304 research outputs found

    Engaging ‘hard to reach’ groups in health promotion: the views of older people and professionals from a qualitative study in England

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    Background Older people living in deprived areas, from black and minority ethnic groups (BME) or aged over 85 years (oldest old) are recognised as ‘hard to reach’. Engaging these groups in health promotion is of particular importance when seeking to target those who may benefit the most and to reduce health inequalities. This study aimed to explore what influences them practicing health promotion and elicit the views of cross-sector professionals with experiences of working with ‘hard to reach’ older people, to help inform best practice on engagement. Methods ‘Hard to reach’ older people were recruited through primary care by approaching those not attending for preventative healthcare, and via day centres. Nineteen participated in an interview (n = 15) or focus group (n = 4); including some overlaps: 17 were from a deprived area, 12 from BME groups, and five were oldest old. Cross-sector health promotion professionals across England with experience of health promotion with older people were identified through online searches and snowball sampling. A total of 31 of these 44 professionals completed an online survey including open questions on barriers and facilitators to uptake in these groups. Thematic analysis was used to develop a framework of higher and lower level themes. Interpretations were discussed and agreed within the team. Results Older people’s motivation to stay healthy and independent reflected their everyday behaviour including practicing activities to feel or stay well, level of social engagement, and enthusiasm for and belief in health promotion. All of the oldest old reported trying to live healthily, often facilitated by others, yet sometimes being restricted due to poor health. Most older people from BME groups reported a strong wish to remain independent which was often positively influenced by their social network. Older people living in deprived areas reported reluctance to undertake health promotion activities, conveyed apathy and reported little social interaction. Cross-sector health professionals consistently reported similar themes as the older people, reinforcing the views of the older people through examples. Conclusions The study shows some shared themes across the three ‘hard-to-reach’ groups but also some distinct differences, suggesting that a carefully outlined strategy should be considered to reach successfully the group targeted.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Older people's priorities in health and social care research and practice: a public engagement workshop

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    As the world’s population ages, there is an increasing need for research that addresses the priorities of older people. A public engagement workshop focusing on the priorities of older people for research and practice in health and social care was attended by seventy-five people aged 70 years and above in London, United Kingdom (UK). The workshop aimed to identify and prioritise issues important to older people that would benefit from further research and act as a platform to promote sharing of ideas and problems related to these important issues. Key priorities emerged including loneliness and isolation, support and training for professional and family carers, post-surgical care, negative perceptions of older people and inequalities related to public services and healthcare. Participants further suggested older people should be actively involved in all stages of the research process

    Hearing impairment and incident disability and all-cause mortality in older British community-dwelling men.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: hearing impairment is common in older adults and has been implicated in the risk of disability and mortality. We examined the association between hearing impairment and risk of incident disability and all-cause mortality. DESIGN AND SETTING: prospective cohort of community-dwelling older men aged 63-85 followed up for disability over 2 years and for all-cause mortality for 10 years in the British Regional Heart Study. METHODS: data were collected on self-reported hearing impairment including hearing aid use, and disability assessed as mobility limitations (problems walking/taking stairs), difficulties with activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental ADL (IADL). Mortality data were obtained from the National Health Service register. RESULTS: among 3,981 men, 1,074 (27%) reported hearing impairment. Compared with men with no hearing impairment, men who could hear and used a hearing aid, and men who could not hear despite a hearing aid had increased risks of IADL difficulties (age-adjusted OR 1.86, 95% CI 1.29-2.70; OR 2.74, 95% CI 1.53-4.93, respectively). The associations remained after further adjustment for covariates including social class, lifestyle factors, co-morbidities and social engagement. Associations of hearing impairment with incident mobility limitations, incident ADL difficulties and all-cause mortality were attenuated on adjustment for covariates. CONCLUSION: this study suggests that hearing problems in later life could increase the risk of having difficulties performing IADLs, which include more complex everyday tasks such as shopping and light housework. However, further studies are needed to determine the associations observed including the underlying pathways

