. Its target audience is professionals in charge of thesaurus edition. Besides being adapted to the most recent thesaurus standard, ISO 25964, it also includes the comparison of ISO standards with SKOS. The paper is completed with the presentation of the results of applying it to three thesaurus tools

    Low temperature oxide desorption in GaAs (111)A substrates

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    Trabajo presentado al 17th european Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop celebrado en Levi (Finlandia) del 10 al 13 de Marzo de 2013.Peer Reviewe

    Formation and emission properties of single InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots and pairs grown by droplet epitaxy

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    Trabajo presentado a la 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, celebrada en Seul (Korea) del 25 al 30 de Julio de 2010.The emission properties of lateral and vertical QD pairs grown on GaAs nanoholes are investigated. Vertical QD pairs with different size asymmetry have been fabricated controlling the bottom QD size independently of the areal density. The emission of individual pairs is dominated by spectral diffusion effects and charge instabilities induced by the local charge environment. Lateral QD pairs have been fabricated on GaAs nanoholes and studied as a function of an electric field applied in the growth plane.Peer Reviewe

    Microvesicles from indoxyl sulfate-treated endothelial cells induce vascular calcification in vitro

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    Vascular calcification (VC), an unpredictable pathophysiological process and critical event in patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), is the leading cause of morbi-mortality and disability in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients worldwide. Currently, no diagnostic method is available for identifying patients at risk of VC development; the pathology is detected when the process is irreversible. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) from endothelial cells might promote VC. Therefore, their evaluation and characterization could be useful for designing new diagnostic tools. The aim of the present study is to investigate whether microvesicles (MVs) from endothelial cells damaged by uremic toxin and indoxyl sulfate (IS) could induce calcification in human vascular smooth muscle cells (VMSCs). Besides, we have also analyzed the molecular mechanisms by which these endothelial MVs can promote VC development. Endothelial damage has been evaluated according to the percentage of senescence in endothelial cells, differential microRNAs in endothelial cells, and the amount of MVs released per cell. To identify the role of MVs in VC, VSMCs were treated with MVs from IS-treated endothelial cells. Calcium, inflammatory gene expression, and procalcification mediator levels in VSMCs were determined. IS-treated endothelial cells underwent senescence and exhibited modulated microRNA expression and an increase in the release of MVs. VSMCs exposed to these MVs modulated the expression of pro-inflammatory genes and some mediators involved in calcification progression. MVs produced by IS-treated endothelial cells promoted calcification in VSMCs.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIISociedad Española de NefrologíaUniversidad de AlcaláGrupo SantanderUniversity fo California San Dieg

    Clinical and Epidemiological Characteristics of Streptococcus suis Infections in Catalonia, Spain

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    Introduction: Streptococcus suis (S. suis) is a human zoonotic pathogen of occupational origin, with infection acquired through contact with live pigs or pig meat. Pig farming is one of Catalonia's biggest industries and as a result this region of Spain has one of the highest density pig populations per km2. The aim of our study was to describe the infections caused by S. suis occurring in that area over a 9-year period. Materials and Methods: A retrospective, multi-center study was carried out by searching records from 15 hospitals in Catalonia for the period between 2010 and 2019. Results: Over the study period altogether nine cases of S. suis infection were identified in five hospitals, with five of these cases occurring in the 2018-2019 period. The mean age of patients was 48 ± 8.9 years and all of them were males. Five patients (55.6%) worked in pig farms. The most frequent manifestation of infection was meningitis (5 cases; 55.6%) followed by septic arthritis (3 cases; 33.3%). None of the patients died at 30 days; nonetheless, 4 developed hearing loss as a long-term complication. Conclusion: The most commonly identified S. suis infection was meningitis. Over 50% of the episodes occurred in the last 2 years and have affected pig farm workers. Further surveillance is needed in order to know its prevalence

    Estrategia para mejorar la seguridad en la prescripción de dosis altas de ácido acetilsalicílico en atención primaria

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    Objetivo: Se planteó un estudio cuyo objetivo principal fue cuantificar el cambio en el número de pacientes con edad ≥74 años en tratamiento crónico con dosis altas de ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS) (> 150 mg), después de una estrategia de intervención del farmacéutico de atención primaria (FAP).  Método: estudio transversal de intervención en pacientes ≥74 años con AAS >150 mg, dispensados en un periodo de 6 meses (enero-julio 2021), en 40 centros de salud.  Resultados: 731 pacientes ≥74 años con dosis altas de AAS (3,6%). 56,6% mujeres, edad media=85,0 años (IC 95% 84,6-85,5); media de años con AAS > 150 mg = 6,5 (IC 95% 6,2-6,8). Se consiguió una reducción de la dosis en 394 pacientes (53,9%; IC 95% 50,2 -57,6). El número total de pacientes y porcentaje en el que la aceptación de la intervención fue mayor del 50% según el diagnóstico fue: insuficiencia venosa (n=8; 87,5%), enfermedad trombótica venosa (n=4; 75,0%), diagnóstico incierto (n=56; 69,6%), fibrilación auricular (n=25; 64,0%), prevención primaria de enfermedad cardiovascular (n=102; 62,7%), arteriopatía periférica (n=22; 54,5%) y accidente cerebrovascular (n= 362; 51,7%). Un 17,2% (IC 95% 14,57-20,17) no estaban en tratamiento concomitante con un IBP.  Conclusiones: a pesar de la evidencia científica, se siguen encontrando prescripciones de AAS a dosis altas en mayores, exponiéndoles a un mayor riesgo de hemorragias. Esta estrategia ha sido eficaz ya que ha permitido adecuar la dosis a más de la mitad de los pacientes. Los FAP pueden desempeñar una importante labor en la detección y resolución de potenciales reacciones adversas

    Hispanic Medieval Tagger (HisMeTag): una aplicación web para el etiquetado de entidades en textos medievales

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    El resumen presenta la herramienta de etiquetado de entidades nombradas en textos medievales en español. Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de los proyectos de investigación, proyecto europeo ERC-2015-STG-679528 POSTDATA

    Surveillance for Invasive Meningococcal Disease in Children, US–Mexico Border, 2005–20081

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    We reviewed confirmed cases of pediatric invasive meningococcal disease in Tijuana, Mexico, and San Diego County, California, USA, during 2005–2008. The overall incidence and fatality rate observed in Tijuana were similar to those found in the US, and serogroup distribution suggests that most cases in Tijuana are vaccine preventable