834 research outputs found

    Huellas del joven Martínez Ruiz en el Azorín adulto: sobre el sistema ecléctico de la tetralogía crítica (1912-1915)

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    En este artículo se salvará la aparente distancia que separa al joven José Martínez Ruiz (1873-1967), simpatizante del anarquismo, del Azorín conservador en que se convirtió en su madurez. Para ello se presentará su tetralogía crítica, formada por Lecturas españolas (1912), Clásicos y modernos (1913), Los valores literarios (1914) y Al margen de los clásicos (1915), como el resultado de un anhelo juvenil por construir una historia de la literatura española. Se realizará un cotejo entre estas cuatro obras y el libro La evolución de la crítica, de 1899, con el objetivo de determinar qué influencia tuvieron las diversas escuelas teóricas examinadas en este opúsculo en su crítica literaria de madurez. De este análisis se concluirá que es posible apreciar una continuidad entre las metodologías críticas analizadas en La evolución de la crítica y las practicadas por el Azorín adulto. Asimismo, se propondrá que su labor crítica de madurez se sostiene sobre un sistema amplio y ecléctico heredado de estas teorías con las que se familiarizó en su juventud.This article expects to overcome the apparent distance noticed between the young José Martínez Ruiz (1873-1967), sympathizer of the anarchism, to the conservative author that later became known as Azorín. This way, his critical tetralogy (formed by Lecturas españolas, 1912, Clásicos y modernos, 1913, Los valores literarios, 1914, and Al margen de los clásicos, 1915) will be presented as a result of a young desire of writing a history of the Spanish literature. After this, the influence of his 1899 work La evolución de la crítica in the books mentioned above will be analyzed. In addition, it will be concluded that it is possible to appreciate continuity between the critical methodologies that Martínez Ruiz analyzed in La evolución de la crítica and those which he displayed to write his critical tetralogy. Finally, it will be proposed that his adult critical methodology is based on an eclectic system, which derives from the different theories of literary criticism that he learnt as a young writer

    Closing the residential energy loop: Grey-water heat recovery system for domestic hot water production based on heat pumps

