611 research outputs found

    Greenstone belt tectonics: Thermal constraints

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    Archaean rocks provide a record of the early stages of planetary evolution. The interpretation is frustrated by the probable unrepresentative nature of the preserved crust and by the well known ambiguities of tectonic geological synthesis. Broad constraints can be placed on the tectonic processes in the early Earth from global scale modeling of thermal and chemical evolution of the Earth and its hydrosphere and atmosphere. The Archean record is the main test of such models. Available general model constraints are outlined based on the global tectonic setting within which Archaean crust evolved and on the direct evidence the Archaean record provides, particularly the thermal state of the early Earth

    The Joint Observation in Neonatology and Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Preterm Infants at Six Months Corrected Age: Secondary Outcome Data from a Randomised Controlled Trial.

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    This study aimed to evaluate the impact of a standardised joint observation (JOIN) performed in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) on the neurodevelopment of preterm infants at six months corrected age (CA) compared with a preterm control group. In this monocentric interventional randomised controlled trial, we allocated 76 mothers and their preterm neonates to either JOIN, an early one-session intervention, or standard care during the NICU hospitalisation. The neurodevelopment of the preterm infants was assessed by standardised developmental tests at six months CA and compared between the intervention and the control groups. This randomised controlled trial was registered on clinicaltrials.gov (NCT02736136) in April 2016. Sixty-five infants underwent neurodevelopmental assessment at six months CA. There were no significant differences between the two groups in neurodevelopmental outcome measures. The JOIN intervention was not associated with significant improvement in neurodevelopment at six months CA in preterm infants

    The prospective relationship between postpartum PTSD and child sleep: A 2-year follow-up study.

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    The main aim of this study was to examine the prospective impact of maternal postpartum PTSD on several standardized child sleep variables two years postpartum in a large, population-based cohort of mothers. Moreover, we investigated the influence of numerous potential confounding maternal and child factors. Finally, we tested potential reverse temporal associations between child sleep eight weeks postpartum and maternal PTSD symptoms two years postpartum. This study is part of the population-based Akershus Birth Cohort, a prospective cohort study at Akershus University Hospital, Norway. Data from the hospital's birth record, from questionnaires at 17 weeks gestation, eight weeks and two years postpartum were used. At two years postpartum, 39% of the original participants could be retained, resulting in a study population of n = 1480. All child sleep variables significantly correlated with postpartum PTSD symptoms were entered into multiple linear regression analyses, adjusting for confounding factors. Postpartum PTSD symptoms were related to all child sleep variables, except daytime sleep duration. When all significant confounding factors were included into multivariate regression analyses, postpartum PTSD symptoms remained a significant predictor for number and duration of night wakings (β = 0.10 and β = 0.08, respectively), duration of settling time (β = 0.10), and maternal rating of their child's sleep problems (β = 0.12, all p<.01. Child sleep at eight weeks postpartum was not significantly related to maternal sleep two years postpartum when controlling for postpartum PTSD at eight weeks. Child outcomes were based on maternal reporting and might be influenced by maternal mental health. Our results showed for the first time that maternal postpartum PTSD symptoms were prospectively associated with less favorable child sleep, thus increasing the risk of developmental or behavioral problems through an indirect, but treatable pathway. Early detection and treatment of maternal postpartum PTSD may prevent or improve sleep problems and long-term child development

    Archaeological Geophysical Prospection in Peatland Environments: case studies and suggestions for future practice

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    Peatland environments, in contrast to ‘dry-land’ sites, preserve organic material, including anthropogenic objects, because they are anaerobic, and are therefore of great importance to archaeology. Peat also preserves macro- and micro- paleoenvironmental evidence and is the primary resource for understanding past climates and ecology. Archaeological sites often lie within or at the base of wet, deep, homogenous peat rendering them invisible to surface observers. As a result, they most often c..

    High natural erosion rates are the backdrop for enhanced anthropogenic soil erosion in the Middle Hills of Nepal

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    Although agriculturally accelerated soil erosion is implicated in the unsustainable environmental degradation of mountain environments, such as in the Himalaya, the effects of land use can be challenging to quantify in many mountain settings because of the high and variable natural background rates of erosion. In this study, we present new long-term denudation rates, derived from cosmogenic 10Be analysis of quartz in river sediment from the Likhu Khola, a small agricultural river basin in the Middle Hills of central Nepal. Calculated long-term denudation rates, which reflect background natural erosion processes over 1000+ years prior to agricultural intensification, are similar to present-day sediment yields and to soil loss rates from terraces that are well maintained. Similarity in short- and long-term catchment-wide erosion rates for the Likhu is consistent with data from elsewhere in the Nepal Middle Hills but contrasts with the very large increases in short-term erosion rates seen in agricultural catchments in other steep mountain settings. Our results suggest that the large sediment fluxes exported from the Likhu and other Middle Hills rivers in the Himalaya are derived in large part from natural processes, rather than from soil erosion as a result of agricultural activity. Catchment-scale erosional fluxes may be similar over short and long timescales if both are dominated by mass wasting sources such as gullies, landslides, and debris flows (e.g., as is evident in the landslide-dominated Khudi Khola of the Nepal High Himalaya, based on compiled data). As a consequence, simple comparison of catchment-scale fluxes will not necessarily pinpoint land use effects on soils where these are only a small part of the total erosion budget, unless rates of mass wasting are also considered. Estimates of the mass wasting contribution to erosion in the Likhu imply catchment-averaged soil production rates on the order of ~ 0.25–0.35 mm yr−1, though rates of mass wasting are poorly constrained. The deficit between our best estimates for soil production rates and measurements of soil loss rates supports conclusions from previous studies that terraced agriculture in the Likhu may not be associated with a large systematic soil deficit, at least when terraces are well maintained, but that poorly managed terraces, forest, and scrubland may lead to rapid depletion of soil resources

    Gentamicin Exposure and Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Preterm Infants.

