1,545 research outputs found

    Sensitivity analysis as an aid in modelling and control of (poorly-defined) ecological systems

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    A literature review of the use of sensitivity analyses in modelling nonlinear, ill-defined systems, such as ecological interactions is presented. Discussions of previous work, and a proposed scheme for generalized sensitivity analysis applicable to ill-defined systems are included. This scheme considers classes of mathematical models, problem-defining behavior, analysis procedures (especially the use of Monte-Carlo methods), sensitivity ranking of parameters, and extension to control system design

    Decoherence in a Talbot Lau interferometer: the influence of molecular scattering

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    We study the interference of C70 fullerenes in a Talbot-Lau interferometer with a large separation between the diffraction gratings. This permits the observation of recurrences of the interference contrast both as a function of the de Broglie wavelength and in dependence of the interaction with background gases. We observe an exponential decrease of the fringe visibility with increasing background pressure and find good quantitative agreement with the predictions of decoherence theory. From this we extrapolate the limits of matter wave interferometry and conclude that the influence of collisional decoherence may be well under control in future experiments with proteins and even larger objects.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Abnormal connectivity between the default mode and the visual system underlies the manifestation of visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease:A task-based fMRI study

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    Background: The neural substrates of visual hallucinations remain an enigma, due primarily to the difficulties associated with directly interrogating the brain during hallucinatory episodes. Aims: To delineate the functional patterns of brain network activity and connectivity underlying visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease. Methods: In this study, we combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a behavioral task capable of eliciting visual misperceptions, a confirmed surrogate for visual hallucinations, in 35 patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. We then applied an independent component analysis to extract time series information for large-scale neuronal networks that have been previously implicated in the pathophysiology of visual hallucinations. These data were subjected to a task-based functional connectivity analysis, thus providing the first objective description of the neural activity and connectivity during visual hallucinations in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Results: Correct performance of the task was associated with increased activity in primary visual regions; however, during visual misperceptions, this same visual network became actively coupled with the default mode network (DMN). Further, the frequency of misperception errors on the task was positively correlated with the strength of connectivity between these two systems, as well as with decreased activity in the dorsal attention network (DAN), and with impaired connectivity between the DAN and the DMNs, and ventral attention networks. Finally, each of the network abnormalities identified in our analysis were significantly correlated with two independent clinical measures of hallucination severity. Conclusions: Together, these results provide evidence that visual hallucinations are due to increased engagement of the DMN with the primary visual system, and emphasize the role of dysfunctional engagement of attentional networks in the pathophysiology of hallucinations

    Revisiting Orientations in Language Planning: Problem, Right, and Resource as an Analytical Heuristic

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    In 1984, Richard Ruiz set forth three orientations to language planning: language as problem, language as right, and language as resource. Since that time, the orientations have only become more powerful, rising to the level of paradigm in the field of language policy and planning (LPP). In this paper, we revisit Ruiz’s orientations. By drawing upon Ruiz’s own work as well as the work of other scholars who have been inspired by him, we unpack the ideas aligned with each orientation in order to reflect upon the application of the three orientations as a heuristic for LPP. In contrast to critiques that the three orientations do not map onto the political reality of policy situations, we argue that they are analytically useful as both etic concepts that can be used by researchers to guide deductive analysis about the values that emerge from messy policy debate and negotiation and as (latent) emic concepts in situations when people express their beliefs about language

    Decoherence suppression via environment preparation

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    To protect a quantum system from decoherence due to interaction with its environment, we investigate the existence of initial states of the environment allowing for decoherence-free evolution of the system. For models in which a two-state system interacts with a dynamical environment, we prove that such states exist if and only if the interaction and self-evolution Hamiltonians share an eigenstate. If decoherence by state preparation is not possible, we show that initial states minimizing decoherence result from a delicate compromise between the environment and interaction dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Quechua Language Shift, Maintenance, and Revitalization in the Andes: The Case for Language Planning

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    Although Quechua is spoken by eight to twelve million people across six South American countries, by most measures, Quechua is an endangered language. This article provides an overview of the current situation of Quechua language shift, maintenance, and revitalization, and makes a case for the importance of language planning for the survival and development of the language. We use Fishman’s notion of physical/demographic, social, and cultural dislocations as an organizing rubric for discussing Quechua’s current situation (Fishman 1991: 55–65), and the typology of status, corpus, and acquisition planning to discuss the role of language planning in Quechua’s position, both current and future. We take into account the role of linguistic ideologies and language attitudes in language shift, maintenance, and revitalization and in the language-planning process, working from the assumption that language is a critical element of ethnic identity for many Quechua speakers in the Andes

    Casimir-Polder interaction of fullerene molecules with surfaces

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    We calculate the thermal Casimir--Polder potential of C60 and C70 fullerene molecules near gold and silicon nitride surfaces, motivated by their relevance for molecular matter wave interference experiments. We obtain the coefficients governing the asymptotic power laws of the interaction in the thermal, retarded and nonretarded distance regimes and evaluate the full potential numerically. The interaction is found to be dominated by electronic transitions, and hence independent of the internal temperature of the molecules. The contributions from phonon transitions, which are affected by the molecular temperature, give rise to only a small correction. Moreover, we find that the sizeable molecular line widths of thermal fullerenes may modify the nonretarded interaction, depending on the model used. Detailed measurements of the nonretarded potential of fullerene thus allow one to distinguish between different theories of incorporating damping.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 9 table

    Thermal limitation of far-field matter-wave interference

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    We assess the effect of the heat radiation emitted by mesoscopic particles on their ability to show interference in a double slit arrangement. The analysis is based on a stationary, phase-space based description of matter wave interference in the presence of momentum-exchange mediated decoherence.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; published versio

    Identifying El Niño–Southern Oscillation influences on rainfall with classification models: implications for water resource management of Sri Lanka

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    Seasonal to annual forecasts of precipitation patterns are very important for water infrastructure management. In particular, such forecasts can be used to inform decisions about the operation of multipurpose reservoir systems in the face of changing climate conditions. Success in making useful forecasts is often achieved by considering climate teleconnections such as the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) as related to sea surface temperature variations. We present a statistical analysis to explore the utility of using rainfall relationships in Sri Lanka with ENSO and IOD to predict rainfall to the Mahaweli and Kelani River basins of the country. Forecasting of rainfall as the classes flood, drought, and normal is helpful for water resource management decision-making. Results of these models give better accuracy than a prediction of absolute values. Quadratic discrimination analysis (QDA) and classification tree models are used to identify the patterns of rainfall classes with respect to ENSO and IOD indices. Ensemble modeling tool Random Forest is also used to predict the rainfall classes as drought and not drought with higher skill. These models can be used to forecast the areal rainfall using predicted climate indices. Results from these models are not very accurate; however, the patterns recognized provide useful input to water resource managers as they plan for adaptation of agriculture and energy sectors in response to climate variability.</p
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