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    [EN] Passive houses linked to more efficient heating and cooling technologies have been one of the focus in last years. However, to close the loop of the building sector, there is still one open source: wasted heat from grey water. This paper addresses the potentiality of the wasted heat from grey water as a heat source to produce domestic hot water (DHW) based on a heat pump system (HP). A heat pump optimized for these applications, a heat recovery heat exchanger and two variable volume storage tanks compose the system. The main objective of this work is to determine the potential recovery of the wasted heat in order to minimize the building energy consumption. Design guidelines of the components and the analysis of an optimum operation algorithm of the system have been performed in order to minimize CO2 emissions. In addition, an evaluation of the potential heat recovery of the wasted heat is included. As an example, that methodology has been applied to 20 dwellings. Based on that case, the obtained results demonstrate that by recovering 80% of the available recovery heat, the total demand of DHW is satisfied with high levels of comfort and efficiency.Part of the work presented was carried out by Estefania Hervas Blasco with the financial support of a PhD scholarship from the Spanish government SFPI1500 x074478XV0. The authors would like also to acknowledge the Spanish `Ministerio de Economia Y Competitividad', through the project "Maximizacion de la Eficiencia Y Minimizacion del Impacto Ambiental de Bombas de Calor Para la Descarbonizacion de la Calefaccion/ACS EN Los Edificios de Consumo Casi Nulo" with the reference ENE2017-83665-C2-1-P for the given support.Hervás-Blasco, E.; Navarro-Peris, E.; Corberán, JM. (2020). Closing the residential energy loop: Grey-water heat recovery system for domestic hot water production based on heat pumps. Energy and Buildings. 216:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.109962S115216García-Álvarez, M. T., Moreno, B., & Soares, I. (2016). Analyzing the sustainable energy development in the EU-15 by an aggregated synthetic index. Ecological Indicators, 60, 996-1007. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.07.006News and Developments – Architecture 20302018. https://architecture2030.org/news-and-developments/(Accessed 29 November 2018).Energy consumption in households - Statistics Explained2018. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Energy_consumption_in_households(Accessed 1 August 2018).Technical | Passive House energy reduection and efficiency2017. http://recoupwwhrs.co.uk/technical/passive-house/(Accessed 1 August 2018).Meggers, F., & Leibundgut, H. (2011). The potential of wastewater heat and exergy: Decentralized high-temperature recovery with a heat pump. Energy and Buildings, 43(4), 879-886. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2010.12.008Hepbasli, A., Biyik, E., Ekren, O., Gunerhan, H., & Araz, M. (2014). A key review of wastewater source heat pump (WWSHP) systems. Energy Conversion and Management, 88, 700-722. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2014.08.065Spriet, J., & McNabola, A. (2019). Decentralized drain water heat recovery from commercial kitchens in the hospitality sector. Energy and Buildings, 194, 247-259. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.04.032Baek, N. C., Shin, U. C., & Yoon, J. H. (2005). A study on the design and analysis of a heat pump heating system using wastewater as a heat source. Solar Energy, 78(3), 427-440. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2004.07.009Nehm G., Nehme G., Palandre L., Clodic D.Purdue e-Pubs high efficiency heat pump for domestic hot water generation2008.Dar, U. I., Sartori, I., Georges, L., & Novakovic, V. (2014). Advanced control of heat pumps for improved flexibility of Net-ZEB towards the grid. Energy and Buildings, 69, 74-84. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2013.10.019Cecchinato, L., Corradi, M., Fornasieri, E., & Zamboni, L. (2005). Carbon dioxide as refrigerant for tap water heat pumps: A comparison with the traditional solution. International Journal of Refrigeration, 28(8), 1250-1258. doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2005.05.019Kharagpur Indian Institute of Technology. Lesson 10 - Vapour Compression refrigeration systems. Refrig. Air Cond. Lect.2005:1–18.Gluesenkamp K.R., Patel V., Abdelaziz O., Mandel B., Dealmeida V.High efficiency water heating technology development-final report, part II: CO2 and absorption-based residential heat pump water heater development. 2017.Miquel Pitarch i Mocholí. High capacity heat pump development for sanitary hot water production. 2017.Hervás-Blasco, E., Navarro-Peris, E., Barceló-Ruescas, F., & Corberán, J. M. (2019). Improved water to water heat pump design for low-temperature waste heat recovery based on subcooling control. International Journal of Refrigeration, 106, 374-383. doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2019.06.030Tammaro, M., Montagud, C., Corberán, J. M., Mauro, A. W., & Mastrullo, R. (2017). Seasonal performance assessment of sanitary hot water production systems using propane and CO 2 heat pumps. International Journal of Refrigeration, 74, 224-239. doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2016.09.026Jensen, J. B., & Skogestad, S. (2007). Optimal operation of simple refrigeration cycles. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 31(5-6), 712-721. doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2006.12.003Pitarch, M., Navarro-Peris, E., Gonzálvez-Maciá, J., & Corberán, J. M. (2017). Evaluation of different heat pump systems for sanitary hot water production using natural refrigerants. Applied Energy, 190, 911-919. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.12.166Koeln, J. P., & Alleyne, A. G. (2014). Optimal subcooling in vapor compression systems via extremum seeking control: Theory and experiments. International Journal of Refrigeration, 43, 14-25. doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2014.03.012Hervas-Blasco, E., Pitarch, M., Navarro-Peris, E., & Corberán, J. M. (2018). Study of different subcooling control strategies in order to enhance the performance of a heat pump. International Journal of Refrigeration, 88, 324-336. doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2018.02.003Chow, T. T., Pei, G., Fong, K. F., Lin, Z., Chan, A. L. S., & He, M. (2010). Modeling and application of direct-expansion solar-assisted heat pump for water heating in subtropical Hong Kong. Applied Energy, 87(2), 643-649. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2009.05.036Baek N.C., Shin U.C., Yoon J.H.A study on the design and analysis of a heat pump heating system using wastewater as a heat source2004. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2004.07.009.REULENS, W., ‘Natural refrigerant CO2 edited by Walter Reulens October 2009 (Leonardo project)’ http://www.atmosphere2009.com/files/NaReCO2-handbook-2009.pdf.Tammaro, M., Montagud, C., Corberán, J. M., Mauro, A. W., & Mastrullo, R. (2015). A propane water-to-water heat pump booster for sanitary hot water production: Seasonal performance analysis of a new solution optimizing COP. International Journal of Refrigeration, 51, 59-69. doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2014.12.008Spriet, J., & McNabola, A. (2019). Decentralized drain water heat recovery: A probabilistic method for prediction of wastewater and heating system interaction. Energy and Buildings, 183, 684-696. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.11.036Hervás-Blasco, E., Navarro-Peris, E., & Corberán, J. M. (2019). Optimal design and operation of a central domestic hot water heat pump system for a group of dwellings employing low temperature waste heat as a source. Energy, 188, 115979. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2019.115979Ferrantelli, A., Ahmed, K., Pylsy, P., & Kurnitski, J. (2017). Analytical modelling and prediction formulas for domestic hot water consumption in residential Finnish apartments. Energy and Buildings, 143, 53-60. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.03.021Zhen L., Lin D.M., Shu H.W., Jiang S., Zhu Y.X. 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    Evaluación de una técnica de RT-PCR específica para la detección del serotipo 8 del virus de la lengua azul en cabras