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    To evaluate the impact of gentamicin exposure on sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. Exposure to gentamicin was determined in infants born between 1993 and 2010 at a gestational age < 32 weeks and/or with a birthweight < 1500 g, who presented with SNHL during the first 5 years of life. For each case, we selected two controls matched for gender, gestational age, birthweight, and year of birth. We identified 25 infants affected by SNHL, leading to an incidence of SNHL of 1.58% in our population of VLBW infants. The proportion of infants treated with gentamicin was 76% in the study group and 70% in controls (p = 0.78). The total cumulated dose of gentamicin administered did not differ between the study group (median 10.2 mg/kg, Q1-Q3 1.6-13.2) and the control group (median 7.9 mg/kg, Q1-Q3 0-12.8, p = 0.47). The median duration of gentamicin treatment was 3 days both in the study group and the control group (p = 0.58). Maximum predicted trough serum levels of gentamicin, cumulative area under the curve and gentamicin clearance were not different between cases and controls. The impact of gentamicin on SNHL can be minimized with treatments of short duration, monitoring of blood levels and dose adjustment

    An Inverse Method for Estimating Layer Thickness 1 and Volume with Time of a Thin CO 2 -filled Layer at 2 the Sleipner Field, North Sea

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    Migration of CO 2 through storage reservoirs can be monitored using time-lapse seismic reflection surveys. At the Sleipner Field, injected CO 2 is distributed throughout nine layers within the reservoir. These layers are too thin to be seismically resolvable by direct measurement of the separation between reflections from the top and bottom of each layer. Here, we develop and apply an inverse method for measuring thickness changes of the shallowest layer. Our approach combines differences in travel time down to a specific reflection together with amplitude measurements to determine layer thicknesses from time-lapse surveys. A series of synthetic forward models were used to test the robustness of our inverse approach and to quantify uncer- tainties. In the absence of ambient noise, this approach can unambiguously resolve layer thickness. If a realistic ambient noise distribution is included, layer thicknesses of 1–6 m are accurately retrieved with an uncertainty of ±0.5 m. We used this approach to generate a thickness map of the shallowest layer. The fidelity of this result was tested using measurements of layer thickness determined from the 2010 broadband seismic survey. The calculated volume of CO 2 within the shallowest layer increases at a rate that is quadratic in time, despite an approximately constant injection rate into the base of the reservoir. This result is consistent with a diminished growth rate of the areal extent of underlying layers. Finally, the relationship between caprock topography and layer thickness is explored and potential migration pathways that charge this layer are identified

    Translocation-independent dimerization of the EcoKI endonuclease visualized by atomic force microscopy

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    AbstractBacterial type I restriction/modification systems are capable of performing multiple actions in response to the methylation pattern on their DNA recognition sequences. The enzymes making up these systems serve to protect the bacterial cells against viral infection by binding to their recognition sequences on the invading DNA and degrading it after extensive ATP-driven translocation. DNA cleavage has been thought to occur as the result of a collision between two translocating enzyme complexes. Using atomic force microscopy (AFM), we show here that EcoKI dimerizes rapidly when bound to a plasmid containing two recognition sites for the enzyme. Dimerization proceeds in the absence of ATP and is also seen with an EcoKI mutant (K477R) that is unable to translocate DNA. Only monomers are seen when the enzyme complex binds to a plasmid containing a single recognition site. Based on our results, we propose that the binding of EcoKI to specific DNA target sequences is accompanied by a conformational change that leads rapidly to dimerization. This event is followed by ATP-dependent translocation and cleavage of the DNA

    CO 2 Dissolution Trapping Rates in Heterogeneous Porous Media

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    The rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolution in saline aquifers is the least well‐constrained of the secondary trapping mechanisms enhancing the long‐term security of geological carbon storage. CO2 injected into a heterogeneous saline reservoir will preferentially travel along high permeability layers increasing the CO2‐water interfacial area which increases dissolution rates. We provide a conservative, first‐principles analysis of the quantity of CO2 dissolved and the rate at which free‐phase CO2 propagates in layered reservoirs. At early times, advection dominates the propagation of CO2. This transitions to diffusion dominated propagation as the interfacial area increases and diffusive loss slows propagation. As surrounding water‐filled layers become CO2 saturated, propagation becomes advection dominated. For reservoirs with finely bedded strata, ~10% of the injected CO2 can dissolve in a year. The maximum fraction of CO2 that dissolves is determined by the volumetric ratio of water in low permeability layers and CO2 in high permeability layers