174 research outputs found

    Die Bedeutung einer Ausfallbedrohtheit von Versicherungskontrakten - ein Beitrag zur Behavioral Insurance

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    Kahneman/Tversky 1979 haben das theoretische Konstrukt der Probabilistic Insurance Kontrakte in die Literatur eingeführt. Hiermit werden Versicherungsverträge bezeichnet, deren Erfüllung im Leistungsfalle aufgrund einer möglichen Insolvenz des Versicherungsunternehmens nicht gewährleistet ist. In Ausweitung einer Studie von Wakker/Thaler/Tversky 1997 wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine experimentelle Untersuchung durchgeführt, wobei die Zahlungsbereitschaft potentieller Versicherungsnehmer in Abhängigkeit des Ratings des den Versicherungskontrakt anbietenden Unternehmens festgestellt wird. Dabei zeigt sich, daß diese ausfallbedrohte Versicherungsprodukte relativ zu ausfallfreien Verträgen mit erheblichen Prämienabschlägen sanktionieren. Der Preisabschlag nimmt dabei mit sinkender Unternehmensbonität (erhöhter Ausfallgefahr) zu. Die Befragungsergebnisse zeigen zudem das neuartige Phänomen, daß mit zunehmender Ausfallbedrohtheit immer weniger Personen bereit sind, ausfallbedrohte Versicherungsprodukte überhaupt zu akzeptieren. Schließlich werden Schlußfolgerungen für die Steuerung von Versicherungsunternehmen diskutiert

    Differential Calcium Signaling by Cone Specific Guanylate Cyclase-Activating Proteins from the Zebrafish Retina

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    Zebrafish express in their retina a higher number of guanylate cyclase-activating proteins (zGCAPs) than mammalians pointing to more complex guanylate cyclase signaling systems. All six zGCAP isoforms show distinct and partial overlapping expression profiles in rods and cones. We determined critical Ca2+-dependent parameters of their functional properties using purified zGCAPs after heterologous expression in E.coli. Isoforms 1–4 were strong, 5 and 7 were weak activators of membrane bound guanylate cyclase. They further displayed different Ca2+-sensitivities of guanylate cyclase activation, which is half maximal either at a free Ca2+ around 30 nM (zGCAP1, 2 and 3) or around 400 nM (zGCAP4, 5 and 7). Zebrafish GCAP isoforms showed also differences in their Ca2+/Mg2+-dependent conformational changes and in the Ca2+-dependent monomer-dimer equilibrium. Direct Ca2+-binding revealed that all zGCAPs bound at least three Ca2+. The corresponding apparent affinity constants reflect binding of Ca2+ with high (≤100 nM), medium (0.1–5 µM) and/or low (≥5 µM) affinity, but were unique for each zGCAP isoform. Our data indicate a Ca2+-sensor system in zebrafish rod and cone cells supporting a Ca2+-relay model of differential zGCAP operation in these cells

    Turning aggression into an object of intervention: Tinkering in a crime control pilot study

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    Real-world experiments that test new technologies can affect policy and practice by introducing new objects of intervention through tinkering; the ad hoc work of realigning relations in the face of frictions, surprises, and disturbances that occur when introducing a technology. In a pilot study on aggression detection, tinkering moved aggression in and out of the human body. In the end, the pilot defined aggression as a set of acoustic-physical variables representing the aroused human body, alongside other signals of aggression. How aggression as an object intervention was shaped by tinkering is relevant because it involved inclusions and exclusions by the authorities who identified aggression, the methods they applied, and mandate for intervention. A focus on relations that are tinkered within a real-world experiment permits critical engagement with this format. Although the real-world experimental format is credited with producing knowledge about a technology's ‘actual’ performance, actors and events at the pilot study location were made only selectively relevant. Analyses of real-world experiments should therefore explain how experiments selectively make the world relevant, giving only particular objects of intervention a truth status

    The role of neutral Rh(PONOP)H, free NMe2H, boronium and ammonium salts in the dehydrocoupling of dimethylamine-borane using the cationic pincer [Rh(PONOP)(η2-H2)]+ catalyst

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    The σ-amine-borane pincer complex [Rh(PONOP)(η1-H3B·NMe3)][BArF4] [2, PONOP = κ3-NC5H3-2,6-(OPtBu2)2] is prepared by addition of H3B·NMe3 to the dihydrogen precursor [Rh(PONOP)(η2-H2)][BArF4], 1. In a similar way the related H3B·NMe2H complex [Rh(PONOP)(η1-H3B·NMe2H)][BArF4], 3, can be made in situ, but this undergoes dehydrocoupling to reform 1 and give the aminoborane dimer [H2BNMe2]2. NMR studies on this system reveal an intermediate neutral hydride forms, Rh(PONOP)H, 4, that has been prepared independently. 1 is a competent catalyst (2 mol%, ∼30 min) for the dehydrocoupling of H3B·Me2H. Kinetic, mechanistic and computational studies point to the role of NMe2H in both forming the neutral hydride, via deprotonation of a σ-amine-borane complex and formation of aminoborane, and closing the catalytic cycle by reprotonation of the hydride by the thus-formed dimethyl ammonium [NMe2H2]+. Competitive processes involving the generation of boronium [H2B(NMe2H)2]+ are also discussed, but shown to be higher in energy. Off-cycle adducts between [NMe2H2]+ or [H2B(NMe2H)2]+ and amine-boranes are also discussed that act to modify the kinetics of dehydrocoupling

    Entrepreneurs, Firms and Global Wealth Since 1850

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    Optische Absorptionsspektroskopie zum Halbleiter Metall Phasenübergang in ferromagnetischen EU1+X_{1+X}O Einkristallen

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    EuO ist ein ferromagnetischer Halbleiter mit einer Curietemneratur T = 69,4 ±\pm 2 K [l], kristallisiert im fcc-Gitter mit einer Gitterkonstanten von 5,141 A˚\mathring{A} [1] und wurde seit seiner Entdekkung im Jahr 1961 [2] eingehend untersucht. Einen guten Überblick über die bisherigen Ergebnisse geben mehrere Review-Arbeiten[3,4]. Im folgenden sollen nur die für diese Arbeit wesentlichen Eigenschaften des stoichiometrischen Materials kurz beschrieben werden

    Determination of Humidity and Temperature Fluctuations Based on MOZAIC Data and Parametrisation of Persistent Contrail Coverage for General Circulation Models

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    Humidity and temperature fluctuations at pressure levels between 166 and 290 hPa on the grid scale of general circulation models for a region covered by the routes of airliners, mainly over the Atlantic, have been determined by evaluation of the data obtained with almost 2000 flights within the MOZAIC programme. It is found that the distributions of the fluctuations cannot be modelled by Gaussian distributions, because large fluctuations appear with a relatively high frequency. Lorentz distributions were used for the analytical representation of the fluctuation distributions. From these a joint probability distribution has been derived for simultaneous temperature and humidity fluctuations. This function together with the criteria for the formation and persistence of contrails are used to derive the maximum possible fractional coverage of persistent contrails in a grid cell of a GCM. This can be employed in a statistical formulation of contrail appearance in a climate model
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