35 research outputs found

    Repair, regenerative and supportive therapies of the annulus fibrosus: achievements and challenges

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    Lumbar discectomy is a very effective therapy for neurological decompression in patients suffering from sciatica due to hernia nuclei pulposus. However, high recurrence rates and persisting post-operative low back pain in these patients require serious attention. In the past decade, tissue engineering strategies have been developed mainly targeted to the regeneration of the nucleus pulposus (NP) of the intervertebral disc. Accompanying techniques that deal with the damaged annulus fibrous are now increasingly recognised as mandatory in order to prevent re-herniation to increase the potential of NP repair and to confine NP replacement therapies. In the current review, the requirements, achievements and challenges in this quickly emerging field of research are discussed

    Human aquaporins: regulators of transcellular water flow

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    Background: Emerging evidence supports the view that (AQP) aquaporin water channels are regulators of transcellular water flow. Consistentwith their expression in most tissues, AQPs are associatedwith diverse physiological and pathophysiological processes. Scope of review: AQP knockout studies suggest that the regulatory role of AQPs, rather than their action as passive channels, is their critical function. Transport through all AQPs occurs by a common passive mechanism, but their regulation and cellular distribution varies significantly depending on cell and tissue type; the role of AQPs in cell volumeregulation (CVR) is particularly notable. This reviewexamines the regulatory role of AQPs in transcellular water flow, especially in CVR.We focus on key systems of the human body, encompassing processes as diverse as urine concentration in the kidney to clearance of brain oedema. Major conclusions: AQPs are crucial for the regulation of water homeostasis, providing selective pores for the rapidmovement ofwater across diverse cellmembranes and playing regulatory roles in CVR. Gatingmechanisms have been proposed for human AQPs, but have only been reported for plant andmicrobial AQPs. Consequently, it is likely that the distribution and abundance of AQPs in a particular membrane is the determinant of membrane water permeability and a regulator of transcellular water flow. General significance: Elucidating the mechanisms that regulate transcellular water flow will improve our understanding of the human body in health and disease. The central role of specific AQPs in regulating water homeostasis will provide routes to a range of novel therapies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Aquaporins

    An understanding of intervertebral disc development, maturation and cell phenotype provides clues to direct cell-based tissue regeneration therapies for disc degeneration

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    Cell-based regenerative medicine therapies have been proposed for repairing the degenerated intervertebral disc (a major cause of back pain). However, for this approach to be successful, it is essential to characterise the phenotype of its native cells to guarantee that implanted cells differentiate and maintain the correct phenotype to ensure appropriate cell and tissue function. While recent studies have increased our knowledge of the human nucleus pulposus (NP) cell phenotype, their ontogeny is still unclear. The expression of notochordal markers by a subpopulation of adult NP cells suggests that, contrary to previous reports, notochord-derived cells are retained in the adult NP, possibly coexisting with a second population of cells originating from the annulus fibrosus or endplate. It is not known, however, how these two cell populations interact and their specific role(s) in disc homeostasis and disease. In particular, notochordal cells are proposed to display both anabolic and protective roles; therefore, they may be the ideal cells to repair the degenerate disc. Thus, understanding the ontogeny of the adult NP cells is paramount, as it will inform the medical and scientific communities as to the ideal phenotype to implant into the degenerate disc and the specific pathways involved in stem cell differentiation towards such a phenotype. © 2014 The Author(s)

    Visual loss from dermal fillers

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