224 research outputs found

    Preliminary Water Assessment Reports of The Test Basins of The Watch Project

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    This report presents the initial plans of the case studies how they link to rest of the Watch project and on which water resources they will focus. This report will function as the basis for further discussions on how to improve the integration of the case studies within the project and to develop a more general protocol for each of the case studies. Currently 5 catchments are used within the Watch project, they differ in climatic and hydro-geological features and expected climate changes: the Glomma River basin (Eastern Norway), the upper Guadiana basin (Central Spanish Plateau), the Nitra River basin (central Slovakia), the Upper-Elbe basin (part of the Elbe River) and the island of Crete. Also the water resources issues vary over these cases. Agricultural (and domestic) water use is under pressure in the Mediterranean catchments probably aggravating with the expected increase in drought frequency under future climate. The Norwegian catchment provides hydropower services under threat of precipitation increase rather than decrease. The central European catchments are threatened mainly by increased variability, i.e. increased frequencies of extremes in a densely populated environment, and river flow may need additional buffers (reservoirs) to reduce floodrisk and store water for dry period

    Green's Matrix for a Second Order Self-Adjoint Matrix Differential Operator

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    A systematic construction of the Green's matrix for a second order, self-adjoint matrix differential operator from the linearly independent solutions of the corresponding homogeneous differential equation set is carried out. We follow the general approach of extracting the Green's matrix from the Green's matrix of the corresponding first order system. This construction is required in the cases where the differential equation set cannot be turned to an algebraic equation set via transform techniques.Comment: 19 page

    Development and characterization of a hydrogel containing silver sulfadiazine for antimicrobial topical applications

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    Development and optimization of a hydrogel with impregnated silver sulfadiazine was pursued, for antimicrobial topical applications. The selected hydrogel exhibited a homogeneous appearance, with whitish colloration and devoid of any fractures or cracks. The content in impregnated silver sulfadiazine was within established limits (1%, w/w) with a standard deviation of up to 1.28%. The hydrogel presented a good characteristic in relation to release of the active antimicrobial principle, verified through swelling tests and antimicrobial activity. The swelling tests indicated a higher increase in weight during the first 6 h of contact with a moist environment, with a maximum value of 266.00 ± 0.81, and with maintenance of the original shape of the hydrogel. The impregnated silver sulfadiazine presented antimicrobial activity, as expected, indicating a prolonged release of the drug. The infrared spectra of the hydrogel with impregnated silver sulfadiazine indicated that the drug did not engage in any bonds with the polymeric matrix, which otherwise could have reduced its antimicrobial activity. The mechanical resistance tests produced good results, indicating that the hydrogels may be utilized in different locations of the human body with skin lesions.Project funding by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, São Paulo, Brazil) (FAPESP Ref. Nos. 2012/15651-4, 2013/03181-6, and 2014/21122-0) is hereby gratefully acknowledged. This work also received support from CNPq in the form of a Research Productivity (PQ) fellowshi

    Effectiveness of TBE vaccination in southern Germany and Latvia

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    Funding Information: This study was sponsored by Pfizer Inc. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The AuthorsBackground: Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a vaccine-preventable disease which may cause long-term sequelae and even death. The data on the long-term effectiveness of TBE vaccines are limited. Additionally, the vaccination schedule is complex which in part contributes towards sub-optimal uptake in TBE-endemic areas. The current ecological study measures vaccine effectiveness (VE) in two European countries. Methods: TBE VE was measured from 2007 to 2018 in Latvia and Southern German states by age group, vaccination history, and schedule compliance. TBE cases and vaccination history were obtained from the public health agencies for Latvia and the southern German federal states of Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg. Cases were “within schedule” if a TBE infection was diagnosed within the time interval preceding the next scheduled dose and “outside schedule” if the diagnosis occurred after the next scheduled dose. Vaccine uptake was estimated via representative nationwide surveys. Results: VE after 2, 3, and ≥4 doses was high in both countries at 97.2%, 95.0%, and 95.4% for southern Germany, and 98.1%, 99.4%, and 98.8% for Latvia while within- schedule, and only showed marginal differences outside schedule at 90.6%, 89.9%, and 95.6% for southern Germany, and 97.4%, 98.4%, and 99.0% for Latvia regardless of age groups. Conclusions: In both countries, VE after two and three primary doses within-schedule was very high in all age groups. Once receiving booster doses, high VE continued to be observed even in persons with extended intervals since the last dose received, suggesting that longer and more flexible booster intervals may be considered for sustainable long-term protection.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Virtual reality-based early neurocognitive stimulation in critically ill patients: A pilot randomized clinical trial

