1,735 research outputs found

    NGC 1058: Gas motions in an extended, quiescent spiral disk

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    Researchers investigate in detail the motion of gas in the galaxy NGC 1058 using the very large array (VLA) to map the emission in the 21-cm line. This galaxy is so nearly face-on that the contribution to the line width due to the variation of the rotational velocity across the D-array beam is small compared with the random z-motion of the gas. Researchers confirm results of earlier studies (Lewis 1987, A. and A. Suppl., 63, 515; van der Kruit and Shostak 1984, A. and A., 134, 258) of the galaxy's total neutral hydrogen (HI) and kinematics, including the fact that the rotation curve drops faster than Keplerian at the outer edge of the disk, which is interpreted as a fortuitous twist of the plane of rotation in the outer disk. However, their very high velocity resolution (2.58 km s(exp -1) after Hanning smoothing) coupled with good spatial resolution, allows researchers to measure more accurately the line width, and even to some extent its shape, throughout the disk. One of the most interesting results of this study is the remarkable constancy of the line width in the outer disk. From radius 90 to 210 seconds the Gaussian velocity dispersion (sigma sub nu) of the 21-cm line has a mean value of 5.7 km s(exp -1) (after correcting for the spectral resolution) with a dispersion of less than 0.9 km s(exp -1) (after correcting for the spectral resolution) with a dispersion of less than 0.9 km s(exp -1). Translating this directly into a kinetic temperature (Doppler temperature): T sub Dopp equals 121K (sigma sub mu exp 2/(km s(exp -1) (exp 2) gives 4000 K, with a dispersion of less than 1500 K over the outer disk. This constancy is observed even when comparing the spiral arms versus inter-arm regions, which in the radius range from 100 to 150 seconds the surface density modulates (defined as the ratio N sub peak -N sub trough/N sub peak + N sub trough) from 0.5 to 0.25 in the range 150 to 200 seconds

    The correlation between far-IR and radio continuum emission from spiral galaxies

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    A sample of 30 galaxies selected for their intense IRAS flux at 60 and 100 micron using the Arecibo telescope at 21 cm to measure the continuum and HI line luminosities were observed. The centimeter wave continuum correlates very well with the far-infrared flux, with a correlation coefficient as high as that found for other samples, and the same ratio between FIR and radio luminosities. Weaker correlations are seen between the FIR and optical luminosity and between the FIR and radio continuum. There is very little correlation between the FIR and the HI mass deduced from the integral of the 21 cm line. The strength of the radio continuum correlation suggests that there is little contribution to either the radio and FIR from physical processes not affecting both. If they each reflect time integrals of the star formation rate then the time constants must be similar, or the star formation rate must change slowly in these galaxies

    Exploring Infrared Properties of Giant Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

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    Abridged: We present analysis of Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the three low surface brightness (LSB) optical giant galaxies Malin 1, UGC 6614 and UGC 9024. Mid- and far-infrared morphology, spectral energy distributions, and integrated colors are used to derive the dust mass, dust-to-gas mass ratio, total infrared luminosity, and star formation rate (SFR). The 8 micron images indicate that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules are present in the central regions of all three metal-poor LSB galaxies. The diffuse optical disks of Malin 1 and UGC 9024 remain undetected at mid- and far-infrared wavelengths. The dustiest of the three LSB galaxies, UGC 6614, has infrared morphology that varies significantly with wavelength. The 8 and 24 micron emission is co-spatial with H\alpha emission previously observed in the outer ring of UGC 6614. The estimated dust-to-gas ratios, from less than 10^{-3} to 10^{-2}, support previous indications that the LSB galaxies are relatively dust poor compared to the HSB galaxies. The total infrared luminosities are approximately 1/3 to 1/2 the blue band luminosities, suggesting that old stellar populations are the primary source of dust heating in these LSB objects. The SFR estimated from the infrared data ranges ~0.01-0.88 M_sun yr^{-1}, consistent with results from optical studies.Comment: Accepted in ApJ (2007, July 20 issue), 34 pages, 10 postscript figures, 2 table

    A Deep WSRT 1.4 GHz Radio Survey of the Spitzer Space Telescope FLSv Region

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    The First Look Survey (FLS) is the first scientific product to emerge from the Spitzer Space Telescope. A small region of this field (the verification strip) has been imaged very deeply, permitting the detection of cosmologically distant sources. We present Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) observations of this region, encompassing a ~1 sq. deg field, centred on the verification strip (J2000 RA=17:17:00.00, DEC=59:45:00.000). The radio images reach a noise level of ~ 8.5 microJy/beam - the deepest WSRT image made to date. We summarise here the first results from the project, and present the final mosaic image, together with a list of detected sources. The effect of source confusion on the position, size and flux density of the faintest sources in the source catalogue are also addressed. The results of a serendipitous search for HI emission in the field are also presented. Using a subset of the data, we clearly detect HI emission associated with four galaxies in the central region of the FLSv. These are identified with nearby, massive galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures (fig.3 in a separate gif file). Accepted for publication in A&A. The full paper and the related material can be downloaded from http://www.astron.nl/wsrt/WSRTsurveys/WFLS

