966 research outputs found

    Untersuchung einer neuen Herzklappe für Herzunterstützungssysteme

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Ein bewährtes Verfahren zur Behandlung erkrankter natürlicher Heizklappen ist die Implantation von Heizklappenprothesen. Neben diesem Einsatz entwickelt sich zur Zeit ein weiteres Anwendungsgebiet; der Einsatz von Herzklappenprothesen in Herzunterstützungssystemen. Eine häufig dabei auftretende Komplikation stellt die Thrombenbildung dar. Diese tritt insbesondere im Bereich der verwendeten Herzklappenprothesen auf. Bei einer Implantation einer Heizklappenprothese ist ihre unmittelbare Umgebung durch die Anatomie vorgegeben. Bei einem Einsatz in einem Herzunterstützungssystem dagegen kann diese Umgebung frei gestaltet werden. Mit diesem Ansatz ergeben sich für die strömungstechnische Gestaltung der Herzklappen für Blutpumpen ganz neue Möglichkeiten. Die unmittelbare Umgebung der Klappe ist der Strömungskanal. Mit dem neuen, hier vorgestellten S-förmigen Strömungskanal der Klappe scheint es möglich zu sein, die Gefahr der Thrombenbildung zu reduzieren. Insbesondere die Vermeidung von Ablösungen führt zu einer Verringerung des Risikos der Thrombenbildung und ermöglicht damit eine verminderte Dosierung von Antikoagulantien

    Endoparasitic infections and prevention measures in sheep and goats under mountain farming conditions in Northern Italy

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    Abstract In mountainous areas, where small ruminants form an integral part of livestock farming, an effective control of parasites is of high importance, because the animals are grazing on communal pasture land during the summer months. But knowledge on the infection status of the animals, which is needed for an effective control, is very limited in these areas. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the prevalence of endoparasitic infections and the use of preventive measures in sheep and goat farms in South Tyrol, a mountainous region of Northern Italy. A questionnaire was used to collect information on farm structure and management as well as routine parasite control measures. Following the survey, a total of 3536 individual fecal samples from 123 sheep and goat flocks were analysed over three periods in autumn 2015, spring and autumn 2016 with routine methods including fecal egg counts (FEC) and oocysts counts (FOC). Animals were classified into 12 months of age. Goat flocks had an average herd size of 31 (range 5–125) and sheep flocks of 28 animals (range 2–100). Mountain sheep and goat breeds were dominant. More than 60% of the sheep and 40% the goat flocks were grazed on communal summer pastures at altitudes >1500 m a.s.l. Both sheep and goat farmers perceived gastrointestinal strongylid nematodes (GIN) as the most frequent parasites. Only 16% of the sheep and 30% of the goat farmers ever before this study did coprological examinations. More than 90% of the farms applied anthelmintic treatments; usually once (sheep: 32%, goats: 53%) or twice (sheep: 68%, goats: 42%) per year. Independent of the season, macrocyclic lactones were the most commonly used anthelmintics. More than 30% of the sheep-12 months and 16% >12 months were GIN-negative. Sheep  0.05). Third-stage larvae identified in coprocultures were dominated by Teladorsagia/Trichostrongylus in both sheep (56.5 ± 24.5%) and goats (60.5 ± 25.8%). While in sheep lambs had a higher FOC than both other age classes, kids did not differ from goats at an age of 7–12 months but only from those >12 months (P  12 months, while these parasites were identified in 18.5, 7.3 and 5.7% in goats 12 months, respectively. The prevalence of lungworms at flock level varied between seasons from 18 to 50% in sheep and 44–78% in goats. This first report on endoparasitic infections of sheep and goats in the mountainous region of South Tyrol reveals a high prevalence of endoparasites, especially GIN at a medium infection level, tapeworms and lungworms. Anthelmintics are regularly used, while fecal sampling for selective treatment only exceptionally. Therefore, parasite control measures should be optimized to reduce the risk for the development of anthelmintic resistance, which was already reported from neighboring regions

    Confinement of sows for different periods during lactation: effects on behaviour and lesions of sows and performance of piglets.

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    Alternatives to farrowing crates with continuous confinement of the sow are urgently needed because the animal welfare is negatively impacted. Given the increase of herd sizes, practical experience with loose-housing is needed to force the implementation of these systems in the field. Next to aspects of labour efficiency, detrimental piglet mortality rates that may occur during the first days postpartum (pp) is a major criticism. Therefore, loose-housing after a crating period limited to the first days pp might be a feasible alternative to improve welfare under intensive production conditions. The aim was to investigate the effect of crating sows during lactation for different periods on their behaviour and integument alterations and on piglets' performance. Gilts from a commercial herd were observed from 5 to 26 days pp and housed in farrowing crates (1.85×2.50 m) that could be altered between confinement crates and loose-housing pens. Animals were divided into three groups, that were either crated continuously from birth until weaning (Group A, n=55), until 14 days pp (Group B; n=54) or 7 days pp (Group C, n=59). The behaviour of six randomly selected gilts per group was video recorded from 5 to 26 days pp and analysed by time sampling technique. Lesions on the legs, shoulder and lumbar vertebra were scored on days 7, 14 and 25 pp. Piglets were weighed weekly, causes of losses recorded and weight losses of gilts measured. Not different between groups (P>0.05), animals spent 72 to 76% lying laterally, 14 to 17% lying in abdominal or semi-abdominal position, 9 to 10% standing and 1 to 3% sitting. B-sows were lying longer in week 3 and 4 of lactation compared to A- and C-sows (P0.05), whereas almost 90% of the losses occurred in the first week pp. In conclusion, loose-housing of lactating gilts after a reduced postnatal crating period of 7 days affected neither the activity level of the gilts and lesions on the integument nor pre-weaning mortality. Therefore, it is recommended to allow sows to move around to some extent during the later lactation period