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    This study focuses on the application of a non-immersive virtual reality (VR)-based neurocognitive intervention in critically ill patients. Our aim was to assess the feasibility of direct outcome measures to detect the impact of this digital therapy on patients’ cognitive and emotional outcomes. Seventy-two mechanically ventilated adult patients were randomly assigned to the “treatment as usual” (TAU, n = 38) or the “early neurocognitive stimulation” (ENRIC, n = 34) groups. All patients received standard intensive care unit (ICU) care. Patients in the ENRIC group also received adjuvant neurocognitive stimulation during the ICU stay. Outcome measures were a full neuropsychological battery and two mental health questionnaires. A total of 42 patients (21 ENRIC) completed assessment one month after ICU discharge, and 24 (10 ENRIC) one year later. At onemonth follow-up, ENRIC patients had better working memory scores (p = 0.009, d = 0.363) and showed up to 50% less non-specific anxiety (11.8% vs. 21.1%) and depression (5.9% vs. 10.5%) than TAU patients. A general linear model of repeated measures reported a main effect of group, but not of time or group–time interaction, on working memory, with ENRIC patients outperforming TAU patients (p = 0.008, ¿p2 = 0.282). Our results suggest that non-immersive VR-based neurocognitive stimulation may help improve short-term working memory outcomes in survivors of critical illness. Moreover, this advantage could be maintained in the long term. An efficacy trial in a larger sample of participants is feasible and must be conducted. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Effect of an early neurocognitive rehabilitation on autonomic nervous system in critically ill patients

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    Introduction Recent clinical and electrophysiological studies reveal a high incidence of autonomic nervous system (ANS) dys- function in patients treated in ICU [1]. ANS disturbances may produce diverse and unexpected consequences. For instance, critically ill patients are at risk of neurocognitive impairments that may persist after hospital discharge. Among various pathophysiological mechanisms proposed, ANS dysfunction leading cholinergic deficiency seems one of the most viable to explain the development of long-term sequelae. Heart rate variability (HRV) has been related to the activity of the prefrontal cortex [2] hence, prefrontal activation could help to strengthen the auto- nomic nervous system integrity. We are interested in assessing the improvement of the ANS dysfunction through neural circuits’ activation. Thus, we propose a novel therapy that could allow the reinforcing of ANS through an early neurocognitive intervention targeted to improve prefrontal activation. Objectives The aim of this study was to explore if the integrity of the ANS, via cardiac vagal tone, measured by the HRV can be modified after early neurocognitive rehabilitation in ICU patients. Methods A total of 17 critically ill patients received a 20-minute Early Neurocognitive Rehabilitation (ENR) session in their own bed in the ICU. HRV was derived from the recorded ECG signal during pre-session, session and post-session. Power in the specific frequency bands related to sympathetic and parasympathetic systems was computed (PLF and PHF for low and high frequency bands, respectively). PLF was computed within the clas- sic band, while PHF was computed within a band cen- tered at respiratory rate. Changes in the HRV parameters from pre-session to session, and from pre- session to post-session were studied using Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results Clinical data of the sample are summarized in table 1. Comparing with baseline values, 9 patients (53%) showed a decreased PLF in post-session, while 8 patients (47%) presented a higher PLF (p = .759). In 12 patients (71%), PHF increased after the ENR session, suggesting an increase of parasympathetic activity (p = .836). Conclusions Diagnosis, severity of illness or medication could explain the differential effect in the evolution of the HRV para- meters among different patients. Despite differences, an early neurocognitive rehabilitation seems to increase parasympathetic activity after the session in the majority of the patients. Clinical characteristics of the critical ill patients should be further studied to determinate which patients could be the best candidates for early neurocog- nitive intervention

    Factores de control de la dinámica sedimentaria en el frente litoral de la Bahía de Cádiz

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    En la bahía de Cádiz, al SO de la Península Ibérica, se diferencian dos sectores: una bahía externa de carácter arenoso, bien conectada con mar abierto y la plataforma, donde la fracción fina está restringida a zonas frente a desembocaduras de ríos y caños mareales o bajo la influencia de flujos de turbidez. Otra es la bahía interna, más abrigada que la anterior y caracterizada por la presencia de ambientes mareales y fondo fangoso. Los dos sectores están comunicados por el estrecho de Puntales, que es esencial para la renovación del agua de la bahía interna y para el suministro de materia en suspensión a la externa. El régimen de mareas es mesomareal, con amplitud máxima de 3.7 m y media de 2.18 m. El oleaje tipo sea presenta enfrentamiento levante-poniente con dominio de la componente Este, mientras que el de tipo swell está por la componente Oeste. Las corrientes litorales están controladas por el oleaje y fisiografía de la costa y el fondo. La orientación dominante de la costa de NNO a SSE, hace que se reciba de cara el oleaje del SO. Esta dirección está interceptada por segmentos ENE a OSO, que le dan un aspecto escalonado que condiciona la dinámica sedimentaria y la ubicación de la desembocadura de ríos y ambientes de depósito

