521 research outputs found

    A New Technique for System-to-system Transfer of Surface Data

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    The purpose is to describe a recently developed technique aimed at providing a universal interface between surface types. In brief, a software package was developed which functions a common denominator of CAD/CAM surface types. This software enable one to convert from any given surface representation to any other target representation. The tiles maintain the same slope continuity as the target surface gram, bicubic patches are used since they allow one to match point, slope, and twist vectors to the target surface. Thus, slopes can be continuous or discontinuous as they are on the target surface. The patches can be of lower order if desired. For example, if only point information is available, the patches produced will be bilinear; however, the number of patches required is likely to increase correspondingly. The patches can be of higher order although many systems will not accept patches of more than order four. The final result of the program is a rectangular grid of bicubic patches. The patches fit the target surface exactly at their corners. Also, the patch corners have the same tangent and twist vectors. Adjacent patches will have slope continuity, unless a discontinuity was indicated by the target surface

    Torts -- Independent Contractors -- Duty of Care

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    Book Reviews

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    Assessing Morphological Changes of the Msimbazi River Using Satellite Images

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    This study assessed historical morphology changes of the Msimbazi River in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania, following heavy rainfall events using historical Google earth images. The erosion and sedimentation processes that cause morphological changes of a river are also associated with flooding within the river catchments. In this study, the bank-line movement, erosion and sedimentation areas and changes in river section width were analyzed under three-time periods: 2005- 2012, 2012- 2018, and 2018- 2020. Data shows that, the timing for floods coincides with the historical records for heavy rains. It was found that, area in the upper reaches of the river such as Kinyerezi suffer from river bank erosion most, as indicated by the large increase in river width. This has resulted into washing away of infrastructure including houses and loss of land. The river channel width at Kinyerezi has widened a lot since 2005, with some sections having widths of more than 90 m. On the lower reaches for example around Kigogo and Jangwani areas, deposition of the soil materials prevails, resulting into raised river bed and reduced river widths. As the river section an hence carrying capacity is reduced, inundation of river banks occurs. This is among the causes of river bank flooding reported at these areas whenever there is a heavy storm event. It is therefore recommended that interventions to solve the flooding events in Dar es Salaam city should also include preventing catchment and river bank erosion on the upstream areas

    Load Carriage Distance Run and Pushups Tests: No Body Mass Bias and Occupationally Relevant

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    Recent research has demonstrated body mass (M) bias in military physical fi tness tests favoring lighter, not just leaner, service members. Mathematical modeling predicts that a distance run carrying a backpack of 30 lbs would eliminate M-bias. The purpose of this study was to empirically test this prediction for the U.S. Army push-ups and 2-mile run tests. Two tests were performed for both events for each of 56 university Reserve Offi cer Training Corps male cadets: with (loaded) and without backpack (unloaded). Results indicated signifi cant M-bias in the unloaded and no M-bias in the loaded condition for both events. Allometrically scaled scores for both events were worse in the loaded vs. unloaded conditions, supporting a hypothesis not previously tested. The loaded push-ups and 2-mile run appear to remove M-bias and are probably more occupationally relevant as military personnel are often expected to carry external loads

    Capacitively Coupled and Direct-current Resistivity Surveys of Selected Reaches of Cozad, Thirty-Mile, Orchard-Alfalfa, Kearney, and Outlet Canals in Nebraska, 2012-13

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    Understanding the spatial characteristics of leakage from canals is critical to effectively managing and utilizing water resources for irrigation and hydroelectric purposes. Canal leakage in some parts of Nebraska is the primary source of water for groundwater recharge and helps maintain the base flow of streams. Because surface-water supplies depend on the streamflow of the Platte River and the available water stored in upstream reservoirs, water managers seek to minimize conveyance losses, which can include canal leakage. The United States Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Central Platte Natural Resources District and Nebraska Public Power District, used capacitively coupled (CC) and direct-current (DC) resistivity techniques for continuous resistivity profiling to map near-surface lithologies near and underlying the Cozad, Thirty-Mile, Orchard-Alfalfa, Kearney, and Outlet Canals. Approximately 84 kilometers (km) of CC-resistivity data were collected along the five canals

    Web-Based Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Patients often seek other patients’ experiences with the disease. The Internet provides a wide range of opportunities to share and learn about other people’s health and illness experiences via blogs or patient-initiated online discussion groups. There also exists a range of medical information devices that include experiential patient information. However, there are serious concerns about the use of such experiential information because narratives of others may be powerful and pervasive tools that may hinder informed decision making. The international research network DIPEx (Database of Individual Patients’ Experiences) aims to provide scientifically based online information on people’s experiences with health and illness to fulfill patients’ needs for experiential information, while ensuring that the presented information includes a wide variety of possible experiences. Objective: The aim is to evaluate the colorectal cancer module of the German DIPEx website krankheitserfahrungen.de with regard to self-efficacy for coping with cancer and patient competence. Methods: In 2015, a Web-based randomized controlled trial was conducted using a two-group between-subjects design and repeated measures. The study sample consisted of individuals who had been diagnosed with colorectal cancer within the past 3 years or who had metastasis or recurrent disease. Outcome measures included self-efficacy for coping with cancer and patient competence. Participants were randomly assigned to either an intervention group that had immediate access to the colorectal cancer module for 2 weeks or to a waiting list control group. Outcome criteria were measured at baseline before randomization and at 2 weeks and 6 weeks Results: The study randomized 212 persons. On average, participants were 54 (SD 11.1) years old, 58.8% (124/211) were female, and 73.6% (156/212) had read or heard stories of other patients online before entering the study, thus excluding any influence of the colorectal cancer module on krankheitserfahrungen.de. No intervention effects were found at 2 and 6 weeks after baseline. Conclusions: The results of this study do not support the hypothesis that the website studied may increase self-efficacy for coping with cancer or patient competencies such as self-regulation or managing emotional distress. Possible explanations may involve characteristics of the website itself, its use by participants, or methodological reasons. Future studies aimed at evaluating potential effects of websites providing patient experiences on the basis of methodological principles such as those of DIPEx might profit from extending the range of outcome measures, from including additional measures of website usage behavior and users’ motivation, and from expanding concepts, such as patient competency to include items that more directly reflect patients’ perceived effects of using such a website. Trial Registration: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT02157454; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02157454 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6syrvwXxi

    Copper(ii) Nitroaromatic Schiff Base Complexes: Synthesis, Biological Activity And Their Interaction With Dna And Albumins

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Copper(II) complexes of the Schiff base ligands 2-((5-nitrofuran-2-yl)methyleneamino)phenol (HL1) and 2-(4-nitrobenzylideneamino)phenol (HL2) were prepared and characterized using physicochemical and spectroscopic techniques. In these complexes the Schiff base ligands acted as a bidentate donor bound to Cu2+ through the oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the deprotonated form. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectra, carried out on [CuCl(L1)(phen)]center dot 0.5H(2)O and [CuCl(L2)(phen)]center dot 2H(2)O complexes, showed the presence of only mononuclear forms. The Cu2+ complexes and ligands were evaluated for their in vitro trypanocidal activity. The complex [CuCl(L1)(phen)]center dot 0.5H(2)O was more active than the free Schiff base and also presented a superior effect to benznidazole, the reference drug. The antiproliferative activity of the Schiff bases and Cu2+ complexes were evaluated for their effect on seven tumor cell lines and showed a cytostatic and in some cases a cytotoxic effect. These compounds also presented binding properties to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and moderate ability to quench the intrinsic fluorescence of albumins.2818797Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Fundacao Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ)FIOCRUZConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq