482 research outputs found

    Dependent Types for Pragmatics

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    This paper proposes the use of dependent types for pragmatic phenomena such as pronoun binding and presupposition resolution as a type-theoretic alternative to formalisms such as Discourse Representation Theory and Dynamic Semantics.Comment: This version updates the paper for publication in LEU

    Characterization of quantum states in predicative logic

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    We develop a characterization of quantum states by means of first order variables and random variables, within a predicative logic with equality, in the framework of basic logic and its definitory equations. We introduce the notion of random first order domain and find a characterization of pure states in predicative logic and mixed states in propositional logic, due to a focusing condition. We discuss the role of first order variables and the related contextuality, in terms of sequents.Comment: 14 pages, Boston, IQSA10, to appea

    Amplification by stochastic interference

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    A new method is introduced to obtain a strong signal by the interference of weak signals in noisy channels. The method is based on the interference of 1/f noise from parallel channels. One realization of stochastic interference is the auditory nervous system. Stochastic interference may have broad potential applications in the information transmission by parallel noisy channels

    Higher Order Containers

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    Abstract. Containers are a semantic way to talk about strictly positive types. In previous work it was shown that containers are closed under various constructions including products, coproducts, initial algebras and terminal coalgebras. In the present paper we show that, surprisingly, the category of containers is cartesian closed, giving rise to a full cartesian closed subcategory of endofunctors. The result has interesting applications syntax. We also show that while the category of containers has finite limits, it is not locally cartesian closed.

    A comparison of the nutritional qualities of supermarket's own and regular brands of bread in Sweden

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    Processed food is associated with unhealthy qualities such as higher content of harmful fats, sugars and salt. The aim of our study was to compare the nutritional qualities of supermarket's own brands and regular brands of bread sold in Sweden. Additionally, we compared the nutritional qualities of gluten-free and gluten-containing bread. We collected information from the labels of 332 bread products available in the largest grocery store chains. The Australian Health Star Rating (HSR) system was used to quantify the nutritional quality of each bread product. We compared all supermarket's own brand products to regular brand products, and gluten-free to gluten-containing bread. The mean HSR for the supermarket's own brands was lower than the regular brands (3.6 vs. 3.7; p = 0.046). For the regular brand products, the fibre, sugar and total fat content were greater (p < 0.001, p = 0.002 and p = 0.021, respectively), while less protein (p = 0.009) compared to regular bread products. Gluten-free bread had a lower HSR than gluten-containing bread (mean 3.5 vs. 3.8, respectively; p < 0.001). The regular brand products were slightly healthier than the supermarket's own brands, primarily as a result of a higher fibre content. Gluten-free bread products were slightly unhealthier due to a lower protein content

    On the Numerical Study of the Complexity and Fractal Dimension of CMB Anisotropies

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    We consider the problem of numerical computation of the Kolmogorov complexity and the fractal dimension of the anisotropy spots of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. Namely, we describe an algorithm of estimation of the complexity of spots given by certain pixel configuration on a grid and represent the results of computations for a series of structures of different complexity. Thus, we demonstrate the calculability of such an abstract descriptor as the Kolmogorov complexity for CMB digitized maps. The correlation of complexity of the anisotropy spots with their fractal dimension is revealed as well. This technique can be especially important while analyzing the data of the forthcoming space experiments.Comment: LATEX, 3 figure

    Ω-Arithmetization of Ellipses

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    International audienceMulti-resolution analysis and numerical precision problems are very important subjects in fields like image analysis or geometrical modeling. In the continuation of our previous works, we propose to apply the method of Ω-arithmetization to ellipses. We obtain a discrete multi-resolution representation of arcs of ellipses. The corresponding algorithms are completely constructive and thus, can be exactly translated into functional computer programs. Moreover, we give a global condition for the connectivity of the discrete curves generated by the method at every scale


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    In order to evaluate the biometric values of 2.054 - 866 males and 1.188 females - Brazilian nativehorse breed,aging between 2 and 13 years old, height, chest girth and cannon bone girth measurements wereperformed and analyzed. The horses were exposed at Esteio Horse Show Rio Grande do sul Brazil, forconfarmation e evaluation, during August 1993 to August 2002. The whole average were height 1.43m (0.02),chest girth 1.79m (0.06) and cannon bone girth 0.20m (0.01); for males, and height 1.42m (0.02), chest girth1.80m (0.05) and cannon bone girth 0.19m (0.01) for females.It has been observed that all the parameters arewithin standard values from breeders associations besides an observed tendency for diminished height.Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar as medidas biométricas de eqüinos da raça crioula criados noBrasil. Os dados relativos à altura, perímetros torácico e de canela de 2.054 eqüinos (866 machos e 1.188fêmeas), com idade entre dois e 13 anos, apresentados na Exposição anual de Esteio, RS, para concurso deavaliação morfológica, no período de agosto de 1993 a agosto de 2002 foram analisados. Nos machos a alturamédia foi de 1,43m (0,02), perímetro torácico de 1,79m (0,06) e perímetro da canela de 0,20m (0,01); para asfêmeas verificou-se uma altura média de 1,42m (0,02), perímetro torácico de 1,80m (0,05) e perímetro dacanela de 0,19m (0,01). Os parâmetros analisados estiveram dentro do padrão determinado pela AssociaçãoBrasileira de Criadores de Cavalos Crioulos, com tendência à diminuição da altura

    Bridging the Gap:Reporting Baseline Characteristics, Process and Outcome Parameters in Hirschsprung's Disease. A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: The variation in standardized, well-defined parameters in Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR) research hinders overarching comparisons and complicates evaluations of care quality across healthcare settings. This review addresses the significant variability observed in these parameters as reported in recent publications. The goal is to compile a list of commonly described baseline characteristics, process and outcome measures, and to investigate disparities in their utilization and definitions. Materials and Methods: A systematic review of literature on the primary care process for HSCR was performed according to PRISMA guidelines. Relevant literature published between 2015 and 2021 was obtained by combining the search term Hirschsprung's disease with treatment outcome, complications, mortality, morbidity, survival in Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Library. We extracted study characteristics, reported process and outcome parameters, and patient and disease characteristics. Results: We extracted 1026 parameters from 200 publications and categorized these into patient characteristics (n=226), treatment and care process characteristics (n=199), and outcomes (n=601). 116 parameters were reported in more than 5% of publications. The most frequently reported characteristics were sex (88%), age at surgery (66%), postoperative Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis (64%), type of repair (57%), fecal incontinence (54%), and extent of aganglionosis (51%). Conclusion: This review underscores the pronounced variation in reported parameters within HSCR studies, highlighting the necessity for consistent, well-defined measures and reporting systems in order to foster improved data interpretability. Moreover, it advocates for the use of these findings in the development of a Core Indicator Set, complementing the recently developed Core Outcome Set. This will facilitate quality assessments across pediatric surgical centers throughout Europe.</p

    Equilibration of isolated macroscopic quantum systems

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    We investigate the equilibration of an isolated macroscopic quantum system in the sense that deviations from a steady state become unmeasurably small for the overwhelming majority of times within any sufficiently large time interval. The main requirements are that the initial state, possibly far from equilibrium, exhibits a macroscopic population of at most one energy level and that degeneracies of energy eigenvalues and of energy gaps (differences of energy eigenvalues) are not of exceedingly large multiplicities. Our approach closely follows and extends recent works by Short and Farrelly [2012 New J. Phys. 14 013063], in particular going beyond the realm of finite-dimensional systems and large effective dimensions.Comment: 19 page