    Intramuscular vs. Intradermic Needle-Free Vaccination in Piglets: Relevance for Animal Welfare Based on an Aversion Learning Test and Vocalizations

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    The aim of the present study was to compare intramuscular injection with a needle and intradermic needle-free vaccinations against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) in piglets at 28 days old by studying behavioral and physiological reactions. A total of 72 piglets divided into 2 sex-balanced batches were assessed. Within each batch, the piglets were divided into three treatments, which were Hipradermic (0.2 ml of UNISTRAIN® PRRS vaccine administered with an intradermic needle-free device), Intramuscular (IM, 2.0 ml of vaccine), and Control (not vaccinated). Before the vaccination, the piglets were trained to cross a 4-m-long raceway to perform an aversion learning test. The day of vaccination, the time taken to cross the raceway was registered for each piglet at different times: prior to the vaccination and 10 min, 2, 24, 48, and 72 h after the vaccination, to measure variations in these times as signs of aversion to the vaccination process. Vocalizations, as potential signs of pain, were recorded as well at the end of this raceway to analyze their frequency (Hz), duration, and level of pressure (dB) at the moment of vaccination. Salivary cortisol, as a sign of the HPA-axis activity, was assessed 10 min after the vaccination. In addition, activity budgets, local reaction to the vaccine, and serological titer were also considered in the study. Ten minutes after the vaccination, the IM piglets took longer (p < 0.001) to cross the raceway than did the Hipradermic and Control piglets. Vocalizations were significantly different between the three treatments: the Control piglets produced vocalizations with the lowest frequency (p < 0.001) and level of pressure (p < 0.001), and IM with the highest, with Hipradermic in a significant intermediate position (p < 0.001). Accordingly, the day of the vaccination, IM and Hipradermic animals were lying on the side of the vaccine administration a greater proportion of time than were the Control piglets (10, 11, and 6%, respectively; p = 0.027). Salivary cortisol was not significantly different between treatments. The serum titer of antibodies against the PRRS was higher (p < 0.001) in both vaccinated treatments in comparison to the Control piglets. It is concluded that the Hipradermic needle-free vaccination may result in a less aversive experience in piglets than did intramuscular vaccination.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cost-Utility Analysis of a Medication Review with Follow-Up Service for Older Adults with Polypharmacy in Community Pharmacies in Spain: The conSIGUE Program

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    © 2015, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. Background: The concept of pharmaceutical care is operationalized through pharmaceutical professional services, which are patient-oriented to optimize their pharmacotherapy and to improve clinical outcomes. Objective: The objective of this study was to estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of a medication review with follow-up (MRF) service for older adults with polypharmacy in Spanish community pharmacies against the alternative of having their medication dispensed normally. Methods: The study was designed as a cluster randomized controlled trial, and was carried out over a time horizon of 6 months. The target population was older adults with polypharmacy, defined as individuals taking five or more medicines per day. The study was conducted in 178 community pharmacies in Spain. Cost-utility analysis adopted a health service perspective. Costs were in euros at 2014 prices and the effectiveness of the intervention was estimated as quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs). In order to analyze the uncertainty of ICER results, we performed a non-parametric bootstrapping with 5000 replications. Results: A total of 1403 older adults, aged between 65 and 94 years, were enrolled in the study: 688 in the intervention group (IG) and 715 in the control group (CG). By the end of the follow-up, both groups had reduced the mean number of prescribed medications they took, although this reduction was greater in the IG (0.28 ± 1.25 drugs; p < 0.001) than in the CG (0.07 ± 0.95 drugs; p = 0.063). Older adults in the IG saw their quality of life improved by 0.0528 ± 0.20 (p < 0.001). In contrast, the CG experienced a slight reduction in their quality of life: 0.0022 ± 0.24 (p = 0.815). The mean total cost was €977.57 ± 1455.88 for the IG and €1173.44 ± 3671.65 for the CG. In order to estimate the ICER, we used the costs adjusted for baseline medications and QALYs adjusted for baseline utility score, resulting in a mean incremental total cost of −€250.51 ± 148.61 (95 % CI −541.79 to 40.76) and a mean incremental QALY of 0.0156 ± 0.004 (95 % CI 0.008–0.023). Regarding the results from the cost-utility analysis, the MRF service emerged as the dominant strategy. Conclusion: The MRF service is an effective intervention for optimizing prescribed medication and improving quality of life in older adults with polypharmacy in community pharmacies. The results from the cost-utility analysis suggest that the MRF service is cost effective