    Structure and tissue distribution of some retinoid-binding proteins

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    Vitamin A has, apart from its function in the visual pigments, general effects on several organs. Early signs of vitamin A deficiency include keratinization of epithelia and hyperkeratosis of the skin. To elucidate a generalized function for vitamin A, we have taken the approach of tracing the vitamin from its storage site in the liver via its blood transport by the retinol-binding protein (RBP) to its uptake by susceptible cells. We have also examined the intracellular occurrence of vitamin A as regards its binding to specific receptor proteins. Here we summarize data on the amino acid sequences of several vitamin A-binding proteins. The finding that CRBP and CRABP, the two intracellular proteins, are homologous to each other, to a myelin protein, and to a fatty acid-binding protein may shed light on the functions of these proteins. Retinoic acid, which binds to CRABP but not CRBP, induces differentiation of teratocarcinoma cells. This is accompanied by a lowering of the CRABP concentration, an increase of the CRBP level, and an increase in the uptake of retinol from RBP. The epidermis contains both CRBP and CRABP, and their distributions are rather similar. However, in contrast to CRBP, CRABP is most abundant in cells lining the hair follicles. CRBP occurs in greatest relative amounts in the outer layers of the epidermis. Since techniques have been developed to measure CRBP and CRABP, normal and disease-affected skin may now be explored as to quantity and cellular distribution of the retinoid-binding proteins

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of introducing RDTs for malaria diagnosis as compared to microscopy and presumptive diagnosis in central and peripheral public health facilities in Ghana.

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    Cost-effectiveness information on where malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) should be introduced is limited. We developed incremental cost-effectiveness analyses with data from rural health facilities in Ghana with and without microscopy. In the latter, where diagnosis had been presumptive, the introduction of RDTs increased the proportion of patients who were correctly treated in relation to treatment with antimalarials, from 42% to 65% at an incremental societal cost of Ghana cedis (GHS)12.2 (US8.3)peradditionalcorrectlytreatedpatients.Inthe"microscopysetting"therewasnoadvantagetoreplacingmicroscopybyRDTasthecostandproportionofcorrectlytreatedpatientsweresimilar.ResultsweresensitivetoadecreaseinthecostofRDTs,whichcostGHS1.72(US8.3) per additional correctly treated patients. In the "microscopy setting" there was no advantage to replacing microscopy by RDT as the cost and proportion of correctly treated patients were similar. Results were sensitive to a decrease in the cost of RDTs, which cost GHS1.72 (US1.17) per test at the time of the study and to improvements in adherence to negative tests that was just above 50% for both RDTs and microscopy

    Virus Capsid Dissolution Studied by Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    Dissolution of many plant viruses is thought to start with swelling of the capsid caused by calcium removal following infection, but no high-resolution structures of swollen capsids exist. Here we have used microsecond all-atom molecular simulations to describe the dynamics of the capsid of satellite tobacco necrosis virus with and without the 92 structural calcium ions. The capsid expanded 2.5% upon removal of the calcium, in good agreement with experimental estimates. The water permeability of the native capsid was similar to that of a phospholipid membrane, but the permeability increased 10-fold after removing the calcium, predominantly between the 2-fold and 3-fold related subunits. The two calcium binding sites close to the icosahedral 3-fold symmetry axis were pivotal in the expansion and capsid-opening process, while the binding site on the 5-fold axis changed little structurally. These findings suggest that the dissociation of the capsid is initiated at the 3-fold axis

    The impact of healthcare costs in the last year of life and in all life years gained on the cost-effectiveness of cancer screening

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    It is under debate whether healthcare costs related to death and in life years gained (LysG) due to life saving interventions should be included in economic evaluations. We estimated the impact of including these costs on cost-effectiveness of cancer screening. We obtained health insurance, home care, nursing homes, and mortality data for 2.1 million inhabitants in the Netherlands in 1998–1999. Costs related to death were approximated by the healthcare costs in the last year of life (LastYL), by cause and age of death. Costs in LYsG were estimated by calculating the healthcare costs in any life year. We calculated the change in cost-effectiveness ratios (CERs) if unrelated healthcare costs in the LastYL or in LYsG would be included. Costs in the LastYL were on average 33% higher for persons dying from cancer than from any cause. Including costs in LysG increased the CER by €4040 in women, and by €4100 in men. Of these, €660 in women, and €890 in men, were costs in the LastYL. Including unrelated healthcare costs in the LastYL or in LYsG will change the comparative cost-effectiveness of healthcare programmes. The CERs of cancer screening programmes will clearly increase, with approximately €4000. However, because of the favourable CER's, including unrelated healthcare costs will in general have limited policy implications
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