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    El virus de la lengua azul (vLA) es un Orbivirus transmitido por mosquitos hematófagos del género Culicoides. En el norte de España ha aparecido recientemente el serotipo 8, afectando a ovejas y vacas. Los serotipos de vLA son tan distintos entre sí, que las vacunas no ofrecen protección cruzada. Por tanto, es fundamental identificar cual afecta al animal para aplicar la vacuna correcta. En estudios recientes se ha desarrollado un ensayo de RT PCR para detectar el serotipo 8 de vLA en vacas y ovejas. En este estudio hemos evaluado dicha técnica para la detección específica del serotipo 8 en cabras. Se analizaron 15 sueros de cabras infectadas y sobrenadantes de cultivos celulares infectados con el serotipo 8. Las muestras de sueros analizados no dieron resultados positivos.Bluetongue virus (BTV) is an Orbivirus transmitted by haematophagous insects of the genus Culicoides. In the north of the Iberian Peninsula, BTV-8 has appeared recently, affecting sheep and cattle. Bluetongue serotypes are so different among them, that vaccines do not offer cross-protection. Thus, it is important to detect which serotype is affecting an animal, in order to apply the correct vaccine. An RT-PCR assay has been developed recently to detect BTV-8 in cattle and sheep. In this study we have evaluated this RT-PCR technique as a diagnostic tool for the specific detection of BTV- 8 in goats. Sera samples from 15 infected goats and supernatants from BTV-8 infected cell cultures were analyzed. No positive results were obtained for the analyzed samples

    Exploiting synthetically generated data with semi-supervised learning for small and imbalanced datasets

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    Data augmentation is rapidly gaining attention in machine learning. Synthetic data can be generated by simple transformations or through the data distribution. In the latter case, the main challenge is to estimate the label associated to new synthetic patterns. This paper studies the effect of generating synthetic data by convex combination of patterns and the use of these as unsupervised information in a semi-supervised learning framework with support vector machines, avoiding thus the need to label synthetic examples. We perform experiments on a total of 53 binary classification datasets. Our results show that this type of data over-sampling supports the well-known cluster assumption in semi-supervised learning, showing outstanding results for small high-dimensional datasets and imbalanced learning problems

    Carcinoma bronquiolo-alveolar en perro : un caso clínico. Diagnóstico y tratamiento quirúrgico

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    Se describe un caso clínico de un perro Staffordshire Bull Terrier macho de 2 años de edad que presentaba un historial de insuficiencia respiratoria. Tras la exploración física, se aprecia la existencia de un derrame pleural procediéndo-se a realizar diferentes pruebas diagnósticas para establecer su causa incluyendo la toracocentesis y cultivo bacteriológico, radiología y ecografía torácica. Se describe la vía de abordaje quirúrgico uti- lizada en este caso (esternotomía mediana); así como, la intervención de lobectomía a la que fue sometido el paciente. La pieza de extirpación quirúrgica fue remitida para su análisis histopatolóqico, confirmando el diagnóstico de carcinoma bronquiolo-alveolar primario de pulmón.A clinical case is described of a two year oid male Staffordshire Bull Terrier who was sent with a history of respiratory insufficiency. After a physical examination a pleural effusion was found preceeding various diagnostics such as thoracocentesis, bacteriological culture, thoracic radiographs and an ultrasound were issued to establish the cause. The surgical approach (medium esternotomy) and the lobectomy the patient suffered from are described. The surgical sample was sent to be analised histopatholoqícally, confirming the pulmonary primary bronchiolar-alvcolar carcinoma diagnostic

    Exergy analysis on a heat pump working between a heat sink and a heat source of finite heat capacity rate

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    [EN] The optimum performance of a pure subcritical refrigeration cycle depends significantly on the temperature lift of the heat source and sink. Therefore, the maximization of the system efficiency has to be linked to them. This paper shows an exergy analysis of each heat pump component (condenser, evaporator, expansion valve and compressor) considering that the heat source and sink are not at constant temperature. The performed study shows the components with more possibilities for improvement. Based on this analysis, the optimization of cycle parameters like subcooling and superheat as a function of the external conditions have been done. In addition, this work has demonstrated that the components having a higher influence in the system irreversibility's depends significantly on the temperature lift of the secondary fluids. Finally, the obtained results show potentials improvements of the efficiency up to 23% if the system is able to operate in the optimal subcooling and superheat.Part of the results of this study were developed in the mainframe of the FP7 European project 'Next Generation of Heat Pumps workingwith natural fluids' (NxtHPG). Part of the work presented was carried by Miquel Pitarch with the financial support of a PhD scholarship from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Part of the work presented was carried by Estefania Hervas-Blasco with the financial support of a Ph.D. scholarship from the Spanish government SFPI1500X074478XV. The authors would like also to acknowledge the Spanish 'MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD', through the Project ENE2017-83665-C2-1-P, "Maximizacion de la Eficiencia y Minimizacion del Impacto Ambiental de Bombas de Calor para la descarbonizacion de la calefaccion/ACS en los proximos edificios de consumo energetico casi nulo" for the given support.Pitarch, M.; Hervás-Blasco, E.; Navarro-Peris, E.; Corberán, JM. (2019). Exergy analysis on a heat pump working between a heat sink and a heat source of finite heat capacity rate. International Journal of Refrigeration. 99:337-350. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2018.11.044S3373509

    Tres revistes mèdiques poc conegudes

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