239 research outputs found

    Intensi Prososial Ditinjau Dari Pola Asuh Ibu Pada Siswa SMP

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji hipotesis apakah ada perbedaan intensi prososial ditinjau dari pola asuh ibu pada siswa SMP N 16 Surakarta. Populasi penelitian ini yaitu siswa-siswi SMP N 16 Surakarta yang tinggal bersama ibu sejak lahir. Sampel yang dilibatkan sebanyak 111 siswa yang dikategorikan kedalam pola asuh autoritatif, autoritarian, permisif, dan neglect. Skala yang digunakan adalah Skala Pola Asuh Ibu yang disusun berdasarkan dimensi warmth dan dimensi control dan Skala Intensi Prososial. Uji hipotesis menggunakan anava satu jalur dengan hasil probabilitas hitung sebesar 7,831 (≥ F tabel) dan p = 0,000 (< 0,05). Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis penelitian diterima, artinya terdapat perbedaan intensi prososial pada remaja ditinjau dari pola asuh ibu. Saran bagi peneliti lain yang akan melakukan penelitian serupa agar mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor lain yang mungkin berpengaruh terhadap variabel pola asuh maupun variabel intensi prososial


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menjelaskan bentuk persepsi guru terhadap peran mereka dalam mengembangkan self esteem siswa pada pembelajaran matematika, (2) menjelaskan strategi yang digunakan guru dalam mengembangkan self esteem siswa pada pembelajaran matematika, (3) menjelaskan tantangan yang dihadapi guru dalam membentuk self esteem siswa pada pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi pembelajaran pada empat guru SD di wilayah Kec. Medan Marelan. Analisis dengan model Miles & Huberman yang digunakan yaitu: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Guru di SD Swasta Mandiri memahami peran penting mereka dalam mengembangkan self esteem siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika (2) Penggunaan strategi pembelajaran kooperatif dan pendekatan berbasis proyek dianggap sebagai sarana efektif untuk mengembangkan self esteem (3) Guru juga menghadapi tantangan, seperti ketakutan siswa terhadap matematika dan kurangnya dukungan dari lingkungan di luar sekolah.Abstract: This study aims to (1) explain the form of teacher perception of their role in developing student self-esteem in mathematics learning, (2) explain the strategies used by teachers in developing student self-esteem in mathematics learning, (3) explain the challenges faced by teachers in shaping student self-esteem in mathematics learning. This research is a case study research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The study was conducted by conducting interviews and learning observations on four elementary school teachers in the Medan Marelan District. Analysis with the Miles & Huberman model used, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed: (1) Teachers in SD Swasta Mandiri understand their important role in developing students' self-esteem in mathematics learning (2) The use of cooperative learning strategies and project-based approaches is considered an effective means to develop self-esteem (3) Teachers also face challenges, such as students' fear of mathematics and lack of support from environments outside of school

    African-specific molecular taxonomy of prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer is characterized by considerable geo-ethnic disparity. African ancestry is a signifcant risk factor, with mortality rates across sub-Saharan Africa of 2.7-fold higher than global averages1 . The contributing genetic and non-genetic factors, and associated mutational processes, are unknown2,3 . Here, through whole-genome sequencing of treatment-naive prostate cancer samples from 183 ancestrally (African versus European) and globally distinct patients, we generate a large cancer genomics resource for sub-Saharan Africa, identifying around 2 million somatic variants. Signifcant African-ancestry-specifc fndings include an elevated tumour mutational burden, increased percentage of genome alteration, a greater number of predicted damaging mutations and a higher total of mutational signatures, and the driver genes NCOA2, STK19, DDX11L1, PCAT1 and SETBP1. Examining all somatic mutational types, we describe a molecular taxonomy for prostate cancer diferentiated by ancestry and defned as global mutational subtypes (GMS). By further including Chinese Asian data, we confrm that GMS-B (copy-number gain) and GMS-D (mutationally noisy) are specifc to African populations, GMS-A (mutationally quiet) is universal (all ethnicities) and the African–European-restricted subtype GMS-C (copy-number losses) predicts poor clinical outcomes. In addition to the clinical beneft of including individuals of African ancestry, our GMS subtypes reveal diferent evolutionary trajectories and mutational processes suggesting that both common genetic and environmental factors contribute to the disparity between ethnicities. Analogous to gene–environment interaction—defned here as a diferent efect of an environmental surrounding in people with diferent ancestries or vice versa—we anticipate that GMS subtypes act as a proxy for intrinsic and extrinsic mutational processes in cancers, promoting global inclusion in landmark studies

