16 research outputs found

    Spatial clustering of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Finland at place of birth and place of death.

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    Previous evidence for spatial clustering of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is inconclusive. Studies that have identified apparent clusters have often been based on a small number of cases, which means the results may have occurred by chance processes. Also, most studies have used the geographic location at the time of death as the basis for cluster detection, rather than exploring clusters at other points in the life cycle. In this study, the authors examine 1,000 cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis distributed throughout Finland who died between June 1985 and December 1995. Using a spatial-scan statistic, the authors examine whether there are significant clusters of the disease at both time of birth and time of death. Two significant, neighboring clusters were identified in southeast and south-central Finland at the time of death. A single significant cluster was identified in southeast Finland at the time of birth, closely matching one of the clusters identified at the time of death. These results are based on a large sample of cases, and they provide convincing evidence of spatial clustering of this condition. The results demonstrate also that, if the cluster analysis is conducted at different stages of the cases’ life cycle, different conclusions about where potential risk factors may exist might result

    Mortality from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Finland, 1986-1995.

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    To study the possible changes, between 1986 and 1995, in the mortality due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) among Finnish patients. Materials and methods– A total of 1000 deaths from ALS were extracted from the Finnish Death Certificate Register for the study years. General population data were obtained from the Statistical Yearbooks of Finland. Results– From a death rate of 1.54/100,000 in 1986 an increase to 2.27/100,000 in 1995 was observed. Since 1963 the number of ALS deaths has tripled. The documented increased life-expectancy in Finland correlates with the ALS death rate, at least partly explaining the increase. Contrary to other countries, on the whole equal numbers of men and women died of ALS. Women tended to be older than men when they died of ALS. Conclusion– In accordance with other countries ALS mortality in Finland is steadily increasing

    Dinâmica da epidemia de AIDS no Município do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 1988-1996: uma aplicação de análise estatística espaço-temporal Spatial-temporal modeling: dynamics of the AIDS epidemic in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1988-1996

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    Neste estudo, aplicou-se um modelo espaço-temporal para examinar a disseminação espacial da epidemia de AIDS entre os casos adultos do Município do Rio de Janeiro em três períodos: 1988-1990, 1991-1993 e 1994-1996. As regiões administrativas foram as unidades geográficas de estudo. Posteriormente, realizou-se análise espacial dos casos pediátricos por transmissão vertical do HIV, por período de nascimento, 1985-1990 e 1991-1996. Para a totalidade dos casos adultos, o período inicial é caracterizado por um conglomerado poligonal em torno da Zona Portuária, que se expande na direção oeste-leste. Entre os casos homossexuais, o crescimento in situ predominou, notando-se arrefecimento da disseminação espacial nos últimos anos. Entre os casos heterossexuais, a epidemia demonstrou expansão geográfica expressiva, sobretudo de 1988-1990 a 1991-1993. Entre os casos do sexo feminino, no último período, houve a formação de um conglomerado de taxas elevadas na direção noroeste, que compreende áreas muito pobres. Entre 1991 e 1996, observou-se correlação significativa das taxas de incidência de AIDS perinatal com o índice de concentração de pobreza. Os resultados sugerem que o entendimento da dinâmica espaço-temporal da epidemia pode subsidiar, de forma relevante, as ações preventivas.<br>This study uses a spatial-temporal model to analyze the spatial spread of the AIDS epidemic (adult cases) in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during three periods: 1988-1990, 1991-1993, and 1994-1996. City districts were used as the geographic units of analysis. A spatial analysis was also performed for pediatric AIDS cases due to vertical HIV transmission, according to period of birth, 1985-90 and 1991-96. For total adult AIDS cases, the initial period was characterized by a polygonal cluster located around the harbor area, which expanded from west to east. Among homosexual cases, in situ growth predominated, and a decrease in the intensity of the diffusion process was observed from the second to the final period. Among heterosexual cases, the epidemic displayed a relevant geographic spread, mainly from 1988-1990 to 1991-1993. Among female cases in the final time period, a cluster of high incidence rates was found towards the northwest, including very poor areas. Among pediatric cases in 1991-1996, a significant correlation was found between AIDS incidence rates and poverty levels in the respective municipal districts. The results suggest that a more complete understanding of AIDS spatial-temporal dynamics can make a major contribution to preventive measures