35 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de Xenopsylla cheopis en Rattus rattus en el distrito de Salas, Lambayeque: Prevalence of Xenopsylla cheopis in Rattus rattus in the Salas district, Lambayeque

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    Objective: The study of the prevalence of Xenopsylla cheopis in rodents of the Rattus rattus species.The objective of the present investigation is to establish the prevalence of Xenopsylla cheopis in rodents of the Rattus rattus species. Methods: To obtain the sample, Tomahawk and Sherman traps were used that contained baits previously prepared with oatmeal and vanilla, the traps were placed in three areas: intra-home area, peridomyciliary area and in the open area. Ectoparasites were obtained using the fine comb technique. With an entomological clamp, fleas were collected in a 2ml vial, containing 70% alcohol. Results: Its prevalence in Rattus rattus rodents were evaluated, with the highest prevalence rate being the one registered in the locality of Banco in August 2016 (4.08) and the lowest index was 1.3 registered in the locality of the Ramada in November 2015. They were captured 169 rodents Rattus rattus, of which 399 fleas could be collected, 299 belonged to the Xenopsylla cheopis species. Conclusion: it was found that the prevalence of Xenopsylla cheopis in Rattus rattus rodents in the locations of Sauce, Banco, Kerguer, Algarrobo, and Ramada in the Salas district, in the period July - November 2015 and August 2016 was high.Objetivo: La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la prevalencia de Xenopsylla cheopis en roedores de la especie Rattus rattus. Métodos: Para la obtención de la muestra se usaron trampas Tomahawk y Sherman que contuvieron cebos previamente preparados con avena y vainilla, las trampas fueron colocadas en tres zonas: zona intradomiciliar, peridomiciliar y en área descampada. La obtención de ectoparásitos se realizó mediante la técnica del peine fino. Con una pinza entomológica se colectaron las pulgas en un vial de 2ml, conteniendo alcohol al 70 %. Resultados: Se evaluó su prevalencia en roedores Rattus rattus, siendo el índice de prevalencia más alto el registrado en la localidad de Banco en agosto 2016 (4.08) y el menor índice fue 1.3 registrado en la localidad de la Ramada en noviembre 2015. Se capturaron 169 roedores Rattus rattus, de los cuales se pudo colectar 399 pulgas, 299 pertenecían a la especie Xenopsylla cheopis. Conclusión: se encontró que la prevalencia de Xenopsylla cheopis en roedores Rattus rattus en las localidades del Sauce, el Banco, Kerguer, el Algarrobo y la Ramada del distrito de Salas, en el periodo Julio – noviembre 2015 y agosto 2016 fue elevada

    Relationships first : Formal and informal home care of older adults in Sweden

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    To a great extent, older people in Sweden, often with extensive care needs, are cared for in their own home. Support is often needed from both family and professional caregivers. This study aimed to describe and analyse different aspects of health, functioning and social networks, and how they relate to formal and informal care in the home among older adults. Analyses were performed utilising data from the OCTO-2 study, with a sample of 317 people living in Jonkoping County, aged 75, 80, 85 or 90 years, living in their own homes. Data were collected with in-person-testing. Based on receipt of care, the participants were divided into three groups: no care, informal care only, and formal care with or without informal care. Descriptive statistics and multinomial regression analysis were performed to explore the associations between received care and different aspects of health (such as multimorbidity, polypharmacy), social networks (such as loneliness, number of confidants) and functioning (such as managing daily life). The findings demonstrate that the majority of the participants received no care at home (61%). Multimorbidity and polypharmacy were more common among those receiving some kind of care in comparison to those who received no care; moreover, those receiving some kind of care also had difficulties managing daily life and less satisfaction with their social networks. The multinomial logistic regression analyses demonstrated that age, functioning in daily life, perceived general health and satisfaction with the number of confidants were related to receipt of care, but the associations among these factors differed depending on the type of care that was received. The results show the importance of a holistic perspective that includes the older person's experiences when planning home care. The results also highlight the importance of considering social perspectives and relationships in home care rather than focusing only on health factors

    Stereochemical Investigations Reveal the Mechanism of the Bacterial Activation of n-Alkanes without Oxygen

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    Anaerobic growth of the bacterium strain HxN1 with n‐hexane gives nearly equal amounts of (2R,1′R)‐ and (2S,1′R)‐(1‐methylpentyl)succinate, which are formed by the radical addition of the hydrocarbon to fumarate (see scheme). The highly selective attack on the pro‐S hydrogen atom at C2 of n‐hexane is associated with inversion of the configuration at C2 during binding to fumarate and exhibits isotopic discrimination against a C2H bond

    Anaerobic degradation of 4-methylbenzoate via a specific 4-methylbenzoyl-CoA pathway