    HST NICMOS imaging of z~2, 24 micron-selected Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope NICMOS H-band imaging of 33 Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs) at z~2 that were selected from the 24 micron catalog of the Spitzer Extragalactic First Look Survey. The images reveal that at least 17 of the 33 objects are associated with interactions. Up to one fifth of the sources in our sample could be minor mergers whereas only 2 systems are merging binaries with luminosity ratio <=3:1, which is characteristic of local ULIRGs. The rest-frame optical luminosities of the sources are of the order 10^10-10^11 L_sun and their effective radii range from 1.4 to 4.9 kpc. The most compact sources are either those with a strong active nucleus continuum or those with a heavy obscuration in the mid-infrared regime, as determined from Spitzer Infra-Red Spectrograph data. The luminosity of the 7.7 micron feature produced by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules varies significantly among compact systems whereas it is typically large for extended systems. A bulge-to-disk decomposition performed for the 6 brightest (m_H<20) sources in our sample indicates that they are best fit by disk-like profiles with small or negligible bulges, unlike the bulge-dominated remnants of local ULIRGs. Our results provide evidence that the interactions associated with ultraluminous infrared activity at z~2 can differ from those at z~0.Comment: ApJ, in press. Document revised to match the journal versio

    Spatially Resolved PAH Emission Features in Nearby, Low Metallicity, Star-Forming Galaxies

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    Low-resolution, mid-infrared Spitzer/IRS spectral maps are presented for three nearby, low-metallicity dwarf galaxies (NGC 55, NGC 3109 and IC 5152) for the purpose of examining the spatial distribution and variation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission. The sample straddles a metallicity of 12+log(O/H)~8.0, a transition point below which PAH intensity empirically drops and the character of the interstellar medium changes. We derive quantitative radiances of PAH features and atomic lines on both global and spatially-resolved scales. The Spitzer spectra, combined with extensive ancillary data from the UV through the mid-infrared, allow us to examine changes in the physical environments and in PAH feature radiances down to a physical scale of 50 pc. We discuss correlations between various PAH emission feature and atomic line radiances. The (6.2 micron)/(11.3 micron), (7.7 micron)/(11.3 micron), (8.6 micron)/(11.3 micron), (7.7 micron)/(6.2 micron), and (8.6 micron)/(6.2 micron) PAH radiance ratios are found to be independent of position across all three galaxies, although the ratios do vary from galaxy to galaxy. As seen in other galaxies, we find no variation in the grain size distribution as a function of local radiation field strength. Absolute PAH feature intensities as measured by a ratio of PAH/(24 micron) radiances are seen to vary both positionally within a given galaxy, and from one galaxy to another when integrated over the full observed extent of each system. We examine direct comparisons of CC mode PAH ratios (7.7 micron)/(6.2 micron) and (8.6 micron)/(6.2 micron) to the mixed (CC/CH) mode PAH ratio (7.7 micron)/(11.3 micron). We find little variation in either mode, and no difference in trends between modes. While the local conditions change markedly over the observed regions of these galaxies, the properties of PAH emission show a remarkable degree of uniformity.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    High-ionization mid-infrared lines as black hole mass and bolometric luminosity indicators in active galactic nuclei

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    We present relations of the black hole mass and the optical luminosity with the velocity dispersion and the luminosity of the [Ne V] and the [O IV] high-ionization lines in the mid-infrared (MIR) for 28 reverberation-mapped active galactic nuclei. We used high-resolution Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph and Infrared Space Observatory Short Wavelength Spectrometer data to fit the profiles of these MIR emission lines that originate from the narrow-line region of the nucleus. We find that the lines are often resolved and that the velocity dispersion of [Ne V] and [O IV] follows a relation similar to that between the black hole mass and the bulge stellar velocity dispersion found for local galaxies. The luminosity of the [Ne V] and the [O IV] lines in these sources is correlated with that of the optical 5100A continuum and with the black hole mass. Our results provide a means to derive black hole properties in various types of active galactic nuclei, including highly obscured systems.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ

    The impact of a multidisciplinary self-care management program on quality of life, self-care, adherence to anti-hypertensive therapy, glycemic control, and renal function in diabetic kidney disease: A Cross-over Study Protocol.

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    Diabetic kidney disease, a global health issue, remains associated with high morbidity and mortality. Previous research has shown that multidisciplinary management of chronic disease can improve patient outcomes. The effect of multidisciplinary self-care management on quality of life and renal function of patients with diabetic kidney disease has not yet been well established. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of a multidisciplinary self-care management program on quality of life, self-care behavior, adherence to anti-hypertensive treatment, glycemic control, and renal function of adults with diabetic kidney disease. A uniform balanced cross-over design is used, with the objective to recruit 40 adult participants with diabetic kidney disease, from public and private out-patient settings in French speaking Switzerland. Participants are randomized in equal number into four study arms. Each participant receives usual care alternating with the multidisciplinary self- care management program. Each treatment period lasts three months and is repeated twice at different time intervals over 12 months depending on the cross-over arm. The multidisciplinary self-care management program is led by an advanced practice nurse and adds nursing and dietary consultations and follow-ups, to the habitual management provided by the general practitioner, the nephrologist and the diabetologist. Data is collected every three months for 12 months. Quality of life is measured using the Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life scale, patient self-care behavior is assessed using the Revised Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities, and adherence to anti-hypertensive therapy is evaluated using the Medication Events Monitoring System. Blood glucose control is measured by the glycated hemoglobin levels and renal function by serum creatinine, estimated glomerular filtration rate and urinary albumin/creatinine ratio. Data will be analyzed using STATA version 14. The cross-over design will elucidate the responses of individual participant to each treatment, and will allow us to better evaluate the use of such a design in clinical settings and behavioral studies. This study also explores the impact of a theory-based nursing practice and its implementation into a multidisciplinary context. ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01967901 , registered on the 18th of October 2013