    Politeness Strategies of Apologizing Utterances by the Students of Eleventh Grade of SMA Muhammadiyah PK Kottabarat Surakarta

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    The focus of this research is about politeness strategies and apologizing strategies used by the students of eleventh grade of SMA Muhammadiyah PK Kottabarat Surakarta. This research aims to describe: (1) kinds of apologizing strategies used by the students, (2) the politeness strategies of apologizing strategies used by the students. The data of this research are apologizing utterance used by the students. The technique of collecting data is discourse completion task or DCT. The data are analyzed by theory of Trosborg (1995) to analyze the apologizing utterance, also theory of Brown and Levinson (1987) to analyze the politeness strategies. The result shows that; (1) there are eleventh types of apologizing strategy, namely; explicit acknowledgement 25%, offer of repair 15.1%, promise for forbearance 2.7%, minimizing strategy 1.8%, expression of regret 24.4%, offer of apology 1.8%, request for forgiveness 8.8%, explicit explanation 11.3%, explicit denial of responsibility 0.2%, attacking the complainer 0.7%, blaming someone else 0.2%, and unvalid data 8%. (2) There are three types of politeness strategies, namely; bald on record 8.8%, positive politeness 26.8%, negative politeness 52.5%, and unvalid data 11.9%

    Analisis Kinerja Pegawai Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Semarang (Studi Pengamatan Di Bagian Umum)

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between discipline and employee capabilities with the performance of employees in Semarang District Secretariat (Observation Study in the General Section). The population of as many as 69 employees to as many as 35 samples taken employees.Hypothesis testing using the formula Kendall's tau-b to determine the relationship between each independent variable with the dependent variable, and the analysis of the Kendall concordance (W) to determine the relationship of the independent variables together on the dependent variable.Analysis of the relationship between two (2) independent variable discipline (X1) and the ability of employees (X2) with employee performance (Y), either alone or taken together show the following:1. Relations discipline with the employee's performance and significant positive correlation with the value of 0.372, which means that the relationship is positive, but weak, whereas the significance level of the coefficient of 0.030, which means its value is below 0.05 (5%), which means significantly.2. Employee relations skills with the performance of employees with a positive and significant correlation value of 0.353, which means that the relationship is positive but weak, whereas the significance level of the coefficient of 0.035, which means its value is below 0.05 (5%), which means significantly.3. A positive relationship together - collaboration between discipline variable (X1) and the ability of employees (X2) with employee performance variable (Y) with the correlation value of 0.244, which means that the relationship is positive but weak, whereas the significance level of the coefficient of 0.000, which means well below 0.05 (5%), which means significantly

    Designing Fractional Task using the PMRI Approach

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    Fraction was very important to be taught as a basis for learning mathematics for the next stage. This research aimed to design fractions learning for fourth grade students. The method used was design research with type of validation studies which consists three stages, namely the preliminary design, the design experiment, and the retrospective   analysis. This research was conducted at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) in Jambi City with research subjects were eleven students in the fourth grade. Based on the research       findings, it was concluded that students really followed the command of questions, so as a teacher or question maker, we must design questions clearly. In addition, students tended to operate fractions starting from addition or subtraction, then multiplication, and lastly division

    C1 Paper

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    One of the serious problems found in desalination using reverse osmosis (RO) is concentrate or brine management. This concentrate can actually be used as a raw material for salt production. However, antiscalants added during RO process should be removed before salt crystallization. This paper presents the separation of antiscalants from RO concentrate solution using nanofiltration (NF) membrane. Sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) and disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (Na2EDTA) were used as models of antiscalants. The effect of antiscalants concentration and addition of natural organic matters on both flux behavior and rejection were investigated. The results showed that the permeate flux behavior was influenced by the sodium chloride solution itself as a solution background, antiscalant type and antiscalant concentration. Osmotic pressure, concentration polarization and fouling or scaling contributed to flux decline during nanofiltration of antiscalants. NF membrane demonstrated very high rejection for both SHMP and Na2EDTA

    Structured Arrangement Supporting the Development of Splitting Level in Doing Multiplication by Number Up to 20

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    In guiding students to construct a mathematical concept themselves, learning process should be started by a context which is suit with the concept. In this research, we focused on structured arrangement which was believed to be able to support students ages 8 – 9 years old developing splitting strategy in doing multiplication. This study was a design research underlined by tenets of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). The result show that giving structured objects, recognizing number relation in multiplication, and maintaining flexible calculation have important roles in supporting the development of mental calculation achieving splitting level
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