59 research outputs found

    Estimation of Regional Evapotranspiration Using Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature. Part 2: Application of Equilibrium Evaporation Model to Estimate Evapotranspiration by Remote Sensing Technique

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    In a humid region like Japan, it seems that the radiation term in the energy balance equation plays a more important role for evapotranspiration then does the vapor pressure difference between the surface and lower atmospheric boundary layer. A Priestley-Taylor type equation (equilibrium evaporation model) is used to estimate evapotranspiration. Net radiation, soil heat flux, and surface temperature data are obtained. Only temperature data obtained by remotely sensed techniques are used

    Control of Flowering in Strawberries

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    Strawberries (Fragaria sp.) are small perennial plants capable of both sexual reproduction through seeds and clonal reproduction via runners. Because vegetative and generative developmental programs are tightly connected, the control of flowering is presented here in the context of the yearly growth cycle. The rosette crown of strawberry consists of a stem with short internodes produced from the apical meristem. Each node harbors one trifoliate leaf and an axillary bud. The fate of axillary buds is dictated by environmental conditions; high temperatures and long days (LDs) promote axillary bud development into runners, whereas cool temperature and short days (SDs) favor the formation of branch crowns. SDs and cool temperature also promote flowering; under these conditions, the main shoot apical meristem is converted into a terminal inflorescence, and vegetative growth is continued from the uppermost axillary branch crown. The environmental factors that regulate vegetative and generative development in strawberries have been reasonably well characterized and are reviewed in the first two chapters. The genetic basis of the physiological responses in strawberries is much less clear. To provide a point of reference for the flowering pathways described in strawberries so far, a short review on the molecular mechanisms controlling flowering in the model plant Arabidopsis is given. The last two chapters will then describe the current knowledge on the molecular mechanisms controlling the physiological responses in strawberries.Peer reviewe

    Fruit load modulates flowering-related gene expression in buds of alternate-bearing 'Moncada' mandarin

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    Background and Aims Gene determination of flowering is the result of complex interactions involving both promoters and inhibitors. In this study, the expression of flowering-related genes at the meristem level in alternate-bearing citrus trees is analysed, together with the interplay between buds and leaves in the determination of flowering. Methods First defruiting experiments were performed to manipulate blossoming intensity in `Moncada¿ mandarin, Citrus clementina. Further defoliation was performed to elucidate the role leaves play in the flowering process. In both cases, the activity of flowering-related genes was investigated at the flower induction (November) and differentiation (February) stages. Key Results Study of the expression pattern of flowering-genes in buds from on (fully loaded) and off (without fruits) trees revealed that homologues of FLOWERING LOCUS T (CiFT), TWIN SISTER OF FT (TSF), APETALA1 (CsAP1) and LEAFY (CsLFY) were negatively affected by fruit load. CiFT and TSF activities showed a marked increase in buds from off trees through the study period (ten-fold in November). By contrast, expression of the homologues of the flowering inhibitors of TERMINAL FLOWER 1 (CsTFL), TERMINAL FLOWER 2 (TFL2) and FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) was generally lower in off trees. Regarding floral identity genes, the increase in CsAP1 expression in off trees was much greater in buds than in leaves, and significant variations in CsLFY expression (approx. 20 %) were found only in February. Defoliation experiments further revealed that the absence of leaves completely abolished blossoming and severely affected the expression of most of the flowering-related genes, particularly decreasing the activity of floral promoters and of CsAP1 at the induction stage. Conclusions These results suggest that the presence of fruit affects flowering by greatly altering gene-expression not only at the leaf but also at the meristem level. Although leaves are required for flowering to occur, their absence strongly affects the activity of floral promoters and identity genes.This work was supported by a grant from the Instituto Nacional Investigaciones Agrarias, Spain (RTA2009-00147). M. C. Gonzalez was the recipient of a contract by the Fundacion Agroalimed (Conselleria d'Agricultura, Pesca i Alimentacio, Generalitat Valenciana).Muñoz Fambuena, N.; Mesejo Conejos, C.; Gonzalez Más, MC.; Primo-Millo, E.; Agustí Fonfría, M.; Iglesias, DJ. (2012). Fruit load modulates flowering-related gene expression in buds of alternate-bearing 'Moncada' mandarin. Annals of Botany. 110(6):1109-1118. doi:10.1093/aob/mcs190S110911181106Abe, M. (2005). FD, a bZIP Protein Mediating Signals from the Floral Pathway Integrator FT at the Shoot Apex. Science, 309(5737), 1052-1056. doi:10.1126/science.1115983Bustin, S. (2002). Quantification of mRNA using real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR): trends and problems. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 23-39. doi:10.1677/jme.0.0290023Corbesier, L., & Coupland, G. (2006). The quest for florigen: a review of recent progress. Journal of Experimental Botany, 57(13), 3395-3403. doi:10.1093/jxb/erl095Dornelas, M. C., Camargo, R. L. B., Figueiredo, L. H. M., & Takita, M. A. (2007). A genetic framework for flowering-time pathways in Citrus spp. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 30(3 suppl), 769-779. doi:10.1590/s1415-47572007000500006Endo, T., Shimada, T., Fujii, H., Kobayashi, Y., Araki, T., & Omura, M. (2005). Ectopic Expression of an FT Homolog from Citrus Confers an Early Flowering Phenotype on Trifoliate Orange (Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf.). Transgenic Research, 14(5), 703-712. doi:10.1007/s11248-005-6632-3Esumi, T., Hagihara, C., Kitamura, Y., Yamane, H., & Tao, R. (2009). Identification of anFTortholog in Japanese apricot (Prunus mumeSieb. et Zucc.). 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    The use of high‐flow nasal oxygen in COVID

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    Antibiotics for Agrobacterium Elimination in Apple Transformation

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