691 research outputs found

    Modelling and experimental validation of a fluidized bed reactor freeboard region: application to natural gas combustion

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    A theoretical and experimental study of natural gas-air mixture combustion in a fluidized bed of sand particles is presented. The operating temperatures are lower than a critical temperature of 800 °C above which the combustion occurs in the vicinity of the fluidized bed. Our study focusses on the freeboard zone where most of the methane combustion takes place at such temperatures. Experimental results show the essential role of the projection zone in determining the global thermal efficiency of the reactor. The dense bed temperature, the fluidizing velocity and the mean particle diameter significantly affect the thermal behaviours. A model for natural gas-air mixture combustion in fluidized beds is proposed, counting for interactions between dense and dilute regions of the reactor [Pré et al. (1998)] supplemented with the freeboard region modelling of Kunii-Levenspiel (1990). Thermal exchanges due to the convection between gas and particles, and due to the conduction and radiation phenomena between the gas-particle suspension and the reactor walls are counted. The kinetic scheme for the methane conversion is that proposed by Dryer and Glassman (1973). Model predictions are in good agreement with the measurements

    Rab8a and Rab8b are essential for several apical transport pathways but insufficient for ciliogenesis

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    The small GTP-binding protein Rab8 is known to play an essential role in intracellular transport and cilia formation. We have previously demonstrated that Rab8a is required for localising apical markers in various organisms. Rab8a has a closely related isoform, Rab8b. To determine whether Rab8b can compensate for Rab8a, we generated Rab8b-knockout mice. Although the Rab8b-knockout mice did not display an overt phenotype, Rab8a and Rab8b double-knockout mice exhibited mislocalisation of apical markers and died earlier than Rab8a-knockout mice. The apical markers accumulated in three intracellular patterns in the double-knockout mice. However, the localisation of basolateral and/or dendritic markers of the double-knockout mice seemed normal. The morphology and the length of various primary and/or motile cilia, and the frequency of ciliated cells appeared to be identical in control and double-knockout mice. However, an additional knockdown of Rab10 in double-knockout cells greatly reduced the percentage of ciliated cells. Our results highlight the compensatory effect of Rab8a and Rab8b in apical transport, and the complexity of the apical transport process. In addition, neither Rab8a nor Rab8b are required for basolateral and/or dendritic transport. However, simultaneous loss of Rab8a and Rab8b has little effect on ciliogenesis, whereas additional loss of Rab10 greatly affects ciliogenesis

    2D Shape Transformation Using 3D Blending

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    Abstract Computer animation is one of the key components of a multimedia document or presentation. Shape transformation between objects of different topology and positions is an open modeling problem in computer animation. We propose a new approach to solving this problem for two given 2D shapes. The key steps of the proposed algorithm are: dimension increase by converting input 2D shapes into halfcylinders in 3D space, bounded blending with added material between the half-cylinders, and making cross-sections for getting frames of the animation. We use the bounded blending set operations defined using R-functions and displacement functions with the localized area of influence applied to the functionally defined 3D half-cylinders. The proposed approach is general enough to handle input shapes with arbitrary topology defined as polygons with holes and disjoint components, set-theoretic objects, or analytical implicit curves. The obtained unusual amoeba-like behavior of the 2D shape combines metamorphosis with the non-linear movement on the plane

    A 10-Year Experience in Intraoperative Parathyroid Hormone Measurements for Primary Hyperparathyroidism: A Prospective Study of 91 Previous Unexplored Patients

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    Introduction. Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP) is characteristically determined by high levels of calcium and high or inappropriate levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Technological advances have dramatically changed the surgical technique over the years once intraoperative parathyroid hormone (IOPTH) assay had allowed for focused approaches. Objective. To evaluate our 10-year experience in employing a rapid intraoperative PTH assay for PHP. Methods. A prospective cohort of 91 PHP-operated patients in a tertiary institution in São Paulo, Brazil, from June 2000 to April 2011. Results. We had 85 (93.4%) successful parathyroidectomies, 6 (6.6%) failed parathyroidectomies in 91 previous unexplored patients, and 5 (100%) successful remedial surgeries. The IOPTH was true-positive in 88.5%, true-negative in 7.3%, false-positive in 2.1%, and false-negative in 2.1% of the procedures. IOPTH was able to obviate additional exploration or to ask for additional exploration in 92 (95.8%) procedures. Conclusion. The IOPTH revealed to be an important technological adjunct in the current parathyroid surgery for PHP