    Communicating Identity in the Workplace and Affinity Group Spaces

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    The following paper examined affinity group creation and purpose through an identity management lens by addressing the utility of an affinity group for those currently involved in homogeneous racial and nonracial groups as well as larger organizational diversity sessions. A thematic analysis revealed affinity group perceptions including several subthemes (logistics, helpful, harmful, more heterogeneity, and exclusion of identity). Organizational diversity sessions at large revealed similar subthemes (legitimizing identity, lack of safe spaces, intersectionality, and surface level discussions). Understanding how employees view organizational diversity efforts better equip organizations to enact specific diversity strategies that move beyond the mere rhetoric of diversity

    Regeneration of Pulmonary Tissue in a Calf Model of Fibrinonecrotic Bronchopneumonia Induced by Experimental Infection with Chlamydia psittaci

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    Pneumonia is a cause of high morbidity and mortality in humans. Animal models are indispensable to investigate the complex cellular interactions during lung injury and repair in vivo. The time sequence of lesion development and regeneration is described after endobronchial inoculation of calves with Chlamydia psittaci. Calves were necropsied 2–37 days after inoculation (dpi). Lesions and presence of Chlamydia psittaci were investigated using histology and immunohistochemistry. Calves developed bronchopneumonia at the sites of inoculation. Initially, Chlamydia psittaci replicated in type 1 alveolar epithelial cells followed by an influx of neutrophils, vascular leakage, fibrinous exudation, thrombosis and lobular pulmonary necrosis. Lesions were most extensive at 4 dpi. Beginning at 7 dpi, the number of chlamydial inclusions declined and proliferation of cuboidal alveolar epithelial cells and sprouting of capillaries were seen at the periphery of necrotic tissue. At 14 dpi, most of the necrosis had been replaced with alveoli lined with cuboidal epithelial cells resembling type 2 alveolar epithelial cells and mild fibrosis, and hyperplasia of organized lymphoid tissue were observed. At 37 dpi, regeneration of pulmonary tissue was nearly complete and only small foci of remodeling remained. The well-defined time course of development and regeneration of necrotizing pneumonia allows correlation of morphological findings with clinical data or treatment regimen

    Examining Undergraduate Communication Degree Programs: Mission Statements, Assessment Plans, and Assessment Evaluations

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    One hundred undergraduate communication programs listed in the NCA directory were examined in this investigation. The process involved gathering the university mission statement, departmental mission statement, program assessment plan, and program assessment evaluations. Results demonstrate that 98 institutions utilized mission statements, 81 departments provided mission statements, 18 departments made assessment plans available and the researchers obtained 4 assessment evaluations

    The metabolic cost of turning right side up in the Mediterranean spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca)

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    Armoured, rigid bodied animals, such as Testudines, must self-right should they find themselves in an inverted position. The ability to self-right is an essential biomechanical and physiological process that influences survival and ultimately fitness. Traits that enhance righting ability may consequently offer an evolutionary advantage. However, the energetic requirements of self-righting are unknown. Using respirometry and kinematic video analysis, we examined the metabolic cost of self-righting in the terrestrial Mediterranean spur-thighed tortoise and compared this to the metabolic cost of locomotion at a moderate, easily sustainable speed. We found that self-righting is, relatively, metabolically expensive and costs around two times the mass-specific power required to walk. Rapid movements of the limbs and head facilitate successful righting however, combined with the constraints of breathing whilst upside down, contribute a significant metabolic cost. Consequently, in the wild, these animals should favour environments or behaviours where the risk of becoming inverted is reduced

    A spectrum deconvolution method based on grey relational analysis

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    The extensive usage of X ray spectroscopies in studying complex material systems is not only intended to reveal underlying mechanisms that govern physical phenomena, but also used in applied studies focused on an insight driven performance improvement of a wide range of devices. However, the traditional analysis methods for X ray spectroscopic data are rather time consuming and sensitive to errors in data pre processing e.g., normalization or background subtraction . In this study, a method based on grey relational analysis, a multi variable statistical method, is proposed to analyze and extract information from X ray spectroscopic data. As a showcase, the valence bands of microcrystalline silicon suboxides probed by hard X ray photoelectron spectroscopy HAXPES were investigated. The results obtained by the proposed method agree well with conventionally derived composition information e.g., curve fit of Si 2p core level of the silicon suboxides . Furthermore, the uncertainty of chemical compositions derived by the proposed method is smaller than that of traditional analysis methods e.g., the least square fit , when artificial linear functions are introduced to simulate the errors in data pre processing. This suggests that the proposed method is capable of providing more reliable and accurate results, especially for data containing significant noise contributions or that is subject to inconsistent data pre processing. Since the proposed method is less experience driven and error prone, it offers a novel approach for automate data analysis, which is of great interest for various applications, such as studying combinatorial material librarie
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