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    The pathway for anaerobic degradation of 4-methylbenzoate was studied in the denitrifying alphaproteobacterium Magnetospirillum sp. strain pMbN1. Adaptation studies with whole cells indicated substrate-dependent induction of the capacity to degrade 4-methylbenzoate. Differential protein profiling (2D-DIGE) of 4-methylbenzoate- in comparison with benzoate- or succinate-adapted cells revealed the specific abundance increase of substrate-specific protein sets. Their coding genes form distinct clusters on the genome, two of which were assigned to 4-methylbenzoate and one to benzoate degradation. The predicted functions of the gene products agree with a specific 4-methylbenzoyl-CoA degradation pathway in addition to and analogous to the known anaerobic benzoyl-CoA degradation pathway. In vitro benzoyl-CoA and 4-methylbenzoyl-CoA reductase activities revealed the electron donor and ATP-dependent formation of the corresponding conjugated cyclic dienoyl-CoA/4-methyl-dienoyl-CoA products. The 4-methylbenzoyl-CoA reductase activity was induced in the presence of 4-methylbenzoate. In accordance, metabolite analysis of cultures grown with 4-methylbenzoate tentatively identified 4-methylcyclohex-1,5-diene-1-carboxylate. The 4-methylbenzoate induced genes were assigned to code for the putative 4-methylbenzoyl-CoA reductase; their products display pronounced sequence disparity from the conventional class I benzoyl-CoA reductase, which does not accept substituents at the para-position. Identification of 3-methylglutarate together with the formation of specific proteins for ring cleavage and β-oxidation in 4-methylbenzoate-adapted cells suggest conservation of the methyl group along the specific 4-methylbenzoyl-CoA degradation pathway

    Complete genome, catabolic sub-proteomes and key-metabolites of Desulfobacula toluolica Tol2, a marine, aromatic compound-degrading, sulfate-reducing bacterium

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    Among the dominant deltaproteobacterial sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), members of the genus Desulfobacula are not only present in (hydrocarbon-rich) marine sediments, but occur also frequently in the anoxic water bodies encountered in marine upwelling areas. Here, we present the 5.2Mbp genome of Desulfobacula toluolicaTol2, which is the first of an aromatic compound-degrading, marine SRB. The genome has apparently been shaped by viral attacks (e.g. CRISPRs) and its high plasticity is reflected by 163 detected genes related to transposases and integrases, a total of 494 paralogous genes and 24 group II introns. Prediction of the catabolic network of strain Tol2 was refined by differential proteome and metabolite analysis of substrate-adapted cells. Toluene and p-cresol are degraded by separate suites of specific enzymes for initial arylsuccinate formation via addition to fumarate (p-cresol-specific enzyme HbsA represents a new phylogenetic branch) as well as for subsequent modified -oxidation of arylsuccinates to the central intermediate benzoyl-CoA. Proteogenomic evidence suggests specific electron transfer (EtfAB) and membrane proteins to channel electrons from dehydrogenation of both arylsuccinates directly to the membrane redox pool. In contrast to the known anaerobic degradation pathways in other bacteria, strain Tol2 deaminates phenylalanine non-oxidatively to cinnamate by phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and subsequently forms phenylacetate (both metabolites identified in 13C-labelling experiments). Benzoate degradation involves CoA activation, reductive dearomatization by a class II benzoyl-CoA reductase and hydrolytic ring cleavage as found in the obligate anaerobe Geobacter metallireducensGS-15. The catabolic sub-proteomes displayed high substrate specificity, reflecting the genomically predicted complex and fine-tuned regulatory network of strain Tol2. Despite the genetic equipment for a TCA cycle, proteomic evidence supports complete oxidation of acetyl-CoA to CO2 via the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway. Strain Tol2 possesses transmembrane redox complexes similar to that of other Desulfobacteraceae members. The multiple heterodisulfide reductase-like proteins (more than described for Desulfobacterium autotrophicumHRM2) may constitute a multifaceted cytoplasmic electron transfer network

    Anaerobic Activation of p-Cymene in Denitrifying Betaproteobacteria: Methyl Group Hydroxylation versus Addition to Fumarate

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    The betaproteobacteria "Aromatoleum aromaticum" pCyN1 and " Thauera" sp. strain pCyN2 anaerobically degrade the plant-derived aromatic hydrocarbon p-cymene (4-isopropyltoluene) under nitrate-reducing conditions. Metabolite analysis of p-cymene-adapted " A. aromaticum" pCyN1 cells demonstrated the specific formation of 4-isopropylbenzyl alcohol and 4-isopropylbenzaldehyde, whereas with "Thauera" sp. pCyN2, exclusively 4-isopropylbenzylsuccinate and tentatively identified (4-isopropylphenyl) itaconate were observed. 4-Isopropylbenzoate in contrast was detected with both strains. Proteogenomic investigation of p-cymene-versus succinate-adapted cells of the two strains revealed distinct protein profiles agreeing with the different metabolites formed from p-cymene. " A. aromaticum" pCyN1 specifically produced (i) a putative p-cymene dehydrogenase (CmdABC) expected to hydroxylate the benzylic methyl group of p-cymene, (ii) two dehydrogenases putatively oxidizing 4-isopropylbenzyl alcohol (Iod) and 4-isopropylbenzaldehyde (Iad), and (iii) the putative 4-isopropylbenzoate-coenzyme A (CoA) ligase (Ibl). The p-cymene-specific protein profile of "Thauera" sp. pCyN2, on the other hand, encompassed proteins homologous to subunits of toluene-activating benzylsuccinate synthase (termed [4-isopropylbenzyl] succinate synthase IbsABCDEF; identified subunits, IbsAE) and protein homologs of the benzylsuccinate beta-oxidation (Bbs) pathway (termed BisABCDEFGH; all identified except for BisEF). This study reveals that two related denitrifying bacteria employ fundamentally different peripheral degradation routes for one and the same substrate, p-cymene, with the two pathways apparently converging at the level of 4-isopropylbenzoyl-CoA