    Total Parathyroidectomy with Presternal Intramuscular Autotransplantation in Renal Patients: A Prospective Study of 66 Patients

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    Surgical treatment of secondary (SHPT) and tertiary hyperparathyroidism (THPT) may involve various surgical approaches. The aim of this paper was to evaluate presternal intramuscular autotransplantation of parathyroid tissue as a surgical option in SHPT and THPT treatment. 66 patients with renal chronic disease underwent surgery from April 2000 to April 2005 at Universidade Federal São Paulo, Brazil. There were 38 SHPT patients (24 women/14 men), mean age of 39.yrs (range: 14–58), and 28 THPT patients (14 women/14 men), mean age of 43.4 yrs (range: 24–62). Postoperative average followup was 42.9 months (range: 12–96). Postoperative intact PTH increased throughout followup from 73.5 pg/mL to 133 pg/mL on average from 1st to the 5th year, respectively, in SHPT and from 54.9 pg/mL to 94.7 pg/mL on average from 1st to 5th year, respectively, in THPT group. Definitive hypoparathyroidism was observed in 4 (6.06%) patients and graft-dependent recurrence in 6 (9.09%). Presternal intramuscular autotransplantation of parathyroid tissue is a feasible and safe surgical option in SHPT and THPT treatment

    Development of a semi-automated method for measuring urinary iodine and its application in epidemiological studies in Brazilian schoolchildren

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    In this study we developed a semi-automated method for the measurement of urinary iodine using firstly ammonium persulfate for digestion of urine followed by estimation of iodine content in the Sandell-Kolthoff reaction, in which iodine acts as a catalyst for the reduction of cerium. This method was validated in the 3rd Brazilian National Survey of iodine deficiency in 1994. We studied 16,803 casual urine samples from schoolchildren of 401 cities and found 4 moderately-deficient towns (Almas, Arraias, and Parana, in the State of Tocantins, and Cocos, in the State of Bahia), and 116 mildly-deficient. This work suggests that despite the salt iodization program, there was some iodine-deficient areas in Brazil in 1994. Recent surveys, involving less cities, are indicating an excess of iodine ingestion. Therefore, in a country of continental dimensions and very heterogeneous in terms of public health, periodical evaluations are necessary to monitor the real situation of iodine nutrition in Brazil. the method developed in this paper is suitable for these surveys.Univ Estadual Maringa, Dept Med, Ctr Ciencias Saude, Maringa, Parana, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Mol Endocrinol Lab, Disciplina Endocrinol, Dept Med,Escola Paulista Med, BR-04032029 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Mol Endocrinol Lab, Disciplina Endocrinol, Dept Med,Escola Paulista Med, BR-04032029 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Parathyroid hormone values obtained with immunometric assays depend on the amino-terminal antibody specificity

