359 research outputs found

    Ramon Llull in his Historical Context

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    In this article the life, thought and works of the Majorcan writer, philosopher and missionary Ramon Llull (ca. 1232 – 1316) are presented in the context of his time: politics, academia, spirituality and currents of thought. Llull has often been portrayed as an extravagant, eccentric character but here he emerges as a coherent personality whose actions and work were fully integrated into the world in which he was called upon to live

    Ramon Llull in his Historical Context

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    In this article the life, thought and works of the Majorcan writer, philosopher and missionary Ramon Llull (ca. 1232 1316) are presented in the context of his time: politics, academia, spirituality and currents of thought. Llull has often been portrayed as an extravagant, eccentric character but here he emerges as a coherent personality whose actions and work were fully integrated into the world in which he was called upon to live

    Vida, pensament i context de Ramon Llull

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    Presentació de la vida, el pensament i l'obra de l'escriptor, filòsof i missioner mallorquí Ramon Llull (c. 1232-1316) en el context de la política, la universitat, l'espiritualitat i els corrents de pensament del seu temps. En comptes de la imatge que s'ha difós sovint de Llull com a personatge extravagant i excèntric, en resulta una personalitat coherent, que desenvolupa una acció i una obra plenament integrades en el món que li va tocar viure

    Las visitas etnográficas a los hogares de los estudiantes como estrategia para crear lazos de confianza entre docentes y familias

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    L’aproximació dels Fons de coneixement es basa en la premissa segons la qual totes les famílies, més enllà de la seva condició i peculiaritat lingüística, religiosa, econòmica, ètnica, disposen de sabers i habilitats acumulats a partir de les seves particulars pràctiques i experiències vitals tals com les experiències professionals. El repte pedagògic consisteix en incorporar aquests recursos al currículum escolar i les pràctiques formals d’ensenyança- aprenentatge. En aquest sentit, els docents visiten algunes de les llars dels seus estudiants amb l’objectiu d’aprendre de les seves experiències i dissenyar activitats educatives escolars a partir de la incorporació d’alguns dels recursos intel·lectuals i culturals prèviament identificats. En aquest article il·lustrem aquesta tesis a partir de la descripció d’una experiència implementada en un centre d’educació pública de Banyoles (Catalunya, España). Específicament, es descriuen cinc visites realitzades per part dels docents a algunes llars d’alguns dels seus estudiants. Es discuteixen els beneficis d’aquestes visites en la potencial millora de les relacions entre docents (escola) i famílie

    Vida, pensament i context de Ramon Llull

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    Presentació de la vida, el pensament i l’obra de l’escriptor, filòsof i missioner mallorquí Ramon Llull (c. 1232-1316) en el context de la política, la universitat, l’espiritualitat i els corrents de pensament del seu temps. En comptes de la imatge que s’ha difós sovint de Llull com a personatge extravagant i excèntric, en resulta una personalitat coherent, que desenvolupa una acció i una obra plenament integrades en el món que li va tocar viure

    Efectividad de las técnicas de relajación en oncología antes de realizar pruebas diagnósticas en neuroimagen

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    Psychophysiological arousal was observed in cancer patients during the application of relaxation techniques prior to a diagnostic scan (PET-CT). The aim of the study is twofold: firstly, it is sought to establish whether such techniques can minimize patient arousal before diagnostic screening begins, and secondly to measure which of them are most effective. The dependent variable is electrodermal activity, recording the attentional level and emotional response, and the independent variable comprises the relaxation techniques used, namely Jacobson, breathing and visualization. The 39 patients were split into experimental groups to whom the relaxation techniques (Jacobson, breathing exercises, and visualization) were applied before they went for the PET-CT. An activity-module procedure was applied to track electrodermal activity during the relaxation sessions, consisting of instructions, timeout; wait, task; relaxation and end of the recording session. The control group received no relaxation techniques before the PET-CT. Session-end results show that patients who perform relaxation techniques achieve greater attentional focus using Jacobson''s technique (M = .212) and enhanced emotional containment using visualization (M = .206). It is concluded that relaxation techniques minimize the state of activation during the waiting period before a diagnostic scan

    Readout of GEM Detectors Using the Medipix2 CMOS Pixel Chip

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    We have operated a Medipix2 CMOS readout chip, with amplifying, shaping and charge discriminating front-end electronics integrated on the pixel-level, as a highly segmented direct charge collecting anode in a three-stage gas electron multiplier (Triple-GEM) to detect the ionization from 55^{55}Fe X-rays and electrons from 106^{106}Ru. The device allows to perform moderate energy spectroscopy measurements (20 % FWHM at 5.9 keV XX-rays) using only digital readout and two discriminator thresholds. Being a truly 2D-detector, it allows to observe individual clusters of minimum ionizing charged particles in Ar/CO2Ar/CO_2 (70:30) and He/CO2He/CO_2 (70:30) mixtures and to achieve excellent spatial resolution for position reconstruction of primary clusters down to ∼50μm\sim 50 \mu m, based on the binary centroid determination method.Comment: 18 pages, 14 pictures. submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

    The detection of single electrons by means of a Micromegas-covered MediPix2 pixel CMOS readout circuit

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    A small drift chamber was read out by means of a MediPix2 readout chip as direct anode. A Micromegas foil was placed 50 μ\mum above the chip, and electron multiplication occurred in the gap. With a He/Isobutane 80/20 mixture, gas multiplication factors up to tens of thousands were achieved, resulting in an efficiency for detecting single electrons of better than 90% . We recorded many frames containing 2D images with tracks from cosmic muons. Along these tracks, electron clusters were observed, as well as delta-rays.Comment: 15 pages, 9 included postscript figures, 5 separate jpeg figures, submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A. A complete postscript version with high resolution figures 1, 3, 11, 12 and 14 can be found at http://www.nikhef.nl/~i06/RandD/final/letter4.p
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