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    Introduction of 2nd generation immunometric assays for the measurement of serum parathyroid hormone (PTH), turned them more available, simple and rapid. These methods, based on double identification of the PTH molecule, supposedly measure the intact, bioactive molecule, with the sequence 1-84. Recent works showed that they also measure forms with amino-terminal deletions, like the 7-84 form, which are not able to activate the traditional PTH receptor (PTH1R). Thus, an important practical aspect is the definition of the PTH forms measured by the immunometric assays, a fact that depends on the specificity of the antibodies employed. In this report we compare the results obtained with an in-house immunofluorometric assay that presents a cross-reactivity of 50% with the 7-84 PTH sequence, and two commercial 2nd generation assays, that react 100%. In a first study, 135 samples were measured using our assay and an electrochemiluminescent assay, resulting in a correlation coefficient of 0.961 (P<0.0001) and medians of 35.0 and 51.0ng/L (P<0.0001). In a second study, 252 samples were analyzed using our assay and an immunochemiluminometric assay, resulting in a correlation of 0.883 (P<0.0001) and medians of 36.0 and 45.5ng/L (P<0.0001). In both studies results obtained with the in-house assay were significantly lower, as expected by the specificity of the anti-amino-terminal antibody employed. Our data support the need of a precise description of the specificity of the amino-terminal antibodies employed in 2nd generation PTH assays in order to better compare results and define normal ranges.A introdução de ensaios imunométricos (EIM) de 2ª geração, tornaram a medida de paratormônio (PTH) sérico mais disponível, simples e rápida, aumentando sua utilização. Esses métodos, baseados em dupla identificação da molécula de PTH, mediriam supostamente a molécula intacta, bioativa, de seqüência 1-84. Recentes trabalhos mostraram que eles também medem formas com deleções amino-terminais, como a forma 7-84, que não ativam o receptor tradicional de PTH (PTH1R). Em função disto, um aspecto prático importante é a definição das formas de PTH medidas pelos EIM, sendo que estas dependem da especificidade dos anticorpos empregados. Neste trabalho, comparamos um ensaio imunofluorométrico por nós desenvolvido, que apresenta reatividade cruzada de 50% com a seqüência 7-84 do PTH, com dois ensaios comerciais de 2ª geração, que reagem 100%. Numa 1ª. comparação, 135 amostras de soro foram dosadas com o nosso ensaio e com um ensaio eletroquimioluminescente, obtendo-se uma correlação de 0,961 (P<0,0001) e medianas de 35,0 e 51,0ng/L (P<0,001). Numa 2ª. comparação, 252 amostras foram dosadas com nosso ensaio e com um ensaio imunoquimioluminométrico, obtendo-se uma correlação de 0,883 (P<0,0001) e medianas de 36,0 e 45,5ng/L (P<0,0001). Em ambos os casos, os dados obtidos com nosso ensaio foram significativamente mais baixos, dados condizentes com a especificidade do anticorpo amino-terminal empregado. Nossos dados reiteram a necessidade de descrição precisa da especificidade dos anticorpos amino-terminais empregados em ensaios de PTH de 2ª geração, de maneira a melhor comparar resultados e definir faixas de normalidade.Instituto FleuryUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Molecular cloning of ion channels in Felis catus that are related to periodic paralyses in man: a contribution to the understanding of the genetic susceptibility to feline neck ventroflexion and paralysis

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    Neck ventroflexion in cats has different causes; however, the most common is the hypokalemia associated with flaccid paralysis secondary to chronic renal failure. in humans, the most common causes of acute flaccid paralysis are hypokalemia precipitated by thyrotoxicosis and familial forms linked to mutations in sodium, potassium, and calcium channel genes. Here, we describe the sequencing and analysis of skeletal muscle ion channels in Felis catus that could be related to periodic paralyses in humans, contributing to the understanding of the genetic susceptibility to feline neck ventroflexion and paralysis. We studied genomic DNA from eleven cats, including five animals that were hyperthyroid with hypokalemia, although only one presented with muscle weakness, and six healthy control domestic cats. We identified the ion channel ortholog genes KCNJ2, KCNJ12, KCNJ14, CACNA1S and SCN4A in the Felis catus genome, together with several polymorphic variants. Upon comparative alignment with other genomes, we found that Felis catus provides evidence for a high genomic conservation of ion channel sequences. Although we hypothesized that neck ventroflexion in cats could be associated with a thyrotoxic or familial periodic paralysis channel mutation, we did not identify any previously detected human channel mutation in the hyperthyroid cat presenting hypokalemia. However, based on the small number of affected cats in this study, we cannot yet rule out this molecular mechanism. Notwithstanding, hyperthyroidism should still be considered as a differential diagnosis in hypokalemic feline paralysis.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Med, Div Endocrinol,Lab Mol & Translat Endocrinol, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Med, Div Endocrinol,Lab Mol & Translat Endocrinol, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 2011/20747-8FAPESP: 2012/02529Web of Scienc